
Intro to Grave New World

"We're crashing a party," he heard Aria's soft, yet trying to sound tough voice say to the other girls. He watched them from the alley he was peeking out of while they disappeared into the costume shop. It was a wonder they hadn't seen him. He had to admit, it wasn't the best sleuthing he'd ever done. He got a little lost after hearing Carla Grunwald's words. "He's here" echoed through his mind like wolfs howling in the woods. He glanced over his shoulder to see the girls talking to a sales woman before crossing the street, shaking his covered head.

It happened. Those girls found the lair. A voice in the back of his head kept saying "You know it would happen sooner or later." He and his partner in crime had tried to keep them out as best as they could. But of course, the biggest trouble maker he had ever met in his life struck again. Alison DiLaurentis. He just knew she had lead them there. He wasn't quite sure where she was now, but he had a pretty good idea of where she'd be later that night.

He stomped up the stairs, fuming more and more with each step. He could practically smell the Dior perfume Alison left behind in the stairwell; a teensy bit of him missed that smell. He dismissed all those thoughts immediately when he saw the light pouring out into the hallway from a wide open door.

He stuffed his hands deep in his pockets and looked at just about everything but the walls with Ali's pictures on them. He looked at the timelines that were slightly messed up. He looked at the tampered with computer. He looked over his shoulder to make sure one of those liars didn't come flouncing through the doorway. He did a full 360 before slamming the open closet of suits. After he heard the crashing noise, it really hit him.

They were in there. They saw everything. Alison helped them. His partner was gone. He hadn't heard a thing about one young girl in particular in a few days, which worried him. All the things they could've taken fluttered through his mind. Alison's diaries, notes with his handwriting, bank records. Hanna's boyfriend could have it traced in a matter of hours.

He could practically see the scene playing out. Caleb would tell them, Aria would already be crying whilst trying defend him as hard as she could (poor girl never could get over him), Emily would have that shell shocked expression, Spencer would be holding Aria's now full on bawling body, and he could hear Hanna's sweet voice clear as a bell.

"It's him. He's board shorts. Ezra is A."

He rubbed his temple with an index finger before having the common sense to close and double lock the door. Ali's going to tell them everything like Garrett had tried to a little over a year ago. He briefly remembered the fallen-from-grace cop's bloody body being tossed in with Aria's drugged one. He remembered another crooked cop, Wilden, screaming at a flustered Melissa Hastings. God, he was glad CeCe had taken care of him.

His mind rushed back to Alison. Would she really tell them everything? Would she throw me under the bus like that? It's not like she's completely innocent! She had lied to me, saying she was eighteen. He doubted it as he thought about it more. Alison was never one to spill every little detail about every huge secret. You had to earn it. But, he still had to hurry. He glanced down at his watch, the watch Aria had gotten him for his birthday. It was eight forty-three. The Ravenswood Celebration started in less than twenty minutes. He knew she would be there. They all would.

But he had to get to her before those precious little liars could spot the wave of her red coat. He had to get to her now. He couldn't wait for CeCe. After all, it was more her fault then his that their Emily plan fell through. He rushed to get his World War One costume on. He knew it was a risk wearing it, the liars had seen the pictures in the lair for sure, but the he had no time to get another one. He walked out the door and locked it safe and secure. CeCe had a key if she ended up coming back at all. This night was going to be a big night. He could feel it in his bones.

The search party had just begun.