AUTHOR'S NOTE: Me oh my! It's been quite some time since I had last updated. My apologies. But, here it is. The long awaited update.

If it wasn't for his ego, he'd be choked up in fear right now. He'd soon be entering unknown territory with a gang of kids, whom he is deeply aware bare hatred for him. He furrowed his brow, making an uneasy expression. Ho boy...

He stood behind Ray and Allie, gripping his bag firmly. Was he actually doing this? He watched as they opened the mirror to the temple. They began walking down the olden clay steps. What was he thinking? He followed them down the never ending steps. His heart was pounding in the silence. He's in over his head. Allie merely glanced a glare directed towards Ray for what he had gotten them into this time. The silence was over whelming. Carny tried to keep his mind off the thought of rejection from the Masters. What was he going to do if they did reject him? His eyes traced the patterns of the walls. Each crack and bump did little than less to ease his mind. Oh God...

Ray stopped as they reached the bottom of the stairway, and turned towards Carny, whom soon snapped out of his self doubting thoughts. "You'd better prepare yourself." What? As if he wasn't scared enough, regardless of the masked expression he wore. Prepare himself? He was anything but prepared for what happened with his father. At this point its just scrambles of thoughts and clouded words that's leading him to this. "There's no real guarantee that they would even like you being here. And if they do accept you to stay, they'll be massive restrictions." Oh, how reassuring.

"Obviously," Allie scoffed under her breath. Ray ignored her comment. Carny, not so much.

"At least present yourself as trust worthy," Ray added with hope still in his eyes. How do you even trust me?

"Pft," Allie rolled her eyes. "Ray, look what you're working with. No ones going to trust him." Ray retorted with a glare of "Give him a chance."

Ray shook his head and turned around, beginning the long walk to the Masters' table. Gabe had already been standing there chatting with them, but was started when he turned to see the sight of Carny. The blond furrowed his brow in aggression at Gabe's reaction. The boy gulped and looked away. Ray stood before the Masters, Allie and Carny trailing behind. Carny couldn't bare to make eye contact with any of them.

Jaha brought her folded hands to the bridge of her nose as she inspected Carny from her seat. All other chatter ceased. All eyes were on him. He felt like he was under a microscope. Carny forced himself to stand tall rather than slink into himself. He tried to keep his hand from shaking by gripping the handle of the bag he had slung over his back tighter.

"Step forth, boy." A sandpapery voice called out. Ray and Allie moved out of the way for Carny to walk through. He stood a front of them all. "You're 's son, correct." She seemed to ask with such precision.

"Yeah," he said all nonchalantly, trying to play off his nervousness. Jaha raised a brow at his boldness in such a reply with only a "yeah" not a "yes" or even a "yes, ma'am." Ray stepped forward ad began to chime in.

"I understand your hesitation, but please. Sure, he isn't our most friendliest guest we've brought here, but he's no safer anywhere but here," Ray paused. Where was he going with this? "We aren't even sure if the Choten will come back for him or not. Even if you aren't up for protecting the weak in this case, think of how useful his information of what is on the Choten's ship over the veil is-"

"Raiden," Master Jaha began, "I am already fully aware of this." Ray gave a concerned looked as he leaned forward.

"Then you've already made your discussion?" he questioned. Jaha nodded. Carny glanced at the Masters, unsure how to feel about this situation.

"We can't just let him roam freely," Nadia's strong accent filled their ears. She crossed her arms and continued. "We've decided that he stay here, in the temple, where we can keep a close eye on him. He'll be supervised all hours of the day by Chavez and myself." His heart fluttered in relief. But that still doesn't answer whether or not they would help him get his father back. He moved his lips to say something, but no word would form. Just knowing that he could stay here was enough for now, at least. "I'll lead you to where you'll be staying," she began to walk awake from the council area, but stopped and turned to Raiden. "But, Ray, stay here, the Masters would like to speak with you one on one." Her eyes were heavy as she turned back around. "Gabe, Allie, come with me, too." She swayed her hips as she walked.

Carny and the duo followed behind Nadia to a partially dingy little den with a bunk bed, a couple chairs and a table. It seemed to be unused for quite some time, considering the lack of acolytes lately. Allie snorted mumbling something to Gabe about how suiting the room was for Carny. He ignored it. His eyes ran over the brittle seeming frame of the top bunk bed and how the covers seemed to be messily placed. It reminded him of when he was young, and even now. He'd always end up leaving his room a mess without any care or restraint knowing that some maid would just clean up his mess. He didn't have to take responsibility for his actions, someone else would always clean it up.


He snapped out of his delusion to see the red head waving her hand in front of his face trying to get his attention with an annoyed expression. He blinked real hard as he shook his head a little.

"Were you even listening to what Master Nadia was saying?" she said in a cross tone. Carny looked away with a vexed expression. "Can you at least pretend like you care?"

"Excuse me, little miss perfect I-"

"Enough, the both of you!" They froze, and both looked at Nadia. She cleared her voice and gave a shortened version of what she had previously said. "You will have this room completely to yourself, if you wish to leave it you must be escorted by Chavez or me. You will eat your meals with the other acolytes. You will listen to each command the Masters give to you. Do you understand?"

"Yeah..." he barely replied. Allie was nearly fuming at his half witted replies to the Masters. Nadia gave a dignified expression as she glared at the boy.

"You will reply with Yes ma'am for now one when you are talking to me, do you understand?" Her glare put a shiver down his spine. He hesitated to answer.

"Yes, ma'am," he finally spat out. Gabe gave a nervous laugh with the tension in the room.

"So, uh," he started. "Let's get going Allie- we're," he took a moment to think of an excuse to leave the room. "Got to study for the test tomorrow, haha- yeAH..." She gave him this look of "Really, Gabe? That's all you can come up with?" She was soon tugged out of the room by the large boy. Master Nadia lowered her head into her palm and sighed.

"I'll leave you to unpack," she said before closing the door behind her. He stood there a moment, a bit awe struck about what he was to do now. He barely had anything in his bag to begin with, aside from two pairs of pants and three pairs of shirts, followed by undergarments and socks. He tossed the bag onto the bottom bunk. It creaked when he sat down on it. His eyes wondered the room, examining everything in it. It was quiet. There were no electronics of any sort. What was he to do but be left alone with his thoughts.

Was his father even alright? What was the Choten doing to him at this moment? Is his father even going to acknowledge him after this? What if he doesn't? What if it's just going to be exactly like it was before all of this started? What if he's colder than he already was after this?

Carny's eyes grew glassy. Tears? No... He wiped his eyes before they could even form tears. He sniffled and laid down onto the bed with his arms folded behind his head. What if he can't make it in time? What if he can't get to his father. He rolled over to his left side, facing the wall.

What if... he doesn't have a dad after this?

He felt choked up at that thought. Why did he have to be left alone? There was no distraction to mask what he feels. He had these thoughts so often, he found it harder to hide it. His pride was no longer inside but on his sleeve; he's forced to deal with what is real. Is this even worth it? His father didn't care before, regardless of what he did. What's going to make him care now? Tears swelled up in his eyes again. He let them fall, leaving a glistened trail down his cheek and over his nose.

I'm nothing to him.