This story is only compliant until the end of Goblet of Fire. While I may borrow some elements from Books 5-7, don't assume it to be fact unless directly stated as being so. Why? Mainly because I wanted Dumbledore, Sirius and Remus alive, and for the final battle to be played out quite differently to canon. You'll see.
Disclaimer: Obviously not JKR. I wonder what she'd do if she knew what I was doing to her characters...
The curse that Tom Riddle had placed upon the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchery had expired with the caster's death.
In the ten years since the final battle of the war in which the mortal Tom Riddle, amongst countless others, had perished, the post had been held by one Professor Marius Freedwell. Professor Freedwell had been generally respected by faculty and students alike. Acknowledged as an adequate teacher, an intimidating chess opponent and a lenient examiner, he had been popular enough for most to remark with some sadness on his departure. After all, it had been over forty years since there had been any consistency of instructor in the subject and all agreed it was a shame to see him succumb to retirement.
The subject of Professor Freedwell's replacement had been much discussed amongst the student body. Rumors had flown, the prevailing belief being that former Auror John Dawlish was the front-runner for the position. Other rumors were less believable, such as the whisper, perpetrated mostly by third year girls, that the lead singer of the popular band the Raging Warlocks was set to assume the position.
None had guessed the truth. That ten years after the battle that had rid the world of the most evil Dark Lord it had ever seen, the Savior of the Wizarding world, Harry Potter, was returning to Hogwarts.
To my All Was Well readers, please don't worry. All Was Well will continue to be updated regularly. Finding Home gives me a chance at writing my favorite ship, Snarry. I hope you're willing to give this story a chance, even if Snarry isn't usually your thing. SR.