Jack and Martha had walked away from the Doctor after the year that never was. Jack returned to the comfort of his team who he had thought of often when he was chained inside the Valiant. Martha had her family and they needed her to get over their ordeal. The Doctor was alone again. He had no one but the year that never was weighed heavily on his mind. He felt guilty for all the lives lost and the pain he had caused so many people. The feelings weighed him down until they were all he could see. He had caused the destruction of his own race and almost lost the human race. He was a monster and he deserved this. He wouldn't be able to hurt anyone again.
Martha sat anxiously by the Doctor's bed and waited. They had almost been too late. When the TARDIS had landed in the hub her and Jack were anxious to see the Doctor again, but when the door failed to open, Jack went into investigate. That is when they found him. He was laying by the console on the floor. Both of his wrist had been slashed and the knife was laying on the ground nearby. It was obvious to both of them that he hadn't been attacked. Martha fell to her knees as Jack tried to stop the bleeding. The Doctor's breath was shallow and short.
"Get him to the medi-bay." Martha demanded as she ran in there before him and quickly dug out IV's and spare blood she knew that the Doctor kept. He was covered in it and it had ran down underneath the console, making it impossible to tell how much he had lost. Martha had kicked Jack out of the medi-bay as Owen rushed in to help her. He let Martha take the lead on care for the Doctor and ran about as she gave the orders.
Together they set up the IV's using the veins in his feet instead of his wrist. As she had worked to stabilize him the Doctor crashed. Cursing Martha was barely able to bring him back as they quickly squeezed the blood through the IV to get it back in his body. Owen then took one wrist and Martha the other and together they stitched the Doctor up before bandaging his wrist.
Even though he was unconscious after almost two hours of work he was stable. Jack had dug out thick straps while they worked and they attached the Doctor's arms and legs to the bed as a precaution. They didn't know when and if he would wake up. Jack had left the medi-bay after they were sure that the Doctor was stabilized. Martha could hear him getting sick in the other room and she understood she felt ill herself.
But she wasn't going to leave his side, not yet. She had faith that the Doctor would wake up and when he did she had questions and he would no longer be allowed not to provide her answers.
"How is he doing?" Jack asked coming back in a few hours later to check up on the Doctor.
"He's still unconscious but stable." Martha replied as she changed over the IV's. "I am declaring him mentally unstable and I want him moved off of the TARDIS and the TARDIS to be locked up until which time it is determined that he is able to take care of himself again."
"How long will that be?" Jack questioned.
"How ever long it takes." She responded as she used a damp cloth to wipe the Doctor's face. "We should have never left him alone. I should have gone with him."
"You can't blame yourself." Jack wrapped Martha in his arms.
"Can't I." she stated angrily pulling away from Jack. "Owen is preparing the autopsy room for him to stay in. Then we will transport him."
"I will lock the TARDIS down," Jack told her as he moved to the console room. He would remind her later that he was the leader of Torchwood and gave the orders. Right now they were all in shock and desperate to save there friend. The strongest man he had ever known had fallen.