Taser Secret

Summary: Avengers X Justice League Crossover AU. Darcy Lewis: Best Assistant Ever! Best friend to the team of Superheroes. Darcy Lewis adoptive mother of Robin, WAIT WHAT? Bruce WayneX DarcyX Bruce Banner. Stony, Clintasha, Thane.

Note: Okay. This story has been in my brain for quite some time and it needed to come out. I hope you guys like it all I hope is that it's interesting enough.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Avengers they belong to Marvel. I don't own the Justice League it belongs to DC Comics.


Taser Secret

One: Heartbreak

Darcy is known for many things in Avenger's Tower, she is one of Tony's bros; she could manhandle 'Team Science' into doing exactly as she wanted. She helped Steve get acquainted with the modern world; she got training from Natasha and Clint-(which really it ended it a lot of bruises)-she was normal or so people like to believe that for they didn't know her history heck she doubted S.H.I.E.L.D. could get into those files. She also happened to be in love with none other than Dr. Banner also known as the Hulk.

She was pretty sure he felt something for her; she knew the Hulk liked her a lot if saving her a few times and making sure she was safe personally said anything. Heck Bruce was close to asking her out. Or he would have if 'She' hadn't come.

Yes because Betty Ross had appeared again with some half-ass science mumbo-jumbo to help Bruce find a cure. Darcy was pretty sure Bruce was accepting the Hulk. Tony didn't like Betty either mostly because she was trying to get rid of Jolly Green. Since most knew of her crush they would look at her with sadness. Something she didn't need thank-you very much. She thought she could handle it. No she was sure she could handle it. Or so she could have believed it five minutes ago.

She was going to take Bruce the tea he liked because she did that, it was a ritual and a chance to flirt but she would never admit that. So she went down to his labs and once the door opened she had a smile ready.

"Hey, Dr. B I brought…" she stopped when she saw Bruce and Betty breaking apart. Dr. Banner looked at her with wide eyes and Betty blushed. "Sorry to interrupt I brought your tea." She said putting the cup on the counter and went to move out of the room.

"Darcy…" Bruce said he had a guilty look on his face that she didn't want to see.

"Don't worry Dr. B I should've knocked." She said and fast walked because she wouldn't say running out of his lab. Bruce saw her leave and he felt the Hulk roar in sadness, he turned back to Betty.


Now here she was in her room trying to calm herself and not let the tears come out. She hadn't known what heartbreak felt like she had been in love but not unrequited and most of the partings had been nice or as nice as break-ups were in Gotham City of all places.

So when she has calm down or as calm as she can be she puts a smile and goes help in everything that is needed in;bad thing is she went to see Steve, who knew a broken heart out of everyone. When she sits with him in the couch he knows.

"Hey Steve want to watch some movies we need to catch you up." she tells him. He wants to call her on it but knows not to.

"Sure, Darcy." He says with a smile. She smiles back and it tells him that she is very grateful he didn't bring up anything.

Thor and Jane come to crash the movie session but she doesn't mind. Tony comes next, than Clint and Natasha and then come Bruce and Betty. Darcy stiffens in the middle of Steve and Tony. Both men share a look; they know what the problem is when Betty says.

"Guess what?" she tells them.

"Yes." Tony replies.

"Uh it's nothing." Bruce says quickly, Betty looks at him a bit hurt.

"Bruce we should tell your team." Betty tells him.

"Tell us, what?" Natasha asks.

"Bruce and I are going to give each other one last try." Betty says with happiness; everyone in the room seemed to freeze and some of them look at Darcy. Darcy feels the tears there and her throat is closing up from holding them in.

"C...Congratulations." Darcy says with a smile.

"Thank-you." Betty tells her. Steve wraps her more in his arm and Tony touches her leg in comfort. They keep watching movies and before the last movie is done Steve whispers to Darcy.

"Close your eyes." he says, when Darcy follows Steve picks her up. Surprising most of the room.

"I'm going to take her to her room." Steve tells them, he looks at Tony. They just nod at him and Steve takes her to her room. Arriving her puts her down on her bed gently.

"Thanks Steve." She whispers.

"You're welcome." He tells her. He wants to stay with her the same way she did when he almost got heart-broken by Tony a year ago, but she notices.

"Go be with Tony." She tells him. She didn't want to be a bother and she doesn't want to make it a big deal.

"Are you sure? I can stay." Steve tells her.

"Go." Darcy says. Once Steve leaves, she begins to sob quietly so JARVIS doesn't tell Tony.


In their room Tony notices that Steve won't stop pacing and he knows the reason.

"Blue Eyes is going to be fine." He tells Steve.

"Sorry, it's just Darcy really cares about Bruce and this must have hurt." Steve tells him with a worried expression.

"I know." Tony says.

"Let's go to sleep." Steve says as he lies down with Tony in bed.

"Okay." Tony says and kisses Steve, who returns the kiss whole-heartily.


The next month is emotionally exhausting for Darcy, she keeps the charade that she is incredibly happy but it's hard. Jane gives her looks, heck she had a bunch of 'Girl Nights' but they don't help (Read: they had to invite Betty). The next month is about to begin when Tony gives her a break. She was sitting on the stool of the counter in the common kitchen when he came in with an envelope.

"Here take a vacation." He says.

"I'm not getting fired am I?" She asks because she really loves this job.

"Heck no, then whose mind will I blow besides Clint's." Tony tells her.

"So where are you sending me?" she asks eating her cereal.

"Wherever you want, I made it so S.H.I.E.L.D. won't know about your location." Tony tells her and it's a surprise.

"Aw, thanks Tony." She says and knows not to get to sappy.

"You're my bro, it's the least I can do after trying to blow you up this past month." he says but they both know it's not because of that. She hugs him and leaves quickly. Normally she wouldn't want to leave but the emotions are too much. She doesn't even know where to go.

As she arrives into her bedroom, which really is an apartment, she keeps thinking looking around the room. Until her gaze lands on a bat plushy that she bought as a joke that she gets an idea. She grabs her phone and dials a number she knows way too well and from memory. She waits for a while as it rings.

"Wayne Manor, who do you wish to speak to?" she hears the familiar British voice.

"Hey, Alfred." She greets.

"Miss Lewis?" Alfred asks.

"The one and only, is Bruce up?" she asks.

"Of course, I'll give him the phone." He says.

"Don't tell him it's me I want to surprise him." she says and hears Alfred chuckle.

"I believe it would be a pleasant surprise." Alfred tells her, Darcy smiles as she hears.

'Who is it Alfred?' comes the question. She can imagine the scowl from the man on the other side, the way his eyes would be suspicious, the body ready to attack whoever is on the other line or put the dumb playboy flair.

"Hello?" she hears.

"So have you missed me?" she asks.

"Darcy?" Bruce asks. "Are you alright, are you hurt?" he begins his interrogation. Darcy rolls her eyes because she should really have expected this from him.

"I'm fine." She tells him. "I…I just called to tell you that I'm coming to Gotham."

On the other side of the line Bruce looks up at Alfred with a questioning brow. It had been a long time (four years) since he had heard from Darcy Lewis, he had sent a basket of roses last year after she graduated even if it was online that she finished her Political Science Major and for her birthday every year. He knew what she had been doing in her life, that she lived with the Avengers as their Personal Assistant. He also may have asked some questions to Tony without being obvious.

"Are you sure, the Avengers might miss their PA." he tells her.

"Tony gave me the month vacation because supposedly him he tried to blow me up this month." She tells him.

"Well if that is the case, I want you to stay here in the Manor, you're a magnet for trouble Darcy." He says and he isn't exactly kidding somehow she ends up in weird places.

"Oh you want to keep me safe." she tells him.

"So when are you coming?" he asks changing the subject.

"I'll be there by tonight probably." She tells him.

"I'll see you then." Bruce tells her.

"Bye, Bruce see you soon." She tells him and he can hear sadness there even if she is trying to hide it.

"See you soon, Darcy." He says and clicks looking at Alfred.

"I do believe, I need to get the guest room ready." Alfred tells him. Bruce just gives him a nod. It would be interesting to have Darcy here again. That and he wouldn't have to lie about his other life. Yes it would be interesting to have Darcy there. Alfred ignores the look that his charge has about the future arrival.


Note: This is the end of the chapter. Don't forget to review.