Disclaimer: The Vampire Diaries, Once Upon a Time, and all characters are the property of their respective owners and creators. I own nothing, and make no profit from writing this. I am a fan of both television shows. My writing is one way I hope to show my appreciation and to spread the word to other potential viewers. With this piece, I wanted to explore possible interactions between the two shows' characters. Thank you for reading!
A/N: This is my first time writing a crossover, and I am excited to see how it progresses. These are two of my favourite shows, and I was curious to see how the characters would interact . . . call it an experiment. The story takes place in a post-curse Storybrooke, before Klaus sets off for New Orleans for good. I hope to have the next chapter up soon.
Klaus looked around at the boxes and suitcases that lay about his hallway. He had packed everything he could possibly need for his move to New Orleans. All he needed to do was load everything into his car, and he would be on his way.
Before he could lift a finger to do so, however, his cell phone rang in his pocket. Taking it out, he looked at the caller ID. Elijah Mikaelson. Klaus rolled his eyes, wondering what his brother could possibly want, and then picked up. "Elijah," he said.
"Hello, Niklaus," his brother answered on the other end, sounding cool and collected as always. "I have some information to share. I think you will find it rather interesting."
Klaus was fairly sure that his idea of interesting was quite different from his brother's. "I doubt that very much, but go on."
Elijah ignored his comment in his response. "A contact of mine in Maine said he spotted something rather odd in the woods last night during the full moon. A werewolf."
Klaus couldn't help but laugh. "There doesn't seem to be anything odd about that."
"Let me finish," Elijah continued, and his tone was almost chastising. "When he spotted her, he was prepared to fight her off. But the wolf took one glance at him and ran in the other direction. And yet, he said that she seemed more powerful than any werewolf he had ever encountered before. Something about her appeared . . . otherworldly."
He would never admit it to his brother, but Klaus was intrigued. "Why are you telling me this?"
"I believe," Elijah continued, "that it would be in your best interest to investigate. If she proves to be as powerful as my contact has stated, she would be a good ally to have. Besides, you cannot discount the possibility of acquiring more Doppelgänger blood, not when we know that the cure exists. As I am sure you realize, a powerful werewolf would make a powerful hybrid."
His brother was right about that, although Klaus had pretty much given up on the idea of ever creating hybrids again. Still, he couldn't help but be curious about this mysterious werewolf girl, who, it seemed, travelled without a pack. He wasn't really in any particular hurry to get to New Orleans. The city would wait.
"Where in Maine was the werewolf spotted?" Klaus asked finally.
"In the woods surrounding a town near the coast," Elijah said. "A small town called Storybrooke."