I do not own Inuyasha

I said, nah ah, I'm not gonna write another new story. I will finish my other ones first. But you know how it is with me, I have to write when I have to write. Since I don't know what will happen from here, I will put it as a one shot until I could think of something. Review if you want to read more.

Rin was sitting on a bench in a park on her day off, relaxing, and admiring the colorful blossom of peach flowers that adorn the whole park. The wind blew softly making the trees waved and thousands of flowers spun down from their trees as if it were a rain shower. It was such a beautiful sight that she would never get tire watching. The afternoon sky was blue and clear. Rin smiled in contentment.

Turning her gaze from the beautiful scenery, a boy about five year-old had come to stand in front of her. He wore a white traditional kimono with red patterns on his shoulders and under his sleeves, his chest bore a black metal-like armor, there were some large metal spicks stuck out around his left shoulder. His sash was the color of yellow with blue waves pattern at the bottom. On his right shoulder was a very large and very long white puffy fur that looked so soft and fluffy. Rin's fingers itched to reach out for a touch.

Oh, she wanted to touch not just the fur, but cuddled the owner as well. He was such an adorable little boy with his puffy cheeks. He even wore two swords on his waist to match up with his outfit. His boots were black. His face painted with twin magenta strips on each cheeks as well as eyelids. On the center of his forehead was painted a crescent blue moon.

She wanted to squawk with joy and pull him into a tight hug, but reframed herself from doing so.

The boy must be doing some kind of cosplay, Rin concluded. His golden eyes, which she was sure were contact lens, pieced intensely into her chocolate ones. His long silver hair, a wig she assumed, was dancing and swaying along with the wind. His face however remained stoic.

"Woman, what is your name?" asked the little boy in a monotone voice. His voice was smooth, soothing, and sounded like music to her ears. She found the fact that he tried so hard to imitate an adult's way of speaking and expression cute.

"Hello, my name is Rin. What is yours?" she bended down slightly from her sitting position to his eyes level.

"Sesshomaru," was his only answer.

"What are you doing here, Sesshomaru? Where are your parents?" Rin asked looking around.

"I am perfectly fine by myself, no need to concern over my safety," answered the little Sesshomaru as if reading her thoughts.

Her eyes widened slightly at his words. He was a very smart boy.

"Say," Sesshomaru begun, his head tilted slightly to the side, "Are you willing to be this Sesshomaru's bride, woman?" he asked.

Rin fought back the urge to giggle seeing the seriousness on his face.

It was such an adorable sight!

"It would be an honor. However, you are too young to get marry yet don't you think?" Rin asked kindly.

"I will grow up." His face was unreadable.

"Why would you want to marry me, Sesshomaru? Don't you want a girl your own age?" she ventured, truly curios.

"Ages are irrelevant. For I do not want them as I do you." He said in a finality tone. The way he carried himself made her adored him even more. He was haughty and confidence as if he owned the whole world. Such a spoil brat attitude that made Rin wanted to pinch his cheeks and gave him a big kiss.

"Thanks. I do like you too." She answered truthfully.

"Do you accept my proposal?" he persisted.

Rin tilted her head up slightly, as if thinking about the answer. She was playing along with the boy.

"Am I got good enough for you?" He narrowed his eyes in accusation.

"Of course not!" Rin exclaimed. She did not want to upset the little boy or break his little heart.

"Then accept my proposal and be my bride." Sesshomaru demanded in his high pitch of a boy's voice, yet it remained monotone.

Rin pursed her lips before smiling down at him, could not resist thinking of how cute he was.

"Yes. I will be your bride if you still want to marry me when grow up." Rin answered kindly. He probably forgot her in a few days, left alone when he was a man, she thought in amusement. She wondered how he would react if she demanded him to fulfill the promise in the future. She wanted to laugh out loud at the thought. She could already imagined his shocking face.

Looking at his cute handsome boy, still waiting intensely for the answer, he would grow into a very attractive man, Rin mused.

"Promise?" he asked. His expression had not changed. Rin expected him to jump up with joy like a kid his age, but oh well, he had never acted like a kid his age. However, his golden eyes sparkled with pride and achievement.

"Promise." Rin smiled at him.

Sesshomaru pulled something out form his right sleeve, held it in his small hand, and gave it to her.

Rin opened her much larger palm to receive the thing from the little boy.

"I shall come and claim you when I grow up. This is a token of our promise. It is done and cannot be undone."

Rin laughed lightly at his seriousness. She should bring him to an ice-cream store and loosen his seriousness up a bit, she mused.

Rin felt him left his soft token inside her palm and withdrew his hand. His nails were claw-like. He really went all out with his custom.

She opened her hand to look at his token, expected a toy, but she was surprised to find a small beautiful golden flower. It was a real flower and emitted a very soft but enchanting smell from it. It was so beautiful that Rin gasped in surprise; her smile broadened, her eyes shimmered with happiness.

"It's so beautiful." She looked up to the boy and murmured, "Thank you."

Sesshomaru nodded his head slightly and started to walk away.

"It's nice meeting you, Sesshomaru," Rin called after the boy. He paused for a second before resumed his walking. His stride was elegant, his back was straight. Rin could not help but smiled at the sight of the strange little boy.

When Rin got home that night, she put the small flower on the coffee table in the living room; it looked as beautiful as it was when Sesshomaru had given it to her. Rin smiled. She had never seen such flower before in her life. She would find out what flower it was latter.

Rin went on about with her daily routine; she cooked dinner, ate, and watched TV for a little before she took her shower. Her apartment wasn't big. It was a one room apartment, but she loved her large living room and kitchen. Rin lived in the third floor and she sometimes loved to get out and sat on the balconies and relaxed.

After the shower, she wrapped herself in a towel and changed into her pajamas. Her hair was wet, but she did not plan to blow dry it. She would read a little and let it dry naturally.

However, her normal routine wasn't so normal. When she opened her bedroom door, getting ready go to bed, she found a man in her room, leaning elegantly against the wall.

She gasped, wanted to scream but the sight of him froze her in her place.

He looked exactly like Sesshomaru, his outfit, everything from head to toe, but now is a man's version. He should be around the same age as herself, nineteen. And she was right about him being handsome. He was breathtaking.


He shifted gracefully to face her, his expression remained stoic, his golden eyes burned intensely into hers.

"As promise, I've come to claim you. My bride." His vice was rich, smooth and musical, but now a baritone man voice instead of a high pitch of a little boy's. His handsome face showed no emotions.

Rin's knees felt weak, her hands grasped onto the wall for support. She must be dreaming.

"This is impossible," she murmured , her face was occupied by shock.

"It is done and cannot be undone, Rin." He said coldly, striding toward her. "You promised to be my bride." He came to stand before her. He reached out a clawed hand to touch her cheek. She felt as if her heart were going to stop with just a light contact. His intense eyes that seemed as if it could see right into her very soul never left her face.

"And I am here to claim you."

Tuesday, October 1, 2013