A/N: Hey everybody, I'm back! Sorry, it's been a bit longer than I wanted, but it's here!

Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS: LA or any of it's characters. I do own Kyle Jackson though!

Callen felt like the whole world was moving in slow motion. As his bullet pierced Kyle's chest, Nell hit the ground. A second gunshot, coming from Kyle's gun, before he fell to the ground. Then eerie silence. Then the world was back to normal. He rushed to Nell's side, and flipped her over.

"Nell? Are you ok?"

She opened her eyes and looked at him. She said nothing and sat up. He studied her face, and sat down next to her. Her eyes darted around, then watched as Sam kicked Kyle's gun away from him, then checked for a pulse. Sam looked over at her and shook his head, giving her a small smile. She nodded then stood up and walked outside.

Callen unlocked the Nell's front door with his set of keys. He watched as she walked through the door. He stood awkwardly in the doorway, unsure of whether to go in. Then Nell turned and waved him in. He walked in and closed and locked her door.

Nell hadn't said a word since Kyle's death. Per Hetty's orders, she had escaped making a statement for now. After the incident where Nell was held at gun point in the training house, the team went to great lengths to protect the spunky analyst. One of those lengths was creating a safe word. Actually, it was more of a safe question.

Do you trust me?

Callen walked into Nell's living room to see her seated on the couch. It reminded him of a couple days before, when her parents were seated on that couch. When it all started.

He gently sat down next to her, turning to slightly face her. A few seconds passed, then Nell collapsed onto his chest. Sobs shook her body, and he wrapped his arms around her. They stayed like this a while, until Nell's sobs slowly disappeared. She pulled slightly away, and looked up at him. Her face was red and blotchy, but he had never seen anything so beautiful.

"Beautiful." He whispered. Nell smiled shyly.

"Nell, there are a few things I don't understand. Your parents, you said they never called or visited. How did they know about…?"

Nell took a deep breath. "Well, when it first happened, I was seventeen. So they were notified. They flew to my boarding school and stayed for a couple days, but I didn't see much of them. They visited me for five minutes before leaving to go call on some clients of theirs."

"Oh." Callen put an arm around her, and kissed the top of her forehead. Nell looked up at him, before leaning in and kissing him softly. The kiss soon turned passionate, and Nell pulled away. Her eyes searched his face, before crawling so she was halfway on top of him and kissed him again. Callen pulled away. "Nell, we should probably talk more about what happened."

Nell shook her head. "No. I want you to help me forget. Right here. Right now." When she saw Callen hesitate she added, "I'm sure. I want this."

Callen nodded and pulled her in for another kiss. She immediately deepened it, and their tongues danced a familiar dance. Callen pulled away, his lips immediately moving to her neck. She gasped softly. "I love you G."

"I love you too."

A/N: And that my friends, was the last chapter! Thank you guys so much for the favorites, follows, and reviews. And for reading this story period. I will write more Nallen fics, so be on the lookout! Please review for this chapter as well! I am pretty happy with this chapter. This story has been a roller coaster, not only for my characters, but for me in a way. This is my first dark-ish fic, and I appreciate all the support. And please, check out my other fics. Again, thank you all so much! Ruth.