(Seventeen hours pass, consisting of fungus beer, mild disembowelling's and rokk muzik...the usual Ork Party!)

"We wurkz 'ard, we fightz 'ard. An' guess what squig fer brainz! We'z playz 'ard as well! Hurr, hurr, hurr! Now 'an me yer bleedin' dinner yer stupid hummie!


What? Orks can't break da fourth wall too? Or was it da fifth...ah shuddup! I'll crump yer all da same!

The Arch Killah himself rose from his throne, he'd had enough with this tuskless imposter claiming to be the Ork God of killin'. There was only one warlord of WAAAAGGGH! Ghazghkull. And it wasn't this puny, green-skinned excuse for an Ork. Didn't even 'av a bleedin' choppa!

Ta make things worse, most of the boyz were actually believing the imposter. What? Why? Just coz he'd crumped a few tankz, survived some 'splozuns an' taken out a battle titun! Ghazghkull had done all that too! The boyz were forgetting who he was!

"OI! PUNY! WHA' OUU THINK YER PLAYIN' AT?" Barked the Warboss himself, he was playing it cool for the time being!

Hulk looked round, quite dizzy, he'd just finished his thirtieth fungus beer of the night, it was going to his head! "Strong stuff!" Hulk had thought to himself at a time in the night when he had been sober. "Yeah? What u want ugly?" He asked Ghazghkull, slurring his words as he went.

Fungus beer WAS strong stuff! He was sure a single gallon would kill a human twice over. For that's what the Orks drank the pungent draft in, gallons. Great big flagons, like buckets, diseased and unwashed, full of dirt and other Ork bodily discharges...

"Coz everything always endz up going back in yer gob at sum' point!" The ork wall-breaker yelled out again!

Loud musik continued to blast into hulk's ears, it had been going on all night. Orks screaming into rusted and dodgy microphones, their thick orky voices straining to sing any louder...if you could even call it singing! Orks had eaten things that had screamed less!

"Ugly, hahahaharrr!" Ghazghkull roared with laughter, as his bulging bloodshot eyes swam about inside their sockets. He'd been drinking heavily too! "I'z always thought myself a kinda hansum sort!" He bragged, as foam and sweat poured from his scarred and pitted face. his skin was riddled with metal and cybernetics, wires flailing about his lamp-like artificial eye. Heavy duty rivets were wedged into him, all across his jaw and cranium.

"Yeah, real pretty!" Hulk replied sarcastically, with a patronizing laugh escaping from his mouth. Was this punk for real? Was he really squaring up to him, the Hulk!

Ghazghkull was utterly beside himself, NO ONE had challenged him and lived. But this weedy excuse for a sod with no cybernetics to speak of believed he was stronger than him!

Now in times like this, the Mad Uruk Thrakka was a kind of shoot first ask questions second kind of Ork. But guttin' this disrespectful upstart was destroying such a good weapon!

Even so, this git was no god. Ghazghkull was the prophet of the WAAAAGGH! He knew the damn difference! This Hulk was not Gork nor Mork, but was powerful all the same, and would be a valuable asset to the third war of Armageddon. Perhaps even the tipping point of the war! He would give the proud sod one last chance. Ghazghkull would not kill him, only leave him for dead!

"Yerz askin' fer a stompin'! I'z gonna give yer one last chance before I'z get really bleedin' mad! Don't push me yer bugger! Yer may be twice the size of most me nobz, but yer a tiny pisshead compared ter' me! I'z too big ta' be beat by you!" And smiling a toothy drunken grin, was confident that this would cow the tiny git into submission.

Hulk looked down and shook his head. He spied a particularly inebriated Ork boy. It's tongue was lolling, and eyes spinning wildly, struggling to hold onto its beer. He ripped the tankard out of its hands, the excitement of it all was too much for the boy, it slumped backwards off its stool with a loud crunch. Unconscious, a wide grin spread right across its toothy mouth.

Emptying the flagon with four massive gulps and smashing it on the ground, much to the delight of the boyz around him, Hulk answered the misguided commander of this rabble of aliens! "Nah! You've got too much metal in you're head! You're mistaken. Hulk is too STRONG ter' be beat!"

Gasps from the surrounding boyz and nobz shocked the Ork throng into silence, only the rokk band kept screaming away. Half the players were stone deaf anyway, you could tell by the music!

Ghazghkull's eyes bulged and widened. Shooting a terrible death-stare at the Hulk. He'd finally reaching the end of his Orky patience, lost it! Hulk just didn't understand the gravity of the situation he was in, the true implications of challenging the boss!

"RAAA? You mukin' me about? Yer haven't even got any klawz! Ah right! That's it! One more word outta you an' I bring da hammer down on yer puny 'ead! You think yer got wha' it takes ter lead MY boyz? Yer fellin' powerful mah son?" The nineteen foot Warboss screamed at Hulk.

"Half a million 'boyz' says you're wrong!" Hulk immediately barked back, smug that he knew this was gonna all be over quickly. Now if the Orks had gasped loudly before, it was at the perceived to be 'innocunce' displayed by Hulk. Now, it was pure shock.

They knew that the Hulk was about to be torn apart. At least they hoped it! If he was even half a match for da big boss however, than Ghazghkull would destroy most their camp in the struggle that ensured.

Hulk better had be the lord god Mork. If not, he was about to be turned into a smeer of green goo, small enough only to cover the Rokk Band drummer's drum stikk!

"AH! FINALLY! Some puny git with da' ballz ter' aktually take us on! Its been too long! Am gonna enjoy 'dis. At least I'll 'ave another skull ter crump on me boss pole!" With a snort of steam from his nostrils and the unmistakable flash of lightening flashing over his head, whose parent storm clouds had conveniently condensed overhead just three seconds ago, Ghazghkull Mad Uruk Thrakka lowered his head, and charged.

"Finally! Some bugger worth fighting!" Hulk thought to himself with a drunken smile!

"Oof!" hulk yelled as he was picked up by Ghazghkull, held aloft in his crackling power klaw, and thrust into the hillside next door, digging a massive crater into its wet and slippery soil, turned to a quagmire by the rainstorm ripping through the landscape around them. The rain tingled his skin as it hit him, acid rain! Unlike a strength he had never known. He watched as rock and trees dissolved and disappeared around him. Well, noticed! It was only a moments respite before Ghazghkull tore into him again with wild fury and reckless abandon.

You see, Hulk was the strongest around! Even in the grim darkness of the 41st millennia. But Orks were weird and Orks were strange. The Orks were a psychic race, as potent as the Eldar, the Space Marines or the great demons and ruinic powers of the tempestuous warp. And yet their race appeared to exhibit no psykers of any discernible kind!

You see though, the Orks psychic might did not manifest itself within individuals as did most other races, but did exhibit itself in similar manner to that of the foul and thoughtless Tyranids. As a collective. And when Orks believe something will happen, IT WILL IN FACT HAPPEN.

Half of the terrified Orks hiding from the godly battle were vouching for Hulk, they were sick of the boss! But Hulk was not Ork, he could not benefit from their unearthly power. Yet the other half were loyal, and cheered the Name of Arch Killa' Ghazghkull!

With every flex of his cyber enhanced muscles, Ghazghkull felt the strength of one million Orks flowing through him, the collective strength capable of moving hills and mountains. With every kick and punch the planet of Armageddon felt its very continents shake, pulverising rock and raising entire Ork settlements to the ground with equal ease. His arm cannon barked with the energy of a dying star, and the Hulk yelled out in pain as the blue-hot lightening fields of his power klaw bit into his skin.

"Yeah! Not so 'ard 'nd strong like yer said before. Ha ha harr!" Thrakka screamed as he continued to pummel the Hulk into the ground. The Hulk lay, face first on the cold dirt ground. Deep gashes covered his arms and legs, his left eye was bleeding and his scalp was torn, wet with blood.

The initial sight of the Hulk's blood had stunned Ghazghkull, and stunned him for one simple reason. It was red! "Wha' da fuck are yer?" He had bellowed upon seeing it.

Ork blood was a kind of greeny-black colour, there were plenty of liquids besides blood that pumped around their complex hybrid anatomies. Hulk's blood was red, hummiez had red blood. But NO weakling hummie could take the punishment that Hulk was taking. Ghazghkull had destroyed mountains that took less punishment than this alien.

It was making him hesitate, he didn't know what Hulk was. A hummie experiment? An envoy of da godz? Were his lordz testing him? Testing the strength of his people? Would da godz abandon him if he failed to impress them?

As dozens of questions flooded his keen but Orky mind, full of doubt and indecision, he started to hesitate in his assault of the Hulk, and the constant hammering of fist and battle-klaw into Hulk's skull, he was getting more and more angry, by the second.

Hulk had moved hills and mountains, torn down towers and flattened cities. Hulk had shaken continents and rocked countries with his kicks and punches. He had jumped so high and fast that the atmosphere had burned around him, and not even a handful of opponents had ever proven themselves against him.

Spitting blood and a single tooth from his mouth, Hulk gathered to him all the strength and determination, pushed, rose up, and stood. He wasn't beaten yet!

Ghazghkull roared once more, steeling his doubts, upper-cutting Hulk. The attack was his strongest yet, and was enough even to course Hulk's balance to weaken, and he fell onto one knee. But he was NOT beaten!

"Gaaagh! Why don't you jus' go down scum!" The great war boss screamed at Hulk. "Why Mr. Anderson, why, why do you persist?" He asked him next, bellowing gutturally as he swung his claw down on the Hulk once more.

Hulk was finally ready for it. He'd weathered the terrible assault, and he'd survived the best the Ork could throw at him, even with he mighty power of the Waaaggghh burning through Ghazghkull. There was nothing left, no tricks, no moves, nothing!

The green marauder felt his strength returning, his anger boiling over to a mighty crescendo. With a tiny flitter of a smile tugging at Hulk's cheek, he brought his arm up, intercepting Ghazghkull's power claw, catching it, stopping it dead, causing the warbosses eyes to bulge with surprise. Following through with a massive uppercut of his own, Hulk bellowed back in reply, "Coz I fuckin' well choose too!"

His next punch was louder than a sonic boom, and mightier than a planet strike, his next elbow, weakening the bosses iron jaw, faster and harder than a burning meteor. You could hear the music playing in the background, the Ork rokk band hadn't stopped yet! And were playing an Ork Metal (coz 'eavy metal just isn't loud enough!) version of something that sounded suspiciously like, 'Eye of the Tiger'. (seriously, there's some incredible versions of the song on YouTube, look them up if you want!).

Anyway, with the grace and brutality of the Waaaggh! Itself, the two hardest warriors of the galaxy continued to slug it out, giving it everything they had. This was a grudge match, no hold bars, nothing held back, stone cold, dirty, reckless combat. They weren't even bothering to block each others hammer blows, to much focussed on launching heavier and heavier strikes on the other. Sweat filled the rain filled air, rock and soil pulverised underneath their feet, Ork bunkers and foxholes being totalled as they moved towards the main fortress.

A powerful back fist from Hulk ripped off Ghazghkull's iron jaw, pulling blood and flesh away from his true jaw and the nails and rivets came away. Feeling no pain, the warboss responded with a lightening fast left hook, strong enough to make the valley itself shake in response, some of the ramshackle Ork buildings beyond them flattening as the energy tore through, and claiming another tooth of Hulk's.

Stunned, Hulk fell backwards, but not before he had slammed his foot into Ghazghkull's thigh, collapsing his balance. But again the war boss felt no pain, the power of the Waaaggh! was burning through him, and till his last ounce of strength he would not let this Hulk get the better of him. A back fist of his own, weakening Hulk's jaw, pushing him back another step. Hulk responded, a powerful punch in the Ork's gut, stopping him in his tracks, and a head-butt, he would not be proven to be the least aggressive! Ghazghkull answered with yet another head-butt from his adamantium infused skull.

But this time, Hulk stood his ground. Ghazghkull punched, a solid hook to the temple. It connected, and Hulk's head flew left, but he did not budge, he stood stock still, and looked straight back round at the Ork with a powerful, terrifying stare. Another punch, same as the last, than a right, pulling blood from Hulk's skin, a kick, so strong the steel in his boot was pulverised into powder, and fell back down into the mud from whence it had come.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust!" Hulk thought to himself poetically as he grabbed hold of Ghazghkull's fist, stopping it in mid punch. The left came again, a stupid attack, Hulk caught that too. Ghazghkull's patience was gone, nothing he could throw at Hulk would bring him down, nothing! Worse, he could feel the power of the Waaaaggh! Leaving him, his energy, almost spent.

Hulk roared his battle cry, drawing the very spit from Ghazghkull's fractured and bleeding jaw in his victory scream. Then, with a kick on his thigh yet again to bring the taller opponent down to size, forcing him to kneel, Hulk finally had the advantage, and brought his forehead slamming down to meet the war bosses squat, deep green nose.

The first came, with an almighty smack. Then another, and a third and a terrible fourth came, Hulk's head moving up and down like some infernal pendulum. Blood flowed, Ork screams mixed with Human ones. Not even THE Ork war boss could take this assault, and feeling the bones in his face begin to cave in, finally feeling the last of the Waaaaggh! Leaving him, he knew that he had let the Ork Gods down. "I'd tried mah best doh!" He thought to himself in a moment of Ork humility!

With a final, exhausted butt from Hulk, he finally subdued Ghazghkull, only in death did the powerful creature finally giv...NAH! Joking! Only knocked out! But still, the boss had fallen, felled like a mighty tree by the Hulk's irresistible hammering. Hulk too, dazed and exhausted, slumped onto his hands and knees, utterly spend by an entire days worth of war and battle. He'd wiped out an Imperial Army before the fall of night after all!

There was no sound, no sound but the pitter-patter of the acidic Armageddon rain. The Orks began to climb out from there hiding holes, and the Ork band had finally ran out of steam, and songs.

"Well, dat'z all folks! We 'aint got any moere lef' in uz now tah...Hey! Wait! What the 'ell'z happened 'ere?" A very hoarse Ork voice bleated out towards an empty stage. The band hadn't even noticed that everyone had scattered after the Boss and Hulk had started scrappin'!

Everyone stared at the Hulk, this mighty beast. A beast who had felled Imperial armies, mighty titans, and even the greatest Boss who had ever lived! He lay there, as if praying, soaked to his guts by the acid rain and mud of Armageddon. Was he an Ork, was he not? Was he an envoy of the Gods, was he not? Was he one of the Gods themselves? No one knew, Orks weren't good at answering questions of such a 'pylosophucul' nature. Hell they couldn't even say the word! (Philosophical, haha!)

But, what they did know, is that this Hulk had no place amongst the violent stars, that Eldar, Imperial, Tau and Necron would never tolerate his existence. There was only death for him here, in a galaxy that knew only war. If there was one thing all Orks understood, it was violence, and they knew that Hulk could never survive on his own. In the pouring rain, their moods subdued by months of hard sloggin' and fightin', every Ork in the fortress was feeling a single thing: Empathy.

It was so sad, they had to do something! One Ork Nob knew what to do. It was the same Nob who had witnessed the Hulk in battle the afternoon before. The Nob who had cowed his misbehaving boyz into submission, and who had irresistibly led them into the crucible of war once more, to back up the Hulk, and follow in the footsteps who he had believed, and was still wondering if so, was the great Ork God Gork. It was pitiful to see Hulk this way, he would stop it.

"Oi! Mate!" He said, with as much sympathy as an Ork could possibly muster. Hulk's ears picked up, it was the nicest voice he had heard all day! He looked around at the tentative Nob, holding out a clawed hand for him to take. "Fancy another beer?" The Nob asked generously.

Hulk suddenly saw something that he had not seen in such a long time: Acceptance! He had a home in these aliens!

Hulk took the hand, and the Nob helped him stand. The lad had had a hard night, it was only right! Nobody noticed the single tear fall from Hulk's left eye, lost amongst the rainstorm of Armageddon. Hell, no Ork could have forgiven that one, no matter how 'ard any git thought he was!