I do not own any of the characters of History's strongest disciple Kenichi they all belong to Matsuena Syun. And I must applaud him on writing such a good story"
"Yo Kenichi." I looked up from where I was bent over watering the flowers, to see who had called my name.
"Oh hey, Takeda." I smiled, standing upright as I watched him walk around from the window, to the door and into the gardening clubs greenhouse. I set my watering can down next to the tray of flowers that still needed to be sorted, before I went home today, and headed over to see my friend.
"So where's your little girlfriend?" He asked nonchalantly, gazing at the red roses that had just started to bloom.
"If you mean Miu, then she's still at gymnastics practise." I replied seriously puzzled by his question. Takeda knew that Miu wasn't really my girlfriend, (even though I desperately wanted her to be). So why would he ask that sort of question?
"No, not blondie." He chuckled turning to face me now. "The glasses girl who's always here with you...Izumo or something." He finished putting to his hand on his chin in thought.
"Izumo? Do you mean Izumi?" I inquired raising an eyebrow at the boxer. Something fishy was going on here, I could sense it!
"Ah yes that's her name." Takeda exclaimed, banging one of his bandaged fists into the palm of the other.
"Izumi is my friend not my girlfriend." I sweat dropped in reply, remembering that one time when Miu and Izumi had clashed, when Niijima had brought her to Ryozanpaku. I still to this day don't know why he really brought her to the dojo, and I have the feeling, knowing Niijima, that I never will.
"Well that's what the school paper is reporting." He teased, holding out an issue of todays paper.
"Gimme that." I demanded snatching the issue from his hands. "Where is this article exactly?"
" It starts on the front page then continues on page 3."
"Right, thanks." I unfolded the paper and clear as day, plaster all over the front page was the title 'A budding Romance in the Gardening Club.' I couldn't speak I could only gawk as I continued on to read the rest of the article.
'A source close to the two members of the Gardening Club has stated that Kenichi Shirahama, 17, and Izumi Yuka, also 17, started dating recently after Izumi visited Kenichi at the dojo where he is currently undergoing severe martial arts training, to see how he was progressing. Ms Yuka also tried to enroll at said dojo to be along side her beloved so that they could spend more time together.'
"What the hell?" I cried looking up at Takeda desperately. "Who wrote this?"
"Keep reading to the end." He replied giving my shoulder a consolatory pat of support. Oh gawd, please don't tell me this gets any worse? I skipped to the last paragraph so as to avoid most of the trivial gossip.
' When asked about his new relationship Mr Shirahama had this to say " I would please like everyone to respect the fact that I am dating Izumi, and please would they stop making up rumors that I am dating Miu Furinji. This is not the case and I do not wish for Izumi to be hurt by these rumors, as she is the only girl for me."
So here you have it ladies and gentlemen, the truth you have all been waiting to here is finally out: Kenichi Shirahama is dating Izumi Yuka not Miu Furinji.
written by Haruo Niijima.
"Niijima wrote this?" I asked, crunching the paper in my fists into a ball. Was that alien freak show trying to ruin any chance I had of getting together with Miu?
"I'm afraid so." Takeda nodded his head as he answered. "But maybe if you're lucky Miu might not have seen it yet and you can break the news to her personally."
"Break what news to her? This is all lies, lies I tell you!" I wailed, waving my arms around in the air.
But maybe Takeda is right, maybe she hasn't seen the paper yet today? If she hasn't and I can get to her in time there still might be time for me to explain everything and get it clear that she's the only girl I'm truly interesting in, having as my girlfriend. Yes that would work, now to put all my hard training to work! I must run like the wind to reach the gym as quickly as possible.
"Wow calm down Kenichi, I was only teasing." Takeda chuckled nervously holding his hands up in the 'I surrender' gesture. I don't have time for this chit chat I must reach the gym before this news reaches Miu!
"I don't have time to stand here chatting, I have to tell Miu this is all a load of nonsense." I yelled with a renewed fighting spirit. "See you later Takeda!" I dashed out of the greenhouse and ran full speed around the school to where the gym is. I heard several people call out congratulations to me as I sped past them, but I didn't have time to correct them right now. I must reach Miu!
"So have you heard the news, Furinji? Shirahama has a girlfriend and it isn't you." Came a haughty female voice from the other side of the gymnasium door. Damn it I'm too late! I slumped down onto the floor just outside the door, Miu is never going to forgive me now and I'll be eating tiny meals for the rest of my dojo life. No this can not be allowed to happen I still have time to barge in there and defend myself! Knee's stop shaking and work for once in your miserable life! I forced myself off the floor and was just after I opened the door and was about to speak up I saw and heard Miu start talking.
"Kenichi can date who he wants. It's not like he's my boyfriend or anything I think of him as just a friend, or a family pet or even a stray dog you'd find on the street and feel sorry for."
'Just a friend', 'Family pet', 'Stray dog', each term she used to describe her view on what relationship we had felt like it was stabbing me straight through the chest. I guess I really don't stand a chance with Miu after all. I should just give up, go home and wallow in a dark pit of despair.
"Oh isn't that Shirahama-kun stood at the door?" A fellow member of the gymnastics club pointed out while pointing straight at me.
"Oh hi Kenichi, just give me a moment and I'll be ready to go home." She smiled at me while putting away the equipment she had been using during practise. I don't think she's realised that I just overheard every word she just said. WAHHH this sucks!
"Um Miu...I just wanted to come by and tell you that...I'll be late tonight so please go home without me." I said in a zombie like fashion before turning around and making a strategic withdrawal before I started to cry like a baby.
"Wait Kenichi!" Miu called after me. I didn't even bother to reply, her words had hurt me too much. I kept running and running in no particular direction until I ran into something and fell backwards flat on my ass.
"Ouch." I whined, looking around to see what I'd run into. The first thing I noticed was that the person was wearing a girls uniform, oh gawd I'd run into a girl. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry are you okay?"
"That hurt," The girl moaned from where she was laying flat on her back. Hey I know that voice.
"Izumi?" I asked standing up, so I could offer my hand in assistance. It was the only honourable thing to do, seeing as it was my fault she had been bumped to the ground in the first place.
"Kenichi?" She replied reaching out to take my hand. I was right it is Izumi.
"I'm so sorry Izumi, I wasn't looking where I was going." I apologised as I pulled her up onto her feet and steadied her.
"No, no it's my fault I wasn't looking where I was going." I countered with a blush spreading across her cheeks. Um Izumi is pretty cute...maybe she would be a nice choice for being my girlfriend? No she wouldn't like me like that anyway. Hang on a minute why does she have red eyes as if she's been crying?
"Have you been crying?" I asked quietly, noticing how she stiffened at my question. "How made you cry Izumi?"
"I-it's nothing," She murmured, looking everywhere but at me. I bet this has something to do with Niijima's story, I'm going to kill him when I get my hands on that lying alien freak. It is unacceptable to make a girl cry on purpose!
"Hey isn't that Shirahama and Yuka-san over there, I guess the story was true after all." A passer by commented to her friend. I was about ready to shout at them that it wasn't true when I saw Izumi looking down towards the floor, out of the corner of my eye. She looked about ready to cry. I can't embarrass her anymore than she already has been today. I know maybe if I walk her home, she can talk to me a little bit freer than she can here at school, with so many ears around, you can understand why she's being cautious.
"If it's okay with you Izumi, would be be alright if I walk you home?" I asked watching as the timid girl looked up at me with wide shock eyes.
"Um...Yes I'd like that." She mumbled, her face turning tomato red. I wonder why she's so red? Could she be coming down with a fever.
"Okay then, I'll meet you in the greenhouse in around 30 minutes." I smiled as Izumi nodded in agreement, then I headed back to finish watering the floors. My interaction with my classmate having take my mind away from Miu's hurtful words, I also surprised myself with how much I was looking forward to walking Izumi home...
"NOOO!" I screamed realising after I dropped Izumi-chan off I had to return to Ryozanpaku and a training session with Apachai. Forget Miu starving me to death...Apachai's going to kill me first!