Chapter 1

It started out a beautiful night. The sky was clear of any clouds that could cover the lit up sky. Stars shined brightly as they twinkled billions of miles from earth. There was a soft wind that whispered to all. The trees responded with their own reply as the many nocturnal things sung back. It was just peaceful. Amongst the peacefulness laid a body. Blood lay all around it, soaking the earth with its preciousness. Something shadowy appeared. His eyes took in the sight of the body and smiled in recognition. Such a beautiful flower, delicate and precious lay wasting away in a grassy field. How appropriate. Picking up the body, he took her away far from the place she was left to die.


She was dead. She knew she should be but she could feel her heart beat. Taking a deep breath, she nearly faltered in the action due to the pain. Opening her indigo eyes, she squinted at the light. Blinking multiple times, she finally saw a ceiling. The last thing she saw was a starry night that even the most gifted artist couldn't remake. Confused beyond belief, she slowly rolled her head to the side. She was in a room. The room was a light purple and in the corner sat an oak chest near the door. The satin sheets were soft against her naked skin, and strangely she wasn't worried that she was naked. The room was plain, as far as she could tell.

The door opened. A dark figure walked in. Her purity immediately spiked at the evil coming from this person but it was weaker than usual. When they walked into the light, she registered who it was. Sighing deeply, she turned her head away to look at the ceiling. He stopped at her bed.

"Ah I see the pretty flower has awakened." He spoke in a low baritone. His red eyes held amusement as his voice was taunting.

Slanting her eyes toward him, she blinked before returning her eyes to the ceiling.

"Are we not speaking?" he asked as some of his darkness seeped into her.

Her purity immediately rose up and blocked most of it away. Still the part her purity couldn't get to because she was weak seeped into her body slowly. She shuddered at cold darkness entering her body yet there was familiarity there as well like it touched the very essence of something deep within. A smile appeared on his face.

"Do you know what happened little flower?" He asked with a taunting smirk.

She shook her head. She should have been dead.

"You were ambushed. Your attackers were friends of the dead thing that walks Japan. She hired them to take you out of the picture, but she didn't expect you to defend yourself against them." He said nodding his head in agreement with his own words. He was impressed with her. She held her own against five monks and four mikos. That was something. "When they couldn't defeat you, she sent in the one you loved. He fought you. The damage he did to your body is ever present. Anyway, he left you for dead."

The memories flashed before her eyes. He had fought her and the whole time yelled insults. She would never be good enough in his eyes. And that hurt. Forever remaining a shadow of a dead woman who was supposed to be dead. Anger and rage rose up in her body like a wild fire. How could he leave her to die? After all they had been through? As she continued to think on those thoughts, he let more of his darkness pour into her. She wouldn't fight him now. There was already so much in her, he discovered as he had come in her room to check up on her. Sure her body fought it but it seemed to accept it too.

"Come flower it is time you get some Sun." he said moving closer to the bed.

Picking her up with the sheet, he carried her out the room to the hall. Making his way down twist and turns, he arrived at the gardens. Placing her down on her feet, he watched her take a few wobbly steps toward the koi pond. Dropping to her knees softly, she looked at herself. What she saw horrified her. Claw slashes ran from her left eye to her chin, many little punctures lay across her right one from him digging his claws into her. Moving the sheet, she looked at her body. From her shoulders down to her ankles, claws marks sat. Random patterns lay across her thighs. The fleshy scars looked healed over but still ready to burst at an amount of strain. And what she couldn't see on her back was the word forever engraved into her skin. 'Dead' The jagged letters from an arrow stuck out the most against her skin. He wondered, if she had seen what her back said what she would do.

Tears filling her eyes, rage boiling her blood, she smacked the reflection and stood. The fish scattered from the sudden disturbance to the water. The sheet tightly wrapped around her body, she looked to the sky. He was going to pay. They all were going to pay. He would be the first to die and that was a promise. Unknown to her, the male was slowly slipping in more and more of his dark nature. He was excited. His eyes took in the acceptance with a grin. This flower was going to do dark things when he was done with her. She'd come to love the smell of war and the taste of blood. She'd love the power that would course through her veins.

"What do you want to do flower?" he asked.

"What are you planning? You wouldn't have brought me here if you didn't want something, so speak." She demanded.

He smirked.