Authors Notes: Now this is an idea that has been swimming around in my head for awhile now, since I first started writing fanfics for this fandom. Only problem was how to make it work, until now. I think I have it. So without further waiting, here is the first chapter of my Winx Club and Mass Effect Trilogy cross over. Yes, the title is inspired by the song from Avenged Sevenfold.

Shepard of Fire


Faragonda silently took in the sight of the girl, no young woman that sat before her. Unsure of what had transpired after the accident. The young woman who sat before her wasn't the kindhearted and caring young girl that had disappeared only a few months ago. Before her sat a cold and calculating young woman. No doubt with blood on her hands, judging by the recent incident with the Trix Sisters and Bloom.

"Bloom dear." Faragonda spoke, breaking the silence that hung in the room. "What happened?"

"You want to know my story?" The red haired girl smiled, almost mockingly. Leaning back into her chair, slightly adjusting to the armor and weapons she was still wearing. "Very well. It all started on Zenith, when we were helping Tecna..."

Zenith Six Months Ago

The girls and specialist all huddled around the computer monitor as Tecna went over some of the more complex instructions on how to operate the machinery there were to be using. Just recently, the people of Zenith had uncovered some bizarre looking city of ruins under a patch of earth they had thought to be empty. Faragonda of course had encouraged all of them to help as it would be a valuable learning experience for them all. Though none of them could of imagined what would happen.

"Alright, Bloom and Sky." Tecna looked to the two lovers. "Would you two go check the final chamber and set up lights in there?"

"Sure Tecna." Bloom smiled as she took a few of the lights and started down the excavation site. Sky following closely behind.

Carefully they descended into the depths of the cavern, letting their flash lights show the way as they followed the markers that lead to the last, and biggest chamber the excavation team had unearthed. Bloom was looking up through the large hall like structure they walked through, noting that there were thousands of what looked to be pods above them as well as off to the side. Finally reaching the end of the corridor, she marveled at the massive opening. Estimating it took the people who built this forgotten city hundreds of years to construct.

"Careful for booby traps Bloom." Sky teased, but his voice carried a weight of concern as well.

"You watch too many movies Sky." She retorted with a laugh as she set to work setting up the first light.

The blonde prince only shook his head. Even though the place was empty and there was no trace of any trap, otherwise they would not of been allowed in here; he still felt uneasy with this place. As if it were full of death. On the other end of the antechamber, Bloom continued to set up her final light when she heard a faint humming noise coming from behind her.

Curious she turned and began to walk towards the sound, until she arrived at a weird tall, alien looking device that had a faint green glow about it.

"Hey Sky, come check this out." Bloom called across the large room.

"You didn't find a mummy or something did you?" Sky chuckled as he made his way over to his girlfriend.

"Or something." Bloom answered as she motioned towards the glowing device. "That wasn't on with the team was down here."

"We need to get Tecna." The blonde prince suggested, being slightly afraid now as he began to back up. Expecting Bloom to be right behind him.

Suddenly there was a flash of light that erupted through out the antechamber, as a surge of energy erupted from the device in front of them. Blowing out all the lights they had just set up, leaving only a handful on to illuminate the room. To Bloom, it felt as if an invisible hand was pulling her towards the device. Causing her to panic, as she struggled to get away. Though it was futile.

"SKY!" She screamed out in fear as she felt herself get pulled into the device.

The last thing the blonde prince saw was his love being absorbed into the alien device. No longer afraid of the alien then he ran towards the weird machine and began to bang on it with his fist in desperation to bring back Bloom. Of course it was to no avail. Regaining his senses, he turned and ran as fast as he could up the corridor to tell the other what had just happened. Wishing and hoping that Bloom was safe, somewhere.

Temple of Athame, Thessia

Tevos, Asari Councilor on the Citadel Council stood before the massive statue of their honored goddess Athame. She was not an overtly religious woman, but she still felt the need to pray today. It was as if something was calling her to come to the temple that morning before departing back to the Citadel. Though she insisted they were not needed, her own body guards stood watch. Politely preventing others from entering the temple. It was then that a flash of green light exploded over head, sending a human girl crashing down on top of one of the tables. A sickening snap could be heard upon impact as blood began to pool in the young human girls mouth.

Immediately a the noise the two body guards rushed in, guns raised to quell the threat. Only to see the Councilor standing over the limp body of the human girl. Tevos felt something within this young woman, that could be no more then sixteen in human years.

"Councilor, are you OK?" One of the body guards asked.

"Yes, go get a medical staff." Tevos instructed, bending over the girls prone body. She could still feel the young girls life force, though very weak.

"Ma'am?" The other questioned.

"Do it now. She will need surgery immediately."

Once again she looked down at the young red haired girl that had literally dropped in on her. It was faint, but she could smell the essence of Element Zero rolling off the young girls body. Her eyes catching the faint flicker of a bluish colored flame, the tale tell sign of the starting of Biotic abilities. The Councilor continued to watch over the girl as the emergency medical team arrived and began to stabilize the young girl.

Fourteen Hours Later

Darkness. That was all she could see, the only thing that let her know that she was alive was the dull pain in her body and the steady beeping sound coming from some sort of machine. A heart monitor? Willing herself, she began to open her eyes, hazily taking in the sights around her. At first she thought she was in a hospital on Zenith, that perhaps she was injured in an explosion.

As her sight began to clear, she could see that she was not on Zenith. Or anywhere else that she recognized. This caused her to panic slightly as she tried to sit up, only to have a pair of gentle hands ease her back down. A blue face appeared before her, slightly startling her.

"Rest easy child, you just got out of surgery." The alien woman explained.

"What happened?" Bloom asked weakly.

"I was hoping you could tell me." The asari smiled. "I was in the temple when you came crashing in from above. If you would of landed two more inches over you would have been killed instantly."

Bloom was silent for a moment as she tried to remember what had happened, and how she got here.

"All I remember was being with my boyfriend in some old ruins we were excavating and I found this weird, alien looking device. It sort of looked like a beacon of some kind." Bloom began to explain, struggling to remember all that happened. "Something set it off and last them I remembered was everything going dark."

"Beacon you said?" Tevos asked, looking quizzically at the young girl.

"That's what it looked like."

The alien woman said nothing as she moved over to the window and shut all of the blinds so that no one could see inside, before she moved over to the desk in the room. Tapping out on something that looked like a data pad.

"Did it look like this?" The alien asked, holding out a picture of an ancient Prothean beacon.

"Not quite like that, but very similar." Bloom answered. "Do you know what it is?"

"It's an ancient Prothean beacon. A sort of communications relay for their race before they were wiped out.

"Prothean?" The red haired girl asked, confused.

"I am surprised you haven't heard of them." Tevos remarked. "Your race made a very big deal about it a bout finding some of their ruins on the planet Mars nearly fifty years ago."

"But we haven't been to Mars yet." Bloom stated in confusion, unsure of what was going on.

This got the Councilors attention as she gauged the young girls reactions. It was clear that she was telling the truth from her point of view.

"What is your name?" She asked.


"And what year is it?"

"It's 2004, isn't it."

At this the asari shook her head, beginning to piece together the puzzle that was developing in front of her. It appeared that what ever prothean artifact they had found where she came from was some sort of time travel device. Powered by Element Zero, which would explain the young girls signs of biotics.

"I'm afraid it's actually 2180." Tevos answered, watching the realization and shock wash over the poor girls face. "What ever device you found, has sent you into the future 176 years."

"But that can't be right, I have to get back to my friends. My boyfriend. They're going to be worried about me I..." Bloom suddenly cried out in pain as she clasped her sides. In her panic she had aggravated where she had broken three of her ribs.

"I am afraid there is nothing we can do right now." Tevos said as she moved over to help the young girl calm down and dull her pain. "Prothean ruins are extremely rare to find, and even more rare is to find them in a working condition."

Tears streamed down Bloom's face as she began to imagine never being able to return home to the people she loved and cared about. Her wedding with Sky was never going to take place and worst of all, none of them would know what had become of her. That she was still alive.

"I don't know how to get you back home." The asari admitted. "But I can offer you the means to survive in this future. You have something in you that makes you different among your race. This may sound weird, but I would like you to train with my special group of Asari Commandos. I wont lie to you, it will be hard and physically challenging. But I can feel that you have the fire in you to get through it."

Bloom was quiet as she weighed her options. Either stay as she was, and clueless about the galaxy she was in or learn the skills that would be required to survive in this new place. A sense of excitement and fear washed over her, but she knew what her answer was. For better or for worse.

"I accept." Bloom answered, looking up at the alien before her, assuming that her species was that of the Asari.

"Excellent." Tevos smiled. "It is a good thing too, because it looks like you will be needing some biotic training."

"What training?" Bloom asked, lifting her arms up in confusion, just before sending off some biotic energy. Knocking one of the trays off of the table next to her. "Oops."

"Your training will start after you recover." Tevos explained.

Bloom only nodded as she looked at her hands, unsure of how she did what she just did a moment ago. Being in this galaxy was going to be very interesting. Very interesting indeed.

Additional Authors Notes: Alright, there is the Prologue to this story. Hope everyone enjoyed and please tell me with you think in the reviews. I will say that this story will take longer to update as I will be taking Bloom through all three games of Mass Effect and as much of the side lore as I can. So hold on, this will be a wild ride.