(TWO THINGS: This is the very last chapter. We did write more but it was depressing and we'd rather leave it in a happier ever after idea than the realistic one. SECOND. To the douche of a guest reviewer, stop hiding behind anonymity and grow a pair if you wanna slander us. Also, grow up and get a bit of maturity to comprehend context. To everyone else thank you for the reviews and support, but this is the end of this fic.)

Chapter 13

Santana leaned over the cow that she had been checking on. One of the rescue cows had been slightly lethargic so Santana was checking her over to see if there was something medically wrong. She felt small hands playing with her pony tail as she worked.

"Momma." Grace giggled, as she put the other woman's long black hair over her own. "Long," she pointed out. Grace was being worn in the baby backpack Santana sometimes used when Grace wanted to come out to the barn but the older woman had to get some work done.

"You're right, Grace," Santana smiled, "Momma has long hair and Mae has short hair like you, right?" She asked as she looked over her shoulder to see her child's face.

"Short." She nodded and snuggled closer so she could watch over Santana's shoulder as she worked on the Cow. "Cow."

"What does a cow say, baby?" She asked.

"Moo!" Grace exclaimed, "Cow. Cow. Moo-Moo." She sang, "Moo-Moo, cow!"

"How's it going?" Quinn asked, coming around from where she'd been more supervising than helping Chien feed the animals. "Chien and I just finished up, do you want me to get some dinner started?"

"I can help Mae, Momma. Or do you want me to help with Baby-Grace?" Chien asked, clambering up the stall door to peek over the top.

"Che-Che!" Grace squeaked, and waved, "Mae!" She smiled, "Fish-Baby!" she clapped and looked back to the cow, "Moo-Moo!"

"She's very excited today," Santana smiled, "But thank you, Chien." She said coming over to them, "I think that Grace is having fun with the cows, why don't you help Mae?"

"You sure?" he asked, reaching over to muss up Grace's hair with a grin. "I can help with the cows."

Quinn laughed, "He's been good, San. Why not let him help you out? I'll take Happy there and we can go take a nap before fixing dinner up. How's that sound?"

"Nap nap?" grace asked as she looked at her mom. "Mae? Baby?" She nodded and reached for her Mae and Santana carefully took off the backpack and took Grace out.

"That sounds great." Santana smiled, "Chien wanna learn how to milk the cow? This one over here needs some help."

Chien's eyes widened, "Can I?" He scrambled up higher on the door and started to climb over, before thinking better of it and reaching for Santana with a blush, "Help me down, Momma?"

Quinn took Grace, cradling her above her rather prominent baby bump as she watched Santana helping Chien. "You two be careful and I'll buzz out on the intercom when it's time to come in to eat. Okay? Speaking of eating, any special requests?"

"Pie!" Grace exclaimed, with a smile.

"Whatever you want, preggo." Santana smiled as she put Chien down on the floor.

"You always want pie, sweetie. You need something healthy in your belly though. How about spaghetti? It's simple and I can just let it stay warm in the dutch oven in the oven until you two are ready to come in while Grace and I nap."

Grace pouted, as Santana grabbed the bucket and stool for Chien. "Sounds perfect, baby."

"We can have pie for dessert, Gracie," Quinn relented, "and fresh milk right from the cow that Chien's gonna milk for us. Do you want to help me make dinner? You can stir the sauce if you promise to be careful."

"Spoon?" She smiled, "Big?" she nodded, "Help." she wiggled in her Quinn's arms.

"She's very happy today" Santana laughed as she leaned over and kissed Quinn. "Don't work too hard okay? You promised you'd start to take it easy."

"I will," she smiled at her wife, reaching over the stall door to brush some hair back from her face. "I promise, I'll just make dinner and put it in the oven and we'll go take a nap. None of that is even half as hard as what you're doing."

Chien set the stool and bucket carefully under the cow Santana had tied for him, "Can Baby-Grace have this milk when we're done?" he asked curiously.

"Yes, but I'm not carrying a baby." Santana reminded her, "We'll be in soon." She smiled and kissed her wife again and Grace's head before heading over to Chien. "Of course, silly boy. Where do you think you and Grace's milk come from?"

"My milk doesn't come from cows," he frowned, making a grossed out face as Quinn and Grace headed inside. "Cow milk makes me feel yucky. I get milk from the goats!" He smiled up at her. "Oh! Can we maybe make ice cream with this milk? In the special bucket?"

"But you wont be able to eat it." She said as she squatted behind him and took his hands. "How about we make both kinds? Your goat's milk and this milk?" She offered as she helped him take the utter.

He shook his head, "It's okay. I want to make a special treat for you and Mae and Baby-Grace. I still have some of my ice cream from last time."

"Alright, then we will get the ice cream started after we milk," She said as she showed him how to pull and get the cow to express milk into the bucket.

He poked his tongue out the side of his mouth as he worked, carefully following Santana's demonstration as close to exactly as he could get. "I'm gonna get lots of good milk for my ladies," he nodded, pleased with himself for finding what he considered a good word for the women and girl in his life.

Santana busted out laughing, "Ladies?" She asked as she chuckled into his shoulder. "You are the man of the house." She reminded him, "You gonna be okay with sharing that responsibility with your little brother when he gets bigger?"

He nodded, but then pointed out, "I'm the big brother though. He has to listen to me. Like Robin has to listen to Nightwing. And you and Mae and Baby-Grace will be our ladies!" He grinned up at her, showing off the gape in his smile where one of his front teeth had fallen out as his adult tooth pushed in.

She chuckled again. "You are a very sweet and silly little man," she said as she kissed his head and helped him milk for awhile longer. "Milking a cow is very similar to milking the goats, but they have a tendency to be wiggly and kick so we will wait until you're a little bit bigger to do that."

"Goats like me and Baby-Grace. Maybe Baby-Grace can help when she's bigger?" He went back to finishing milking. Looking down at the bucket, he noticed it was almost full, "Is this enough to make ice cream, Momma?"

"Yep," Santana said as she got up and lifted the bucket and snapped a lid on it so she wouldn't spill any, "and Gracie can help when she's bigger. Now, what kind of ice cream do you want to make?"

"Mango!" He cheered, causing the cow to side-eye him in alarm. "Baby-Grace and Mae liked when we made mango goat ice cream."

"Then mango it is." She smiled, "Lets go get this working so we can have it with the pie tonight."

"Can I carry it?" He asked, reaching for the bucket. "We gotta cook it right? And add the mango before putting it in the special bucket, right?"

"Yep." She smiled, offering him a portion of the handle. "Let's use the barn stove, all the stuff we need is out here anyway, that way we won't get in Mae and Grace's way." She said before leading him into the back of the barn and to the small kitchen set up. She had picked up a few more staff members for the practice and expanded the back of the practice to include a full kitchen. Since it was Saturday, none of the other staff or doctors were in and she could use it for ice cream making with her son.

Chien carefully helped Santana set the bucket of milk on the counter before going and getting his stool and climbing up to get the pot to cook the milk. "Do we have mango out here, Momma?"

She moved over to the cabinet and looked. She grabbed the container that said iice cream making/i and brought it down. "We have preserved, not fresh."

"There's no more of the smooshie mango in the freezer?" He looked disappointed. "We can make peach instead?"

Santana opened the freezer, "No more smooshed just the canned stuff and that's yucky." She made a face at him, "But we have peach, blueberry and strawberry smooshed which do you think Mae and Grace would prefer?"

He thought hard, scrunching his face up. "Um... strawberry? No, peach! No... strawberry..." He looked confused for a moment, "Both?"

She chuckled and grabbed two small portions and brought them over to the counter where Chien stood. "Alright." she smiled, before setting out the tools. "Time to cook."

Chien smiled up at his mom, carefully following her instructions to make ice cream for his other mom and little sister.

Inside, the house smelled of oregano, thyme and tomatoes as the family's dinner kept warm in the oven. In Quinn and Santana's room, Quinn was stretched out on the bed, with a book in her hand as she stroked Grace's hair. Grace was sprawled on the bed beside her, with her momma's shirt pushed up so she could kiss and mumble at the baby.

"Baby soon?" Grace asked as she ran her tiny fingers over Quinn's distended flesh and protruding belly button. "Brother?" She nuzzled the warm skin and looked up at her mom.

"Not yet, sweetie," Quinn smiled down at her from behind her book. "He's still got to grow in my belly for a few more months before he's ready to come out."

"Baby sleep?" She asked as she drew little hearts into her mom's skin. "No kick." She said as she rested her chin on Quinn's stomach and looked up.

"Maybe," she agreed, reaching down to run her fingers through her daughter's hair. "Babies sleep a lot when they're growing. Just like little girls."

"Big." She smiled, "No baby." She said as she looked up. "No baby-grace."

"Yep, you're our big girl," Quinn nodded. "But you'll always be our Baby-Grace, sweetie. Especially Chien's. But you're not a baby."

"Walk?" She asked softly.

"Now?" she asked, curious but not against helping her daughter.

"Fall." She pouted and curled closer to her mother. "Hurts."

"I know it does, sweetie, but we all fall sometimes. Even Momma and me. You'll get better though." She brushed the girl's hair back, "You're already doing so much better than when you came home to your Momma and me."

"Home." She smiled, her lips breaking out into a toothy grin. "Warm." She nodded and kissed her Mae's nose.

"Definitely," Quinn grinned at her. "And this is always going to be your home, sweetie. No matter what. Do you want to try walking when your Momma and Chien come in for dinner? You can hold onto me if you want."

She nodded. "Walk..." She said curious about being able to move more than crawling a few feet and getting frustrated.

"That's right, sweetie. Just like a big girl. You can hold on to me or Momma or even Chien at first, but you'll get it." She hugged the girl, setting her book on the nightstand.

Grace nodded and put her hand on Quinn's belly. "Baby." she smiled and nuzzled her mom.

Quinn smiled and held her close. "Do you want to try napping before Chien and Momma come in?"

Grace nodded and wrapped her leg on Quinn's body so she could be as close as she could. It was the way she slept with Santana but couldn't with Quinn because she was a bit wider then her legs could go and the baby made it difficult.

"Come here," she whispered, pulling the little girl up onto her chest. "Here. You can use me as your bed while the baby is growing okay?"

"Hurt?" she asked as she breathed in Quinn's perfume.

"No, it's fine. You're little and you fit perfect," Quinn reassured her, kissing the top of her head.

She nodded "Love." she mumbled as she closed her eyes and let sleep wash over her.

"Love you too, Gracie," she whispered, kissing the top of the little girl's head as she picked her book back up and settled in to read with one arm wrapped protectively around the little girl.

Awhile later, Santana crept up into the bedroom and smiled. "So beautiful." She whispered as she looked at her wife and daughter.

"Spying on us?" Quinn asked softly, smirking up at her as she set her book down and reached up for a kiss.

Santana leaned down and kissed her softly before sitting on the edge of the bed. "It's what I do." She said softly, "Chien is watching some TV for a few minutes while I wake you up...but it seems you never slept."

"Wasn't tired enough," she shrugged. "But someone was," she added, nodding down at the little girl nestled on her chest.

"She sleeps enough for all of us." Santana said, "I think that has a lot to do with the fact that's what she did when they were in New York... and she spent the first three years of her life not being active and now she's Ivery/i active."

"She's perfect," Quinn smiled down at her, brushing a hand over her back. "She wants to practice walking."

"Does she? I hope she doesn't get frustrated and cry again... I hate when she cries." She said softly.

"I know you do, but she's only frustrated because she's not strong enough yet." she reached over to take Santana's hand and squeeze it gently. "She'll get there. Just you wait. One of these days it's all going to click for her and she'll be running around like crazy."

"I know." she said as she ran her fingers through Grace's hair. "Che made you ice cream for after dinner. Its hardening now."

"He's sweet. Grace is gonna be thrilled to hear there's ice cream." She reached for Santana, "Help me up, baby? I'm getting a little big to manage alone."

"Plus you have a Gracie on you." She said as she carefully slid their girl onto the bed and helped her wife to her feet. "How you feeling, babe? Need a massage or something tonight?"

"Ugh, please?" she leaned on Santana, nuzzling at her neck and breathing in the unique smell of her skin, "I never thought I'd ache like this at the beginning. You're lucky I love you this much," she teased.

"Too late to go back now." Santana teased, "If it's any consolation... you look amazing even when you're tired and grumpy."

"Flatterer," Quinn groaned into her neck. "Keep that up, it'll get you everywhere. Just a few more months, then we get to hold our baby, San."

"I know." Santana beamed, "I'm so in love with you it's crazy." She smiled, "I'm so proud of you."

"I'm proud of you," she smirked, "putting up with my demands and crazy mood swings." She shook her head, "You are going to be a great mom, San."

"We already are." she reminded Quinn when she saw Grace wiggling around trying to stay asleep now that her human pillow was gone.

"You're right," Quinn kissed her softly before turning to pick up their daughter, "but I still can't wait to see you with our baby."

Grace rubbed her eyes and sleepily reached out for Santana. "Momma." She whimpered and made grabby hands to her other mother. Santana just chuckled and took the little girl and cuddled her close.

"Did you sleep well with Mae?" She asked softly as she pressed little kisses to her child's head. Grace nodded and closed her eyes again.

"Do you want to walk, Gracie?" Quinn asked, brushing her hand over Grace's head. "You can hold onto Momma's and my hands and walk into the kitchen to wash up for dinner if you want."

"Okay." Grace mumbled as she clung onto Santana as they headed down the stairs. Santana got to the bottom of the stairs and she brought Grace down to the floor and got her standing. "Walk?"

"That's right." Santana smiled as she took one of the girl's hands and waited for Quinn to take the other.

Quinn made her way carefully down the stairs in their wake, one hand on the rail and the other on her belly. When she reached the bottom, she smiled at her girls and reached down to take Grace's hand. "Okay. Careful now and Momma and I will help you."

The tiny toddler took a tentative step with her thin legs taking each step slowly. She didn't have a lot of strength still, but she wanted to be a big girl and walk like everyone else.

"That's it, sweetie," Quinn grinned down at her, giving her little hand a reassuring squeeze. "You're doing great. Soon you'll be strong enough to walk on your own if you keep doing your exercises like Doctor Kelly taught you."

"Swim-Swim?" She asked as she looked up at Quinn. "Splash." She nodded as she took another nervous step.

"We have swimming with Che tomorrow morning, beautiful." Santana smiled.

"Really?" She looked up at Santana in surprise, "Oh my gosh, I must have forgot. What would I do without you around to remind me of things, San? And yes, lots of splashing. You're a great little swimmer, Gracie."

"It's okay, Q..." Santana smiled, "You can stay home and sleep if you want. I know you haven't been sleeping well lately."

"No, I like being able to be in the pool and take the weight off my feet," Quinn smiled at Santana. "Swimming is nice."

"Plus, you in a bathing suit is wicked." Santana smirked as she helped grace up when she tripped and fell on her butt. "You okay?"

"Ouch." Grace pouted as she looked at Santana.

"It's okay, sweetie," Quinn reassured her, awkwardly kneeling beside her. "Are you okay?"

"Yes." She nodded and took a breath before walking a few more steps. Santana could tell her daughter was starting to get tired by the slight wiggle of effort at each step.

"Almost there, Grace." She said as she looked over and saw Chien watching. "Three more steps.

"There's Chien, Gracie. Do you want to try to walk to your big brother?" Quinn asked softly, steadying the little girl.

Chien slid down off the sofa and held his arms out for Grace. "Come give me a hug, Baby-Grace!"

Grace smiled and made determined steps to her brother. "Che-Che!" she exclaimed as she collapsed into his waiting arms.

"Hi," he whispered, hugging her tight. He still didn't entirely like her being able to walk and get away from him, but he loved her and knew how important walking was to her. "You did good, Baby-Grace."

"Walk. Che-Che." She said before wrapping her legs around him. "Tired." She pouted as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"We can nap after dinner, okay? Momma and I made a special treat for you and Mae for dessert," he smiled at her proud of himself.

"Yum yum?" She asked him.

"Uh-huh. Really yum-yum," he nodded. "Let's go wash up and eat the s'getti you and Mae made, okay?"

"Okay." she nodded as she moved with him as he got up and carried her to the table. She wiggled in her seat after she got her hands washed. Santana went about and got plates ready as Quinn poured some drinks.

"Does it look okay?" Quinn asked worriedly, as Santana dished up the pasta. "I might have added a bit too much garlic. What do you think?"

"Smells wonderful." Santana smiled, "Go sit down, love." She said as she brought the plates over to the table. She put Quinn's down before moving to cut up Grace and Chien's pasta before finding her own. "Alright, my lovelies. I believe it's Mae's turn to say a prayer before dinner."

Quinn shook her head at Santana with a fond smile and reached for the children's hands. Once everyone was holding hands, she bowed her head. "Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us this day together and the food we are about to eat. Thank you for keeping everyone healthy and happy and please give us many more days together like this. Amen."

"'Men!" Grace exclaimed, before working her fork into her pasta.

Quinn laughed softly, nodding at Chien that it was okay to eat before working a forkful of her own pasta up. "Santana, did you and Chien take your medications?"

"We can take them after dinner." She said softly, "They've been bothering tummies lately."

She looked up worriedly, "Are you two feeling okay? We can call Megan if there's a problem."

"I'm fine, Momma." Chien said, his face covered in sauce. "Megan saided that I could take with foods."

"Okay, little man," she smiled at him before looking up at Santana. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes." She said softly, "Just eat." She smiled, "You worry too much."

"I worry just enough," she countered with a smirk, taking a bite and chewing it before continuing. "It's my job as a mom and your wife to worry about my family, San."

"That's why I love you." Santana smiled and continued eating.