I recently released this chapter as an start to an new fic, but ugh, if you know me, you now I'm prone to changing my mind. Well, this is one of those cases. Instead of an new fic, we're just going to add that story into this one. So no sequel...

You can count this chapter as start of the sequel if you want.

Lemon in this chapter.. Brice yourself... foo!

NSFW content. Mature stuff in this chapter, if you are under 18, read on at your own risk!

LolaTheSa does not own Naruto.

Let's get to it.

Temari blinked as she looked into the mirror. It has been quite the run to where she is now.

She insisted that her and Naruto 'courted' each other right, because she heard how he got each and everyone of his 'wives', she did not like it one bit. All of it was basically spontaneous or something of that decor. She wasn't having that! Not with her.

She chose the long route. First, she had got to know the women she would be joining as Naruto's 'wife'.

Tsunade, first and foremost, she found that the lady was pregnant and was waiting to tell Naruto. She wasn't showing.. yet, but there were tell tell signs that she was pregnant to people who had knowledge of the subject. The most important thing she found out was that the Hokage loved Naruto. Temari isn't heartless or anything, but at first, she was kind of weird-ed out, Tsunade was like... old and stuff. But after hearing of Tsunade's past, she kinda let up on that. It still was freaky to her though, but love just happens.

Shizune, this lady was a wild card to Temari. It was obvious she cared a great deal for Naruto. But she seemed to just be doing it because Tsunade was doing it. Temari kind of implied to the raven haired lady that 'It's really submissive like of you to follow Tsunade into anything... like she was your master or something.' Ok, it wasn't that heavily implied but the accusation was still there, and Shizune's reaction gave her all the info she needed.

Hinata, It's quite obvious the Hyuuga holds pure love and devotion for Naruto, Temari wasn't sure if that was good or bad. Hinata basically was a open book, there was nothing she could ask that she simply couldn't get by just watching her. Timid, shy, prone to being a somewhat loner[despite the big family], quiet etc. She fell into an easy friendship with Hinata, the girl may not be much for talking, but she's great to vent too, she listens as if she is really genuinely interested! And sometimes gives small but helpful insights.

Sakura, only one thing Temari had to say about her. It's obvious she could be a great friend and wife, but she just need to get her shit together. Temari knows Naruto is the best thing for pinkette.

Ino, annoying... but Funny and she and her were already great friends despite that awful start to their relationship[she gave shikamaru a visit with a kick to his family jewels.], her and Ino had a great deal in common surprisingly. She found Ino desperately loved Naruto.

Ayame, sweet girl, makes some bad ass ramen, bad ass as in FUCKING epic awesome, yummy, delicious, ever so delightful ramen! She couldn't say much more, other then being a great ramen cook, Ayame was an upstanding gal.

Shion, Temari liked her, if she ever had to do it with another girl, it needs to be Shion. The girl was surprisingly cooler then her on some things despite being what she is. Nice surprise.

Anko... She wasn't sure where to start on the lady. In Temari eyes, the lady had insatiable lust going for Naruto, she could see why there. She was damn sure Anko has feelings for Naruto outside of his body. She knew that much, at least.

Now, second. She got to know Naruto by... 'gasp' -DATING-! There wasn't much more she needed to know about him, she practically knew all about him from the others. So she supposed she simply had to see their chemistry, or whatever it's called.

Chemistry on dates.

Quite good, she fell into easy conversations with him, easier then expected as she was the snarky type usually. But he didn't seem to notice or care about that side of her, he just kept engaging her, she liked it.

Chemistry when kissing.

Very, very, very, very good. Who ever taught him how to french needs to win some type of award or something, the guy knew how to kiss, at least she hoped because, if that was just going with the flow... she liked it.

Chemistry when around others.

Great! She wanted to see how he would be when around others, his friends and the other girls. He was still the affectionate guy when they were on the dates, it was refreshing cause ya know, usually people act different around their friends. Or was he acting? She really doubted it, he was too honest, either way, she liked it.

Chemistry in bed.

They hadn't done that yet. Temari shook her head, that's why she is here now, in his bathroom, in his bath robe, naked, Getting ready to do the 'deed'... And if it was anything like the kisses... She knew she'd lik... she KNEW she'd love it!

With now, determined eyes, Temari turned around and walked to the bath room door. 'I can do this, I can do this, I can do this!' Was going over and over in her head, she didn't want to think herself scared or something. These were just nerves, she got a good feel of him in one of their kisses before, he was packing a big one most definitely. Plus Anko was all to eager to share with her his size.

Sucking in her breathe she grabbed the door knob, Turning it, she pulled it open then left the bath room.

"Temari are you ok?" Naruto asked, she had been in the bath room for quite a while, he didn't want to barge in and disturb her, he wasn't sure what she was doing. He smiled at her, she seemed fine to him. He was eager for this. He really liked her, she was a really cool girl.

Looking at him, she marched up and pulled him in to a heated kiss.

The blonde was taking off guard, she wasn't the type to be this forceful last he checked... but he returned the kiss even so, with vigor. He wrapped his arms around her and deepened it. And he lifted her up a bit, she was a tall woman, he liked that in a weird way.

Temari moaned as he took control, he was very good at kissing, did she mention that already? Well she's doing it again cause... it feels so good. She was unaware of him slowly maneuvering them toward the bed.

Pulling back, Naruto smiled at her and pushed her down on the bed, the look of surprise on her face was evident, he didn't know what surprised her at this moment. He also noticed the bath robe sliding down on her, he inhaled sharply. She didn't have Tsunade's or Hinata's sized chest but her size fit her, and added an allure Naruto couldn't fathom to know the feeling it gave him.

Getting over her surprise, Temari smirked at the fellow blond. She knew her robe her slid down, opening, revealing her body. And it looked like he loved what he saw. Smirking wider she slowly glided her way up to the pillows. She opened her robe completely, she then spread her legs as wide as she could, giving him a magnificent view of her promise land.

He groaned, she was glistening, she more into this then he thought. He quickly shoved off his robe, his member fully erect. And given the look of surprise from her, she had not noticed. He looked on as she eyed him up and down, was that hunger in her eyes?

'Damn, he has a nice body.' Temari thought,she knew pretty much that he HAD to have a nice bod but seeing it in the flesh, it was something else. And his cock, her eyes went to it. She gulped, now, she explored a little when she was a bit younger and knew the basics around a dick. But her previous exploits weren't exactly packing like the man, her future husband, here. His thick and long penis was turning red from how horny she bet he was. She doesn't think she knows the way around a big dick, but she's definitely willing to learn.

"Liking the the view?" Naruto asked as he climbed on the bed. her silence was killing him, he figured she liked what she saw, the flush on the tan girl was rather obvious. But when her eyes went lower, he didn't know what to think. Did his size scare her? He hoped not.

"Shouldn't I be saying that?" She snapped as he crawled his why to her, his eyes on her nether regions. She heard him chuckle a little, she smiled. Naruto liked her fire, things would be boring if all his girls had the same personality.

He stopped when he was right in front of her wet core. "Anything special you want me to do, Temari-chan." Naruto asked huskily as he kiss around her core, teasing it in a way. He noted she had a very small patch of blond hair above her vagina, he kissed there as well.

She groaned. "You know what I want." She shot at him, a tad bit pissed at him for teasing her like this. Maybe she was just anxious or something, but damn he knew how to rile her up real good... Even without trying.

"Do I?" He asked as he stopped kissing her all together to smirk up at her, he could swear the skin around her nether region were turning red. He bit back an chuckle. He liked how easy this was.

"Oh for the love of Suna, please just eat my pussy." She growled, grabbing his head and pressing it against her core which was aching for his touch. She heard him chuckle against her, sending pleasurable vibration through her, she groaned!

Still amused, Naruto decided to comply, and the fact she basically was shoving his head in her pussy helped a lot. He chuckled again as he gave her a test lick. He felt her tense, the pressure her hands cause on his head gone. He liked her taste. He gave her another test lick.

Completely tensed as he licked her, Temari gasped a bit. It really has been a while for her. She moaned louder as he took a long, purposely, slow lick. She didn't know whether to be embarrassed at the moment or to just feel. Embarrassed cause she was fucking unnaturally wet, she doubted she wasn't dripping down there. But then again, he was still licking her, so he didn't mind so that told her to just enjoy this.

She gasped suddenly, her back arched, Naruto had dipped his tongue in her. She moaned once again. Her hands grabbing fist fulls of his hair as he continues to dip his tongue in her. Her moans egging Naruto on.

He is enjoying this, she was very responsive to his touch. He resisted the urge to chuckle as he ran his tongue over her clit then dove it back into her tunnels, instead of following the rhythm she seemed to enjoy, he chose to shove his tongue in her as deep as it could go. He then swirled it around in her, this caused her legs to fly on his shoulders, he didn't mind. He just focused on pleasing her even more.

Also, he was finding he liked her moans. He retracted his tongue and glided up with his mouth to suck on her clit, licking around it fast. "Fuck!" Was her response as he rammed his tongue back into her deep. "Mmm, you are so good with that tongue!" She said huskily, she'd have to give her props to whichever wife he practiced on. She refused to believe this was just natural for him...

All her thoughts ceased as she felt a finger ghost over her clit. "Oh shit!" She moaned as it pressed down. Her vision dazed as it started rubbing around her clit, with him still tongue fucking her, and now his thumb ravishing her pleasure nub, she knew and felt she was going to cum soon.

She nearly yelled when his tongue exited her all of a sudden, she looked down. He only smiled up at her, his lips and areas around his mouth wet with her juices. Before she could ask him why the hell he stopped, she felt a finger ease its way into her. "Oh" Was her moan. He stuck it in as far as it could, was he tested her? She thought as he pulled back then pushed it back down trying to go deeper. She didn't care, she just hoped he didn't stop.

Seemingly satisfied with whatever he was testing, he added another finger and started thrusting them back and forward at an steady pace. Her moans filled the room. Naruto's erection pulsed against the bed as he continued to please his new favorite girl, he wasn't sure when he figured that but it couldn't hurt to have favorites could it? He smiled as he licked her click as he finger fucked her.

"Ah" She moaned once again, Temari honestly wasn't aware she was this vocal, had she been so... loud with the previous guys? she does't remember them spending so much time on oral, they seemed to just give her a few licks to get her in the mood... but Naruto here, he enjoyed ravishing her pussy with his mouth, she enjoyed it too!

Biting her lip, she squeezed her eyes shut, the pleasure was ripping through her, she let out a long moan. Naruto on the other hand knew, by now, how girls who were gonna orgasm, felt... or reacted. He quickened his fingered and licking, her tunnels clenched around his fingers. He curved his fingers after each thrust now, trying to get her to climax, he couldn't help the feeling of glee as she started to spasm.

"OH FUCKING SHIT! NARUTO! She yelled as she came on each hand hard, he didn't even stop either, he kept fucking her with his fingers, he knew she was cumming too. "FUCK!" She screamed as her eyes rolled, she couldn't help it. This was too good.

Naruto smiled as she slumped finally, she was panting. Naruto slowly glided his way up her body, once he was at her breast, he kissed her nipples, giving both a tender kiss and lick, her breath hitched until he decided going up further. She was looking at him by the time he finally looked at her in the eyes.

He kissed her, she groaned loudly as she parted her lips, he instantly shoved his tongue forward. Temari moaned again, tasting herself. She hadn't done it before but... it wasn't a bad taste, she'd never tasted herself before.

While still kissing, she reached down and grabbed his member, he froze at the sudden move by her, he shivered as she pressed his tip against her. He pulled back to stare at her. "I don't think I will last long." Naruto said honestly, he hasn't been with any of his other wives in over a week, sexually. He planned to get on track with them after this of course.

"It's OK, I already came, it's only fair you do too." She whispered, she barely could find words as she rubbed him against her, he had a really impressive penis, her hand was filled with it, and her hands weren't even that small!

"Slow." Naruto growled as he felt his tip push apart her nether lips. He wasn't gonna go wild with her... At least not at the moment. He let out slow breathes, he will control the urge to fuck her for all she was worth.

Temari raised an eyebrow at his expression, she still rubbing his other head against herself, his expression was so focused, determined... Was he holding back? "You don't have to hold back Naruto." She stated evenly. His reaction told her that her guess was right.

" I do.." He said breathlessly.

"No you don't, I may not have that much experience with guys intimately as others, but I am not some doll, I can take a good fucking, and I'm more then ready." She ranted. Giving his cock a squeeze, he groaned. "Now fuck me, Husband." She said, the word husband coming out seductively.

He instantly complied, with one swift thrust, he filled her to the brim. They both moaned when he fully sheathed. "Shit, tight!" He growled, it's not that he didn't expect her to be, but it still was tight enough that he needed to let her know. It felt amazing!

Temari had her hands clawing at his back, there was slight pain. But mostly it was pleasure that filled her senses, she has never felt so full... especially down there of all places. She was pulsing around him.

Pulling back out of her, he watched her as he thrusted forward slowly, checking for any sign of discomfort. He didn't find any, so he kept his pace slow. It seemed she was ok with this pace or so it seems to him.

She could get use to this pace, his cock touched every part of her tunnel, she fucking loved it. But still, there was an inch that needed scratching in her, and while this pace was fine with her, that inch needed something more. She never had much of a sexual appetite, she just tried cause her friends talked about it, so she wanted to see what the buzz was about. She was gravely let down once the deed was done. "Naruto?" She asked.

"Yes?" He answered sounding husky, still thrusting slow, he felt the familiar inch deep in him, of his climax building. But he didn't think this pace could get him there, well if she kept constricted around him like she is, he might, but they'd have been here all night!

"Please go faster." She ordered, much to his surprised. Is she a mind reader? Was she sure even? He wanted to voice those questions. "And harder." Was what she added that kept him quiet as he complied once again. Pulling back all the way, he slammed back into her. Her mouth formed into an "0" As he started to do it again and again. It slowly grew wider until she left out a long hard moan as he fucked her.

Naruto was chewing on his bottom lip as he slammed into her, the bed and Temari rocking forward. "Damn." He groaned, still jack-hammering himself into her, that inch was getting bigger. He breathed through his nose to try and calm it while fucking her still.

The inch on Temari's part, however, was getting scratched and it made her see stars. "Fuck, again!" She squeaked as she realized her climax was approaching again. She didn't even know that was possible, when she pleasured herself, she'd always stop after the first, she didn't know it was possible for her to go beyond just one climax. That thought made her hate her previous partner, lazy asshole, they couldn't even bring her to one!

Hearing her say that, he didn't know what she meant by again, so he just quickened his pace hoping to please whatever need she wanted pleased, her reaction was more moaning. It was then that he realized his bed was hitting the wall. He hoped no one was staying behind that wall or on under his room cause... well... He hoped they wouldn't complain to the manager of the place for the bumping.

"IT'S HAPPENING!" Her sudden scream snapped him out of his daze, he looked down at her, her face was contorted in pure bliss.

"Are you... fuck!" Naruto hollered as she tightened around him, she started spasm-ing like last time when she came... 'Oh!' He couldn't help it as he himself, spilled his seed in her. It felt like she was trying to suck him dry as he slowly thrusted, bursting everything he could possibly get out in her and she took it.

Once again, Temari slumped, this time, her arms and legs spread out as she panted, exhausted and sore even... and full! Two godly orgasms in a row, she couldn't take anymore, that last one felt like something just ripped inside her, she had felt him cumming in her as well, that just intensified the feelings.

Naruto panted, holding himself above her, [umping a few more times, his cumming finally stopped.

"That was... so.. beyond my words to even say.." She voiced, getting his attention, he smiled shyly at her.

"Yeah." He agreed, bending down peck her on the lips.

She was about to say something else when she clenched her walls, they both froze. He was still hard. "I don't think I can go.. I already feel sore and stuffed and-

He silenced her with a kiss. Pulling back, he sighed at her. "You're ok Temari, my cock has a mind of its own. I'm completely content and sated, for the moment." He said easing her worries. He pulled her into his arms and lied down, his face buried into her neck.

She sighed, grateful. She heard the tale of Hinata's hospital trips, that quiet girl actually had a healthy sexual appetite, her and shion and anko. Temari closed her eyes, cuddled with Naruto, his hard member still buried deep in her, she didn't mind, she enjoyed the fullness.

And yea... The bed chemistry, EXCELLENT! She fucking loved it!

And so how was it?