Baekhyun forgets, but there are some things he will always remember.

Baekhyun remembers talking to Chanyeol without any worries or regrets. He remembers talking to him on the phone until day breaks. He remembers the longest duration of calls they ever had- 2 hours, 14 minutes and 15 seconds.

Baekhyun remembers the way Chanyeol's voice sounds different on the phone and in person. He remembers the way Chanyeol sobs (which was so in contrast with his deep voice) and how the sound of Chanyeol sobbing made Baekhyun want to jump into a grave.

Baekhyun remembers the way Chanyeol laughs. He wonders if Chanyeol remembers the way he does, too.

Baekhyun remembers the way Chanyeol's face shines in the light and how it is the only face he sees in a crowded room. He remembers the way he had to look up whenever he was talking to Chanyeol and how Chanyeol would bend his legs so his eye level is the same as Baekhyun's.

Sometimes Baekhyun would wake up without any reason at all, at 3AM, crying.

Sometimes Baekhyun would wake up and he'd just think of Chanyeol's face.

He wonders if Chanyeol wakes up thinking of him, too.

Baekhyun remembers the way Chanyeol makes him go to sleep. How he wouldn't end the phonecall until he's asleep ("I'm not going to end this phonecall until you sleep, so that you'd dream of me," he remembers Chanyeol saying. "Jerk," Baekhyun would say with a yawn), how Chanyeol would whisper messages because he thought Baekhyun was already asleep ("I think I'm in love with you").

Baekhyun remembers the first time he felt Chanyeol's hand grasp his. ("Your hands are warm." "Good thing, or bad thing?" "Good thing. I can hold onto this forever.")

Baekhyun remembers Chanyeol telling him that he'll never let him go.'

Baekhyun remembers making Chanyeol promise to never leave him.

Baekhyun remembers Chanyeol promising.

By this time, Baekhyun wonders if Chanyeol still remembers the warmth of his hands.

He hopes he does.

However, there are some things that Baekhyun doesn't understand.

He doesn't understand why Chanyeol is saying sorry, he doesn't remember Chanyeol doing anything bad.

He doesn't understand why all of a sudden, the texts stopped coming.

The calls were brief. No more good morning and good night calls.

He wonders where it went wrong.

He didn't know the answer.

Baekhyun remembers finding himself still waiting for Chanyeol's replies and calls.

They never came.

Baekhyun remembered giving up. He wondered if there was someone who deserved Chanyeol so much that he had to be taken away from Baekhyun like that.

Baekhyun remembered seeing a hand interlaced with Chanyeol's. Though the hand was not his. It belonged to a wide-eyed boy, about his age and his height. He remembered seeing Chanyeol run his hand through the boy's hair. He remembered seeing Chanyeol leaning close to the boy.

Baekhyun remembered looking away and running.

He wonders if Chanyeol would have done the same if he was in his place.

He hopes he would have.