Disclaimer: Sailor Moon is property of Takeuchi Naoko, Kodansha Comics, and Toei Animation Studios.

Author's Note: Right, so, I hit a block with the third chapter of "First Ministrations", and may well rewrite a good chunk of what I do have (graah), so in the meantime, this drabble.


The lightning rent the sky, consuming all in its path, its wielder among the fallen. As she breathed her last, the Reaper stirred, but did not wake.

As ice shielded its bearer from illusory flame, only to break her neck upon completion of her work, the Reaper shifted, but did not wake.

When light leaped to duty's call, only to reflect on its guide, the Reaper's grip tightened on her scythe, but she did not wake.

As fire burned at its commander's will, then died in arctic wind, the Reaper twitched, but did not wake.

As four guardians comforted their charge, the Reaper stilled.

When four soldiers heeded their liege's call, the Reaper smiled, and slept on.


Author's Note: … I may have revisited episodes 45 and 46...