DC: I do not own any of twilight, just the plot and a few characters everything else not mine.



It's cold outside, mom and dad said I had to clean the driveway of snow. Why are they making me do this, I am so short I can't even reach the handle in the shovel they told me to use. Well, now I have to use my shovel that let me tell you doesn't work well considering its for playing in the sand. I have been out here all evening and my hand really hurts.

I came back into the house to meet an ANGRY Daddy.

"Where have you been?" I looked at him and replied "Shoveling the driveway like you said" "Well why did it take you so long?!" I was starting to get scared and my vision started to get blurry.

'Smack' "Ahh!" I grabbed my cheek, but when I did it hurt so much. "Daddy dat hurt." I told him. "Well too bad deal with it now get out of my sight you brat." I followed his orders and went to my room. After I got my PJ'S on I fell fast asleep from the exhaustion of today.

'Crash' I woke up to hearing something break on the floor down stairs. "No you need to leave she is my daughter and your not taking her away from me and her mother." I heard Daddy say to someone.

"NO Charlie we gave you a chance, when you hit her today that was the last straw with us we should have taken he with us a long time ago." I heard a soft female voice say.

I grabbed my Blankie and teddy bear and went down stairs. I am still so tired but I need to go see Daddy I could barely make out any of the yelling that was going on.

I had felt my feet reach the bottom step and said " Why be loud Daddy?" Everyone looked over at me "No reason sweetheart go back to bed." "No Charlie"

A really tall man came up to me.

"HI, little one my name is Felix" " I Bella" he smiled " I know I have a question for you Bella. Where did you get that bruise on your face?" Felix lightly dragged his fingure across my face which caused a lot of pain. "Owey, Felix no touch." I told him with tears starting to fill my eyes. He nodded and wait for my answer to his question.

"Daddy did it. Why so important?" Felix looked back at his friends and they nodded while I let out a mighty yawn. The nice lady chuckled and said "Well Bella I am Jane. Would you like to come with me?"

"Where?" "To a place where no one can hurt you." hmm, do I want to go. I mean Daddy could not hurt me anymore. I looked at her and nodded that I would. "Great well why don't we go pack your room up and Felix will carry you to the car." Jane gave me a really caring smile.

After we got my room packed up and in bags we came back down and saw Felix and Alec waiting by the door. Felix smiles at me holding my blankie and teddy bear I ran to him. He kneeled down and picked me up. I smile at him which he returns back at me. I yawned again and laided my head on his shoulder only to fall asleep again but this time I am really happy with them.

A/N- Well let me know what you think I have the next few Chapters written I just need to know if it's worth putting up.

If any of you know of any shows or stuff you would like me to write more than happy to comply.

Storm Vampire See Ya Later!