Disclaimer: Inazuma Eleven is not mine, nor the original characters which were owned by Level 5.

Inazuma Japan and Raimon Camp (Time before Tenma, Namiya and Daisya arrive)

"UWAAH AAAH!" An earsplitting scream echoed all throughout the camp, waking people out of their sleeps.

"Eh? Eh?" Endou got so sudden, looking around groggily. "W-What happened?"

Kidou who fell from the bunk, groggily stood and looked around. "Huh? I don't know... Gouenji... you know?"

Gouenji who also just woke up... did i mention about him being a low blood pressure person? So, yes, Endou and kidou immediately woke up from their drowsiness the moment they saw him. "Huh?" Endou and Kidou quickly scampered out of the lodge.

The managers who were already awake and were making breakfast, stopped momentarily to check the happenings. In just a few minutes the members of Inazuma Japan, were all present.

"What happened? What's that scream earlier?" Asked Tsunami frantically to the managers.

Aki shook her head, so did the other managers. "We do not know. We were making breakfast until then."

Kazemaru looked around, noticing the absence of Raimon. "How about Raimon? The scream came from the direction of their camp."

Kabeyama shuddered to himself. "Y-You don't mean... they got attacked by those guys, right?" He fearfully said to his teammates.

Kogure smacked him down. "Stop thinking like that! You! Big pessimist!"

Hiroto tapped his shoulder, giving him a warm smile. "Don't think that way. Let's just check them out, right? Endou-kun?" He gaze back to Endou who nod to him.

When they got there, the whole Raimon were all looking at Wondeba, who was crying on his knees. Inazuma Japan stopped on their tracks while Endou walked slowly to them.

"What happened here?" He asked to Raimon, who got taken back by his sudden appearance, which Endou cannot understand.

Fei looked to him, horrified. "S-Shoichi-kun! H-He..."

Inazuma Japan looked to each other in question. Fubuki took him to his arms, calming him. "Calm down, calm down... Everything's going to be fine."

Gouenji looked to the duo before he directed his gaze back to the other members. "Tell us and, where is Shoichi?"

"He disappeared." Everyone looked to Tsurugi who had his gaze sidewards. "Wondeba looked over the place when he woke up but, he can't find him."

"What are you saying?" Asked Gouenji, wide eyed and shocked, everyone looked to the blue bear.

The coaches arrived later, having heard of the happenings, they too got shocked. Even though he's shocked, Kudou Kantoku can't help himself but noticing of something amiss in the group. "Hey... Takamoto Runomichi and Suzuki Kaito... Where are they? Didn't they stayed in your camp?"

"No! I mean, yes! but, when I checked them earlier, they weren't with anyone of us." Shinsuke looked to everyone for confirmation, in which they all nod to him.

"Its such a mystery, right?" A voice was heard from their side, revealing Shiroe in his lab coat leaning on a tree.

"Shiroe!" Chorused Shindou and Fei."

"Shiroe? Then this guy is the one responsible for the cleared memory of FFI participants?" Kidou asked the two, earning a nod.

Shiroe walked slowly to them and stopped a few steps away from Shindou and Tsurugi, with his hands in pockets. "Questions, question, it just won't leave us alone. When we solved one, another one arises and so, I wonder which one does this problem fit?" He leaned closely to the both of them, Shiroe grinning maniacally before he pulls out. "Shoichi-kun, Runomichi-kun and, Suzuki-kun... all of those related to that parallel world disappeared. But, I wonder... was Suzuki really the one who took your captain from you? Raimon eleven?"

Yukimura's eyebrow twitched, so did Kishibe and Hakuryuu. "Who's part of Raimon?!" chorused the trio.

Inazuma Japan members looked to the trio, surprised. "What's with the sudden outburst?" Asked Fubuki, who was equally surprised.

Hakuryuu glared at him. "We just came here to help them, no special reason!"

Kishibe had his arms folded. "That's right, if I were to become a part of Raimon, Aphrodi kantoku would be ashamed of me."

"Then, why did you even went with them? This whole thing seems stupid." Someoka sharply glared at them.

"Pride? Or maybe because we treasure our friends?" Yukimura had his head down. "That captain of them, thanks to him that we're able to play soccer to hearts content, nothing to stop us to do what we want."

Shiroe just smirked to him. "Hmph, well, that kid just have something more than what he appears to be. After all, there's no way that Shoichi's counterpart would be that plain. The Shoichi with you disappeared due to his timeline wavering, with no definite possibility to what could happen, as for those two... who knows what happened to them." He laughed at them, before he raised his arms, fingers pointing to them as he had one of his hand touch his face, grinning. "Well, at any rate, today will end it~ See you later at the field~!" A portal of sort appeared behind him, he falls right to it.

They all just kept silence, thinking of what could happen in the worst case scenario if they didn't win this game. 'All of these are just way too confusing! But...! if we don't do anything now, who knows what could happen!' Endou clenched his hands in exasperation.

"Today," Everyone looked to the source of the voice, coach Kudou. "Everything you've done now; fought well in a world class game and in time, you'll be a part of something great. If you stop now, all of those will be for naught, all of those things that are waiting for you to be achieved will never be achieved. The past is past, the present is present, the future is future."

Everyone looked to him in admiration, Endou unclenched his fist, he wore his usual grin. "So that means..." He held his fist in air. "There's no time like the present, and any time afterwards is the wrong time! Lets give our all and let all regrets of later on be cleared!"

The members looked to each other, with smiles on their face, they all punched in air with loud; "YEAH!" With that, they all went back to their camps, starting their preparations for the match.

Time Skip

Preparation time's over, everything that they've prepare for was for this. On the other side of the field was the team made by Shiroe from the original members of Pandora. There's nothing weird by the fact that Shiroe was grinning widely to where he was standing however, the two other people on their side was the one that made impact to the others.

"Why..." Taiyou was trembling as he glare at the two. "Why?! Didn't you say that you guys want to help us? To defeat Shiroe? Why are the both of you with him?!"

'Runomichi' shrugged his shoulders, so did 'Suzuki', both of them glared him. "We don't know what you're talking about because... we've always been on this side, all just for the sake to bring back that time again..."

Suzuki smirked to himself. "If you don't believe so, then defeat us. Maybe we'll give you guys some answer if you did so."

Leaving things as that, members went back to the bench to review their strategy once again. Kidou and the two coaches were having a hard time, as they were not familiar with what style do those two play.

"But... I can't believe it..." Megane muttered to himself, which was heard by the two managers beside him.

Haruna lowered her head, contemplating the happenings. "Me neither..."

"No... That's not the Runomichi and Suzuki we knew..." They heard someone muttering near them, looking around, they can't find him.

Just near them were Fei, Shindou and, Tsurugi talking amongst themselves. "What do you think? Shindou-senpai?" Tsurugi asked him with Fei looking at him with the same questioning.

Shindou shook his head. "I don't know, we can't just tell them about it without proof." He looked to the opposite bench. "But..." The two sensing his doubts, brought them back to the events that happened earlier that day.


Three hours before their match, everyone's already all prepared, making use of the remaining time for last minute training. Shindou, Tsurugi and, Fei were training together, when Suzuki and Runomichi appeared before them, limping.

"Suzuki! Runomichi!" Astounded Fei.

The three quickly helped them, quickly guiding them back to the campsite... or supposed to. Runomichi grabbed Shindou's arm, shaking his head. "Wait, Shindou-kun, there's no time for that!"

Tsurugi had Suzuki seated on the grasses by the tree shade, with Runomichi beside him, he crossed his arms. "So? What do you mean? Why are the two of you missing this morning?"

Suzuki clenched his fist as he stare at the ground. "We met them..."

The trio looked to each other. "Met who?"

"We met ourselves." Was their answer, earning a questioning stare from the three in front of them. "We meant our counterparts in this world. It seems they were the ones responsible for all of this."

Gasps filled the air as the trio noticed of the transparency of Runomichi and Suzuki. "W-What's happening...? Suzuki? Runomichi?"

"Tch! Its already that time?!" Suzuki stood and walked up to them, same with Runomichi. "Listen, no matter what happens today, no matter how hopeless it may become, you must not give up! The future of both of your world and ours will all be in your hands now."

"And in the most dire situation, there'll always be a way, as long as you guys don't give in." Light were now enveloping the both of them, once the light vanished, so did the two of them, leaving the three in their own doubts.

End Flashback

The whistle blows, and so starts the match. Both team's fights to their utmost best, not giving in to the pressure of the events.

Marvelous displays of hissatsus, abilities, talents and, strategic thinking were played on the field. Neither teams refuse to give up, or so I'd like to say... No matter, in just a short period of time after the whistle, Pandora were already able to passed through their defense to the goal, immediately giving them the upper hand.

Inazuma Japan's defense was that of world class, however, in here it was nothing. The other team's defense were unbreakable, Kidou was already working on their strategy to work through that defense. As Pandora worked their way through their defenses easily, Inazuma Japan was barely holding holding their grounds in the short while.

With the sudden pass of the ball, Inazuma Japan was about to lose point, if not for Kazemaru's quick reflexes to intercept the ball. "Hiroto!" A short pass was made to him, as the other members of Pandora drew closer, he passed the ball to Fubuki, who is near to Gouenji. The both of them passed the ball to each other, before making their hissatsu shoot; Crossfire, which successfully earned their first point, making them tied to Pandora.

All the while the match was going on, Daisya, Namiya and, Tenma were watching them in the shadows, in the trees nearby. When Tenma saw his teammates, he already felt his happiness bubbling inside of him, wanting to go to them. He was about to walk to them, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Daisya, who shook his head. "We must wait for the right time or we'll be through this all over again."

Tenma bit his lips, before nodding to him. "I got it..." He then noticed the two players on Pandora's side. With his fingers pointing to them, he called out the two adults. "Those two... they're different from the Runomichi and Suzuki I've met in the manor... they're more..." Tenma stopped midway as he realized of what was going on, with wide eyes, he looked to them fearfully.

Daisya closed his eyes in thought, arms folded, he opened them. "Unfortunately... yes... That's why we said that this is where things might get more complicated. We were unsure if they were really who did it... we got no proof that they were the ones behind it... not until now anyway."

Trembling, Tenma walked to him, clutching Daisya's shirt. "T-Then... They are..."

Daisya patted Tenma's hair as the boy trembles. "Yes... They are your beloved brothers... I'm sorry."

As Tenma continued to weep, Daisya and Namiya had their attention to the match. Watching for any openings to catch Shiroe, he clasp Tenma's shoulder as he resolved himself again. 'We'll make it... We'll make it no matter what!'

As time pass by, if Inazuma Japan wasn't able to work their way, they'll lose. With their score tied; 1-1, with another close call from Pandora which almost made a point for them. With another attempt from the same team, they broke the tie, 2-1; making it harder for Inazuma Japan.

"Damn it!" Endou slammed his fist on the ground, furious at himself for being not able to stop the shot. 'Damn it! If I only held on longer!'

In just only a few more minutes and the first half will end. In hope to score, to tie the score again, Hiroto stole he ball from Hiiro. "Kidou-kun!"

Kidou nod to him, catching the ball, he ran passed 'Runomichi' and 'Suzuki' who wasted no time and ran to him. "Grr... Fubuki!"

"Got it!" Fubuki caught the passed ball who in turn, passed to Gouenji and made a shot, while the goalkeeper was still out of it. Making their score tied again, the whistle was heard, signaling the end of the first half.

All the while Pandora seemed to be barely tired, Inazuma Japan was panting hard. Kishibe gritted his teeth. "That strong huh? To think those guys pushed Inazuma Japan to this level..." He turned to Pandora. "Just what kind of monster are they?" Raimon nod to him.

While their mind was being consumed by their own thoughts a familiar voice called out to them. "However, even through all of this, I'm sure we can still beat them!" Everyone went wide-eyed and turned back, to see two other adults.

"Err? Who are you?" The two adults chuckled to themselves before sidestepping, revealing Tenma, who in turn, smiled widely at them. "Minna!"

"T-Tenma?" Muttered Taiyou under his breath, everyone at Raimon stared at him, astonished to what they were seeing.

On the other hand, Inazuma Japan looked at both parties. Endou blinked at what was happening in front of him. "Tenma?" He kept silent for a while, deep in thought before piecing the pieces together. "Tenma, Tenma... Where did I heard that name again? Ah! You're those guys looking for! Why are you here?!"

Kidou looked at him weirdly. "Of all the things you could ask, that's the first one to come out?!"

Endou was about to answer back when Shinsuke interrupted them both. "Who cares! Tenma's back!"

Shinsuke jumped at him, the other Raimon members joined them too after a while. "I'm sorry everyone, for worrying you guys." Tenma voiced out to them sheepishly.

Taiyou, Tsurugi, Shindou and Fei let out a sigh, glancing to each other, before giving him a pat on the shoulder. "No worries, glad to have you back!" The others joined in for a while, so did Inazuma Japan.

All the while this was happening, the two brothers on the other side were shocked to see him. "Tenma..." The both of them held yearning for him at their side. 'Just a bit more... Just a bit more after all of this, we can have all the time back together.'

Shiroe just silently looked at the two brothers before wearing a wry smile. 'How pity those two so-called brothers... they don't have a single doubt about them being used. A pair of trashes!' He walked to them, gripping their shoulders, which earned a wince from the both of them. "I hope you haven't forgotten about our agreement..."

The two glared at him. "We haven't forgotten anything!" They then brushed off his hands off before going off.

A few more moments before the whistle of second half gone off. The ball was passed from Tsurugi to Shindou who in turn, passed it to Taiyou.

As the match goes on, Tenma's eyes drifted to the other two teens calmly standing side by side one the other side of the field. 'Runomichi... Suzuki...'

"TENMA! HEADS UP!" Heard Tenma as he saw the ball coming to view and two other opponents running towards him.

The ball was easily caught by him in time, with two members of Pandora closing, Tenma made his hissatsu. "Aggressive Beat!" Tenma then ran passed and the background goes black and a green line forms in the black background, similar to a heart rate.

As he near the opponent's goal, Tsurugi called out to him. "Tenma! You haven't forgotten about our move right?"

Tenma let out a small smile before running beside him. The two of them were surrounded by fire as they spin to the top, the both of them kicking the ball in complete sync. "FIRE TORNADO DD!"

The goal keeper were unable to hold off the ball, having it successfully landed towards the net. The whistle was heard, efficiently indicating of the point for Inazuma Japan-Raimon and so does, tipping the balance between the score of the two teams.

Back at the bench of Pandora, Shiroe was silently glaring at Runomichi and Suzuki at the field, as a psychotic smile graced his face. 'How laughable, after this match, I wonder how would they react to that? Just thinking about it makes me all pumped up...kukukuku...'

"Daisya-sama..." Namiya nudged back Daisya back to reality as he ha been quiet for a while now.

"Namiya-san?" Uttered back Daisya, as he woke up from his reverie.

"Is something bothering you? Could it be about the incident?"

"I just can't help myself but to think of 'what if(s)' outcome if I were just more attentive... Maybe, Shoichi would still be alive, maybe we won't have this whole kidnapping incidents in other parallel worlds..."

"Daisya-sama... Incident or not, some things are pretty much unavoidable, this whole mess might've been something that person had been going on for who knows how long." Daisya just kept silent as he watched the progress of the game.

At the field...

Pandora quickly recovered the last point, which had the balance of scores again. The ball was passed from Fei to Tenma.

Runomichi cornered Tenma, who had the ball. "Why are you being so hard-headed?! Even before, why can't you just sit this out and leave things to go on for a while, just like in the past... leave this to your brothers!" Screamed/pleaded Runomichi to him, to the point of being hysteric.

Tenma, stayed calm as he can, he gritted his teeth as he looked up to him. "You may have thought that... if you change things in the past... everything in the future would just come out as you thought! It's not that simple!" He ran passed him through speed alone, which later shocked his other teammates.

Fei watched Tenma passed him in blur, his thoughts running in his head as he tried to run after him. 'Tenma never had that speed before, he may have improved through this months... but it cannot be just that, this is something that surpassed what he had in our travels... What is happening here?'

"I've had enough of this whole ordeal... things already passed and I don't need to hide anything, especially from my brothers!" Said Tenma as he held determination in his eyes, preparing for a hissatsu as he near the goal.

At the same time, the opposing team held their ground, but to no avail, his speed was far too great and he just passed them as they just froze on their spot. Suzuki was not that far behind Tenma, he shoved out his 'teammate' as they froze on their spot. "Move it!"

Air condensed around Tenma quite thick, he kicked the ball up, before jumping up himself. Once he did that, both him and the ball disappeared.

Endou on the other side of the field, as did so the others were flabbergasted to what they saw. They all had the same thought, except for Runomichi and Suzuki, 'Where did he go?'

However, Runomichi did not waste any time and called out to Suzuki. "Kaito!"

Suzuki snapped out of his reverie and continued to the goal. "I know!"

He just arrived a bit late, Tenma appeared in front of the goal, wind blew hard as he rotate, stopping immediately, a condensed wind enveloping his foot as kicked the ball. "Hissatsu: Otonashi Kaze, Shinkuuha!" (Silent wind, Vacuum Wave) The shoot made it to goal effortlessly, as the goalkeeper was way too flabbergasted to react quickly.

Hakuryuu was wide-eyed as he saw the hissatsu. 'That hissatsu... no way... that was the hissatsu back in god eden that no one was able to recreate nor even did it other than the first group of...' He gasped as he felt shiver up his spine when he remembered of his first days in God Eden.

"I won't run nor hide anymore... I won't stay quiet anymore... I no longer held the same thoughts as the two of you back in the day. So long as you don't wake up from your delusioned sights, and hurt my precious people, I'll say the same to you!" He glared at Runomichi and Suzuki. "I'll give you the fight and game that you will never forget!"

Author's Notes:

I'm actually thinking of having this as the last chapter but, changed my mind as I thought, it might be way too rushed or something... so the ending was... had it revisioned all over again... I guess 2 to 4 times?

I mean, I had the ending all clear but, I wanted to have all the questions answered, especially about Shiroe, that part is my personal favorite. But had thought that, if I just wrote that as a whole in one chapter... that would've seem way too... rushed.

But anyway, that's all for now, a bit feedback would be pretty much appreciated. Thank you for reading and see you on the next chapter~!