AN: After watching both Peter Pan and The Swan Princess and admiring both at the same time, I decided to do a crossover with them. I know that Odette is an adult but she will be the first in Neverland! How will Peter take this if he bonds and has to help a grown-up get home and free of the spell? Will Hook and Rothbart meet and team up to kill them both and rule what they want? Will Odette see Derek again? More and more coming soon! Enjoy!
By the way, this takes place before Return to Neverland aka Peter Pan 2 and starts during the events of The Swan Princess. I have also edited things up a bit.
Disclaimer: I do not own Peter Pan or The Swan Princess. They belong to their owners.
"No! He has great power you must go!"
"Then you're coming with me."
"I can't. When the moon sets, I'll turn back into a swan. Please, Derek, you have to trust me. Go."
"There must be some way to break the spell."
"Oh there is. But you must make a vow of everlasting love."
"I make it then. It's all I've ever wanted!"
"But Derek, you must prove it to the world!"
"How?" he asked again, "How?"
Odette became confused in thought and shook her head in a panic as she heard Rothbart call her name again. "I don't know! Go!" she told Derek as she began to push him away. However, he stopped and remembered something.
"The ball. Tomorrow night, come to the castle. Before the whole world...I will make a vow of everlasting love."
"ODETTE!" Rothbart shouted, startling both Derek and the princess. "I'm coming!" she replied before turning back to her love, "Go!"
"Tomorrow night." he said to her.
"Yes. Tomorrow night. Now, go." she told him again in a worried tone, thinking they might be caught. Before Derek ran off, he threw her the swan locket he had given to her when she was a baby and thankfully, he left just in time because Rothbart had appeared from the other side. "Odette! Didn't you hear me calling?"
She wasn't sure how to tell him this and her stomach was forming into a tight knot, "I-I,"
"I thought I heard voices."
"Yes, Voices."
"Well, I-"
"You what?"
"I-I've decided to become your queen." she lied as she bowed to him. Jean-Bob, Speed, and Puffin, who were peeking at the scene, were absolutely shocked at what the princess was getting herself into, especially with Rothbart.
"No! You mean...Oh, Odette, you've made me so happy. I'll be a good king. You'll see. I'll wear nice clothes, and I'm gonna get my beard trimmed. Oh oh oh oh you've made me so happy, Odette! Oh, and by the way," Rothbart pointed out as his happiness began to fade into a more serious tone, "You wouldn't happen to know who this belongs to, would you?" He pulled out Derek's bow from his cape and with a gasp, Odette really was in trouble now. She already knew it.
Jean-Bob fainted again at this sight.
"Come to the ball." Rothbart mimicked Derek, "I will make a vow of everlasting love." He chuckled evilly and Odette glared at him. "Thought you could fool Rothbart, did you?" He asked as he threw the prince's bow into the lake.
"I will never be yours, you creature! I will marry Prince Derek and you cannot stop me!
"Oh! I hate to tell you this, Odette," he started as he grabbed her hand and took the locket from her grasp, "But you won't be able to attend the big ball tomorrow night." As he began to walk away, Odette said something he never thought she would say,
"If you want to stop me, you'll have to kill me."
"No, I don't think so," he replied to her, "You see, you've forgotten one very important thing. Tomorrow night...There" he laughed. Odette gasped and turned to look up at the moon before putting her hands on her face and bending down on her knees to cry.
She was doomed.
Meanwhile in the Swan lake castle, Rothbart and his assistant, Bridget, were up to something despicable.
"But no matter what they do, I'm always one step ahead. On the other hand, Prince Derek's vow could ruin everything." Thinking to himself, he said, "I'm going to have to deal with him. But how?" Then it hit him, "The vow." Grabbing Bridget and grinning, he told her, "I'll get Derek to offer his vow to the wrong princess. That's it! So Bridget, I'll make you look like Odette."
Bridget was pleased by this and imagined of what it would be like to be in that beautiful form of the princess until Rothbart said, "Well, that's going to take a lot of work, but it'll be worth it. 'Cause when he makes his vow to the wrong girl...Odette will die and i'll finish Derek off myself. Oh, I love it! I mean, this is really classy. This is me!"
Then, he decided to sing a song.
Back in Uberta's kingdom...
"Mother, have you-"
"Oh, Derek."
"What are these?" he asked her.
"Roses." she replied to him with a grin as he stared at the red flowers. "They're red."
"Of course they're red."
"But, Mom, I don't want red roses," he told her as he grabbed and pulled the flowers out of the vase, both surprising and confusing her, "I want white, like a swan. Oh, and have you seen Bromley?"
Her son handed her the flowers before attending to the castle caretakers and waiters, "No." she replied as he left.
"Has anyone seen Bromley?"
A small waiter was passing by but the young prince stopped him and took the dish out of his hands, "Would you feed this to a swan?"
"I-" he replied while shaking his head side to side nervously.
"Take it back." Derek told him, "Something light, something fresh."
Rogers, the castle's musician teacher, stopped his music when Derek didn't approve of it. "What's wrong?" he asked him in a curious tone.
"Tonight," the prince began, "the music must be played rubato, soft, and graceful. Like a swan Rogers."
"A swan?"
"You ever seen a swan, Rogers." Derek teased as he used his hand for the mouth of the bird. "Of course I've seen a swan." The old man replied while trying to shoo the hand away.
"If you could play a swan, what would it sound like? But it has to be soft and graceful, Rogers." Derek corrected him again before turning to his mother, "Where is Bromley?"
"No one has seen him, Derek."
"You're kidding. Who's gonna be my best man?"
"Best...You mean?" his mother happily replied with a laugh when he nodded his head, "Oh, Derek!"
"There you go, Rogers. That's the stuff." Derek replied as he danced to himself while hearing the right music that fit a swan perfectly. "Come on, mother." he said as he grabbed her and began to twirl her around happily.
"Don't be so secretive, Derek. Tell me who she is." she laughed as he released her. Holding the flowers his mother had, he threw them in the air and grinned so wide, his cheeks were beginning to ache.
Rothbart threw some roses down in the cell for the swan that sat in the water sadly. "It hurts me to lock you up, Odette. It hurts me deeply. But then, a king's day is full of tough decisions. You understand."
The upset swan picked at the roses that floated above the water and tore them apart as she glared up at him.
"Now you're mad at me again. Doggone it! I can't do nothing right. Head full of pudding. That's me." He paused for a minute before adding, "Well, I can't leave you like this. If you're not happy, I'm not happy. Hmmm, I know. If you can't attend the ball, then i'll bring the ball to you. Let's see... The first thing you need is a young man. The prince is busy, of course, but I think I can arrange a substitute."
Odette gasped when she saw Bridget push Bromley into the cell. As he fell in, Rothbart told the swan, "Poor fellow. He got lost in the woods." Luckily, she helped him in time from drowning and drove him to a hanging chain to keep him from falling back underwater.
"Oh, I'd love to stay, but if I don't leave now, i'll be late. That's tacky." Rothbart added as he was beginning to leave his two prisoners alone, but Odette's sad gaze caught his eye and it annoyed him, "D-Don't give me that look, missy. Had to be sneaky, didn't you? Had to drag your weakling prince into it, didn't you? But that's fine with me. Just FINE WITH ME!" He shouted as he slammed the small wooden window shut and making Odette shed a tear again.
She was never going to see Derek again...