Mother, where did I come from?
A long time ago, before this tower was built, before any of the trees you see outside had taken root, a single drop of golden sunlight fell to Earth. In the place it had fallen, a golden flower grew. It was the most beautiful flower I had ever laid eyes on. And, more than that, it was magical. If you knew how to ask, this flower could heal any injury, cure any illness, and restore youth to the aged.
For centuries, this flower and I looked after one another. It kept me young and healthy, and I kept it hidden from those who didn't understand its power. Because, you see, not everyone knew how to use the flower without destroying it, and many would have happily destroyed this precious gift from the heavens simply to buy themselves a few extra years. To people like this, it didn't matter who else might benefit from the flower's magic. So I kept it hidden.
For four hundred years I kept the flower hidden, until one day I failed. Soldiers came and took the flower to feed it to an ailing queen. You cannot imagine my distress when I discovered to flower had been destroyed. For four hundred years, we had looked after one another, and now I had failed. It had been my constant companion while kingdoms had risen and fallen around us. I could not imagine life without it. I would grow old and die, without anyone to nurture in the meantime. And nobody would mourn me when I was gone. I was alone.
But magic is resilient, and all was not lost. The flower was gone, but a beautiful baby girl grew in its place. Her hair, if left uncut, held the same magic as the flower. I had failed at protecting the sun's gift once; I would not do so again. So I brought the baby girl home to this tower, hidden from the rest of the world, where she would be safe from those who might hurt her for her hair. I named the child Rapunzel. I played with her, nurtured her, and taught her to read, write, draw, and cook. She keeps me young, I keep her safe, and I love her with all my heart.
And that, Rapunzel, is the true story of where you came from.