AN: It's here. The last chapter of Ever After. It's been an honor entertaining you all with this fic. Enjoy the epilogue! s-sdensi and MontyTheDog (And we're inculding Lily Lockhart as a character here. Enjoy the newest ship, Cally!)

It had been six months since Kensi, Callen and Sam had found and rescued Deeks. Thanks to some rest, bandages, herbal tea from Hetty and a few visits to the kingdom's best psychologist, Deeks made a proper recovery before the announcement of their wedding. When Deeks was able to walk without the aid of crutches, the event the whole town had been dreading was scheduled to happen. The trial of Owen and Jack Granger.

"All rise for her royal highness, Her Majesty, Queen Henrietta Lange," Eric announced. When Jack was arrested, his spot in the palace guard was left empty. Since Hetty was feeling a bit generous (and with a lot of convincing from a bed-ridden Deeks), Eric finally got a promotion from stable boy to head palace guard and court official with a crash course conducted by Prince Callen and the new head of the army, Chief Sam Hanna. All the people in the room rose and bowed or curtsied as Hetty strolled in with a black shawl thrown over her lavender dress.

"Please be seated. We have assembled here in this courtroom to witness the trial of Owen Lawson Granger and Jackson Abernathy Granger. Both men have committed serious crimes that have harmed the safety and welfare of both the royal family and the kingdom. The charges vary from treason to assault of a royal family member, assault of a member of the kingdom army, conspiracy to take down the empire and more. We shall now start with the representatives of the accused. The accused have chosen their representative as one of the accused, Owen Granger. Please raise your claim." Hetty sat in the raised booth in the room after she'd finished, and Granger stood up with an arrogant smirk.

"Your royal highness. I can swear that my son and I never committed any of the above claims. The accused are pleading not guilty." Kensi gaped in disbelief and tried to stand up but Deeks's hand on her back calmed her and she remained seating.

"Now I call Princess Kensi Blye for testimony." Kensi stood up with a reassuring grin from Deeks and made her way to the stand.

"Princess Blye, please tell us your testimony starting from your engagement." Hetty smiled at her surrogate daughter. Kensi took a deep breath before explaining the whole whirlwind of a tale, starting from Hetty's revelation and concluding with the days leading up to the wedding, being sure to include Jack's assaults and the injuries Deeks sustained. "We found him in Granger's office," Kensi said, incredulous. "What more could you possibly need to convict him? His personal belongings were found at the crime scene, and his fingerprints were matched to bruises found on Deeks following his abduction."

"We were framed," Jack called from his seat.

"Like hell you were!"

"Princess, if you would return to your seat."

Kensi balled her hands into fists and reluctantly sat down next to her fiancé. Deeks took her hand in his, and for him she unclenched her fists, casting a small smile at him as he laced their fingers together.

The trial was pretty open and shut; Granger and Jack were undeniably guilty. And with the two of them locked up and that chapter of Deeks's and Kensi's life finally complete, they got to enjoy their life together.

Kensi and Deeks's wedding was quickly approaching, and while Nell was having the time of her life planning every little detail down to the place setters, Kensi was jittering with nerves. She didn't really understand why she had so many butterflies in her stomach; she loved Deeks more than life itself. He was the man that she wanted to spend forever with. It was just so big, so much commitment and hassle…

"We should elope."

"What? The wedding's tomorrow," Deeks said, laughing slightly. They were laying in bed together, his arm around her shoulder, her head tucked next to his chest. She couldn't sleep, therefore he couldn't sleep, so they'd just stayed up.

"Why am I nervous?" Kensi asked, and Deeks shrugged.

"I don't know."

"Are you nervous?"


"Then why am I?"

He kissed her head. "You tell me. Not getting cold feet, are you?"

"Never," she said, turning on her side and propping her head up with her elbow planted into the mattress and her palm on her cheek. He turned his head to look at her, and she smiled at him. It was shy and reserved, his favorite smile. The one she shared only with him, the one she wore on her face like a secret.

He grinned back, running a strand of her dark hair between his thumb and forefinger. "What?" he asked.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

"I wish I could go to sleep. It's like I want to sleep but my brain doesn't."

"You're just excited." He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

She sighed. "Yeah."

When he saw her, his jaw dropped. She grinned at him, obviously uncomfortable by all of the attention directed on her, but when Callen kissed her on the cheek and Deeks took his hands in hers, all of the anticipation dissipated. She met his gaze, and when the priest announced that they could kiss, he cupped her face with his palm and pressed his lips softly against her own, grinning while the crowd broke into applause.

"We just got married," she whispered, almost as if she could hardly believe it.

"We just got married!" he repeated, to which the crowd roared again.

"This is all I want. You, me, forever. Every day."

It was crazy how little she'd gotten to see him on their wedding day. Every diplomat and their brother wanted to dance with her, and Callen and Sam had whisked Deeks away for the majority of the night. They'd finally been able to sneak away for a walk down the beach together, and she was more than a little relieved to be alone with him and away from all of the crowds.

"Every day?" she asked. She just wanted to hear him say it again.

"Every day," he confirmed, grinning before leaning in for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into the kiss, and in turn he laid his palms on each side of her waist, pulling her towards him. When they pulled apart he rested his forehead against hers. "You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to the honeymoon."

They could've chosen any destination in the world, but they'd both mutually decided on a location that was so remote only two people knew about it, and those two people just so happened to be the newly weds. "Tell me about it. I miss that place."

"Ever think that we should've just stayed there?" he questioned, taking off his shoes and stepping into the oncoming tide. Cool water washed onto his toes which, though healed, still appeared a little disconfigured from the extensive surgeries he had to undergo.

She slid off her heels and joined him, and he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her towards him. "Sometimes."

"You don't think that…"

"It's very possible."

"But I can't be…"

She shook her head, and he nodded, smiling. He was giddy. "You- you're pregnant!"

"No way."

"Yes way."

She placed a hand on her forehead, biting her lip. "Oh my God. I think I'm pregnant."

He gathered her in his arms, and she was glad. She needed the stability. She felt like she was about to faint. "Oh my God."

"Hey, this is good news. This is really, really good news." He kissed the top of her head.

"I… I guess so," she said, and then she laughed a little. "Yeah, I-"

"You're going to be a mom. We're going to have a baby."

"Maybe. I don't even know that I'm pregnant for sure."

"You've puked like every morning the past week, you fell asleep at the dinner table last night, and, no offense, you've been a little… moody lately." He grinned, and she scowled.

"I have not been moody!"

"Exhibit A."

"You are infuriating."

"I love you so much."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "Yeah, whatever."

He ignored her indignation, picking her up and spinning her around. "We're going to be parents!"

She smiled against his collarbone. We're going to be parents. She was going to be a mother, and he a father.

"You look lovely. As always." She grinned, and he kissed her cheek, smiling as he helped her into a jacket. She was a little over her due date, and her huge stomach looked out of place on her small frame. But she was glowing, and her cheeks were flushed, and he couldn't help but think that she was even more beautiful like this, pregnant belly and all.

Technically, she shouldn't even be going, and Deeks had all but begged her to stay in bed. But, of course, she'd stayed as stubborn as ever. Callen was her brother. She said that even if her water were to break right before the reception, she'd still be going.

Callen had met a girl, a daughter of another kingdom's sovereign. Her name was Lily, and she was just as sarcastic as Callen. Kensi had become fast friends with her, and Lily had made her her matron of honor. That was, if she was able to attend. And, oh, she was attending.

"It's so funny watching you waddle in heals."

"Oh, shut up," she mumbled, elbowing him in the side and laughing.

He placed a hand on her stomach, his smile a fond one. "I just really, really hope your water doesn't break while they're like, exchanging vows. Or cutting the cake."

"Hey, at least it would be a memorable wedding."

"Prince G Callen is getting married. I think the wedding will be memorable enough without Mini-Me making a surprise appearance." He knelt next to her stomach. "Here that, little mutant ninja assassin? No surprise visits."

"Wouldn't be much of a surprise." She sighed, rubbing her swollen stomach. "I'm, what? A week overdue?"

"Let's just stay here," he tried again, a little urgency in his tone. "Please, Kensi?"


"Ah, well. It was worth a shot." He kissed her stomach before standing. "Hang in there, Stomach Monster."

His hand was on her lower back for the majority of the wedding, and he never strayed more than a few feet from her side. Thankfully, she made it throughout the night without going into labor, but regardless he insisted on heading back to the castle earlier than the other attendees. Though she acted like she was annoyed, it was obvious that she was tired, and he knew that her ankles probably hurt.

After they both cleaned up and changed, she collapsed onto the couch, sighing as she adjusted herself against the cushions. "You have no idea how good it feels to sit down."

"Foot massage?"

"You don't have to-"

"Eh, could be the last chance you get. Who's to say little Blye-Deeks won't make an appearance tonight?"

"God, I hope not. I just want to lay down, close my eyes and…" She trailed off, and he instantly felt concern bubble inside of him.

"What?" he asked, frowning. He walked over to where she was laying, placing a hand on her shoulder. "What is it?"

"I think… I think my water just broke."