Ok...I decided to rewrite the chapter after a reviewer informed me about the Heaven's Feel ending.
I do not own Fate/ stay night or Negima!
I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I remember destroying the Holy Grail, and I thought that I would've died from the blacklash from the deterioration of the magical artifact. However, I still noticed that my body felt a bit more...heavy, like it was becoming a sword, or maybe it was just the swords sticking out of my body because of the Reality Marble.
Perhaps it was both.
Sakura...she must be waiting for me. With that in my mind, I looked around the room.
It appeared to be an office of some sort. Magical artifacts were put up on the walls; at first sight, they appeared to just be antiques. The main desk had a plaque on it: Konoe Konoemon. The name irked me at first, but I put it out of my mind.
That's when I noticed the man sitting at the desk. He was an old man, with a long white beard and large eyebrows. The only hair on his head was the lone white ponytail. His eyes appeared to be closed, but it was apparent that he could still see when he asked, "Who are you?"
I stood silent at this question. I quickly devised a way I could leave the room. There was a window right behind the man; if I reinforced myself, I could jump out the window without hurting myself too much. Then I could collect my thoughts on the situation.
Just when I was ready to make my escape, a door behind me opened.
"Headmaster, I have something to ask you," A glasses wearing man walked into the room followed by a young child. "Who are you?"
The glasses man had short cut hair. His poise was relaxed yet ready to fight like a trained warrior.
The young child had reddish-brown hair. He had a long wooden staff on his back; he appeared nervous as he followed the glasses man inside.
That was when I noticed the prana concentration in the room.
All of the people had large amounts of prana(I deduced that they were maguses of some sort.), but the old man has the most prana, which surprised me.
Immediately I reinforced myself and jumped through the window, leaving shards of glass in my wake.
"Ohohoho! That was very interesting!" Konoemon said with a twinkle in his eyes.
He was resting in his office until suddenly, a bright light sined in the room. When the light disappeared, in its place was a man.
The man was wearing casual clothes, and his head was a peculiar red color, unusual for a Japanese which he appeared to be. He was covered in swords; actually, the swords were sticking out of his body. His left arm appeared to be slightly longer than his other arm; it was also darker and covered with a red cloth(the Shroud).
"Who was that Headmaster?" Takamichi Takahata asked a bit frantically. He was surprised that a red haired man suddenly jumped through the window.
"Was he here for something?" Negi Springfield asked.
"Oh I dont' know! But luckily, I can feel his magic signature, so we can get some answers from him! Send for those three, will you?" Konoemon replied.
The magic signature that the mysterious man had was strange to say the least.
'It feels like...swords!" Konoemon thought.
When I jumped out the window, I could see where I was. It was a campus of sorts; there were many school buildings as well as apartments and a shopping area.
It was like a whole city in a single campus.
As I was running, I figured out from a sign that this place was named Mahora. I didn't really matter at this point, as I took refuge in a wooded area. As I rested, the swords that were sticking out of my body began to disappear, most likely from Gaia rejecting them.
"So...I guess I'm not in Fuyuki City anymore," I thought to myself. "I may have been teleported to another dimension, by the looks of it."
I would've thought some more on my predicament, but I felt some magic signatures coming my way. One in particular was coming very fast.
Suddenly, a bullet grazed my cheek. I felt blood slide down my neck, but as quickly as the wound came, it disappeared. I quickly got into a fighting position where I could trace at any time.
Three people burst into the clearing.
One had clothes on like a ninja, another wielded a sword, and yet another carried a large sniper rifle.
Did I mention that they were all middle school girls?
"The Headmaster requests that you return so you can be asked questions," the swordswoman commanded, assuming a sword stance.
"You should return, you appear to be no match for us, de gozaru," the ninja mused with a smirk.
"Don't underestimate him, he jumped out of the window and he doesn't appear winded," the gun wielder warned.
Then, an unseen signal was given, and the two girls attacked while the sniper jumped back.
In my head, in an imaginary place that I went to whenever I used my magecraft, I felt as though an invisible gun had just been cocked. The hammer clicked, as it was pulled back to its firing position. Then it with a thought it was released, driving down on the imaginary bullet in my mind.
Trace on.
Two gleaming pian-dao, enormous Chinese sabers, appeared in my hands. The one in my left hand was black, so black that it seemed to drink in the dim light of the forest, another shadow amongst shadows. The one in my right was gleaming white, so bright that it was like a moon beam carving its way through the night. They were Kanshou and Bakuya. They were Noble Phantasms artifacts of age and legend, incarnations of power given shape by the dreams of man, accumulated through the ages. They fit into my hands like missing pieces of my body, simple extensions of my limbs.
I quickly parried the katana wielding girl's slash with Kanshou and blocked the kunai strike with Bakuya.
"Ara? Where did these swords come from?" the ninja girl asked, with a little surprise.
"It doesn't matter now! Take him down!" the swordswoman rushed me along with the ninja.
I quickly did a spin attack, knocking both girls into trees, and knocking them out. That only left the sniper.
A shot rang through the clearing, and I dived for cover.
I quickly judged what I could use to stop the sniper girl.
Trace on.
I jumped out so I could catch the sniper before she could fire. I quickly looked around...THERE!
"Enkidu!" I yelled mentally as I rose my hand up to the sky.
Before she could fire, chains appeared from the heavens. They swirled around her and binded her. Luckily, I used a very, very downgraded version of Enkidu, so she wasn't hurt that much.
"I'm sorry, but I can't be captured now," I muttered, feeling a bit more exhausted than usual; my od was drained a lot more than it should've been, must be the side effects from destroying the Grail. But that doesn't matter right now, I had to get back to Sakura!
I felt another presence behind me.
"Sorry for this," a voice said.
It was the glasses man from earlier!
Before I could do anything, I was hit from behind, and I saw darkness.
"Hey sempai," I woke up to see Sakura in front of me, however I couldn't move.
"Sakura!" I struggled, forced my brain to get my body to move, but it would not respond.
"I'm waiting for you, but it doesn't look like you're going to come back..." Sakura looked down.
"No, I will! SAKURA!" I yelled.
But Sakura already turned around and disappeared before I could stop her.
I woke up in a nurse's office, most likely the one at the school on campus. The glasses man was sitting on a chair next to the bed.
"Yo, sorry for that earlier, but you were getting a bit dangerous," He said while rubbing his neck nervously. "Oh, I'm Takahata Takamichi," He introduced himself as he reached his hand out for a handshake.
Though I narrowed my eyes at his statement, I decided that the safest course right now would be to gain the peoples' trust. "I'm Emiya Shirou." I shook his hand.
"Strong grip," I mused to myself.
I could tell by Takahata's expression that he thought my grip was strong also.
"Well, I could sit here and ask you question, but let's go to the Headmaster, he wanted to see you anyways," Takahata announced as he got up. "You can stand and walk now, yes?"
I nodded and followed him. We passed through some halls, which made me realize the size of this school, this campus. We eventually ended up in front of a large door, probably the Headmaster's room.
We entered the room, to reveal the same old man I saw earlier, along with the three girls and the young boy.
"Ohohoho! So you are back I see," The old man said with an obvious mischievous tone.
I looked at the three girls, but they seemed alright, despite the glares that they gave me.
"Are you three alright? I hope I didn't hurt you much back there," I asked, being the Ally of Justice that I was. All their expressions softened a little after my statement, which meant that they really were alright.
"Yes, we're alright, thank you for your concern," The swordswoman bowed.
"I'm glad that I didn't hurt you three too much," I bowed to the trio.
"Can I ask what you did back there?" The ninja asked, with a slight purse of the lips.
"Yes, it would also be nice if you told us how you got here also," Konoe-san said.
I looked at the people in the room, and their expressions told me that they would wait until I spilled, so I took a breath, and told my story.
I told them a watered down version of the story; no point of telling them EVERY single thing that happened. I basically covered how I got up to this point and how I destroyed the Holy Grail and was supposed to die. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I ended up being transported to a different dimension, which is how I came to arrive here.
The young boy Negi Springfield was crying by the end of my story. "That was so sad, Shirou-san! I had no idea one could go through such hardships on one's own!" He cried out while grasping my hand with two of his own.
"Hahahah..." I said while rubbing the back of my hand with my left hand, Archer's old one.
The sniper noticed that arm. "Emiya-san, I couldn't help but notice your left arm..."
I looked at my left arm.
Kotomine attached this arm when I lost mine during the War. It was a "foreign substance" that shouldn't have been on my arm; Kotomine attached it by opposing the natural Providence, though normally this method would not have succeeded. The seal on it, the Shroud of Martin, which kept Archer's circuits from connecting to my body.
"A...friend gave me this arm..." I said wistfully as I stared at my arm.
The dark-skinned Tatsumiya-san nodded.
"But, Emiya-san, you still did not answer my question," The ninja Nagase-san commented. "Exactly how were you able to make swords appear out of thin air?"
I decided to reveal a little bit of how I could "summon" the swords.
"It's called...tracing," I said. "It's a branch off of projection, but I can basically analyze a structure and create it from my mind, but I'm best with swords or things like that."
Everyone's eyes were almost bursting out of their faces.
"Ohoho! Sounds interesting! Could you maybe show a demonstration?" Konoe-san asked, obviously intrigued at this point.
I nodded since most of the people already saw the two swords Kanshou and Bakuya before.
Trace on.
The two swords appeared in my hands, and they felt as if they had always been there in my hands.
The men in the room became slackjawed from the act that I did.
"A-are you a mage?" Negi Springfield asked.
"I do not know if I am a mage, but I am what is known as a magus, so I guess you can say I am, in a sense," I replied, gaining a nod from Negi.
"Is there a limit to what you can...trace?" Takahata asked with a nervous look on his face.
"Well, yes, there are some things that I cannot project," I answered his question which lightened his expression a little bit.
The Headmaster's however, was more serious. He was studying the blades, as if he had seen them somewhere.
"Emiya-san, may I ask the names of the swords?" Konoe-san asked with a serious tone.
"The name of these swords are: Kanshou and Bakuya," I lifted the black and white dual blades respectively.
"Ah, those are some legendary blades there, Emiya-san," The old man replied with a smile. "The legend is that the blacksmith, Kanshou created these swords in grief after his wife, Bakuya, threw herself into the furnace to help create the swords, which did become legendary albeit that they had no legendary wielder."
I nodded, not wanting to reveal that the blades were projections, albeit very intricate projections.
Nagase-san also looked satisfied with the reason behind my skills.
"Now the question is...Emiya-san, what do you want to do now?" The headmaster asked.
What did I want to do? I couldn't just go out there and try to find a way back to my dimension, though magic here was most likely different, I wouldn't know where to start. It would be easier to wait a while, gather my thoughts and besides, fate will lead me back to Sakura, I know it.
"Is there a place I can stay for a while? I don't really think I can go anywhere right now..." I said with a pleading voice.
"Ohohoho! I had a feeling you would say that Emiya-san!" The old man said with a twinkle in his eye.
Wait, did he just trick me?
"I can give you a place to say and potentially a place to train on one condition," Konoe-san began.
I nodded, for I had nothing else to do.
"You will work for me along with these students here, and you will take part in patrolling. This campus is very high is the concentration of magic, so stray demons sometimes arrive here."
"Alright, thank you for this, Konoe-san," I bowed to the man.
"Ohoho! Don't thank me yet!" He replied. "Negi, take Emiya-kun to Evangeline's, will you?"
Another twinkle of his eyes, I'm beginning to wonder just how much the man thinks ahead.
"EHH! Evangeline-san! B-b-but!" Negi began to panic, maybe this Evangeline person was bad?
"Don't worry, it'll be alright," Konoe-san assured. "Just give her this note, and everything should work out in the end."
He flicked an envelope to Negi, who caught it.
"Alright," Negi said with renewed confidence. "Come Emiya-san, let's go."
I turned to follow him, but not before bowing to the rest of the people.
The girls returned the bow, though all of them had small blushes on their faces.
I wonder if they were sick?
Takahata gave a lazy wave, while the old man just chuckled again.
"It's a bit unfortunate that you arrived at this time, Emiya-san," Negi said as we walked down the path in the forest.
Negi informed me that there was a class trip to Kyoto in a couple of days. I did not care much since I was preoccupied with my own thoughts, but I nodded.
"Call me Shirou, but I noticed that one of the girls back there called you sensei?" I asked.
"Ah, I'm a teacher for Class 3A at Mahora. It's my job I was given. All graduates at the Magic Academy in Wales are given a job," He replied with a jovial tone.
My respect for Negi grew. This child became a teacher despite all of the hardships he went through, based on the short synopsis he had given me.
We had finally arrived at our destination.
It was a medium-sized, yet still homey cottage. It was two stories and inviting.
We walked up to the entrance, and Negi knocked.
"So, who is this Evangeline?" I asked with obvious curiousness.
Negi gave an obvious shudder, "You'll find out soon Shirou-san!" Negi replied with a nervous chuckle.
I was about to ask another question when the door opened, to reveal a green-haired maid.
She was wearing a maid outfit, which was why I inferred that she was a maid, however, I noticed her elbows.
"Elbows? Artificial limbs?" I thought to myself.
"Negi-sensei, hello there, may I ask what you are doing here?" The girl asked with an almost monotone voice.
"Ah, Chachamaru-san, could you give letter to Evangeline-san, it will explain everything," Negi replied after handing her the letter.
"Affirmative," The girl Chachamaru said. She led us to a table, gestured us to sit, and went up the stairs, where I guess Evangeline was.
As we waited for Evangeline to arrive, I just had to ask a question. "Negi, about Chachamaru-san..."
"Oh, she's a gynoid, I think, an advanced robot made by one of my smartest students, but the unique about her is that she's run on magic..." Negi looked like he was about to continue, but a doll was thrown at his face. Normally I wouldn't be surprised that a doll was thrown in someone's face; it doesn't usually hurt.
But the force of the throw made Negi fall out of his chair. I quickly turned my head towards the direction the doll was thrown to identify the culprit.
In front of me was Chachamaru-san along with a petite girl that looked about Negi's age.
She had long blonde hair and blue eyes; she looked to be English.
"So, you are the boy that the old fart asked to babysit?" The girl said in a contemptuous tone. "Well, no matter, for I am the Dark Evangel, Queen of the Night, Doll Master, Lord of Darkness, the Apostle of Destruction, and the Dreaded Vampire. I am Evangeline McDowell! Hahahahah!"
The girl started to cackle at her long introduction, but Chachamaru-san leaned down and whispered in her ear.
"You forgot to transfrom yourself, Master," is what I would've heard if I bothered to reinforce my hearing, not that I needed to do much since my sense were turning to steel from Unlimited Blade Works.
The girl blushed a bright red and coughed, catching herself before she did anymore stupid things.
"Alright, you're going to stay here for a while, according to a letter, but I'm allowed to train you any way I want, but you still have to patrol," Evangeline-san said with a dark grin on her face.
I shuddered, hoping that my decision to stay with this girl was a good idea.
Wait, did she say she was a vampire?
Whew, I hope this was better. Shirou will most likely stay with Eva and Chachamaru until the final Kyoto battle, where he'll arrive near the start of the fight.
Please review, I love it when you do.
Till next time :)
Until the canon parts, watch for the interaction Shirou will have between Chachamaru, Eva, and Mana(was Mana in the school trip?).
Most likely, any pairings in this story will be one-sided, due to Shirou's distorted personality(thanks reviewer who informed me of this!).