I don't own Naruto or any of it's themes because if I did ALOT would be changed and there would definitely be a SasuNaru ending! This story is only a result of my friend and I's RP so be warned, it does alot of POV switching, but I thought it was a good concept so I thought I'd share it! R&R PLEEZ~

A few minutes had passed since Naruto blacked out and he was finally coming around. He was so confused as to why Kyuubi wasn't able to come out... Not that he was complaining or anything! He wondered though, if Sasuke had stayed or not. He doubted that the raven actually stayed with someone like him. Regardless, he still opened his eyes.

Sasuke was just coming back in the room with a cup of water and a wet washcloth. He saw that Naruto was up and nearly dropped them both.

"Oh! Dobe... You're awake!" Sasuke said sitting on the bed next to him, careful not to spill the water.

"You actually stayed?" Naruto asked completely dumbfounded, gawking at Sasuke.

Sasuke stood his ground and placed the cup of cool water in Naruto's hand.

"Of course I stayed, Dobe." He tried his hardest not to blush but it probably shown through. "I-if I didn't and something happened to you I would be blamed, that's all..." Sasuke tried to lie, but he knew in the emotional state he was in he couldn't lie very well.

"No one would blame you. I wouldn't be missed." Naruto said shruging.

Sasuke raised his hand but resisted the urge to smack him for saying something that stupid, but Sasuke knew how he felt. He himself has said those very words... 'No one would miss me'

Remembering his own words he instead placed the hand on Naruto's shoulder and glanced outside.

"Um... mind if I stayed here for tonight... it's uh... getting really dark and... you know... I wanna make sure you-you don't freak out ..." Sasuke said ruffling Naruto's hair.

Naruto blushed, hugging his knees. "I don't mind... But there is only one bed... " The blonde whispered as he blushed deeper..

Seeing Naruto blush, Sasuke tried really hard not to himself. He didn't sleep well on couches and well ever since his parents sided and Itachi went off to college, he tends to cuddle things in his sleep... His pillow, the blankets... But...

"S-sure that's fine" Sasuke got up to go to the bathroom. He splashed water on his face. What was this all of a sudden, wanting to protect the blonde and all... to make sure he was ok... Naruto was annoying as shit but perhaps... Naruto knew what true suffering was... He may even know more than Sasuke himself.

Sasuke turned and undressed into his boxers. He couldn't sleep well with a shirt on. Too constricting. Hopefully Naruto didn't mind. He strode out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

Naruto blushed when Sasuke came out of the bathroom. The blonde had changed in to boxer and an orange tank. He sat there cross-legged starring into his lap. 'What's this feeling? Sasuke and I should be fighting! Why would he want to stay the night?' Naruto thought to himself. Negative things beginning to run through his mind making him just want to disappear.

"What's wrong?" Sasuke asked sitting down on the bed.

Naruto rapidly shook his head and gave Sasuke one of his trademark goofy smiles.

"Nothing! Just glad nothing bad happened. I'm glad you didn't have to meet Kyuubi." Naruto half lied not wanting to worry the raven.

Sasuke actually smiled back at the blonde.

"I'm glad nothing happened too...I say we just sleep tonight and sort everything out tomorrow?" Sasuke suggested.

"Sure! Sounds like a plan... oh warning you now, I tend to move around a lot in my sleep... and I supposedly talk in my sleep too..." Naruto told Sasuke. It was more like he had nightmares or was arguing with Kyuubi trying to fight him off.

Sasuke fought the urge to roll his eyes. Why did he feel so attached to this annoying dobe again? He simply nodded.

"That's fine Dob- Naruto" he corrected himself and then pulled the covers over himself. "I don't know how to turn off your light..." He blushed.

"Oh right!" Naruto said hopping off the bed and ran to the light switch turning it off. He was glad Sasuke couldn't see his face as he got back into the bed and under the covers as well. The blonde starred where he knew Sasuke was laying, his face heating up in another blush. He didn't understand but he just wanted to stay close to the raven haired boy for some reason. The raven kept his fears away, though the darkness of the room still frightened him and fought back shudders so he wouldn't alert the other boy.

Sasuke could feel the stare from the blonde, he turned to face him.

"You don't like the dark either huh?" Sasuke, as much of a front he puts up, his biggest fear was being alone in the darkness.

"Is it that obvious?" Naruto asked. He was slightly surprised to hear that Sasuke was afraid of the dark too... But then again many people were.

Sasuke blushes thankful it was dark for that much...

"A-a little..." he smiles and runs his hand through the blonde spiky hair.

"Sasuke... I need to know. Why didn't you stay?" he asked. "Don't get me wrong I don't want you to go, but we always fight and I'm just curious" He tilted his head into the raven's hand. Sasuke's blush flared up at the surprisingly soft skin of the tan boy.

"Because... you're the only one, I feel could understand what's behind the facade... and why it's there..." Sasuke said seriously.

"It's not hard to see through something when it's something you're used to putting up yourself..." Naruto answered blankly like he has answered it many times before.

Sasuke's eyes widened. He does understand... he didn't want to talk about it tonight. All he knew is that he wasn't close enough to Naruto... He reached out and laid his hand over Naruto's. Now that he has the companion for the night he wanted to be as close as possible to him.

Naruto blushed but knew it was time to less talking and more sleeping even if the night ended up being filled with more nightmares or fighting with Kyuubi.

"See you in the morning." Naruto yawned finally his eyes slipping closed.

"Good night Naruto" Sasuke said drifting to sleep.]


He woke in the middle of the night with his arms around Naruto in a full embrace. A blonde tuft of hair against his chest. He blushed and looked down at the blonde. Naruto was dead asleep mumbling profanities as the young blonde was stuck in another heated argument with Kyuubi about him trying to come when he's not wanted. After a while the blonde relaxed and snuggles more into the raven haired teen.

Sasuke's chest ached, but it wasn't in a bay way. It was in a good way. His heart was beating so fast. He squeezed the blonde lightly and kissed the top of his head.


It was morning when Naruto finally woke up, snuggled into something warm and smiled enjoying the warmness it brought as his eyes drifted closed again. Suddenly they snapped open as he realized who he was snuggled into.

'OMGOMGOMGOMG I'm snuggled into Sasuke! Kami, I pray to you not to let him kill me! Oddly this feels so right... why? Besides Sasuke is probably gunna freak out the second he wakes..." Naruto thought just enjoying the warmness he didn't want to end.

Sasuke awoke to movement. He's eyes glanced down to look ant the blond tuft.

"Naruto?" He tested to see if the blonde was awake.

'Damn damn!' Naruto thought but sighed.

"I'm awake" He answered knowing it was best not to try and pretend to be asleep.

Sasuke smiled. "Hey... I'm sorry about all this... I uh... tend to hang onto things when I sleep... it gives me a sense of grip and clinging to things... that something is there. Usually a pillow, but uh..." Sasuke blushed.

"Don't worry about it. It's a nice feeling being close to someone or something. It makes you feel less alone." Naruto said smiling sadly.

Sasuke hugs Naruto and got a strange feeling that came over him. He tilted Naruto's head up.

"Sasuke?" Naruto asked/whispered a strange feeling going through him as well. He looked up at Sasuke, a blush appearing on his face.

Sasuke slowly leaned down and kissed Naruto softly. The blonde froze for a second but soon melted right into the kiss. Sasuke wrapped his arms around the blonde's shoulders, pulling him close. Naruto slid his arms up around Sasuke's neck. The raven's body started to act on instinct. Running his hands down Naruto's back slowly and deepening the kiss. The blonde began to breathe heavily an almost inaudible noise escaping his throat.

Sasuke's eyes flew open and he backed up a little.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to invade your space... I was... I uh... " Sasuke rambled uncharacteristically.

Naruto just blinked his face completely red. "You didn't... you don't need to apologize." Naruto said disappointed bit he knew better.

The raven looked up at Naruto and the urge to kiss Naruto welled up in him again. He pinned the blonde down on the bed. "Would you mind if I... did it again?"

"No I wouldn't... I don't know how to explain it but, I feel the same way." Naruto blushed.

Sasuke leaned down and kissed him once again and then pulling themselves together their hips met sending yet another shiver run up his spine.

Naruto couldn't hold back the moan that escaped his lips and he felt his face heat up again.

The raven let his body take over. He ran his hands over the boy's small frame reaching under tank to feel the soft skin beneath.

Naruto's breath became quicker and found himself slowly and carefully running his hand up Sasuke's already bare chest.

Shivers ran along his skin wherever Naruto's fingers brushed. Sighing deeply he pulls their hips together again.

Letting out a heavy breath Naruto leaned forward leaving a trail of tiny kisses on Sasuke's neck being cautious.

Sasuke bites his lip lightly and pins his hand above his head

Naruto let out a shaky breath starring up at Sasuke as his hand was suddenly pinned above him.

Sasuke looks down at him and studies his face. Everything about this boy should utterly turn him off... the fact that he's a boy should turn him off... But looking down at the lightly tanned face with the blonde hair strewn about his forehead... the sky blue eyes looking up at him... the perfect shape of his jaw... his soft smooth lips... made his heart do weird jumps and beat so violently it made his whole from shake. And that was just the boys face.

Naruto reach up with his hand that wasn't pinned down to push his fingers into Sasuke's soft raven hair. Everyone had been right about how perfect his body was, he just didn't want to believe it. He felt his heart racing and he just wanted Sasuke to take him.

Sasuke in the heat of the moment leaned down and kissed to boy. He pulled Naruto into his arms and kissed him.

Wrapping his arms around the raven haired boy Naruto kissed back not wanting it to end. He could feel them both pouring both of their emotions into this. 'This should all in the sense be wrong! But why...WHY does it feel like this was meant to be!' Naruto thought to himself urging Sasuke with his movements that he wanted more.

He pulled on Naruto's tank the utter urge to rip the top off of him built and built till he was almost not controlling if movements.

Suddenly flashes of his parents went through his mind, the rainy night the bright light the hard thump and groaning of metal being crunched then the vision of his parents battered and bloody and lifeless... then beside him lay the body of the blonde dobe crushed beside him blood dripping from his mouth.

Sasuke screamed and jumped back and off the bed gripping his head willing the vision to leave his brain. Willing the light to turn on, suddenly all the appliances in the room began to short-circuited

Jumping in surprise Naruto braced himself as everything literally exploded. Jumping off the bed Naruto ran to Sasuke grabbing his cheeks. "Its okay Sasuke I'm here and I'm not going to go anywhere." Kissing the boy in hopes it might calm him down.

Tears welled in Sasuke's eyes for a moment Naruto's lips against his made it fade... but a voice whispered in his head. 'You lose everyone close to you... He will be gone...' He pulled back and looked at the blonde and tears stream down the pale cheeks. "No... " he muttered.

"I'm sorry." Naruto apologized looking down feeling embarrassed he didn't know what to do or how to help. He was never good at comforting people

"NO!" He shouted. But then he realized he was really loud. "No... it's not you... I... I just..." Sasuke stuttered. This was the worst attack yet... He had had panic attacks before... but this one... This one was bad, he was getting too close to this boy. These attacks is why he never had any friends in school, he never wanted to get close to people... they always get taken from him...

"Then tell me whats wrong. I want to try and help as best as I could. I know how its feels to be alone. And I can tell you're afraid to be alone and it makes me not want to leave your side." Naruto blushed looking to the floor he didn't know what to do and he was afraid Sasuke was going to leave and leave for good. He himself had been alone most of his life, but that didn't matter anymore he wanted to help his friend

"I..." he knew he could trust Naruto. He wasn't sure why he felt that way, but he did.

"Naruto... I get these... panic attacks... Usually strong emotions like anger and fear trigger them. When I do... things... happen. When I was little, a classmate took my favorite blue crayon and when I asked for it back he broke it intentionally... I don't remember much after that except that from what others have told me, he was flung against the book case and it fell on him..." Sasuke told Naruto looking away from him. "So when you say your afraid of this Kyuubi coming out and hurting people so you suppress him... I know what you mean... Just now a voice in my head told me that everyone one close to me 'goes away'" He made air quotes with his fingers. "And showed me a vision of..." Sasuke trailed off

Naruto walked forward to Sasuke and cupped his cheek smiling. "You can trust me when I say this. I'm not one to leave unless I am unwanted. I've been alone most of my existence so I know what you feel like. Regardless of what happens to me, Know that I swear to never leave you." Naruto explained his eyes downcast unsure to why he couldn't look Sasuke in the eyes

Seeing Naruto not look at him made Sasuke think Naruto was lying. Sasuke put up his wall and cut the story short. He got up and walked to the kitchen.

'God damn me and my inability to not look people in the eyes.' Naruto thought leaning against a wall. He felt like crying, this is how it always started, and how it ended just as quickly. 'Please Sasuke believe me! I beg you don't leave me.' Naruto thought feeling the tears prick at his eyes the fear of being alone eating away at him quickly

Sasuke knew he couldn't get close to people. They would get taken from him one way or another... He looked back at the Dobe seeing the tears in his eyes. Naruto wasn't one to lie though. Lets take this slow then... earn each other's trust. Sasuke smiled.

"What would you like for breakfast... we do have school today you know... In about an hour actually"

Naruto looked up at Sasuke and smiled then realized what the time was and panicked rushing about the studio apartment getting changed for school yelling things about how he never has money for groceries so he has no food in the apartment

"Would you relax a second dobe!" Sasuke said and pinched the bridge of his nose. Just get dressed... I'll take you to my favorite noodle shop, they got some great breakfast stuff too." Sauske said

"Ramen? RAMEN!" Naruto cheered and was instantly changed into clothes for school. "I'm ready." He said all happily hugging Sasuke's arm

Sasuke pulled on his school shirt and the pants from yesterday and gestured towards the door "Lets go then Dobe"

"Right on!" Naruto cheered jumping up and down grabbing his cell noticing a missed message deciding to check it later though.

Chapter 2 is finished! Yay!

I feel like this chapter was a little awkward... considering her and I were going one sentence back and forth makes the flow of the story flow strangely... Let me know what y'all think and I will probably fix it accordingly... I know I will be making some more edits to this story to critiques are welcomed and bear with me! Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next one!