A/N : So here it is my first attempt on writing a full story in english. This story is AU and both Ana and Christian are slightly OOC, since they have different backstories. Please let me know if you like it. I will try to update every other day since I have a couple of chapters already planned out after that I aim for updating at least twice a week. I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own FSOG or anything related to it.

Ana's POV

I pull up in the parking garage of the building I live in, park my car in my spot and jump out of it. Fuck I need to use the bathroom like 5 minutes ago. I make a beeline for the elevator and hopp from one foot to the other until the car arrives. Getting in I push the button for the 25th floor where my roommate and bestfriend Kate Kavanagh and I live. When the elevator finally stops I run to our apartment door open it and run full tilt through the livingroom into my bedroom and in the ensuite bathroom. When I finally sit on the toilet I sigh and let go. Who would have thought that peeing could be that good?!

Two minutes later I wash my hands and make my way back into the livingroom where I see Kate and two men I never met sitting on the sofa. One guy is sitting close to Kate and has one arm wrapped around her. He is very good looking with sea green eyes and wild blonde curls. He kind of reminds me of a surfer dude. The other one is... wow... just wow. Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe him. He has unruly dark copper colored hair, a golden tan and the most amazing grey eyes that I have ever seen. He is dressed in black leather boots, black jeans and a black t-shirt that is so tight that I can see all his muscles. Ok I admit it, this guy is seriously hot. But when I look at them again I realize that they are all staring at me.

"What the hell was that Ana?" Kate asks bemused and I frown but than remember my speedy entrance.

"Well I was visiting my parents and on my way I stopped to have lunch and I decided to buy a huge slushy for the drive back home and it was like a really really huge one and you know me I can't stop when it comes to slushies and so I drank it almost in one sip, so I had to drive the last hour while I needed to pee. Which is why I had to run to make it in time" I grin and she shakes her head amused while both guys are smirking and I blush a little.

"I see so Ana this is my new boyfriend Elliot and this is his brother Christian I invited them over for dinner." she explains and I shake hands with both men and boy the brother is really hot. When our hands touch it feels like electricity is running between us and I withdraw my hand quickly.

"You invited them for dinner meaning I have to cook" I smirk at her.

"Well if you would?" she says sheepishly and gives me her best puppy eye look.

"Sure lasagna and salad good for everyone?" I ask and get three nods in agreement.

"Ok I'm in the kitchen." This is so typically Kate. I mean she is a total darling but I would not even want my worst enemy to eat something that she has cooked. I remember about a year ago she planned this big dinner party after finishing the cooking class her parents paid for her. She invited ten people and we all ended up in the ER with food poising, since then Kate and I have silently agreed that I do the cooking. Since I love to cook I don't mind doing this, it relaxes me and I love to try new recipes. So I take everything I need out of the fridge and the cabinets and place it on the counter.

"Would you mind if I stay here my brother and your roommate trying to fuck each other through their clothes." I hear a disgusted voice and when I turn around I see Christian. He is leaning against the kitchen island and looks all bad boy in a really sexy kind of way. Oh my!

"No problem just sit down. Do you want something to drink?" I offer and inwardly beg myself to stay cool. The last thing I want is to embarrass myself in front of this sex god.

"Do you have white wine?" he asks in a low sexy voice that makes my heart skip a beat. " Coming right up" I give him a smile and get the wine for him.

"So Christian tell me what you do for a living" I start our conversation while I resume my cooking.

"I have my own company Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc." he says proudly and I frown.

"Never heard of it what do you do with it?"

"All sorts of things what do you do?" Actually he looks a little annoyed as if meeting someone who doesn't know him or his company is something that doesn't happen to him often. But I decide to ignore the fact and answer his question instead.

"I've finished my studies in may now I concentrate on my dancing."


"Ballroom and latin. I work in a dance studio as teacher and also compete with my partner."

"Boyfriend?" he asks and raises a brow. Shit that makes him even look hotter.

"No Jose is gay we have been dancing together for 10 years now we met when our parents brought us to the same dance lessons."

"I see and dancing is enough to pay for all of this?" he gestures vaguely around the appartment and I shake my head.

"My biological father died when I was just born he left my mom and me with a lot of money. The dancing wouldn't even pay a closet in this place but it is what I love to do and I'm young enough to enjoy it. Later on I will start in the publishing world."

"Journalist?" now he looks disgusted and I get it as an entrepeneur he obviously is not keen on the media.

"No I have a love for books maybe agent or editor I don't know but I can dance at least another 5 to 10 years so I don't need to decide now."

"I see and why are you doing all the cooking when your roommate was the one that invited us for dinner?"

"Kate is good at a lot of things cooking is not one of them but I love to cook so no big deal. Do you like tiramisu with strawberries?" I ask since I have already made it today and was thinking about serving it for dessert.

"With strawberries well I never tried it but it sounds good."

"It is good I made it this morning Kate loves it so we can have this for dessert."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" What the hell I turn around and look at him. Fuck he really is beautiful. Actually it feels like everytime I look at him he looks even better. Is that even possible?!

"No but thats kind of personal for someone to ask I met five minutes ago."

"I know but I don't like to talk around things rather than just ask."

"I see so do you have a girlfriend?"

"No. So would you like to join me for dinner tomorrow at my place." Ok did I just miss part of our conversation? Shit I can't do that it is to soon. I mean if he'd ask to take me out things would have been different but somehow I feel like having the first date at his place is to intimate since we only just met.

"I have a dance show tomorrow evening, sorry."

"I see I don't mind fucking you tonight." That's kinda rude and I'm shocked that a tiny part of me is tempted but there are certainly better ways to ask a girl to go to bed with her.

"Excuse me? I don't know what is wrong with you Christian but I'm not in the habit of fucking guys I barely know so forget it!" Ok he is definetely nuts because now he is smirking at me.

"Believe me Ana I'm in the habit of getting what I want."

"Good for you and I know what I don't want" I snap back. Who the fuck does he think he is urghh he can look as good as he wants that attitude is a major turn off.

"I see so tell me what do I have to pay you for a fuck?" I gape at him. Did he really just say that?!

"Ok, thats enough I've had it with you asshole" I fume and walk briskly into the livingroom starteling Kate and her newest hottie.

"Kate this is it I'm going into my room now to calm down and when I'm back I want this asshole out of my apartment." I hiss.

"What happened?" she asks with a confused look on her face.

"Frankly that asshole in our kitchen asked me if I want to fuck him and when I declined his offer he asked me how much I take for a night."

"Fuck not again" Kate's guy groans and leaps to his feet.

"Christian what the hell is wrong with you leave the girl alone." he hisses at his brother who is leaning in the entrance of the livingroom with a smug grin on his face.

"Chill Elliot she is just a slut like every other woman so why not ask" he shrugs.

"I can not fucking believe this get out of my apartment now or I'll drag your ass out myself!" I yell at Christian and he has the audacity to laugh at me. This is it! I walk towards him and grab him by his shirt. He is obviously shocked by my behavior and the moment I've pulled him outside my apartment I get back in and shut the door in his face. There that told him!

"I'm so sorry Anastasia my brother umm it's complicated he has a problem with women I should have warned you I'm really sorry" Elliot says looking mortified.

"It's ok just don't bring him here again. I'll finish our food" I mutter and return to the kitchen. This could have been a nice evening but that rude fucker totally ruined it and so I finish cooking and just take some lasagna and tiramisu for myself with a glass of wine and excuse myself to eat in my room so Kate can enjoy her dinner with Elliot alone.

While I eat my food I'm still pissed about how rude Christian was but hey a guy who is that good looking must have a flaw in another department pity that it must have been his behavior. But I guess if you are the kind of girl who likes one night stands he is the perfect guy, sadly I'm not that girl.

Christian's POV

I sit in my office and all I can think of is the roommate of my brothers newest flavor of the month. Miss Anastasia Steele has some balls to kick me out. But I will show her. I am Christian Grey and I fuck every woman I god damn please. She is nothing special. Well okay she has those amazing eyes but that's it. She is just another cunt I can put my dick in and have some fun. That's the only thing I need a woman for. And so help me I will fuck that little bitch before the week is over. Maybe I spank the shit out of her before I fuck her. That will tell her!

Finally my e-mail alert rings with another new e-mail from Welch and I open it. There it is a background check on Anastasia Steele the next piece of ass in my collection.

Name: Anastasia Rose Steele
Date of birth: 09/10/1989
Adress: 1940 Escala 4th Avenue Seattle
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120 lbs


Franklin A. Lambert (deceased)

Carla May Steele

Raymond Steele (Stepfather)


Jennifer Marie Steele * 04/25/91

Patrick Raymond Steele * 11/30/97


Montesano Junior/Senior High School

SAT-Score 2150

WSU Vancouver

Degree in british literature summa cum laude

GPA 4.0

Employement records

Dance Instructor at Dance Factory Seattle Full Time

Other occupations

Professional Ballroom and Latin dancer


Junior Champion north america latin dance 2002 and 2004
Junior Champion north america ballroom dance 2001, 2002 & 2004
North american champion in ballroom dancing 2008, 2009 and 2010
World champion in latin standard dance 2010

different championships in state and local dancing contest

all titles are won alongside her dance partner Jose Rodriguez.


Religious affiliation: none found

political affiliation: none found

sexual orientation: not known

relationship status: single

banking detail

account at wells fargo bank: balance 7.5 million dollar

two savings accounts each 50.5 million dollar balance

fourth account 8.7 billion dollar balance

All money is from the inheritage Miss Steele gained on her 21st birthday
her father Franklin A. Lambert was the heir of oil tycoon Mitch F. Lambert.

I stare at the report. That fucking bitch is as rich as I am well fuck me she is even richer since she has it all in cash while big parts of my fortune are tied to GEH or in real estate I own. No wonder she wouldn't consider my money offering. But I will have her anyway. First I will spank her with a paddle or cane. Then I will fuck her mouth, then her cunt and maybe even her ass. I want to fuck her in every way possible mark her with my cum and give her the best fuck of her life. And if she comes back for more, which I am sure she will I'll ignore her and tell her she was the worst fuck I ever had. Thats what that bitch deserves for kicking me out and I will be only too happy to deliver it to her.

Yes Miss Anastasia Steele will learn that you don't mess with Christian Grey. I'm just about to make another phone call when Elliot comes into my office.

"What the fuck Christian. I brought you with me and you had nothing better to do than to treat my girlfriend's roommate, who by the way is a really nice girl, like a cheap hooker?" fuck he needs to relax, besides he likes to fuck just as much as I do so who is he to judge me.

"Calm down bro I made an offer she denied so nothing happened."

"Christian I know you have a problem with women..." Oh no don't even start that shit again he is not my therapist for fuck's sake! So I interupt him. "I don't I fuck them and move on!"

"That's a fucking lie Christian you punish every woman you meet and you know it. I don't know if this is about your birth mom or that old hag and I'm sorry that this shit has happened to you. But you are 28 now Christian you can't go like that forever."

"Elliot don't give me that shit. Honestly I'm only 28 and I like to fuck so what's the matter?"

"I like to fuck too, but I don't treat every woman beside the ones in our family like shit. Thats whats the matter Christian and I think you should apologize to Anastasia." He has got to be kidding me. That slut kicked me out!

"Like hell! That fucking bitch threw me out!" has he lost his fucking marbles for good?! I'm not apologizing to some little bitch. Oh this conversation will just add to the humiliation I will put her through! But I need a plan surely she won't let me in if I just knock at her door. Think Grey hah got it!

"Fine, I apologize why don't you, her and your girlfriend join me for dinner tomorrow 7 at my place?"

"Fine, but please Christian just try for one night to act like a gentleman."

"Will do" I smirk at him. Yeah first I will give her some flattery and when I got her where I want her I will fuck her into next week and then ditch that fucking cunt. Game on Miss Steele you better get ready for the fuck of your life, because I'm going to fuck you until you see stars and beg me to stop, but I don't know any mercy. You won't be able to close your legs for a week curtesy of yours truly. Yeah now I can't wait for tomorrow. Time to have some fun!

So this was chapter one I hope you liked it. There are some twists to come in future chapters which I can't wait to share with all of you. Please leave a review and let me know what you think.
