
Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I really couldn't figure out what to do with this chapter after I started writing it, but here you guys go. Also, Thanks for the review/Favorites/Alerts, it's really appreciated. :)


In a small dim room sat Giselle, unconscious, at a table. Her hands tied behind her back with rope and her ankles tied to the bottom of the chair legs. 4 men and woman were guarding her, waiting for her to wake.

Her light eyes start to flutter and her pupils start to dilate. Her first reaction was to move her limbs, and come to a realization she's tied to a chair.

"Look who's awake." A familiar voice said. Giselle's eyes squint to make out a dark figure in front of her. Her eyes go wide once she realizes it's the person she never wanted to see again. "Never thought you'd see me again."

"Thought they had you on life."

"Broke out..."Liz trailed off. She harshly pushed the table away, causing everyone in the room to jump. "To find the bitch who took my money and ran!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said.

"Oh you don't?. Maybe this will refresh your memory." Liz's fist met the side of Giselle's face. Blood was oozing from her mouth. A gun was pointing at the bridge of her nose.

"You're really gonna shoot me?" She asked.

"Tell me what I want to know and I won't."

"Over my dead body..."

"That can be arranged." Liz said.


Giselle popped up in my her bed and her phone was going off. She looked at the caller ID to see an unknown number. The area code was Liberty City.

She slid the bar to talk. "Hello?"

"Giselle, Where have you been?" The sound of her aunt put her body at ease.

"Títí Maria you scared me."

"I went to your place and you weren't there-" She said

"I moved out of Liberty City." Giselle answered with a sigh in her voice.

"You moved?" Giselle paused. "Where'd you move to?" Something was going on in the background. There was sound that caught Giselle's attention. The sound of a gun being cocked could be heard by sensitive ears.

"I have to go Títí,".

"No, talk to me a while. Where'd you move to." She asked, with a shake in her voice.

"San Jorge." Giselle lied

"Why there?"

"Because I wanted a new start." She glanced out her window. "But I have to go."

"Alright baby. I love you."

"Love you too." She places her phone on the night table next to her full size bed. Her lie bought her some time, not a lot but it's better than none. If she doesn't think fast then she could be found and killed. Worse that could happen is her family dies.


She stepped out of the bathroom with a robe wrapped around her body. The news was playing on her TV and the sun was blaring into the room. She sat at the small table with her tea in hand.

"As much as I love living in a hotel, I need a place of my own." She mumbled to herself. She took a small sip and looked at the view. The sun was in the horizon and it was a beauty view of Vespucci beach. She placed her tea on the table, then her phone goes off. Michael's name pops up. "Hello?"

"Hey, What are you doing right now?" She looked at the view, and sat down in the dining chair.

"Nothing, Why what's up?" She asked.

"Meet me at an old warehouse," He said. He gave her the exact address and they exchanged goodbyes.

"I guess finding a place will have to wait for another day." She murmured.

She pulled into the abandoned warehouse. Only one car was parked in front and that was Michael'. She got out of her car, and up the steps. The door was unlocked. She pushed it open.

"Hello?" She called.

"Up here," She followed the sound of Michael's voice. When she got to the top of the stairs of the rusty place, she noticed a door to an office. She walked over and opened it. There was Michael and a Caucasian male with a can.

"Who's this?" She asked.

"This is Lester, an old friend of mine. " He said.

"This must be Giselle." Lester said.

"Please call me GiGi or Gi." She instructed.

"As I was saying..."Lester began. "The Union Depository, they say it can't be hit. Hasn't been...yet."

"Look, I just owe some Mexican hood a couple million bucks." Michael said.

"What'd you do to have to do that." GiGi asked, breaking her silence.

"I wrecked his girlfriend's house." He answered. GiGi just shook her head. " But, I don't need to go crazy here. "

"Which Mexican?" Lester asked.

"Martin Madrazo,"

"He's not suppose to be very nice,"

"Oh, when I met him, he was charming." Michael retorted.

"I bet he was." Giselle commented. Michael gave her look and she just smiled.

"Lester, What do you think?" He asked.

"Oh, erm, let see..." Lester placed his hand on this chin. "either we it a bank in the sticks, or do we do a store. Which one do you like?"

"Stores are easier. " Giselle said, sitting down on the couch.

"But, I need a big take."

"Gems it is then," Lester said, making his way towards the door. "Lets go to Vangelico and buy Giselle an engagement ring."

"We're gonna need a crew." Michael added. "I can round up some of the old guys."

"There are no old guys." Lester informed. "Moses, ironically, found Jesus. All those irish crazies, they mostly just disappeared. That crew the from the south, they all went down. There was an Eastern European making moves in Liberty City but nah he went quiet." Giselle just rolled her eyes as she followed the two middle aged men out the door.

They walked out of the messy factory.

"Alright, Well We need a crew. You got any contacts in LS or not?" Michael asked.

"I've been working with someone but they're too unpredictable. " Lester made his way towards the passenger seat. "I'll have to reach out to some other guys." Michael glanced over at Giselle, who just shrugged before getting in the backseat.

The car pulled in front of the fancy jewelry store. Michael was giving a pair of special glasses to take footage of the things needed.

"Let's do this." Lester said. Giselle and Michael exited the car. Giselle gently place Michael's arm around her waist as they walked around the corner. He glanced over at her.

"Make it more realistic," She said, before walking into the store. The guard opens the door for the two.

"Thank you."Michael says. Lester begins giving instruction through the ear piece while Giselle glances around at the jewelry, causing his arm to fall to his side. Once he finished, he tapped Giselle's shoulder. The two held hands and walked towards the counter. "Hello, I need something for the woman in my life right here." Giselle smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Sir, I'm sure we can help you two." The saleswoman said. She glanced at Giselle. "What are you looking for?"

"Something nice and big but cheap." Giselle leaned in. "He's a little on the cheap side." The woman giggled.

"I'd say about 10 thousand." He said, ignoring her comment.

"Our rings start off at 8 and our pendants start at 12." She said.

"So these things meant to last, or am I just paying for the vangelico logo?" He asked. The saleswoman chuckled.

"No, no, no, no. We use perfect clarity jewels, 18 carat gold, 950 platinum. Nothing but the best."

"I see," Giselle said, glancing through the glass. She looked up at Michael, who looked at her. Giselle smiled at the sales woman. "I think you've made a sale, but first we're gonna go look around for a little bit."

"I understand." Michael hooked hands with Giselle, and the two walked out of the store. When they were far enough away, they let go. "I'm cheap?"

"Hey, If this doesn't work out maybe I can be an actress." She said, getting into the backseat. They drove around to find a roof access, and when they did only Michael got out of the car. "So how do you and Michael know each other?"

"Old friends." He said. "So you're from Liberty City?" She raised an eyebrow.

"How'd you know?" She asked.

"I did my research." He said. "You were born and raised in Liberty City. Your father was a famous crime boss before he was killed in shootout. Once you were 18, you started working with a friend that goes by the name of Elizabeta Torres, Who was incarcerated but escaped a few days ago."

"Lester, Have you ever heard of the story of Pandora's box?" She asked, looking at her lap.


"Do you know the moral of that story?" She asked.

"Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong." He answered.
