A/N: Apologies for the late update, school's been keeping me busy since I have major exams coming up this year, but still, I will try to make time for fanfiction! I once again never actually thought that this crossover fic would get notice, so thanks to those are reading this story and/or reviewing! On a side note, is anyone also reading Chouritsu Houmuru Zyklus;Code? (Also by Ai Ninomiya and Ikumi Katagiri) Also another wonderful story for those who haven't seen it! Now on with the story!

WARNING: Same as the first chapter.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own.

Chapter 5: An unexpected encounter – Where fates are sealed.

Arthur stumbled into the forest, panting and red-faced from the lack of breath due to the long distance running he had just done. His heart was racing fast, mostly from the fear and worry of what was awaiting him in the forest. Hatter had told him before that there could be a chance that he might meet the White Rabbit here, so when that happens, what was he going to do then? The blonde could only sigh deeply; wishing that he hadn't went down the rabbit-hole with the cat.

It was an interesting thing for Arthur to be able to experience Wonderland like how it was in his favourite story, but still, this hadn't been the kind of 'Wonderland' that he had hoped to experience. Despite being a nation and all and not being able to die easily from injuries, there was no telling what these people in this strange and bizarre world could do or will do.

Arthur took a look around the forest, taking in all the greenery and peacefulness, suddenly feeling lost. He had no idea exactly where he was, and the person who could lead him out of this was probably many miles away from him right now.

A sudden voice from behind made Arthur's breath hitched.


The blonde nation slowly turns around, frozen on the spot.


Alfred regained his composure first, which he then proceeded to shut the other up effectively by placing his hand over the other party's mouth. The screaming soon died down. "Who are you and what were you doing behind the bush? And have you seen another man a little shorter than me, also blonde, with huge eyebrows around here?" Alfred started firing questions after removing his hand though the other was still looking at him with a rather fearful expression. The blonde with glasses sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Dude relax, I'm not gonna hurt you."

Being fearful of a stranger who pulled him out of the bush by his ear and starts asking questions non-stop was a completely understandable thing for March Hare. After all, he was someone with just a name and a role, no abilities was given to him, and he couldn't even stand up fully to Alice the 89th whom he assumed to be unfitted for the role without being a little afraid by the fact that he might get shot. Not that he was unable to stand up for himself, but just that he didn't have any abilities.

Of course, he is grateful to the White Rabbit for giving him a name and a role, and hopefully when the time comes he would be able to repay the Rabbit back whatever he can. Then again, that's not the main problem right now.

"Erm… I'm the March Hare, I was looking for White Rabbit and no…I haven't seen the guy that you described…" The brown haired teen explained as he watched Alfred's face go from looking quite surprised to disappointment. "I see… Looks like Artie isn't here then I guess… Well anyways! My name is Alfred F. Jones; just call me Alfred or Alfie for short!" Alfred extended out his hand in suggestion of a friendly handshake and March Hare shook his hand hesitantly.

A nervous laugh escaped March Hare's lips.

The two decided to settle down on the grass to get more comfortable and Alfred took this time to study the other. "Hey, that's a pretty cool outfit you have there. Nice hood too!" The blonde reached out his hand, wanting to feel the material which made up the outfit, but March Hare immediately retracted away from the offending hand and held onto his ears desperately. "I won't let you pull my ears again!" The poor rabbit teen protested.

Alfred looked on at March Hare, feeling rather puzzled by his actions. "I'm just gonna check out what material the hood was made of. And wait, did you just say 'ears'?" The blonde nation was confused by the statement. March Hare loosen the grip on his ears and nodded. "Rabbit ears are sensitive!" He then retreated a few inches back.

This got Alfred even more curious. "Wait… So you're saying that those ears are real…?" The rabbit ear teen nodded. "Of course they are! What makes you think that they aren't real anyway?" The blonde nation raised his hands up in defeat in attempt to calm the rather agitated party down. "Chill dude, I was just asking since…no one around here actually has such…unique ears, and if you didn't tell me, I would've assumed you are a cosplayer! Like that time when Kiku first told me about it. Pretty cool people though!"

March Hare sigh softly to himself. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Then you clearly haven't seen the whole world yet." Alfred raised a brow at this. "What do you mean? I'm pretty sure I've been to all over the world and- Wait, what are you doing?! H-Hold on, AHHHHHHHH-"

A scream echoed in the afternoon air as two figures disappear down the hole beneath the tree.


Arthur looked at the newcomer standing in front of him, not knowing if he should try to be friendly or start running.

The newcomer has grey hair that has been pulled back save for one strand falling down his face; his deep black eyes are half lidded with sleep, he had a small beard on his chin, reminding Arthur somewhat about France. He is wearing a simple outfit consisting of white shirt, black pants with a dark coat, a striped black and white scarf hung loosely round his neck.

The mysterious man yawned. "I'm the Dormouse. Nice to meet you." Dormouse offered a hand towards Arthur and the blonde took it rather nervously. "I've heard a lot about you from Hatter" He began, "well, not really since I am the informant around Wonderland so I get news around, but you're the new Alice right?" Arthur nodded.

"Ah, that's great. I got lucky trying to find you on my first try. Hatter told me to come fetch you. That's some trouble you've got yourself into. Anyway, follow me. I'm getting kinda sleepy out here…" Another yawn came from the Dormouse as he walked off. The blonde nation followed promptly behind.

After passing multiple alleyways and streets, the duo finally arrived at their destination. A not too big and rather classy bar down the street. Arthur noticed that black…things were falling from the sky as the Dormouse urges him in. "No need to worry about that. It's not the first time the Duke has caused a rampage like this, and I'm pretty sure it won't be the last…"

The two soon sat in silence –uncomfortable silence for Arthur- , with Arthur drinking whatever that has been offered to him by the Dormouse, while said Dormouse slept with his face on the counter, slightly snoring.

After even more minutes of uncomfortable silence, Dormouse took the initiative to speak up after waking up from his short nap and wiping any sort of sleepiness away from his eyes. "You're a lot like the 89th Alice." Arthur stopped sipping on his drink, turning to face the Dormouse. "I see, I've been told that by quite a number of people…"

"Not in terms of appearance I mean. Both of your personalities are quite similar too. Only that you lack the cheeky brat attitude that he has." He continued and Arthur continued to nod. "Thanks I guess..? I'll take that as a compliment…" Dormouse planted his face back onto the counter. "Yeah, that's a compliment. But then again, surviving here is not easy… One wrong move and you will be out of the game." The blonde frowned and clasped his hands around his cup of drink tighter.

"I'll survive this. There're still people who are waiting for me out there." Dormouse nodded in satisfaction. "That's the spirit. Now you just have to wait for Hatter to come back…" Another yawn escaped the grey haired man's mouth which he started snoring shortly after.

The front door of the bar slowly opened as a tall figure walked in. "I got kind of held back. Now shall we set off?"

A/N: In falls America~! Thanks to Mitsuki! And Arthur meets the Dormouse! Sorry for the short chapter here, but I figure it would be better to leave it off at this part hopefully that's fine with you guys. This story pretty much almost follows the original story, save for the later parts where it will be following the game.

There WILL of course be changes in the later parts of the story. Alice the 89th and Arthur are really similar aren't they? Once again please do rate and review and tune in for the next chapter!

Next Chapter: The Pool of Tears – Let the race begin.