Jol and elis epic adventure.

Ok so it was an infectd apocaluspde or somethin becuz nauht y dog has allergy to zombi.

So joll and ellie an callus were makin there way to the UEC. However thar war a porblim. there was infactef evryhere.

"Holly shit joel thar's infectd everywere why does this laways happn.?" Asked ellie.

"Bets me. said joel.

So then the trie dto go to the collge websate but it just sed that the collehe wsas clossed intil the whol zominfeted thing wad ovr. "well that doenst halp us moch." said ellie.

ANd so the road on.

But things go rong when the runinto a clickr. It was doing the click thing bot it disn't norice them?

"wtf is gone on? ask ellie

"This is weird " said tha horse. But tha clickr could not hear them,

"Wtf is wrong with yoou clickr?!" askd joel.

"I have impactef ers with erwacx so i connot here ver y well and therfor are nt a good click. i need an ortolaryngoologist :(" said the clickr.

Elli began to depressd and cried. "ther is the saddiest story evyr :'(" she said. And then the poocnhed the clickr to pit it out od its misry. "whys does this bad things kept hhappen?" sake elly.

"Becos it is he way of lif nwo." said jol. and they rode onto the sanset.