Hi everyone. First off I am a liar and I am sorry. One week came and went with computer crashes, midterms, and just life in general and this went on the back burner. I will try and do better for next time! So here is the next chapter! The long awaited reunion. I spent a lot of time imagining such a major and integral meeting. I went back and watched a lot of episodes to try and get a fresh feel of Arthur and Merlin when they fight, forgive and joke. So I like how it turned out but I imagine many people thought of different ways of this going- I hope you like mine anyway! Also Harry point of view! I'm not sure how important I want the Harry potter characters to be yet so let me know. Lots of feels but next chapter - BAMF!Merlin. More action~!
Merlin turned to take in the voice he had been dreaming about hearing for a millennia.
"Arthur!" Merlin became completely oblivious to the yelling and sudden noise increase around him. He stood up and set his foot on the throne behind him, hand in front of him and vaulted over the table. Mere centimetres from a plate of potatoes. He raced down the steps and basically body checked Arthur. Who seemed to be expecting it. Strong arms found their way around his shoulder and waist and squeezed hard. Merlin knew he was crying. He couldn't even find it in him to be embarrassed. His best friend was back.
He heard chuckling in his ears and Arthur pulled back from him, hands moving to rest on his shoulders.
"Merlin. Don't be such a girl. Don't think crying like one is going to get you out of trouble either! Oh-no." Merlin could hear that Arthur was trying to be stern and teasing but his eyes were full of relief, much like he imagined his were.
Chapter 9
A few minutes earlier
"I can't believe you could be so foolish Harry! Honestly, what were you thinking?" Hermione demanded. She was leaning in towards Harry over the table with scowl firmly in place. He chanced a glance to Ron who was avoiding both of their faces and was looking towards the door. Harry didn't blame him for avoiding Hermoine's glare but he did for avoiding his, some friend he griped internally. He could use some support here.
"I don't see why you're mad, I mean it's not like I haven't used the cloak before." He tried, keeping his voice low to avoid eavesdroppers; though the hall was rumbling with both the students and the teachers voices. All chatting about the king, who was not here yet and with all this going he couldn't blame them. They had been given quite the set of rules in the common room. First and foremost was to avoid the blonde ruler; no approaching him, no trying to talk to him, not even to look at him for too long. This told them how terrified the teachers were. Harry was just glad they could leave the great hall. Being confined to their common rooms wasn't much of an improvement though. Professor McGonagall had made it quite clear how precarious their position was. Seeing the armour move around the halls without the headmasters permission was evidence of that, Dumbledore was no longer in control of Hogwarts. The thought sent Harry's mind spinning in grief, and in some deep crevice Harry tried his best to ignore, he felt joy blooming. When a sharp pain sent his hand to his forehead. His home could be lost, his arch enemy was out there planing to take over the world and no one would listen, and now his scar was flaring up again. Harry was tempted to ask if things could get worse but with his luck, they would.
"Harry! Are you listening to me?" Hermione waved a hand in front of his face with an irritated look. He tried to look sheepish, a little tired and made is hand rub his forehead more gently; trying to hide the gesture for what it was. Hermione caught it though.
"Is your scar hurting again?" That caught Ron's attention.
"You alright mate?" The red head turned toward him, "Is it you-know-who again?" Ron looked around the hall once again before settling on Harry with a nervous look.
"I don't know. Just a little flash, probably from the lack of sleep and all this yelling." Harry made a point to look at Hermione who huffed, eyes still concerned though.
"Harry, I'm just trying to keep you and him safe. How could you sneak out during the break. To send a letter to snuffles none the less. You know how dangerous that is, and what if you were caught by one of those guards?"
"I need to talk to him, he needs to know what's going on!" Harry whispered angrily.
"What he needs is to stay hidden! He's part of the... He knows what's going on or will. Dumbledore would tell everyone outside soon enough." She shot back.
"Do you think my parents know yet?" Ron asked. His eyes darting to the staff table.
"I mean, the ministry obviously knows, what do you think they'll do? He kicked the bloody minister of magic outta the castle, they're not going to take that." Hermione gave Ron a soft a look,
"Your parents probably know by now. Your dad is in the ministry, he'll know what ever they plan to do. Harry wasn't the only one to get a letter out I'm sure." She cast a look to the Slytherin table. "I'm more concerned about what's going to happen when this all gets out. The parents will most likely demand to take their kids out of Hogwarts, and what about King Arthur. What will they do about him? He didn't let us go for Hogsmeade, do you think he will let everyone leave?"
"He seemed pretty happy with the idea of everyone leaving last night. He wasn't happy to see us all here." Harry returned. There was so much to consider. This was bigger than Voldemort. The world would be beside themselves when news got out. The chatter in the hall kept their conversation seemingly quiet, everyone was huddled in groups talking about the same things most likely.
"What do you think he's going to do? I mean he's back from the bloody dead! With that kinda thing he has to have a lot of power or something." Ron's nervous glance zeroed in on Harry. "Do you think you-know-who or the death eaters have something to do with it?" Harry took a gulp at that. He didn't want to think back to the graveyard, his nightmares took him there too often, but it was eerie. Voldemort being raised from the dead and months later a mythical king, no King Arthur, rising from the grave? That was too coincidental for him. Hermoine and him shared a fearful look, both understanding the potential consequences for such a thing.
"How though? Harry, you said you-know-who needed your blood and his body to do it. Where would they get King Arthur's body and whose blood would they need?"
"I don't know Hermoine, but him taking over Hogwarts, basically the only safe haven, just when Voldemort," he ignored it when Ron and Hermoine flinched, "is risen, the only place where Dumbledore has almost supreme power? It can't be a coincidence. If it's not, if Dumbledore has no more power over the castle,"
"Were sitting ducks." She finished.
"We need to talk to Dumbledore. We need to know what the... order... has planned." He whispered conspiratorially. Both Hermoine and Ron gave him grave nods.
"I don't think he'll tell us Harry. We've been kept out of all the major plans." Hermione told him gently.
"I know. I want answers, we're part of the order, we need to know. We have to try, I can't just sit and do nothing Hermione. Ron are you in?"
"You can count on me." Ron answered, a serious look masking Ron's previous worry.
"I'm coming, heaven only knows what the pair of you could get in to." Hermione huffed.
"We could die," Ron started with a smile,
"Or worse, Expelled!" Harry finished, with mock horror.
"Oh shut up." She laughed, breaking the tension.
"We can sneak out after dinner under my cloak, we can head up to his office. Maybe after try and follow the...king." Harry winced at the term, it was weird calling someone that; and if this was some kind of plot by Voldemort who knew if he really was king Arthur? His friends nodded. They needed to know what was going on. With that settled he turned to look at the other tables, the teachers in particular. He tried to catch Dumbledore's gaze but no such luck. A scowl worked it's way onto Harry's face. He would have answers tonight.
"Maybe we can talk about the thing I mentioned earlier? The study group?" Hermione mentioned tentatively.
"You mean the one where I teach everyone the apparent limitless skills I have?" He returned with a little bite.
"Easy mate," Ron started only to be cut off by Hermoine,
"Harry, the world we know is literally falling down around us. You-kno," She took a deep breath, "Voldemort, is back. Now an ancient king is sitting having dinner with us, the castle, Hogwarts, might no longer be a school! The ministry might invade any day and who knows what will happen then. We need all the help we can get. Classes are officially on hold until were told otherwise and we are confined to our towers. Can you at least think about this? All you have to do is help us a bit, give us some spells and tips." He could see her eyes were determined. Harry took a deep breath and let it out in a shaky exhale. He let his eyes wonder to the rest of the Griffindor table, at least it would only be members of his own house. As crazy as they thought he was they were better than some of the other houses. He wanted his friends safe. If he wanted them safe he had to do all he could. Hermione was right, he didn't know what tomorrow could bring and if a couple spells could help his friends get through it then he could do that.
"Fine. Tonight we can go over some stuff after we talk to Dumbledore and tail king Arthur." Ron gave him a shoulder shove and grinned, "Alright mate!" Hermione was flashing a bright smile and pushed her bushy hair away from her face, "Excellent. I'll let everyone in Griffindor know later then."
It was moments later when the food arrived that they dug in and realized that the main attraction was missing.
"Where do you think he is?" Ron asked around a mouthful of potatoes.
"Maybe he's eating in his room?" Harry responded, looking at the confused, but relieved looks at the teachers table. Hermione just pursed her lips and kept eating. Most likely thinking on it and the many possibilities. They were far from the only gossipers. The chatter in the hall only rose as the moments ticked by, only to drop to an eerie quiet.
It took Harry a moment to realize why the hall suddenly started to quiet. He looked towards the door thinking the king had come in, but when he realized no one was there he followed the looks to the teachers table. A young man, probably a few years older than him had taken a seat in the headmasters chair; throne, Harry corrected himself. He had dark and ruffled brown hair, bright blue eyes and was wearing muggle clothes. Harry didn't recognize him but he knew the clothes were muggle for sure, not the strange idea of muggle clothes that wizards thought helped them blend in. He had nearly laughed himself unconscious when Ron and his family had dressed up to go out to London one day after the trial. It was unbelievable that they fit in better wearing their casual wizard outfits then when they try to fit in. How hard was it to grab a t-shirt and some jeans? This guy was definitely wearing muggle clothes, the rich and stylish ones. That raised the question of why and who? Everyone in the hall was staring. Harry wondered how many people were actually going to be joining them this year. It was getting ridiculous, shouldn't there be a limit to how much they had to deal with in one year?
Taking a seat in the gold throne the guy and Dumbledore seemed to start having a staring contest and quiet conversation, as quiet as the hall was they still couldn't hear what they were saying. The teachers seemed shocked though. That's when everyone started speculating. It seemed Harry wasn't the only one to recognize how muggle he looked. He chanced a glance at Hermione who was deep in thought, staring intently at the guy. He let his eyes wander over the hall to see who, if anyone, knew more than he did. He zeroed in on a younger girl in Hufflepuff called out,
"He's Mark Emrys! A famous muggle, my older sister had lots of posters of him!" This snapped the room alive. A muggle celebrity? Harry tried to make sense of it and eyes darted around as more people started shouting. The guy didn't seem bothered by it though; still staring intently at Dumbledore. All too easily his hand gripped his wand again, it was going to be embedded in his hand if these things kept happening. He wasn't the only nervous one. The teachers were looking down right frightful to angry. Something was going on up there and he wanted to know what. He reached over and gripped Hermione's arm,
"Do you know who this guy is? I didn't get to watch TV." Both Ron and Hermione turned to him. Ron as clueless as him though.
"He looks familiar, I've definitely seen him on TV but I'm not sure what for. What I'm interested in is Dumbledore. Look. He knows who he is, who he really is." Her voice was a sharp whisper. They all turned to take in the hard staring contest between their headmaster and the stranger. Dumbledore looked exceptionally serious; his face scrunched in hard lines, and eyes trained on the guy, like no one else mattered. He was also sitting in the kings chair, so who was this guy? Just as the room started humming with tension the hall doors pushed open. The king, Sir Gwaine and three guards walked in and took in the scene. Everyone was surprised by the guy's sudden jump over the table and dash down the centre isle, but it was overshadowed by the yell of "Merlin!" and "Arthur!"
The yell of these two names flowed through the entire hall. Everyone went from relatively quiet to uproar in seconds.
Hermione gasped beside him but she was far from the only one. A part of him screamed, not the Merlin but then again, that was the King Arthur. He couldn't make out what everyone else was yelling about but he was sure some were yelling he was the Merlin and other arguing he wasn't; because really, what were the odds?! Not to mention he was hardly older than them! Merlin was old, like Dumbledore old. There was no way, no way, this guy was the famous old wizard. Because how. How? Harry wanted to be one of the ones to say no he couldn't possibly be the most famous wizard to ever live in both the wizard and muggle communities. The one who they had movies, books, and legends about. It just wasn't possible, even in the magic community.
However, the way the guy and King Arthur met, hugging like best friends, it was possible. Sir Gwaine was even smiling wide and laughing. This was the oldest ghost in the castle, he had vouched for the young king, and if the ghost and king were from hundreds of years ago. Well, odds were so was this guy. Harry was learning to not be such a skeptic. Harry turned to look at the teachers table.
Dumbledore looked slightly confused, but looked no less wise for it. McGonagall looked as shocked as he felt, her eyes were wide and darted between the young men hugging in the isle and Dumbledore. Snape on his other side, Harry narrowed his eyes at him, looked angry and was focusing intently on them. If that was anything to go on Harry might just like them. Eyes glancing over to the Slytherin table he made out a shocked but calculating Malfoy. He made a mental note to keep an eye on him, the prat might just try something. The last thing Harry, or anyone, needed was Malfoy to be friends with the most powerful wizard on earth. He contented himself with the fact that no one with a good and wise reputation like Merlin could be friends with Malfoy. Satisfied that everyone seemed as shocked as he was he looked to Hermione. She also had a calculating look on her face but it was slowly becoming one of wonder; most likely coming to the same conclusion he just did. They shared a shocked but smiling look. No way. No way were they meeting the most famous wizard in history. They both turned to Ron who was gaping, he turned to them with his jaw hanging open.
"Guess the phrase 'Merlin's Beard' isn't too accurate, eh?"
Arthur kept his hands on Merlin's shoulders. He had never been more relieved to see the idiot. The last two days had been more than he had ever dealt with. More than he ever thought he would or could deal with. While Merlin didn't suddenly make the problem disappear, he certainly made it seem bearable; Merlin just seemed to have that ability. His focus had narrowed down to Merlin when he came into the hall, and as he hugged the man he would consider his greatest friend he realized just how much he had worried he would never see him again. The man who had held him as he died and reassured him everything would be fine. He owed Merlin more than he could possibly imagine. He felt his entire body shake, there was so much he wanted to say. He would make it up to him, but for now he needed to get his feet underneath him. He loosened his grip and looked down to tease his friend, the best way he knew to make the situation better, true gratitude would come when they could sit in privacy.
"Merlin. Don't be such a girl. Don't think crying like one is going to get you out of trouble either! Oh-no." Aware of the tears still streaming down Merlin's face. He knew the quickest way to get Merlin back on his own feet was to get snarky, Merlin would always respond in kind.
"Don't let any girls hear you say that. I'd think you would know by now they can give just as good as any guy." Merlin's voice was still strained, his eyes were red, his breathing just a little too quick. Arthur smirked down at him,
"Well, look at this, already looking to cause me more trouble."
"Not a real word Merlin." Arthur squeezed Merlin's shoulder tenderly, trying to comfort him. They may have been lost in their small reunion but Arthur was slowly becoming aware of the masses of sorcerers screaming though. At them, about them, to them. He tightened his grip on Merlin and started to turn him towards the door. Gwaine was right at his shoulder still smiling and trying to talk to Merlin, but he knew Merlin's full attention was on him. He knew Merlin's eyes were filled with relief just like his, but there was fear too. He didn't want Merlin to be afraid of him. Not anymore. A smile at Gwaine and they both turned towards the doors. They could continue this back in his room, where it was quieter. The shouting only seemed to increase as they neared the door. The guards were dropping into step behind them when Albus' voice cut through the hall.
Arthur and Gwaine turned to the table on the dais, but Merlin faced the door wiping at his face; no doubt trying to hide is tears from the masses of people.
"Yes?" Arthur asked patiently.
"May I have a word with both of you?" The old man was rising from his chair to the side of his throne.
"You may later, but for now the three of us would like to catch up. You may seek audience with us at my quarters later tonight. After the ninth bell." With that Arthur turned on his heels and steered a still teary Merlin to the door. Gwaine right beside him. Voices rising as they left.
The journey up to Arthur's quarters was quicker than Merlin would have liked. His eyes were still damp but he was no longer crying. He had waited a thousand years to see Arthur again, and now, he wasn't sure what to say. Oh he had thought about it alright. Gwaine and himself had spent hours upon hours talking about what they would say to him. Now, it was all flowing away. There was just so much. He had so many apologizes on the tip of his tongue. While he had apologized for not telling Arthur he was a sorcerer right before his death, he still wanted to say it again.
Sorry for lying all those years,
sorry for not trusting him more,
sorry for not saving his life,
sorry for not saving the kingdom,
sorry for not saving Gwen,
sorry for allowing Camelot to fall,
sorry for letting sorcerers take the castle as their own.
So many apologies.
Arthur seemed happy to see him though. He knew they were still friends, best friends. He knew Arthur trusted him, and over the years he came to know that all those apologies were not his fault. Not truly. He knew that destiny worked in its own way, that certain things were meant to happen. That he could not save everyone, it was not in his ability nor was he supposed to.
He also knew Arthur would forgive him. He would understand, because being a king meant holding responsibility beyond one man. Arthur had tried to save so many people, had been forced to deal with secrets and lies, had to think of so many things all the time; no, if anyone would understand Merlin it would be Arthur.
That didn't stop the fear that his best friend might not be what he remembered. Or that he was not what his friend remembered. Not what he wanted or needed. That perhaps Arthur didn't need him as much as he needed or wanted Arthur. A part of him knew it was irrational; that he and Arthur had a destiny and were best friends, that they had faced so many things, that the true lie in their friendship had been dealt with already. He knew it was irrational, but that didn't make his steps feel easier. He had been so excited to see Arthur, he still was. He just forgot how much he had to say, and how hard some of it was going to be.
Arthur felt that he was dragging Merlin to his quarters, he didn't seem to be in a hurry. A stark difference from the table vault earlier. Arthur felt a lump at the back of his throat, maybe he shouldn't have jested right away, maybe Merlin had really needed honesty and compassion. He was so happy and relieved to see Merlin, but he was also trying to compile everything he wanted to say in his head as fast as possible. He knew he was going to start with an apology. The Gods knew he needed to. He had been a prat, a clotpole, a dollophead. Worse than that, he had been a bad friend. He could fix that now. He had time. He had died being Merlin's friend and he didn't feel that it had changed. Arthur was aware that Gwaine had attempted to make idle conversation on the way but he soon realized that his friends minds were elsewhere and gave up, just whistling merrily as they went. The heavy footsteps of the guards giving them a pace.
They arrived at the painting of Camelot and all three of them stopped and for a minute they just watched the painting move in a companionable silence. The caravan seemed to be in a perpetual circle in and out of the castle, the guards doing their continued rounds and the sky a perfectly clear day. It was a master piece to be sure. Arthur still disliked not having a physical door but he could appreciate the painting.
Quickly all three entered and shuffled into the room. The lumbering guards taking their positions outside his door. Gwaine hovered by the entrance.
"Since neither of you ate, I'll head down to the kitchen and get some food." He smiled at them brightly, his eyes reflecting the same happy relief Arthur's did. Arthur nodded at him and turned to Merlin. Merlin went and took a look around the room. Arthur watched as he swept a hand over the table, the bed post and finally looking out the window.
"Remember when you dropped me out that window?" Arthur asked lightly, humor coloring his tone. He couldn't even be mad looking back at it. Merlin chuckled,
"Your fault for not getting long enough rope." He returned.
"Oh, 'I'm stronger than I look'. Uh-huh." Arthur joked as he joined Merlin by the window.
He looked out over the courtyard, glowing in the last bits of sunset. It was slightly more worn than he remembered, the stone no longer the gleaming white, more of a dark grey. The village gone, but the lands a beautiful rolling green, some glass buildings were situated where he remembered the stables being; he would have to ask Gwaine for the story again. A small hut was nestled by the forest, the forest itself seemed closer than it used to be; most likely from the lack of farms. That brought the question of how they fed the castle. Another one to be filed away to be asked at a more convenient time. The number one question he had for Merlin was what the hell the giant lake monster was. He figured he could ask that after they got the more awkward yet important things off their chests. After a few minutes the companionable silence started to become tense, he knew Merlin wanted to talk just as much as he did. The moments stretched on as Arthur finally put the pieces to what he wanted to say together. As the sun disappeared and the darkness cast its long shadows onto the castle Arthur found his resolve.
One thing Arthur could never be called was a coward.
"Merlin. I'm sorry." Arthur jumped right in. Merlin turned to look at him with wide eyes, mouth open to interrupt, "No, let me finish. I know we came to terms with your magic when I was dying, but I want you to know... I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I should have listened. I should have given you a chance. While I still don't trust magic completely, I trust you. I know that whatever you did, both before and after my death was hard. I don't blame you for anything, I consider you my best friend, and whatever comes next I know we can get through this working together." Arthur continued to stare at Merlin and watched the emotions flicker over his face. Settling on relief and happiness.
Merlin felt his chest release and a deep breath wooshed out. He hadn't realized he had been holding his breath. Knowing he would be accepted and hearing it were two vastly different things. The instant relief and happiness had him smiling widely. He took another deep breath and decided it was his turn,
"Thank you Arthur. I'm sorry too, I should have trusted you more and you had every reason to think the worst; you have had some pretty bad experiences with magic." They both took a second to smirk at that, they had more than they could count. "I'm sorry for so many things I can't change, we both are, but it's not going to fix anything. I'd like to say we faced worse but, I think this might be it. I'm not sure what you want to do next Arthur but...I want you to know I'll always be there for you. You are my best friend." Merlin smiled at Arthur, a relaxing silence settling between them. Feeling peace settle in place of worry and fear.
"Now that the chick-flick is over who's hungry?" Gwaine's humored voice shocked them both out of the calm moment. Neither having heard him come in.
"Chick-flick?" Arthur questioned. Merlin and Gwaine only laughed at him and headed towards the table.
"We have sooo much to catch you up on." Merlin told him, snatching a sandwich off the tray and taking a ridiculously large bite. Arthur just shook his head and went to sit at the table with the ghost and warlock.
As they dug into their food Arthur relaxed against his seat. He may have drawn the short straw when it came to luck but there was no one else he would rather be with. Merlin sat back as well with an easy smile as he accepted a glass of water from Gwaine. Merlin seemed happy and more content than Arthur remembered seeing him since long before the Saxons. One less thing to worry about. He took in Gwaine's ghostly form and made a promise to himself that it was one more thing they would solve. Whether to help their friend move on or regain a human form. He was raised from the dead, in a way, wasn't he? He was sure together the three of them could manage it. They would sort this craziness out, like they did every other time. Grabbing a sandwich for himself he turned to his spectral friend.
"So Gwaine, tell me again what happened to the stables?"
End Chapter
Hey! So I hope you liked it! Arthur and Merlin give me a lot of feels. This should be the end of the sad and angst part, Onwards to humour and absolute bad ass Merlin! Hint- DRAGONS~ Like always let me know what you think so I can get started while its all still fresh :) Here is some hints for the next few chapters. I don't like to do more than a few POV a chapter so these are just going to be set right here. ;)
As the sun dropped and the darkness spread over the castle a rat scurried in right beneath the armoured guards foot. Dashing in under the cracked and worn door he hurried up and down the old stair wells and through the secret passages; knowledge of them from years of sneaking around both as a rat and a student. He knew well enough to avoid the Griffindor common room, but that wasn't his aim this time. He had much to look for and one human in particular.
The Daily Prophet was in chaos, the story they were printing was almost beyond reason. The editors were dashing back and forth, flying letters filled the air space, quills scratched away reports on their own and the floo networks were exploding as reporters dashed in and out with information and rumours.
"I've got it!" screamed one young witch as burst in through one of the fireplaces in a swash of green flames. "I've got the ministries comments and pictures of the castle! Hogwarts is in possession of Dumbledore and a madman! The minister himself was forcibly dragged from the castle! The students are being locked away and the ministry and their Aurors are making their move in 2 days!" All eyes in the room turned to her as she dashed down one of the main isles waving paper, magic quill following after her. The witch darted around a mail trolley and pushed into the editors main office.
"I've got it!" Slapping her note pad and camera onto the desk of her superior she smiled and huffed trying to catch her breath. The editor picked up her notes and smiled,
"Our biggest story yet: "Dumbledore, Danger to all. Hogwarts a hostage!""
~Review~... Please :3