The next few days seemed to just float by. Stiles was back to being Stiles; Scott surprisingly wasn't seen much. Things just seemed better.

"Okay, how does that even work?" Stiles asked.

"Well I mean, if you think about it, it actually is kind of just common sense," Luke explained. Stiles had been having some issues with his chemistry homework and asked him for help. He and Stiles had also started hanging out a little bit more so he introduced Luke to Derek and Lydia so they could all hang out together.

"Bro, what? That is so not common sense. If you ask me how many sig figs are in 5.0, I'm not gonna think 2, I'm gonna think 1 - as any rational person would. But apparently a decimal point changes life in this class," Stiles said with dramatic hand gestures. They both laughed and put their books away as Derek and Lydia approached the lunch table.

"Okay are we still on for the movies tonight?" Lydia asked, excited. She had been waiting to see The Winter Soldier for a week now, and everyone was finally free on the same day.

"Um, don't kill me, but I actually have homework. You know I wouldn't do this but it really is a ton of homework and I seriously need to get to it," Derek said slowly. Lydia gaped.

"Derek! We've had these plans for almost a week now, you can skip homework for a night, come on," Stiles said.

"Guys, I'm already a little behind, I don't wanna ruin the schedule I've worked out for myself. I don't get the credit if I don't keep my grade up," Derek explained.

Lydia and Stiles groaned at Derek in unison, Luke snickered at their bickering.

"Fine, fine, but next time okay. Promise?" Stiles said, sticking his pinky out for Derek to swear on.

"Promise," Derek wrapped his pinky around Stiles' and kissed his hand.

"Eeeewww PDA," Luke chuckled.

"Oh, don't be jealous. Would you like a kiss too?" Lydia teased.

"From the queen?" Luke fake gasped, putting his hand over his chest. "I'd be honored!" They all laughed and decided it was finally time to get something to eat.

Derek was actually working hard and totally focused for a while. He was finishing up his English paper when he heard someone coming up the elevator to his loft. He walked out of his room to see who it was, checking his messages on the way. As expected, there were a handful of messages from Lydia about how he missed the best night ever. Although, the one he received from Stiles is what caught his attention:

Miss you babe, wish you were here. Movie was epic! Lydia cried.. Twice. 3

Derek chuckled and tucked his phone away as he looked up to see who was standing in his living room.

The intruder's mouth twisted into a devilish smile as he sauntered further into the loft.

"Hey there," he whispered.

"What are you doing here, Scott?" Derek asked blatantly.

"Oh, sweetie. Don't act like you're not happy to see me," he was a foot away from Derek now, giving him sex eyes and biting his lip.

"No, really, why are you here? I've got shit to do," Derek asked again.

"Then tell me to leave. Since you're apparently so busy," Scott pushed. He took a step forward, closing the gap between them.

"Leave," Derek said. Plain and simple. Scott looked as if he had been struck.

"Well, no need to be so rude," he pouted.

"Don't play games. Get out," Derek grabbed Scott's arm and pulled him back towards the door.

"Ah, ah, ah! Not so fast, cutie. Unless you want your little boy toy to find out about the fun we had the other night." Derek froze. He felt Scott's arm slip out of his grip. He stood next to Derek with a grin so wide his face should have cracked. "See, I'd just hate to see Stiles hurt. The pain in his eyes, the quiver of his cute bottom lip," he whispered into Derek's ear. "I can practically hear his heart breaking. Actually, that sounds fun, maybe I should tell him."

Derek's hand flew to Scott's neck and he slammed him against the wall. "Don't you dare threaten me! If you know what's good for you, you'll keep quiet. You've hurt him enough already."

Scott snaked his hand up Derek's leg, grabbing at his crotch through his jeans. "That's the Derek I came to see. Come on. Drag me to bed and rip my clothes off!" he laughed.

"You disgust me." Derek let go of Scott and walked away quickly to make some space.

"Come on, Der! Don't be such a drag," Scott stalked after him.

"Don't call me that. Just get out," Derek called over his shoulder.

"Maybe I should just call Stiles right now.." Scott said, casually looking around the room like he didn't just drop an atomic bomb.

"What do you want?" Derek asked. He couldn't bring himself to turn around. He didn't want Scott to see the pain in his eye

"Hm. What do I want?" Scott said as he began pacing and tapping his chin with a tedious smile. "To torture you.. To get at Stiles.. Maybe I actually like you and Stiles just got to you first.." Scott gave Derek a sarcastic once over and snorted, "Ha. Yeh, definitely not that one. But, I'll be sure to let you know when I agree on a reason. For now - tread carefully, Derek." Scott let out a giggle and sashayed out of Derek's loft.

I am so screwed. Derek thought to himself.

The next few days were hell for Derek. The guilt of what happened still ate at him 24/7. He was on edge, being weird. His friends were starting to notice and Stiles was constantly giving him worried looks. Scott was getting grabby in class as well; making flirty eyes when they saw each other in the halls, getting just a little too close when they worked together on their project. Derek was close to putting a circle of mountain ash around his loft behind him and he didn't know how much longer he could keep making excuses to avoid hanging out with Stiles. This was getting ridiculous; something had to be done before Scott got bored and opened his mouth to stir something else up.

The bell rang for Derek to finally be released from the hell that was now AP World History. Although, he wasn't completely out of the woods yet. As he collected his things he looked around for Scott. He spotted the snake gossipping with a few girls in the class - one of whom was Allison Agent. What a kiss ass. Derek hastily made his way to the door, but not before grabbing Scott's arm and giving him a we-need-to-talk look. "Bathroom. Now.

"Ohhh, he wants me now ladies. Catch up later?" Scott smiled to his followers.

Derek charged into the bathroom, tossing his bag on one of the sinks. "Hello? Anyone in here?" he called as he checked for feet in the stalls. He whipped around and started pacing, getting his thoughts together. Scott finally meandered into the bathroom with a little glint in his eye

"Really, Derek, I know you can't control yourself around me, but the school bathroom? Come on, sweetie," Scott grinned. He was eating this up.

"Scott, you know what this is about."

"Maybe I'll make an exception for you, Derek. You wanna go at it in the stalls? How about against the wall? Or get me on a sink, that could be interesting," Scott pondered as he sat on one of the sinks.

"I'm sick of your games!" Derek yelled. He walked over to Scott and slammed his hand on the mirror behind his head with force that should have shattered it. Scott snaked his legs around Derek tightened them, pulling himself closer, wrapping his arms around Derek's neck. Scott nuzzled his nose against Derek's jaw line and smiled that shit eating grin of his.

"What games, baby?" Scott whimpered.

Derek leaned in and let out a low, threatening growl as his wolf eyes flashed angrily to which Scott replied with the biting of his lip and a groan of anticipation.

"Baby? Derek, what the hell is going on here?" Derek didn't even hear the door open. Scott and Derek turned to see Luke standing in the bathroom doorway, complete shock and horror covering his face.

"It's.. It's not what it looks like! I swear!" Derek started.

"Yeh, totally. Nothing going on here," Scott laughed.

"Luke, please. Let me explain. Don't say anything to Stiles!" Derek begged. The first lunch bell rang and the hallway filled with students making their way to class to go into food comas for the first half hour. Luke looked at Derek, then to Scott, and back to Derek with a look of pure disgust on his face. He shook his head and disappeared into the growing crowd. Derek peeled himself away from Scott and grabbed his bag a he ran to try and catch up.

"Luke!" Derek called. "Luke!" He let out a heavy sigh; it was too late. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration as he tried to figure out what his next move was. He had to be the one to tell Stiles. It couldn't come from anyone else.

Derek took a look back at Scott, who looked as if he was watching it all unfold in his mind. "You're a real piece of work you know that," he spat.

"So I've been told," Scott smirked. He flashed his wolf eyes and tilted his head back to let out a howling laugh as he soaked in the thought of other people's misery.