A quick one-shot I thought of during break. Enjoy!

Eli Shane leans on the rail of the terrace and sighs. Last week, they had Black in custody. Now, all of Slugterra was in danger because he'd escaped. Eli felt as if the world weighed on his shoulder.

His friends counted on him. Everyone counted on him. Eli was supposed to lead them to victory. How could he if he didn't even know how? He wished his father was here.

"You wanna talk about it, E?" The last Shane didn't need to turn around. He knew of only a few who called him 'E'. His best friend Trixie was one of them.

"It's nothing. Just under a lot of pressure," Eli says quietly. Trixie walks towards the rail.

"We're all with you, Eli. You're not going through this alone," She says as she rests a hand on his shoulder. Eli nods knowingly.

"I still feel like most of the responsibility is on me."

Trixie smiles sympathetically. "I'm not going to lie; you're right."

Eli frowns at the fading light. The two slingers stay silent. Darkness falls quickly. Trixie pushes herself from the rail.

"It's getting late. We should head back inside," The red head says. Eli stares into the darkness.

"What's going to happen? After the war, I mean," Eli asks. Trixie watches him closely.

"Assuming we win? Kord'll probably become a famous mechanic. Pronto might be a navigator," Trixie starts. Eli shakes his head solemnly.

"If we don't win," He says.

"We will win. Black's got nothing on us." Eli turns around to face her. He grits his teeth in a grimace.

"I tried telling myself that but eventually, I had to face the truth. We are going to lose, Trixie. We're going to lose everything. Black is stronger."

"No, E-"

"It's the truth! We should just give up before…Before someone gets hurt," He screams, fading at the end. Eli suddenly feels his legs buckle and he falls to his knees, placing his hands in front of him.

"It's already over and we've lost," He whispers. Trixie kneels in front of him. She sighs deeply.

"What's gotten into you? Where's that hope you've always had?" Trixie mumbles. He exhales shakily.

"Black destroyed it."

"No, he didn't. The truth, Eli, I want the truth."

Eli looks up with tears in his eyes.

"I finally realized all I had. I couldn't live with myself if any of you got hurt. How am I going to lead everyone into battle if I can't destroy Black? I'd be leading you to your death," He says quietly. Trixie tilts her head.

"I think I speak for the whole gang when I say 'We'd follow you to the grave'." Eli drops his head again.

"I don't want you to follow me to the grave! I-I…I care about you too much, Trixie. You guys are all I've got left," Eli states. He lets a tear fall and they just keep coming.

Trixie stares at him in shock before gripping his shoulder. Eli feels a hand lift his head and he's suddenly staring into her eyes.

"And we're not leaving anytime soon." He smiles lopsidedly at her. Eli stands up with some help from Trixie.

"You can't lose hope, Eli. If we give up we're as good as dead," Trixie says logically.

"I don't know if I have any hope left," Eli mumbles.

"I'll just have to have hope for you," Trixie says. He grins sadly and hugs her. She momentarily loses her train of thought before hugging him back.

"Thanks, Trix," Eli whispers. Trixie tightened her hold as he did the same.

"Anytime, E." They let go and walk slowly back inside.