This happens after The Journey begins

The Pines Twins Stan and Soos have left on a Journey to restore Wendy Corduroy

"So let me get this straight ...the Shard will beep when we get closer to the next shard?"
Mabel asked the others

"Right and it'll get louder the closer we get!" Stanford replied to his niece

"Let's get searching!" Soos exclaimed as the group began the search

Hours pass "UGH MAN! This is hopeless! We've been searching forever and the shard hasn't even-"

Just then Dipper was interrupted as the Shard began to beep He fell on his back in suprise and glee

"HAHAHA!" He laughed happy he could now begin the search to restore his crush

"YEAH!" Mabel exclaimed as the group began following the sound

"This way!" Dipper said as the group made their way to Lake Gravity Falls

Whoa... So it fell in the lake..

"AAARGH!" Dipper screamed nearly pulling out his hair

"This can't be happening! how can we find one Blue Crystal shard in The lake?!

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack!" Dipper said as he fell onto the floor

"Yeah only it's like looking for a Shard in a Water Stack...thing yeah..." Soos said as he looked out at the sea

"There's got to be something we can do... Maybe go out on a boat and if the Crystal starts to get louder we'll know were getting closer!"

"Heheh.. yeah about that.." Stan laughed nervously

"GRUNKLE STAN! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Mabel screamed at the Old Man

"Look last time I was here I kind of got banned from the lake...forever" Grunkle Stan said to the kids and Soos as he scratched the back of his head

"YOU WHAT?!" The three exclaimed

"Dude now what are we gonna do? Without a boat we can't go into the lake" Soos said with a sigh

"There's only thing we can do... i'm sorry Grunkle Stan but you have to go home we'll look the Shard ourselves" Dipper replied"

"I understand kids... tell me when you get this shard and... i'll come back then"
Grunkle Stan sighed and walked away

"Huh weird you guys have to leave Stan to go an Adventure at the lake... AGAIN"
Soos laughed

"Don't Guilt Trip me anymore Soos" Dipper sighed

After that the three rented a Boat and went out to the lake

"Too bad we can't use the SS Cool Dude Dude.. I really miss that boat" Soos said lowering his head

"Look I promise one day i'll get you a new boat ok man?" Dipper said attempting to cheer up his fat friend"

"Thanks dude" Soos said to Dipper

"Hey guys does anyone hear a Beeping sound?" Mabel asked

"! The Crystal Beeping like crazy! we must be close!" Dipper said with glee

Just then the group see a Enormous Fish like Go through the water and disappear

"What was?!... Could that have been?... The Gobblewonker?! Dipper said

"Hey! Maybe we should ask it to come out so we can take a Photo! HEY MR. GOBBLEWONKER!"

"MABEL!" Dipper screamed in fear

Just then something came out of the waters