A/N: In closing, I just want to thank all of you. Whether you've followed from the beginning or if you've stumbled upon the story since then, thank you for reading. Thank you for encouraging and supporting Olivia. All of you are amazing and I appreciate you all. For the last time, happy reading :-)

"Mama! Mama!" Sarah rushed over to where I sat, a sea of flowers sticking out from the top of her head. "Look! I have a crown!"

She beamed proudly and I chuckled appreciatively. "Hmm, so you do." One of the flowers loosened and fell to the ground, causing Sarah to stick her lower lip out in a pout. "We can't have that, now can we? Would you like me to fix it for you?"

"Yes, please." She flopped down in front of me in eager expectation. I began to pick the flowers from her dark curls, creating a neat pile of them beside me. Sarah happily chattered as I worked and I replied in the right places.

It had been three years since I had made the decision to stay. Not a day had gone by that I had ever regretted my decision. It hadn't taken me long to realize I was better with family than I was on my own. Had I chosen to return to Earth, I would have missed out so much. I had often feared that I would feel like part of me was missing if I surrendered my career for my daughter; nothing could be farther from the truth. Besides, there were more than enough psychological issues amongst the royal family.

In addition, the general populace, as well as most of the palace, were entirely intimidated by me. Once again, the ability to see the motives and thoughts of a person hadn't made me many friends. Oddly enough, I found it to be rather comforting. It was nice to know some things never changed, no matter what world you lived in.

I had just finished the last knot in the flower crown when Sarah promptly leapt to her feet. "DADDY!" She squealed with delight, racing as fast as her tiny legs would take her. It was an unknown term on Asgard but Sarah had once inquired what I had called my father when I was her age. When I had asked her why, she had stated that 'father' didn't really seem to fit hers and she wanted something better. Her intelligence was frequently marveling.

She raised her arms in the air expectantly and Loki promptly swept her up. "Daddy, I have a crown!" She chirped happily, her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Yes and it looks lovely." Sarah smiled bashfully and buried her head in his shoulder. He pecked her on her head and he stopped in front of me. I watched her sneakily peer up from his shoulder before pecking him quickly on the cheek and wriggling out his arms. She ran down the hill giggling gleefully and I smiled.

"I see you've been Sarah'd."

"Sarah'd?" He repeated with amusement, sitting beside me.

"It's kind of her new thing. She sneaks up on people, kisses them, and runs away."

"I sincerely hope that ends before she's older."

"Not fond of the idea of her kissing random boys around, hmm?"

"Not overly." We watched her chase a rabbit around the grass for a moment, her hair bouncing with excitement.

"She is happy, is she not?" I glanced to see a slight fear on his features. It was something we shared, the both of us having spent our own childhoods feeling unloved and unwanted. As much as I wanted to spoil her rotten, I was determined to not have a spoiled brat for a child, so I wasn't as giving as I wanted to be. It was a balance but I felt it was one I could maintain easily.

I could have made some snide remark pointing out that she was laughing, so clearly she was. But I knew what he meant was more than in a moment. "Yes, she's very happy."

She had managed to capture the rabbit and held it gently in her arms, stooping low on the grass and petting it gingerly. I watched her lean in and whisper something in its ear. That kid was really too cute for her own good. "How many others has she kissed, exactly?"

I snickered at his anxiety. "She's three, not thirteen! It's normal!"

"Normal? How is kissing strangers normal?"

"It's what girls do! I kissed plenty of boys when I was three, according to my mother."

"Is that so?" His brow raised in interest.

"Yes, it is. And I grew up to be socially awkward and never dated until I was in my mid-twenties. My sister, on the other hand, was disgusted by boys and lost her virginity at sixteen. So, take your pick."

"I do believe I'll choose the former."

"Mmm-hmm. Let's just hope she doesn't decide to marry a mass murderer with chaotic tendencies." I quipped, glancing at my fingers innocently.

From the corner of my eye, I saw his eyes narrow playfully. "Need I remind you, I am the god of mischief."

"I know and, frankly, I think you're overrated." He grabbed me round my waist and pinned me to the ground.

"Overrated? Truly?" He smirked down at me and I allowed myself a small smile.

"Yes. I mean, when was the last time you did something mischievous? It's a disgrace, honestly."

"Allow me to remedy that." He grabbed my hips and yanked me closer towards him, smiling gleefully as he did so.

"Mama," Sarah yawned, seeming to appear out of nowhere. I sighed with disappointment. As much as I loved her, the kid had terrible timing. "I'm tired. Can we go home?"

"Raincheck?" I asked Loki hopefully, disentangling myself and standing to my feet.

"What were you doing?" Sarah inquired sleepily as I hoisted her onto my hip.

The thought of having to explain the inevitable to her in the future frequently gave me anxiety. I certainly wasn't going to discuss it at the tender age of three. "Oh, we were just playing a game." I replied innocently, glancing over my shoulder to see Loki smirking. There remained times when I wanted to punch his face. That was one of those times.

"What kind of game? Can I play too?"

"No." Loki replied firmly and this time I was the one who was smirking. "You are never to play that game."

"But why?"

"Because I am your father and I said so, that's why."

"That's not fair." Sarah pouted, rubbing one eye with her fist.

"Life's not fair, love." I stated, kissing the top of her head. "But sometimes, that's okay. Because, if you're fortunate enough, life can be better than fair; it can be spectacular." She rested her head on my shoulder and I found myself smiling broadly, the truth of my words resounding within.