
Anastasia's P.O.V.

I stopped the infuriating car before arriving to the address I was given. I sighed and silently told myself everything would be good, there was no pressure for me, I only needed this job as I needed air to live but besides that all was good. Right?

"Oh god," I groaned into my hands as I buried my face in the steering-wheel. This was way too much for me to handle, everything around me was a mess. I just needed one thing to go well, one thing that helped me change the course of my faith. And it all bolted down to get this damned job. I banged my forehead repeatedly until my honk resounded through the empty street making me jump.

Okay, I needed to man up. Or in this case, woman up. I sighed one more time letting the cold air exit my lungs slowly and then stepped out of the car. My gaze wandered around for a bit, the street was soulless. There were a couple of high-imposing gates that covered the privacy of equally imposing houses but even that appeared lifeless. There was no trees, no gardens, no flowers, just silence. Silence and an endless road that directed me towards my destination, the Grey's household.

I decided to let my car as far away as possible from their entry just to spare both me and my possibly future employers the embarrassment of that sad sight. My precious vehicle was old and grumpy and noisy and sometimes smoky too. I'd definitely prefer to spare myself from pities stares.

One step at the time I allowed myself to walk down the street and climb the little hill that led me to their mansion. My gaze wandered around once more. The day was awfully dark, the smell of the rain twirled along with the chilly wind, the sky was covered in menacing clouds and the thick fog just added to the dramatics of the whole scenario.

Great, now I'm on the set of the next successful horror movie. I groaned again before stopping at the front gates. The bars were thick and black and intimidating; they were incredibly big and in the center where each gate parted stood a rather impressive blazon covered in gold. I traced the imposing dragon with the tips of my fingers and took a step closer in order to understand the letters that stood underneath it. Before I could do so, though, the damned thing opened.

I stumbled forward and would almost fall to the ground if not for some awkward moves I managed to make. This was getting more and more horror-cliché. Dubious weather, empty street, lonely mansion at the top of a hill, gates that open by themselves.

Nope, I wasn't even freaking out or anything. I was just shivering from the cold air and the possibility of being murdered inside that house.


Now I was turning into a lunatic. Get a grip Anastasia, I scowled myself, no one is going to die except eventually you if you don't nail the job but that will be due to food depravation. I shook my head and continued on my journey towards the entry of the house, appreciating the surroundings, there were perfectly trimmed gardens on both sides of me but still, no trees. I kind of liked trees especially during the summer where you could seat next to them and read a nice book or simply appreciate the refreshing shadows they provided.

Three large and blindingly white marble steps stood in my front. Temptingly I climbed them, a nervous feeling rose in the pit of my stomach. Two big and equally white marbled columns supported the weight of the enormous façade that imposed over my petite frame. I smoothed my wrinkled t-shirt and wished I had some sort of mirror where I could evaluate the damages of the wind in my hair.

The frightening dark and large door opened too, out of the blue, making me jump once more. I gulped loudly and, almost shaking, stepped inside the house. For a moment my eyes saw nothing, the illumination was dim and the cold-stoned walls weren't easy to adjust to, but then a low-heighted man appeared conspicuously in front of me before I could step any farther.

He looked me up and down as if judging my appearance. It was nerve-wracking, especially since I was already on the edge, but I tried to straighten my spine and held my head high. I let out a breath and decided I needed to make the best first impression ever.

"Are you Anastasia Steele?" The man asked raising a thick eyebrow. He was plump but sharply dressed in some kind of black and white outfit that resembled suspiciously like a tuxedo.

"Yes I am sir," I extended my hand slowly. His eyes darted towards it and he gave me a wary look before cautiously shaking it. "It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Grey."

A puzzled expression plastered in his face. Again his eyebrow rose. I coughed awkwardly. "I'm Stan Norris," He corrected me sternly. "Mr. Grey will not receive you right now."

"Oh, okay." I felt my flesh heat up in embarrassment but how was I supposed to know this wasn't my future boss? Possibly future boss. Whatever.

"I'm the butler." Stan Norris stated almost proudly. "I manage the staff around here so I'll be leading your interview."

"That's, huh…" I trailed off unsure of what to say. The Grey's lived in a mansion-kind-of-palace with cold décor and had a butler? That's creepy. "Good." I finished my sentence awkwardly once I understood we weren't going to move until I spoke again.

Stan Norris nodded curtly and indicated with his hand to follow him. I did as told and retraced each footstep he gave, walking deeper and deeper into the house. It was a rather large and breathtaking house too. It was still dark and cold but the simple structure was amazing, if someone had made an effort, it would have been an incredibly inviting home.

"That's the west wing," My guide said waving his arm towards some direction. "It's private and you are not to wander around it unless you're given permission. Specifically." He gave particular emphases to his last word and I simply nodded in return. "The east wing is where you'll work, if we find your services required, and you'll clean and polish and take care of the rooms in there. You'll also serve meals and fix the misters rooms after they wake up."

The misters? So there was more than one Mr. Grey? I wanted to inquire about that but his expression wasn't very friendly and I felt as if I was conspiring by asking the butler personal and juicy informations regarding the bosses. Instead I continued to nod robotically.

"Here," He came to a halt standing in front of a wooden door that was craved with all kind of tricky patterns. "If you please," Stan Norris motioned for me to enter. I did as told once more and stepped inside what was obviously his office.

It wasn't overly large but it was pleasantly roomy and nicely tidied. There was a large old desk on the center with some old chairs in front of it. I sat in one of them as the butler walked around, sitting comfortably on his armchair. He picked up a pair of old-fashioned glasses and placed them in the tip of his nose, coughing roughly and adjusting some files in his front.

"So, Miss Steele," He began slowly as if testing the waters. "Let's start from the beginning. How old are you?"

"Twenty-two," I answered hastily. He nodded as if supporting the veracity of my own statement.

"Tell me a bit about your past experiences, work wise." He continued, waving his hand in a flourishing way, glancing back between his papers and me.

"I, uhm," I gulped nervously. I couldn't let this opportunity slip by but this was all very intimidating. I took deep breaths. "I work since I'm a teen. I began by cleaning houses in my neighborhood while I was still in high-school and when I graduated I started doing maid jobs fulltime. Eventually I managed to get a spot at an old diner close to a freeway where I was paid a bit better…" I trailed off reminiscing on my job back at 'Cheek's Grill and Steakhouse' and shivered, I liked my co-workers and even my boss but some memories aren't that pretty. I regain focus when Stan Norris coughed and immediately straightened in my seat and tried again. "Ever since I left the diner, I've being trying to do all kind of works. I still clean some houses and babysit for some couples but that's nothing permanent."

The butler pursued his lips and stood silent for a moment. "And why did you leave your job at the diner?" He asked after a while. I shivered hearing that question, I was dreading that, and wished I could avoid it all together.

My skin began to prickle and I felt a sickening sensation rising in my stomach, my body lost control and I even considered, for some brief moments, to get up and walk away. I didn't need to tell him anything. I didn't need this.

Except that, well, I kind of needed. So I stuck up and inhaled sharply trying to recover my voice.

"I was assaulted," I said meekly. His eyes widened but he made no attempt to add anything else. A strange force took over my mind and I felt like explaining the situation. "I worked the night shifts a lot, the tips were better and I needed the extra money. It was payment day and I walked out of there unusually late, even for me. I was walking towards the parking lot but before I could get to my car a group of men came to me. I was robbed and beaten and… stabbed. It was pretty serious so I had to go to the hospital right away. All the money I saved during my life served to pay the medical bills. I got nothing left and that's why I need this job, I don't have anything else." I fought back the tears, I couldn't crumble under Stan Norris's stare and after a while I managed to regain my composure. I got proud of myself for being able to explain things without sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry," He complied almost kindly.

"That's okay." I stated too quickly. I didn't wish to talk about it any further or to have some pity consolation from a stranger or possible co-worker.

"You're still fairly young yet you're saying you can't find another job in some other area…" He trailed off as if thinking something through. "Why?" His question seemed more of curious than professional nature but I was supposed to answer regardless.

"I don't have good references, I come from a backwater town and I'm not academically accomplished, I don't possess any degree or anything." My voice was weak and almost trembling. I never got the chance to go to college. "My family…" I left it hanging there and didn't make any attempt to finish my sentence. How could I put into words that my mother was an alcoholic with a non-suitable profession and my dad never care enough to bother with me?

Stan Norris seemed to get that because he didn't push any further. "If you were to start working here, how would be your availability?"

"Immediate." I blurted out with a hint of hope lingering in my tone. "I'd be able to start working immediately."

"Hm, that's good." He mused more to himself than me. "You understand that your schedule would be… demanding?"

I nodded. I didn't care either way, I just wanted to work.

"You'd have to be here at the crack of the dawn everyday. Mr. Grey arises early and he needs to have everything ready by then. You'd leave after sunset too, sometimes later, depending on the tasks you're required to do and you'd only have one day off per week."

I nodded again, all too eager to comply. "I understand."

"Well then, I still have to talk with Mr. Grey about your salary but if you're willing you can start right now. The first month will be an experiment and if we are pleased with your services then you'll be presented with a contract."

I sighed in relief and almost clapped my hands. I contained myself, though, and simply smiled. "That's sounds very good to me. I'll be happy to start now."

"Good, good." Stan Norris complied. He stood up from his chair and walked towards a big closet that was placed against the far wall. He extracted a uniform and handled it to me. "I don't know if it will fit, but that's the only one we have here right now. You can go dress in the room next door and afterwards we'll take care of ordering a uniform your size."

"Sure," I extended my arms to take everything he was giving me. He walked with me into the hallway and motioned a door to the left. I entered and found that it was a small bedroom with a tiny bed, a round mirror, an old chest of drawers and a minuscule rug.

I undressed my jeans and t-shirt and put on the button-up black dress that was way too big for me. It passed my knees and stood kind of baggy in my petite frame but with the help of the white apron I managed to disguise that. I didn't have any high-thigh hoses with me so I decided to take off my socks and just wear the black, comfortable shoes with nothing else. I braided my hair carefully just so it wouldn't get in the way and tried to peek at my outfit through the mirror. It was to no use because the mirror was too small to allow me to see the full-length of my body but regardless I was confident that I looked at least presentable.

I smoothed the fabric of my dress and thanked all gods I could think off for this opportunity. Walking out of the room, the butler stood there, stoically still, waiting for me.

"You may call me Mr. Norris," He added when we began our walk. I nodded and he continued, showing me each room of the house, explaining my tasks, guiding me towards my functions. I was glad for that, things seemed to be done pretty rigorously around here so I tried to absorb it all instead of gawking at the magnitude of the mansion.

When the tour and the explanations were over, Mr. Norris glanced at the clock and gestured for me to follow him once more. We went to the kitchen, where it stood a cook – a middle aged man with a kind mustache – and, what seemed like, his helper – a younger boy with no more than eighteen, some cute freckles and a fiery hair. They all seemed nice enough.

"It's time for Mr. Grey's tea." The cook announced.

"Are you going to take it there?" The young boy inquired me with an excited expression.

"Yes Carl, she will." Mr. Norris stated calmly. Oh god, my first interaction with the bosses. I gulped but tried to show no fear. "Now, Miss Steele, do you remember the study room I showed you?"

I tried really hard to recall that particular room, there had been so many it was a hard thing to do, but as unsure as I was, I still nodded affirmatively afraid of looking stupid if I didn't.

"Well then, take the tray Mr. Jameson you'll give you and serve Mr. Grey, he's in there. When you're done with that, come to my office and I'll show you what to do next."

"Okay." I agreed meekly. Not that I had many options going on but I still felt the need to comply.

Mr. Norris didn't share another sound as he turned around and walked out of the kitchen. I took a deep breath. Should I be nervous?

"Please don't call me Mr. Jameson," The cook spoke from behind me. He smiled kindly and I was happy to see my nervousness dissipate. "I'm Frank and it's nice to meet you. It's always good to see a fresh face among these old ones." He added with a chuckle.

I mustered a smile too and extended my hand. "Anastasia Steele," I shook Carl's – the helper – hand too and he gave me a shy grin. "How long have you been working here?"

"Oh," Frank waved his hand in the air dismissively. "For too long. And this one has been helping me since he was a teen. Mr. Grey decided to hire him when he finally became an adult." He winked and Carl blushed and I simply couldn't help but giggle. They were nice indeed. "What about you darling, how old are you?"


"So young, I'm sure…" He was going to continue when the kitchen door opened and a plump lady walked in with bed-sheets in her hands. She was shorter than me and had chubby little fingers, her cheeks were high and rosy, her hair was a thick mane of brown curls wrapped tightly in top of her head, her eyes were bright and her lips were red. She looked warily at me but continued her task, rushing through the room.

"Maud," Carl called out with excitement in his voice. "This is Anastasia, the new maid."

The woman stopped close to me, eying me curiously up and down. "Hello there," She greeted me with a thick Irish accent. "How are you? I'm Maud, I'm the governess around here. I wasn't aware there was a new maid already." She admitted with no worry in her tone.

"I was just… hired." I confessed sheepishly. I wasn't sure if she should be offended or not for not being informed previously because, honestly, I didn't even was aware of what a governess should do in one's house.

"Oh, that's unusual," She added tapping her chin with a plump finger. "Well, welcome aboard sweetie." A smile spread on her lips and she extended me her hand. I took it gladly, extremely happy with her sympathy. "If you have any doubts don't be afraid to ask."

"Thank you." I said truly grateful.

"Frank, is Mr. Grey's tea ready?" She turned towards the cook.

"Coming out," He said placing a beautifully designed cup on a silver tray. "Here it is." He continued adorning the platter with fruit, toasts, jelly, cookies and other appetizing snacks that almost made my stomach growl.

"Let me just put the sheets washing and I'll walk it out." She said moving towards the laundry-room.

"Oh no," Carl contested. "It's Anastasia who's going to serve Mr. Grey."

"Oh?" The governess turned around with an agape-mouth and all the nervousness that vanished moments ago, entered me again. "Is that what Mr. Norris said?"

I noted that Mr. Norris was treated formally while everyone else was intimate enough to call each other by their first names. I didn't point that out, obviously, but I mused silently over that matter. When everyone nodded, Maud's eyes widen even more, but she said no more and instead gave me a sympathetic look before she went to put the sheets to wash.

"Here darling," Frank said after everything was finished, handing me the tray carefully. "Mr. Grey… he can be a difficult man, sometimes even unpleasant…"

"All the time." Carl scoffed under his breath. Frank ignored his interruption and continued with his advice.

"If he's rude or unkind just don't take it personally, okay?" He added eyeing me with the sympathetic look Maud gave me just moments before.

I grew more nervous. "Okay," I agreed weakly, I wasn't sure want he meant by that.

Maud returned to the room and walked to my side, placing a hand on my arm and rubbing it kindly. "It will be alright sweetie just keep your calm and try to be discreet at all times. Mr. Grey doesn't like to be bothered even when he's having his meals served. Never talk unless you're spoken to. He can be infuriating at times, but you'll come around and get used to it. It's just his way."

Now I was more than nervous, I was almost shaking with fear and anticipation. I nodded unable to speak. So it appeared that one of my bosses was a difficult man to work with. And an infuriating one too.

"It will be fine." Frank reassured me, patting on my other arm. I gulped and nodded and headed out the door before they could throw me off of my good vibe any further.

When I found myself on the hallway though, I cursed internally because I was hopelessly lost. There were so many doors and turns and rooms and my memory was being fogged by my own nervousness. Fuck, I groaned but tightened my grip on the tray, afraid I'd lost it if I moved around too much.

I wandered through all wings, unable to differentiate them; I was sure I was prohibited the entry in some places but I was totally confused.

Finally, I found a door cracked open with light pouring out of it. I peeked inside hesitantly and sighed in relief when I saw that it was the study room Mr. Norris had shown me earlier.

I knocked but obtained no response whatsoever. Was somebody there? I was unsure of how to act. Should I walk in or simply go away? I opted for the former because perhaps Mr. Grey was just so absorbed in whatever he was doing he hadn't heard me.

I tried to mask my footsteps and was pleasantly surprised when I noticed the whole floor was covered in a refine and rather thick carpet that muffled any sounds. There was a large window that gave access to the back of the house but it was safely covered by deep-red curtains that didn't allow the entrance of the daylight. A large and imposing desk stood close to it with an equally empowering chair behind, in the wood at the front of the desk was craved the same dragon and initials I had found on the gates. Everything was safely tidied, all walls covered in bookshelves from the floor to the ceiling and with ladders that gave access to the top rows.

At first I thought there was no one in there, the room was completely silent and the lights weren't very bright. A low chandelier illuminated the whole division conceiving it an aura of mystery and thoughtfulness. I gazed around and that's when I noticed him.

In a corner surrounded by velvety armchairs, a small table in the center and papers spread upon it, stood quietly Mr. Grey. I couldn't see his face but by his figure he appeared to be rather tall and I could tell his mere presence was intimidating.

I gulped and walked farther inside. As I approached him, his eyes snapped upwards and his gaze was so intense, I felt goose-bumps rising in my skin. All air abandoned me as I took in his features. He was by far the most attractive person I had ever seen in my life. His hair was darkish and wild as if he had been running his hands through it; his cheekbones were high and sharply cut and just like his nose and his strong jaw every bone appeared to be sculpted to perfection; there was a light stubble on his face that made him all the more dangerous and manly; his lips were roughly voluptuous and his eyes were both intimidating and fascinating with a lightly shade of grey with strokes of other colors I couldn't identify from the far distance.

He couldn't be older than early thirties but he seemed to carry so much knowledge and experience inside, it even made him look older and tired than what he truly was.

I sucked in a breath and tried to appear calm while I was shaking inside. If he made me so nervous just by glancing at me I didn't want to even think how I was going to get if he was rude and difficult.

"It's late." He stated coldly. I shivered from the mean tone in his voice.

I was unsure of what to answer, should I apologize and admit my mistake or should I make some kind of excuse? I decided to do neither. So I simply stated, "Yes." But my voice was weaker than what hoped for.

He didn't push that but instead folded the newspaper that stood on his lap and placed it on the small table turning to face me stoically. "Who are you?"

"Anastasia Steele," I whispered. "I'm the new maid."

"You are?" He raised his brow but his tone was wry and held no surprise.

"Yes," I said less confident.

"Says who?" He asked again in the same low, hoarse voice.

I fought a shiver. "Mr. Norris, I… he, huh, said I should start right away. The first month is an experiment to see if I fit right with the… standards." I stammered all the way, my words and thoughts confused.

"Oh," He added quietly, his gaze never for once leaving me. "Have you worked as a maid before?"

"Yes, sir." I answered weakly. "I have previous experience, I just never worked in a place so…" I tried to find the right word but still seemed at lost. "Rigid."

"Yes." He stated equally wryly. "It is rigid and I expect you to perform your tasks both professionally and well."

"Yes, sir."

"Yet you have done neither."

I almost gasped but contain myself just in time. I looked at my hands and noted that I was still holding the damned tray and so I hurried to place it on the table next to Mr. Grey. I tried doing it in the most gracious way I could manage but that wasn't saying much because my hands were a sweaty mess and my whole body was trembling.

I stood there, awkwardly gazing at the tea cup. Should I take it off the tray or leave it there for him to do it himself? Mr. Grey picked up on my hesitance and pursued his lips, his gaze grew even more intense – if that's even possible.

"Didn't anyone teach how to serve?"

"I, uh, no. I was only told to bring you the tea."

"And in your previous experiences?" Every word that came out of his mouth felt like some kind of personal attack. I fought the urge to groan or whimper or even cry.

"Mostly I cleaned houses and cooked meals," I was trying to explain the best I could. I really couldn't lose this job. "But I'm a fast learner and I assure you that I can do this perfectly after being shown."

"This is not an internship, Miss… Steele." My name rolled out sultrily and I almost felt a need to moan. God, that had never happened before. I slapped myself mentally.

"I'm aware of it, but I can do this… I can prove it, just… let me." I really couldn't lose this. Please don't fire me, please don't fire me, I chanted over and over in my head.

Mr. Grey stood silent for a very long time. I started to get uneasy, unable to contain my emotions. Was I fired? What was I going to do? I didn't have any other prospect of future employments nor did I have anyone I could turn to in case of extreme need. I'd be evicted from my tiny apartment and I'd have to move back home with my… mother. I shivered at that thought.

A sudden movement caught my eye and made me jump, Mr. Grey stretched forwards and took the tea cup out of the tray. It was an innocent gesture but it was brusque and out of the blue and I stumbled back scared. I still had issues regarding sudden motions. It reminded me of my trauma and the stupid night that still haunted my dreams.

Mr. Grey gave me a curious look but his expression quickly changed to annoyance. I was being silly so I didn't blame him. His eyebrow quirked but he said nothing and instead resumed to place everything neatly on the small table that stood next to him until the tray got empty.

"It's not difficult nor does it take a genius." He added after everything was done. I felt my cheeks turning bright, he was insulting me yet instead of outraged I just felt ashamed. I should have known better.

"Yes," I complied after a while.

His long, thick fingers wrapped delicately around the cup and he brought it smoothly to his lips which parted sensually and closed tightly around the edge of the china-ware. It made me shift involuntarily in my place and I began supporting the weight of my body from one foot to another. Mr. Grey's other hand searched for a purplish grape that was in the bowl and he parted those voluptuous lips once more to pop it inside his mouth. I fidgeted once again, particularly because it looked delicious and I haven't eaten anything since breakfast.

"Can't you stand still?" He growled after the grape was well ingested. His voice took me by surprise and I stumbled back farther.

God, I was making a fool out of myself. I blushed impossibly bright as I felt every inch of my skin heating up.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Grey." I breathed embarrassed. Things couldn't go worst for me, that's for sure.

He returned to his eating process without another glance in my way. I wanted to sigh but held it inside, hiding my hands behind my back so that he couldn't see my shaking. I was trying very hard to stand still like a statue but it was proving to be a very difficult task.

Mr. Grey sipped in his tea silently and I admired the grace in which he did such actions. He was obviously a very big man and incredibly masculine too yet his moves were incredibly sophisticated. He was truly a sight to behold but right now, I'd rather not behold him at all, especially under such circumstances.

I wondered how long I'd have to stay there, put and immovable. Was he punishing me for my lack of skills as a servant?

I didn't know how much time it passed but after some long and excruciating moments his eyes rose to meet mine. I felt dizzy just by holding his stare.

"You may leave Miss Steele." He said as coldly as before.

"I…" I didn't know what to say, should I thank him for the dismissal or exit in silence? "Yes, sir." I finally said a bit unsure of how to act.

I turned around quietly and walked quickly towards the door, my breathing was uneven and heavy. I just wanted to get out of there.

"Miss Steele," He interrupted my course when I was just by the door. I stopped but didn't dare turn around. "Tell Mr. Norris I want Mia to come pick up my tray afterwards."

I hanged my head in shame. I was so bad he didn't even want me to come back to gather his leftovers. "Yes, sir." I murmured timidly.

"Make sure you learn things fast." He added just before I closed the door.

I breathed in relief once I was out of there. I was mortified that he didn't found me worthy enough to get his tray after he was finished but also happy to know he was giving me a chance to learn instead of firing me right away.

I quickened my pace and started looking for Mr. Norris's office, I didn't know who Mia was but I guessed she was probably another maid. A maid who's intimate enough with Mr. Grey that he treats her by the first name.

After a long search I found my way to the butler's office. His door was closed but I knocked softly and immediately heard his voice resounding through the empty hallway, sending me in. I did as told and stepped inside.

I was feeling lighter now that I knew I had this one chance. I just needed to find a way to please Mr. Grey. I couldn't be fired so I would have to learn how to be a proper maid, fast. I was nervous about serving him again but tried to push those thoughts aside anyways.

One day at the time Anastasia, one day at the time. I repeated to myself.