Vignette: Bliss

Rating: T+ (for some swearing and sexual content)

Notes: Hello again! So since writing the last chapter, I've graduated university, gotten into grad school, graduated grad school, and now interning at a hella cool company. ANYWAYS, for those of you who are reading (hey y'all are cool people), I hope you enjoy, and I hope I haven't lost my touch!

Clara had never actually planned sex before. It had always been spontaneous, a spur of the moment thing, and she always got caught up in the whirlwind of it all. Clara had also never knowingly taken someone's virginity before. Maybe that's why she was so nervous for the weekend ahead of her.

It was as if the universe knew what she was up to. Her professor's child caught the flu, and her class was cancelled, the sun was shining, it was overall a lovely day. Amy even convinced her to go buy some fancy new knickers.

"I don't want to scare him off though."

"Nonsense, don't look at that side, look at these pretty things. See, harmless."

"I hate it when you're right."

It was all perfect. She'd showered, shaved, slipped her fancy knickers under a pretty dress, (okay, they were rather lovely), and headed over to the Doctor's with an overnight bag.

The Doctor had never been so nervous in his life. He was so absentminded in class… all he could think about was what would be happening on that night.

It wasn't really that big of a deal if he were being honest with himself. It was just sex. In fact, they even said they weren't going to jump right into it… they were going to go slow, take their time.

But that's exactly what the Doctor was so nervous about.

"What if I'm really bad? What if I can't satisfy her?" He'd asked a good friend of his, Jenny, and she smiled at his worry.

"You don't have to know everything, Doctor. Everybody's different. She's a pretty headstrong girl, she'll tell you if she doesn't like something."

The Doctor nodded. Jenny actually made quite a bit of sense.

He'd spent the afternoon after his class cleaning his apartment head to toe and preparing dinner for them. He'd fluffed his pillows, washed his sheets and even picked up a few candles. Strax said they were romantic, but he personally thought they were a fire hazard.

Finally, he heard a quiet knock on the door.

He let out a breath, straightening his bowtie, and opened the door to his beautiful girlfriend.

"Hi." She said with a smile. It took everything he had not to drag her in and start the night early. Suddenly seeing her face made all his insecurities wash away, because in the end, this was him and Clara. He knew everything about her, and she knew everything about him, and together, they were invincible.

"You look beautiful." He smiled and shut the door behind her, bringing her overnight bag into his room and helping her into her chair.

"Thank you, it smells lovely in here."

"I made Italian, I know it's your favourite." He smiled and kissed the top of her head before moving to the stove to check his linguini.

"Oh? Are oysters on the menu then?" Clara asked flirtatiously.

"N-no… were they supposed to be?"

Clara giggled at the look of panic on the Doctor's face. "I'm only joking. Because oysters are an aphrodisiac."

"Oh." His face reddened as a smile broke out. "My clever Clara."

They chit chatted idly while the Doctor prepared the food, and Clara moaned upon taking the first bite.

"I really don't know how you do it, seriously. I try so hard, but I could never make anything that tastes as good as this does."

The Doctor blushed at her compliment, but played it cool, saying she was only being nice.

"I'm serious, every time I'm here, you hand me heaven on a plate."

"Well then I'm sure you'll love dessert!"

Clara's eyes widened as the Doctor brought over two perfect chocolate lava cakes, a perfect strawberry slice and a light dusting of powdered sugar adorning the top.

"I'm pretty sure it's illegal to eat something this pretty." She told him, watching him crack into his own, perfectly melted chocolate flowing out the center.

"Since when do you make a point to obey the law?"

Clara giggled and nodded in agreement, cracking into her own cake.

The dishes had been cleared, and the two had taken a seat on the couch.

"Honestly, I don't understand how half the people in that class are keeping up, I know they don't do the readings… I do and still I can barely understand any of his practice questions."

"Trust me, get through this section of the class and you'll whiz through the rest of it. I hated Barkley until we hit the next unit. You'll be fine." He reassured her, stroking a piece of hair away from her face.

Clara smiled, turning her head slightly to place a kiss on the inside of his wrist.

"Clara…" The Doctor started.

"Mmhmm?" She continued with her soft kisses.

"I… I have to be honest with you. My heart is pounding."

Clara giggled and let his wrist go. "I know, I could feel your pulse. Is something wrong?"

"N-no! No, nothing's wrong."

"Doctor… is it about what we're going to do tonight? Because we don't have to do it, we can wait if you're not ready." She knew what he was feeling, that nervous excitement, fear of the unknown… she had the exact same feeling before her first time too.

"It's not that I'm not ready, I want to do this Clara, but… I don't want to disappoint you." The Doctor's head hung.

"Hey," she took his chin and lifted it to meet his eyes, "what's all this about?"

"I'm just worried that you won't… y'know…that I won't satisfy you."

"Doctor, I'm not doing this to get something from you, I'm doing this because I love you. It doesn't matter to me whether or not I'm satisfied, the point is to be close to you and share something with you." If she were being honest, she'd only really been satisfied with one of her ex's, she knew from experience it wasn't the easiest job in the world.

"But I want to make you feel good Clara."

"And you will, whether or not I finish isn't a big deal, besides, you'll have the best tutor in the world in this department." She giggled, sending a smile onto his face and easing some of the tension. "Don't you worry, Doctor, it's not a race to the finish line, we'll take it slow."

"I love you." He told her quietly, pulling her in for a kiss.

"I love you too. Now, what do you say we move into the bedroom?"

He was clearly enthusiastic about that decision as he picked her up bridal style, making her squeak in surprise, and planted her on his bed a few seconds later. Clara giggled, bringing him in for a kiss and tugging him down with her.

"I have a confession to make." She told him quietly. "I told Amy about tonight, and she made me go out and buy fancy underwear."

The Doctor suppressed a giggle and nodded. "Fancy underwear?"

"She thought I should look extra special. Almost made me buy white but I fought her on it. Too… bridal."

"So what colour did you end up buying?" He asked her coyly.

"Why don't I just show you?" Clara sat up and pulled her dress off, revealing the pretty black lace bra and matching boy shorts.

The Doctor's eyes went wide sending her into a fit of giggles. "I'm guessing I'll have to tell Amy you liked it then."

"She's evil that one." He smiled, pouncing on her, pinning her wrists to the bed. "Now come here you sexy devil."

The Doctor flopped onto the bed beside Clara. They were both naked as the day they were born, and covered in sweat.

"Oh my god." Clara whispered, trying to catch her breath. She rolled over, nuzzling into his side as she came down from her high.

"Are you okay?" He sounded concerned. Surely, she shouldn't be breathing that heavily, his tongue (and fingers!) was after all the one who made her this way.

"Fine." She nodded, giggling into his chest. "That thing you did… holy shit. Where did you learn that?"

"I… I dunno. Did you like it?"

She stared at him in disbelief. "You've hit a new record for god's sake!"

He frowned at her. "New record?"

"Three times in one night. I've never finished that many times."

"Oh!" He blushed. "So you enjoyed it?"

"You could say that." Clara kissed him, tasting herself on his lips. They stuck to their plan, taking things slow and not straying past foreplay for the night, but they hardly needed to go any further at the moment. They had both been satisfied so to speak, and Clara was exhausted. "Come on, shower then bed. She got up and sauntered towards the shower, the Doctor not far behind.

The Doctor had slept like a baby. Something about being sexually satisfied really helped his sleep, something about endorphins and dopamine, just shhhh don't overanalyze your happiness Doctor.

He awoke to his beautiful girlfriend stroking his chest.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Clara giggled.

"You seem chipper." His voice was grumbly, still thick with sleep.

"I'm not the only one who's 'chipper' this morning." Her hand dipped lower, and she nodded pointedly to his crotch.

The Doctor blushed and grabbed her wrist. "Claraaaaa…" he whined, "don't start something you can't finish."

"And who said I can't finish that?" Her eyebrows raised and she straddled his hips. "You prepared for the weekend… right?" She bent down to whisper in his ear, taking his earlobe between her teeth. He groaned, but nodded all the same.

"Top drawer of my nightstand." He gulped, grabbing her hips, excitement running through him as he heard the drawer open, close, then the foil packet rip open…

"Blimey." This time, it was the Doctor who spoke first.

"I have a lot of words for what we just did and none of them are blimey, Doctor." She giggled, still connected to him and panting against his neck.

"Did you…"

Clara knew what he was asking, and shook her head in honesty. "It's okay, Doctor. It won't happen every time."

"But… please, let me help."

She kissed him and took his hand. "You are the most attentive boyfriend, you know that?"

"I try." He chuckled and followed her lead. "Because I love you."

"I know. Now let me show you what to do."