A/N: As a writer I'm always trying to find new ways to grow and trying new things is one of those ways. I'm trying out a change of view, this chapter will be written in different point of view than it has been in the other chapters. Let me know if you like it or not?

Also, I've made a facebook account for my stories. I'm finding it easier to share photos and other information that way. If you wish to add me, the link is on my profile page here.

It had been a week since Godric had gotten us together and relayed my Gran's message to us. He had told Eric, Pam and Thalia about most of the message but at my request held back the parts about my cousin and her son. I had only caved and agreed with Godric to tell Eric about Hadley when after days of searching I had come up blank trying to find Hadley's husband's name or where they might have lived. Godric was sure that Eric could help find them, and so reluctantly, I was letting Godric drive us to Shreveport tonight so that we could meet with Eric at his bar and ask for his help.

On the drive over, I leaned my head back, closed my eyes and thought back to everything that had happened in the past week.

One of the first things Godric had done was get his own car. I thought that would have been a long and drawn out process but instead he had just called a car dealership that Eric had recommended, told them what he wanted, gave them his bank information and the next morning when I woke up there it was sitting in our driveway. He got a brand new Hyundai Equus, painted a stunning gray and had it equipped with all sorts of state of the art upgrades that I honestly had no idea how to use, or even what half of them did.

That night he had started in on me about getting a new car for myself and the way he tried to demand it of me angered me so much that we got into a pretty heated argument. We yelled at each other for a good hour before Jason stopped by unexpectedly and calmed us down and got us to talk about it. It was hard at first, we both didn't want to give an inch. But then I finally saw Godric's side when he explained to me that he was just worried about me driving around in my car since it was so old and it needed some serious work done to it. I tried not to be offended by that, I had tried to keep my little yellow car in as good condition as I could but with very limited funds, it was hard. I was proud and stubborn and, after thinking about it, being totally foolish. Godric may gone about it the wrong way but he was really just worried about me. He wasn't trying to force me to spend money left and right on purchases that would be unnecessary, he was just trying to look out for me. We talked about it and I got him to see that demanding something of someone you're supposed to be in an equal relationship with was wrong. He in turn managed to convince me to get a car much, much more expensive than the used one I was looking at. What can I say? Just because I got a boat load of money, doesn't mean I could change my ways over night.

We almost started another fight when he mentioned that he wanted to pay for my new car but I quickly shot that down with a glare and he backed off. When he started to list the features that he thought I should get, I knew right away that I would be quickly turning most of them down. He thought it would be best if whatever car I picked was upgraded with bullet proof glass and a few other insane (or so I thought at least) safety features. I passed on those suggestions but listened to the rest for the most part. I did pick a bigger vehicle than the small compact car I had since it did make sense to pick something that would have more room, most of the people I would be driving with are tall, huge men like my brother or my were bodyguard. I wouldn't want them to be shoved into a small car like clowns or something, that would look ridiculous.

I liked Eric's SUV and how spacious it was so when it came down to finally picking my car, I followed in his footsteps and got one as well. With the help of the men in my life I picked out a black Mercury Mariner but I wasn't sold on the color and put it in to be painted a light blue instead.

The furniture for Godric's day chamber also arrived and we ran into a slight bit of trouble with that. The men that delivered it told us of their policy of making sure that the furniture was brought inside, that they couldn't just leave it outside like I asked them to do. I tried to explain to them that the room it was going into was being painted and I didn't want the new furniture to be ruined by going in while the paint was still wet, but they held firm on to the fact that it was their policy. Which I had totally understood, I did, but it was still frustrating. In the end Hayden saved the day by suggesting I write out a letter saying that if anything happened to the furniture that we would not hold their company responsible. The men had to call their boss and ask if that would be ok with him but thankfully he said it was fine. They left the stuff outside near the garage and that night it didn't take Godric that long at all to get it all down and set up.

I broke out of my memories to see Godric smiling and holding my hand. When did he grab that? I didn't even notice, I was too caught up. As if he felt me looking at him, Godric looked over and gave me a grin as he gave my hand a squeeze. His touch was like magic as it sent me spiraling into another memory.

Our tongues battling each other as we both moaned out our satisfaction. Hands rubbing up and down my sides, gently pulling my shirt off. My hands in his hair, gripping, pulling, tugging him where I wanted him. His mouth on my neck, shoulders, stomach, face. His tongue leaving a hot trail with every taste he had of me. My bra being flicked to someplace, his shirt being torn off, my legs wrapping around his still jean covered hips as he kissed me until I almost passed out from lack of air.

"What are you thinking about over there?"

I was pulled out, yet again, from my memories by Godric. But this time he had a smirk on his face. Damn our bond, why did he ask if he knew what I was thinking? He could feel my emotions!

I huffed at him and looked away from him to stare out the window when he laughed loudly at me. I guess he felt my stab of irritation because he quickly stopped and tugged my hand back into his.

"I'm sorry min kära. I didn't mean to upset you with my teasing. Forgive me love?"

Feeling how sincere he was it was hard to not accept his apology.

His mouth slowly kissing down my body, not knowing if I wanted to beg for the torture to end or plead for more. Gasping and arching my back when he pushed that oh so talented tongue of his in me, exploring where no man had been before him. Trembling, moaning, clenching my hands in his hair, forcing his mouth to stay on me. And then finally screaming when the intense feeling built to a peak so high before I was finally there. The edge that he had kept my body at was no longer able to hold me and I fell. I fell hard, not coming back to earth for many moments. But when I did, he was still there, filling our bond with so many wonderful emotions that it made me cry.

This time I was brought out of my thoughts when the car stopped, we had arrived at Fangtasia.

"I lost you again. What have you been thinking so hard on love? Is everything ok?"

I could feel a small flow of worry from Godric and I didn't want that, he had nothing to be worrying about.

"Everything's fine. I was just remembering a few things that happened this week. I guess I got caught in the memories." I soothed his worry away only to blush when I remembered what my last thoughts had been.

As soon as my blush started Godric gave me a smirk. That smug vampire. Sometimes I want to wipe that look right off his face!

"Good memories I hope min kära?" He asked with knowing look and a raised eyebrow.

"As you well know, yes. I was thinking about our second blood exchange."

Godric winked at me as he turned the car off. "Mmm, yes, what a night." He was out of his door and at mine in a blink of an eye, opening it and holding out his hand to help me out.

The talk with Eric went much smoother than expected. I figured he would ask questions, demand to know why, who, etc. But he just took down the information I had already gathered and said he would have answers for me within the next day. I didn't know if I should be thankful for how easy it was or suspicious that it was too easy.

Just as I was about to open my big mouth and actually ask Eric why he was being so nice, someone knocked on his door.

"Come in." Eric called out in his fake bored voice. I knew that he sometimes acted like he was bored and like he was above the humans that visited his club, but it was a surprise to me to find out that he also did it to some of the vampires that worked for him.

A large male vampire I had never seen before came in and after sweeping his eyes over everyone in the room, went to stand in front of Eric's desk.

"A letter has arrived for Lady Brigant Sir." He spoke with an accent that I was unable to place.

Eric looked up, confusion written all over his face. "Has it been checked?"

"It is poison and spell free Sir."

Eric nodded at him, "Good. Give it to her then."

The vampire came before me, gave a small bow and handed me a elegant looking cream envelope before leaving. A letter coming to Eric's club for me was so out of the blue that I could do nothing but stare down at it.

"Well, are you going to look at it all night or open it?" Eric urged me on. I guess I had stared at it longer than he had patience for.

With shaking hands I opened it, hoping that it wasn't anything bad because I just couldn't deal with much more.

I pulled out a few pages of thick paper and started to read the first one out loud.

Lady Brigant,
I'm sure your mate has already told you who I am, so I won't waste time explaining that to you. You know just how valuable you are, as well as how much people will want you. Either for your blood, your abilities, or other desires they may have. I will not lie and try to tell you that I am not one of those. Instead I am here to offer you a deal. I could try and force you to do what I wish, but quite honestly I want you to trust me. As far as you can trust a vampire I suppose, we are selfish beings, I will not try to convince you otherwise. However, we also know how to gain strong allies. You, Lady Brigant will be the strongest ally any of us could get. I would rather work with you than someday worry about working against you. With this in mind I propose this. We have a summit in Rhodes coming up and I want you to stand with me and loan me your services as a mind reader. In exchange I will pay you quite handsomely and provide you with guards while here. If you agree your mate knows how to reach me. I've included all the information you should need as well as travel arrangements for you, your mate and five others. I'm sure you wish to bring your own guard.

In addition, and this I give to you in good faith, I'm giving you the name and address of the one you seek. This is free, even if you do not come.

With anticipation, Ancient Pythoness

Quickly without even letting most of the words sink into my head I flipped through the papers to find the information on my cousin's son. Remy Savoy. I had a name. No I had more than a name. I had a home address, work address, vehicle licence plate number, phone numbers and so much more. With this I could protect a member of my family, I would make sure that an innocent child would not be used. I had no idea what the father would say, if he would be willing to move closer to me or not, but I knew in that moment that I would see that this child would be taken care of, one way or another.

While I was thinking of this, my mind went over the letter again and a question formed. How did she know I could read minds? Has word already spread that fast about me? And if so, what did that mean?