Please Read What's Written On My Profile Before Continuing.

Everything Below this line is old.

Hetalia is the property of Hidekaz Himaruya. Support official release.

It had been about a week since Britain and America had secretly made peace with each other. They had not managed to speak to each other since then due to having some issues to deal with in their own countries, but they really knew they didn't have to. They had no quarrel with each other and the problem was no more, thus there was little else to be said or done about it.

Shortly after, the monthly G8 meeting crept its way into everyone's notice. And thus Italy, Germany, Japan, America, Britain, France, Russia, and another nation whom nobody seemed to be aware of even though he sat in plain view. They all talked about matters at hand and important diplomatic concerns and so forth. Hell, even Canada managed to get a word of opinion across a couple times.

Soon the meeting was finished and everyone scattered. Some went to get drinks, others to eat lunch, e.t.c, e.t.c. America was actually on his way to pick up something to eat. He felt his new phone (which he had actually planned to get replaced as Britain predicted) buzz and pulled it out of his pocket to look at the screen. He grinned and laughed a couple times

"oh...oh that's actually hilarious." he chuckled to himself. He stuffed the phone into his pocket and looked up. His fast American pace came to a screeching halt when he saw before him a boyish face seated atop a big bundled up body. Russia smiled on the overly warm and slightly creepy way that he normally did.

"Sup Rusks?" America grunted as he attempted to pass him. Russia however, with a gliding step, blocked America's way. America stopped in slight surprise and much irritation. pursing his lips, he attempted to go around the cold nation again. Russia stopped him by stepping in his way once more. America looked up at him unamused and raised an eyebrow behind his Texan glasses.

"You know." he said in a voice dripping with snide sarcasm "I know we're both super-nations here and all, but I think that this hallway is just large enough to let me walk by without you having to block my path."

"I didn't want you to go." Russia said opening his eyes from his overbearing grin. "I was just hoping to get a little favor from you da?"

America started feeling a bit uneasy when he saw how playful Russia's smile was, he took a small step back out of caution "You could have just asked me in the first place."

Sensing that America was getting a tad intimidated, Russia grinned even wider. America felt a bad vibe echo in the pit of his stomach, especially when he noticed that odd twinkle in Russia's eye.

"I was afraid to ask." Russia grinned, suddenly grabbing a hold of America "Because I was pretty certain you'd refuse."

Britain walked down the always with the eraser of his pencil in his mouth. He looked over the list of chores he had to do personally.

"Now let's see..." he murmured to himself. "Rake leaves, tend to the flowers, dust the house, work on croche..."


Britain was gaping in utter shock as he heard the all too familiar booming voice of a certain western nation. He stood there for a minute listening to the shouts and trembled in fear.

"Oh God Russia...Russia's got him!" he clenched his hands through his shaggy hair in panic. There were very few nations that could or would dare to confront America head on, but Russia was most certainly the exception. Between his humongous size and titanic strength, even America had to be careful around him.

Britain started running towards the cries. He wasn't sure what he should do or if he really could do anything, but he knew that he couldn't leave America without any aid whatsoever. Besides, he might not be able to beat Russia on his own, but he could certainly give him a few punches to think about.

Finally reaching the door that the shouts were coming from, he slammed open the door and ran in panting

"America! America what's going on?"

He stopped and stared as he saw the event before him. Confusion spreading on his face.

"Oh Iggy! Thank God dude! Hurry up and get me out of this!" America called desperately as he tried to wriggle out of his bonds. He was wrapped up in a straight jacket and bound in heavy iron chains. Not only that, but his legs and body were clasped firmly to a metal chair that was bolted to the floor. Russia was standing next to him just watching patiently.

"Upon my word...?" Britain muttered

"Ah, privet to you Britain." Russia smiled as he saw the gentlemanly nation enter. "I was just waiting for the show to start. Care to join?"

"What the bloody hell are you doing?!" Britain shouted glaring daggers at Russia. He pointed to America. "What is the meaning of this? You can't just use the G8 building as your own personal torture chamber dammit! Besides, in a public political location like this, do you have the slightest idea what this will do to your own national standing?! You're only making things worse for yourself."

"Uspokoytes." Russia replied calmly, raising a hand in defense. "I'll let him go in a little bit, I don't want to hurt him (physically), I just wanted to get him to sit still for a while. He never can seem to do it on his own, so I thought he might use a little help da?"

"When I break free you are SO getting hammer and sickled!" America growled.

"Ce qui sur terre?!" A distinct french voice came from the doorway. "What was that dreadful screaming that absolutely broke my wonderful daydream to shatters! Impardonnable!"

"God knows what kind of things you daydream about." Britain murmured under his breath.

"There'd better be good excuse why you jackasses have to make such rabble!" China declared grumpily as he sauntered in with crossed arms, irritated beyond measure. "Aya! You all so damm loud!"

"We were just waiting for America to start!" Russia smiled. "I'd expect he'll begin any minute now."

"Start what? What the bloody hell are you talking about?"

"The dude's wacked bro!" America said accusingly glaring at Russia who just smiled back at him "This is just some sick revenge plot isn't it?"

"I would probably be lying if I said niet." Russia replied, "But mostly it's out of curiosity, so don't take it personally...or do. Honestly, it makes little difference to me"

"What exactly are we waiting for?" France asked curiously.

"You're guess is as good as mine" Britain shrugged.

"Ok Russia! You've had your fun ok?! You caught me, you tied me up, and now you showed the rest of the allies! If that's all you wanted to get your stupid gloating privileges then there's no need to keep me in here! So would you just hurry up and let me-*hic!*!"

Everyone paused and just looked to America who was sitting with a look of shock on his face which slowly turned into a look of utter horror and anxiety.

"Oh no...." he groaned understanding now why he was all tied up. *hic!*

"Ah there it is!" Russia grinned.

Everyone else just stood there for a minute in complete silence. Then, China turned away covering his mouth with his hands as he tried desperately not to laugh. At that moment, Britain and France couldn't hold back and began sniggering through their teeth.

"Mon dieu, c'est hilarant!" France exploded in laughter covering his forehead with his hand. America's cheeks turned slightly red.

"Stop *hic!* it!"

The three nations only laughed harder.

"*hic!* Come on guys cut *hic!* it out!"

tears began flowing out of their eyes.

"Cut it out! It's not *hic!* funny!"

"I-It's pretty funny from up here!" France managed to say between laughs.

"My God!" Britain gasped, clutching his stomach from his intense laughter as he pointed feebly to America. "Did...ahaha!...did you swallow a rubber duck or something, what's that noise your making!?"

America grit his teeth, partially in anger, and partially in the hopes it would stop his hiccups.

"O-*hic!*-kay! HA. HA. My hic-*hic!*-cups are hilarious! *hic!* You've had your fun, now *hic!* would you please un-*hic!*-tie me?!"

But everyone (save Russia who was just grinning pleasantly and letting out small satisfied chuckled) was too busy trying to breathe between the howling laughter that escaped from their lungs. Even if they tried letting America go, they wouldn't have been able to keep themselves contained long enough to do anything of worth for the trapped nation. America glared at them grudginly as he tried in vain to escape his bonds.

"I *hic!*-HATE-*hic!*-ALL OF*hic!*-YOU JERKS! *hic!*"

The jest was kept up for a good while until at last it was Canada who came and managed to get them to calm down and let his now fully embarrassed brother go.