I have been watching too much NCIS... That is all you need to know. And my Renegade Shepard seems the type to have rules like Gibbs does. If you want me to do other crew mates rules then ask.
Some of the rules are from NCIS but have been altered slightly.
Lt. Commander Caterina Shepard was, as always in her usual spot before her shift started, the mess table, sipping black coffee. Except there was a slight change this time. This time, Shepard was working on a datapad, furiously typing something up. Which was somewhat strange, thought Alenko to himself as he made himself some coffee. He knew Shepard didn't do reports in the morning and she was usually a creature of habit. Kaidan went to his usual spot across from Shepard and began checking his omni-tool for messages.
"Lieutenant." Said Shepard briefly as a curt greeting, which was normal, Shepard was all business on duty, no nonsense. Kaidan returned the greeting with a brief 'Ma'am' and a curt nod.
" If you are going to ask, ask away Alenko." The sudden statement caused Alenko to jump slightly as the green eyes began drilling him. That was something he was never going to get used to. Shepard clearly was a master of body language, able to ananlyse it easily, no matter how closed somebody was. After a beat or two of silence Shepard muttered an explannation. "You have that curious look on your face. The one where you really want to ask something but you feel like you'd end up with a boot up your rear."
"It just feels like prying Ma'am."
"I pry you after every mission and ask about your past. You can return the favor Alenko."
"Okay. What are you writing? Because I know you don't do reports in the morning, Ma'am." Shepard smirked.
"Always attentive to detail, aren't you Alenko? Good quality. And it is a list of rules, thought I'd finally write them down."
"Rules? You mean the ones you keep quoting at me and the crew?"
"Yes, those rules. Rules my father and Drill Sergerant taught me. Didn't your father teach you a few from his days serving?"
"Yeah but only two. Always carry a knife and Never mess with a marine's coffee."
"Rules nine and twenty three? Good choice. Do you obey them?" Kaidan reached down to his boot and pulled out a knife from a sheath he had inside the boot. Caterina quirked an eyebrow in amusement as he put it back. "Clever and a little naughty since the knife is not metalic, meaning you can take it with you past weapon scanners." Shepard tutted in a light-hearted manner, a wry smile on her lips.
"Rule number 4, don't always rely on your Biotics, Omni-tool or/and guns." Quoted Alenko.
"You have your own set of rules, Alenko?"
"Only five of them, Ma'am. Why? How many do you have?"
"About 50." Said the Commander simply, causing Kaidan to splutter slighty.
"Damn, I can see why you are writing them down."
"Don't worry I know them all off by heart, I was thinking about teaching you and the rest of the team them. Then you know what I am going on about." Shepard then slid the pad across to Alenko, who took it as a cue to read the rules.
1. Never screw over a Teammate
1a. Do screw over a Teammate, IF, they screw you over first.
2. Don't lie to a teammate or CO.
3. Don't believe what you are told, Double check.
4. Never be unreachable.
5. Don't waste Talent.
6. Saying sorry is a sign of weakness.
7. Be specific when you lie.
8. Don't take anything for granted.
9. Always carry a knife.
10. If personally involved in a assignment/mission. Walk away.
11. When you've done your orders, walk away.
12. Never date a co-worker.
13. Never, ever, ever, ever involve politcions.
14. Know your limits.
15. Always work as a team.
16. If someone thinks they have the upper hand, snap/shoot it off.
17. Know your team's limits
18. Better to seek forgiveness than ask permission.
19. Everyone is a suspect until proven otherwise.
20. If your CO tells you to stay out of something, then do so
21. If you are certain you can help your CO, forget about Rule 20.
22. Never distract your CO when they are interrograting someone.
23. Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live or keep all your limbs.
24. Try not to let Laywers get involved.
25. Don't give interviews to Reporters
26. Resist the urge to punch polictions... even if they deserve it
27. Two ways to follow someone. Uno. They never notice you. Due. They only notice you.
28. Always have a plan B, C, D, E and F
29. If you come up with a plan Z then you are overthinking or Paranoid
30. Know when to question your superiors.
31. Know when to stand up to your superiors.
32. Punching/stabbing things always make you feel better.
33. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, it's easier to stab them in the back then.
34. If you are going to bitch about someone in another language, make sure they don't know it first.
35. Always watch the Watchers.
36. If you think you are being played/used. Then you most likely are.
37. Always obey the Medical Doctor. She/He knows more about medicine than you do.
38. Your case, your lead.
39. No such thing as concidence or a small world/galaxy.
Emergancy rules
40. If it seems someone is out to get you, then they are.
41. Only make a backroom deal in the direst of situations
42. Never accept an apology from someone who just suckerpunched you.
43. Buildings, posessions, vechiles and gear can be rebuilt or replaced. People CAN NOT.
44. First things first, hide the non-combatants and children.
45. You make a mess... you clean it up.
46. If you know something bad is going to go down and no one believes you and will not let you stop it. Stop it from happening anyway.
47. The needs of many, outweigh the needs of one.
48. If someone kills friend or family, make them pay for it... with interest.
49. If the situation is really, really bad. Fuck the rules.
50. Sometimes you are wrong.
"Dare I ask about Rule 34, Commander?"
"No, Lieutenant. You may not."
"Understood Ma'am. "
"Good now pass it back, I need to send this to the rest of the team."