I feel awful about how long it has taken me to get this new chapter up. Between college and work it just seems like I never have time to get anything done. This chapter is pretty short, but it was a good spot to end it and helps me get the next chapter running ;)

Please enjoy the chapter, and don't forget to review please and thank you!

Summery- Daryl and Carol knew each other once, years ago, before the dead rose, and Carol has been carrying a secret from Daryl ever since… "Sophia wasn't mine!" then why did Daryl care so much? Sophia lives fic. Caryl.

The next day, the group had a meeting to discuss their next move. Carol left an exhausted Sophia sleeping in the RV, reluctantly leaving her baby to join the meeting. As she took her place next to Lori, she was across from Daryl, who had the RV door in full sight. Her eyes met his and he nodded towards the door, his trained eye keeping an eye out for Sophia even when he didn't have to anymore.

"Alright, know that we know Daryl and Sophia are safe, we can keep moving." Rick spread a map out over the front of the Cherokee and pointed to a spot on it.

"I think our best bet is to move southwest, we gotta put some major distance between us and Atlanta."

"Way too many walkers around here." Andrea chimed, "I agree with south. Anywhere is better than Atlanta."

"I keep tellin ya Rick we need to head for Fort Bentley. Ain't nothin' but farms southwest." Shane pointed at the map, stabbing his finger where Fort Bentley was.

"Fort Bentley is an awful idea." Carol said softly, "we just barely escaped Atlanta and now you want us to go back towards a potential slaughter?" she shook her head and Lori wrapped an arm around her. Daryl shot a glance towards her, but stayed quiet.

"We don't know for sure Fort Bentley was taken." T-dog added, "It could be, but we don't know and I think it could be a good place to hole up. But on the other side, open space could be an asset."

"What about southeast?" Glenn pointed out, his gaze on the map. "It looks like there are lots of small towns that way. And being near the coast could only be better."

"We have to be careful about the coast." Rick replied, "We don't wanna get trapped between the coast and walkers."

"If Southeast doesn't work, I'm for southwest." Glenn stated. "I could use some open space after Atlanta."

"Open space will be a good place to keep a lookout and keep ahead of walkers too." Dale pointed out. "Fort Bentley could work, but the odds are too great a chance to take it. At least in the open we can protect ourselves and keep on the move better."

"Open spaces means food and places to hunt too." Daryl pointed out, crossing his arms.

Rick shot a glance at Lori, who nodded in agreement with them.

"This is crazy!" Shane barked. "We need to be moving towards Fort Bentley!"

"I just got my daughter back, and I'm not taking her there." Carol hissed at Shane before stomping towards the RV. Lori shot a glare at Shane before following her; Rick took the map and rolled it up.

"It's settled then, we move southeast."


An hour later they were on the road. Carol and Sophia in the Cherokee with Lori, Rick and Carl. Dale driving the RV with Glenn, Shane T-dog and Andrea; Daryl led ahead on his motorcycle. They rode straight for several hours, trying to avoid as much of the major high ways as possible. But on one of the few times they did take the high way, they were often delayed by dozens of abandoned and ruined cars.

They decided to call halt at one of these traffic jams to restock on some fuel a couple hours after leaving, pulling up on a small chunk of highway with a maze of cars.

Sophia refused to leave her mother's side as Carol slide from the Cherokee to try and search for some supplies. They were soon joined by Lori and Carl.

"Mom! There's a big van over there, let's check it out!" Carl pointed towards a large black van parked to the side of the highway, one of the tires blow out.

"Hold on Carl, we don't know what's in there!" Lori called, rushing after her curious son. "We need to check and be sure it's clear before we go rushing in there."

"Daryl could do it." Sophia said quietly with a hint of childlike awe in her voice. "He's really good at checking for danger."

Her three companions were silent for a moment. Carol stared at her daughter, wondering when her shy child had grown up. Lori realized that something had changed between Sophia and Daryl in the woods, something that put Daryl on a pedestal to the little girl.

"That's a great idea Sophia." Lori shot her a smile. "I'll go and get him real quick and be right back. Carl you stay with Carol and Sophia."

Lori turned and disappeared through the cars, while Carol ushered the children away from the large van until Lori returned with Daryl. Instead they searched a small car nearby and managed to find some aspirin, a couple bottles of water and a couple of large men's t-shirts. They had stacked their prize in a pile with Lori returned, Daryl behind her with his crossbow slung over his shoulder and his cheeks flamed red.

"She said ya'll need somethin'?" Daryl wouldn't meet Carol's eyes, leaving her to wonder what Lori had said to embarrass him so.

It was Sophia who spoke up. "That van over there." She pointed to the black van they had been examining earlier. "We need to make sure it's safe first." She gazed up at Daryl with an expectant look on her face, and Carol could easily see her daughter was star-struck. She shot an amused look at Lori and the two had to hide their giggles so Sophia wouldn't see.

Daryl had no idea why this little girl had asked for him when she was back safe and sound with her mother, but he'd be damned if he let her down.

As he slung his crossbow over his shoulder and held it up, Sophia stepped right behind him just like she had done in the woods to stay safe. Daryl handed her a small knife from his belt and Carol felt fear well up in her as she watched her daughter shuffle behind Daryl, the knife in her hands. But she knew he would keep her safe, so she fought back the instinct to call her daughter to her side. Lori ushered Carl close to her side, a knife prepped in her hand should the van be full of walkers.

Daryl carefully examined the back doors of the truck before rapping his knuckles on the door. It was quiet for a moment, but then there was a small shuffling, and a walker began clawing slowly at the window, most of the flesh gone from its body.

"Looks like jest the one." Daryl said, trying to peer through the dark windows.

"I'm gonna open it, ya'll get yer knives ready. Stay behind ma 'phia." Sophia nodded and clutched the back of Daryl's shirt and Lori and Carol held up their knives.

"Now!" Daryl flung the door open and they were immediately assaulted by the low hiss of the walker. But before Carol or Lori could act, Daryl shot the walker in the head and it fell onto the pavement with a sickening crunch.

"Stay back 'Phia." Daryl said as he approached carefully. He ripped the arrow out of the walker and knew it was dead.

"s'alright." Daryl said, and he felt Sophia creep up behind him and peer around into towards the walker and the van. "It's dead?"

"It's dead alright darlin'." Daryl said as Lori and Carol moved to inspect the inside of the van. He turned to leave but saw Sophia looking up at him with wide eyes.

"Where you going?" She asked.

"Helpin' T-dog search cars." He mumbled. She looked at him with sad eyes. "Oh." Was all she replied. He didn't know what pushed him to say it, but as he reloaded his crossbow he found himself saying.

"You wanna come?" Her eyes widened and a smile spread over her face. She looked hopefully back at her mother, who nodded, knowing there was no one she trusted more with her daughter.

She, Lori and Carl watched as Sophia trudged off behind Daryl into the sea of cars before Lori shot Carol a knowing look, and Carol knew that even though Daryl had forgotten that kiss at the CDC, Lori had not.

She busied Carl with an old station wagon filled with kid's clothes and baby toys to sort though and cornered Carol next to a rusty minivan.

"Is there something going on between you and Daryl? The way you look at each other, it's like you know each other or something…" Carol gulped and didn't meet Lori's eyes, studying her sneakers instead.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She persisted, but the words sounded weak even to her ears. Lori raised an eyebrow at her and put her hands on her hips, clearly not buying Carol's story.

Before Lori could say more, Glenn appeared, asking the two women if either of them had checked out a group of cars further up the highway, effectively ended the conversation between them.


The painful throbbing of her head was the first thing that Carol became aware of. The second was the fact that she was laying propped up on a cool bed. Gingerly she began to open her eyes, blinking as a bright light insulted her senses.

It took several minutes for her eyes to adjust to the light, but when she did, she realized with a puzzled glance around the room that she was lying in a crisp white hospital bed. The room around her was small and bland, lacking any homey or decorative touches. Everything around her was white and boring.

Carol barely had time to register she wasn't alone in the room before a figure in a ripped flannel shirt shifted; slumped in the chair next to her bed, and Carol realized with a jolt that it was Daryl.

The fact that he was asleep told Carol he had been waiting there for a long time. Concerned, she gently reached her hand and touched Daryl on the shoulder, shaking him just slightly enough to wake him.

When he realized who was shaking him, Daryl sat bolt up in his chair, his eyes, normally deep and bright blue, were wide and red. Almost as if he had been crying…

"Carol?" The despair in his voice almost broke Carol's heart. His hand reached out and touched her cheek, as if making sure it was really her in front of him.

"Daryl." Carol breathes softly, giving him a small smile. She gestured to the room around her.

"What am I doing here?" He didn't meet her gaze, picking at the fabric of the blanket she was laying under.

"Ya don't remember? We were… we were talkin' and ya suddenly started cryin' and ya passed out and I took ya here…"It all came flooding back to her as he spoke, her hands automatically going to her abdominal. She willed herself not to cry.

"Did it… Is my…?" She couldn't force the word baby out, certain her heart was about to be torn out of her chest again. She'd already lost one baby, she couldn't lose another.

Daryl shook his head, a look of relief on his face as his beautiful eyes met hers.

"Na, yer… baby's fine, got ya here in time."

Carol felt relief wash over her as if she had been dumped into a hot bath. She began to cry, tears of relief slipping down her cheeks. Daryl looked startled, but allowed her to lean against him as she sobbed, one hand rubbing up and down her arm to try and comfort her.

"How long have I been in here?" she asked softly when the tears had subsided. She was still leaning against Daryl, her head resting softly on his shoulder.

"Almost 3 days." Daryl said, causing her to sit bolt up. "Almost gave me a goddamn heart attack…"

"Three days?!"

"yeah, doctor said somethin' bout' yer body recoverin' after takin' a shock." He ran his hand though his shaggy hair awkwardly and gave her a sheepish grin.

"Had ta tell 'em I was yer brother ta get in here. Don't think thet clipboard lady believed me though." Carol giggled as a knocked sounded on the door.

"Coming in." a middle aged woman with dark hair and skin entered the room, a white clipboard in her hand.

"How are you feeling Mrs. Peleiter? You had quite the shock. If it wasn't for your… brother, here you would have lost your baby."

"I'm feeling ok." Carol replied lightly, feeling tears prickle in her eyes as she realized how lucky she was to have Daryl in her life. She owed him her child's life, in more ways than one she was beginning to suspect…

"We'll be keeping you here until tomorrow night just as a precaution; we wanna make sure everything is ok with mom and baby." She smiled at Carol, but Carol could see Daryl huffing and glaring at her blanket behind the nurse's back.

"Use the call button if you need anything ok?" The woman shot a dark look at Daryl before she turned and left the room, closing the door behind her…


Daryl ignored the curious looks on the faces of Rick and the others as he led Sophia down the line of cars towards the pile of loot he had already collected, shooting a look at Dale when the older man smiled widely at him and Sophia.

"All I got so far Darlin'." Daryl nodded towards the pile, drawing Sophia's attention to it. The pile contained a few ratty shirts, a small bottle of aspirin and what looked like a bag of pretzels and a package of toothbrushes.

"Do you think we will find more?" Sophia asked, noting the small pile of supplies.

"Dunno, we'll find out." Daryl jerked his head towards a couple of random cars nearby, indicating Sophia should follow him.

The first car, a truck, only contained a reusable water bottle and a blanket. But the second car is where they really had good luck.

"Ay' old man! This way!" Daryl called over to Dale, who ignored the comment and approached the large stash of pain and cold medicine Sophia was holding proudly towards him.

"Well done Sophia!" He praised, taking the bag as she beamed in pride at him.

"I also found some crayons and coloring books; can we find a way to use those?" Dale smiled at the young girl's enthusiasm.

"Absolutely Sophia, we can use everything. No doubt you and Carl came make good use of those books and crayons."

Before she could respond, a hissing filled the air. Walkers began descending through the cars, hissing and rushing towards what instinct told them was a fresh meal.

"Old man, take 'phia and git to thet RV." Daryl instructed, pushing Sophia towards the older man. Dale nodded and immediately began leading Sophia back towards the RV, where Sophia could be safely hidden from the walkers. Immediately Daryl began moving silently around the cars, trying to make his way to where Carol and Lori had been searching through cars. He was forced to stop when he ran into T-dog, who was bleeding profusely from a wound on his arm. Quickly Daryl ripped part of the sleeve off T-dog's shirt and tied it around the make shift bandage T-dog had already tied. Just in time, he killed a single walker wondering amiably towards them and slung the body over T-dog, making sure his wound was well-covered.

But before he could continue his search for Carol, another walker followed by several more began stumbling towards him. Quickly and silently, Daryl shoved a knife to the walker's brain and pulled the body down on top of himself, successfully masking himself from the walkers as they stumbled around him.

Daryl was forced to wait several long minutes until he was sure the walkers had passed by, but then the air was shattered by a piercing scream.


"Dale! Sophia!"

Daryl slid out from under the body of the walker just as Glenn approached their hiding spot, shouting out "Daryl! T-dog!" Something had gone very wrong.

"Here!" Daryl shouted, and Glenn came running towards him. "ya get Rick and Shane over 'ere, T-dog's been hurt bad."

"That's not the only problem, Dale and Sophia are missing. Carl saw at least two walkers chasing them into the woods." Horrified, Daryl took off, shouting over his shoulder to Glenn to get T-dog help. He was met at the RV by Rick, Shane, Carol, Carl, Lori and Andrea, the latter two comforting Carol with arms around her shoulders.

"Daryl, we were just about to-" Daryl cut Rick off, pulling his crossbow off his back and holding it was practiced ease.

"Forget it, I'll find 'em. Ya'll need to be checkin' on T-dog."

"I'll go with you," Andrea offered, "you'll need someone to back you up." Carol laid a hand on Daryl's arm, trying to ignore the hard muscles under her palm. "Be careful out there." Her eyes were damp and Daryl clenched his teeth, refusing to meet her gaze.

While he didn't look happy about, Rick finally nodded and led the rest of them past the RV, moving quickly towards where Glenn was helping T-dog.

Daryl wasted no time, leaping over the guard rail and disappearing into the woods with Andrea close behind him.

The last rays of sunlight were just beginning to sink over the horizon when noise from the woods had everyone on their feet, guns ready in case walkers stumbled out of the forest. When Daryl appeared, snarling at Andrea for "stompin' like a damn elephant", the group relaxed, but their hopes diminished when they realized Dale and Sophia were not with them.

"Did you find anything?" Rick directed to Daryl. Growling, the hunter ignored his questions and stomped off through the cars into the dark, leaving a befuddled group behind him. Seeking answers, they group turned to Andrea, who sighed loudly and dramatically.

"We found nothing, just some footprints giving us an idea of which direction, but no Dale or Sophia yet. I'm sorry Carol." She directed the last part towards the older woman. Carol shook her head.

"It's not anyone's fault. We never could have known those walkers would sneak up on us like they did." Lori slipped to Carol's side and hugged her comfortingly.

"She's not alone out there. We'll find them both. We need a plan for going out in the morning; we can't just leave them out there." Lori's eyes met Rick's, silently pleading. He nodded at her.

"We head out first thing in the morning. We'll split into two teams and go opposite ways to cover more ground." No one spoke, absorbing Rick's words and praying they would find their missing group members before walkers did.


"I had a feeling I'd find you out here."

Instantly Daryl had his crossbow in the air, arrow notched and ready to defend him against a sudden walker attack. Instead, he found himself facing very familiar blue eyes.

"The hell ya doin' out here Carol? Tryin' ta git yerself killed or somethin'?"

"Sorry," Carol shrugged, even though she didn't look sorry in the slightest. "I came to talk to you. About Sophia." Daryl stiffened, his eyes immediately dropping away from her and onto the ground, waiting for anger and rejection.

"It's not your fault Daryl. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. It's not your fault this happened. I'm just thankful neither of them is alone. They'll look out for each other, and Dale would never let anything happen to Sophia."

"She'd been better off away from me. Iffin' it weren't fer me she woulda been safe an' away from danger." Carol stepped closer to him, causing him to look up and meet her gaze.

"You know that's not true. She's safer with you than anyone else Daryl. There's no one I trust more with my daughter than you." Her cheeks turned red then, and she ducked her head, arms folded across her chest.

"I'm a horrible person Daryl. I-I thought… well, I don't know what I was thinking. All I wanted was to keep her safe. I didn't think about-" she stopped suddenly, sniffling softly.

"I didn't think about what I was doing, keeping her away."

"Ain't got a clue whatcha talkin' about woman." Daryl told her, trying to figure out what exactly Carol had done that had her tripping over her words.

"It's time you knew the truth about Sophia, Daryl, and I'm sorry it's taken this long. Just know that I only wanted to protect her." She took a deep breath, tightening her arms around herself.

"Daryl, Sophia she… she's your daughter. You are her biological father."