What happen if Michael De Santa had another daughter but this one was just like him? My name Eruka De Santa I am 14 years old, I have black hair, brown eyes and I am also skinny with small tits. I'm really good at shooting and stealth. My father had taught everything he knows. I stuck with him always. (I Know My Summary Sucks. But The Story Is Better). Also this is an OC

Jimmy and Tracey were fighting again. I was just watching TV and I can't hear it no matter how high I put the volume.

I groan and get up to tell them to shut up but I hide when I saw some black guys sneaking around are house. I guess he was here for jimmy's new car. I went to go warn dad. He was in the garage I made sure that guy didn't see me

"Daddy some guy is sneaking in are house" I said worried like

"I Know" Dad said blankly

"What are you going to do?" I asked. Dad told me his plan which was to hide in the back of the SUV to find out who sent him.

"Can I go" I asked hopefully. He seem to think about it for a second

"Ok. But don't tell your mother", I give him a look

"When have I ever-" I was interrupted when we heard footsteps. Dad opens the trunk when he did I get and he follows when he shut the trunk door. He covers both of us up in a black blanket. When know that it was him when the engine started while driving he was talking on the phone with some guy name Simeon. So he must be a repo guy well that explains why he is here jimmy never pays his payments what a asshole.

When he hung up the phone dad come from under the cover and point a gun at his head

"This is a nine milometer semi automatic pushed against your skull. Don't look around just drive where you going" Dad demand. While they were talking I got up from the floor and sit with my legs crossed.

"Who the hell is she" Franklin asked confused

"This is my daughter. She's the one who saw you sneaking in my house

"Thanks a lot kid" Franklin groans

"Hey you're the one who was sneaking in are house" I said. When we came to got to the place dad said to run throw the window or he will shoot him. I get in the back seat and held on for dear life while he rams into the window

"Shitty situation, dog" he yells. A guy I guessing to be Simeon run out

"Franklin!. What the fuck are you doing" Simeon yells. We get out the car. I had a massive headache

"Mr. Simeon... It's not exactly how it looks" Franklin said holding his head. I guess he have a headache too.

"I always trump for a job well done", Dad said giving him some money. He told he to leave when Franklin left, Dad and Simeon was fighting. I just watched. When dad was finish beating him up.

We had to steal a car to get home when we got home. I go in the house to see mom in her tennis clothes outfit. I hate her tennis cough I think she is cheating on Dad. I went in the bathroom to get a aspirins. Then I went in my room to Man What A Day