"Let's do this!"-Normal speech

'Man how did this happen?'-thought

"Naruto-kun"-Demon/inner Sakura talking

'Naruto-kun'-Demon/inner Sakura thinking

Flash back


-At the Uchiha residents-

Thump. Thump. Thump. The sounds of the young Uchiha hitting a stump repeatedly filled the air. 'Why is he so strong? I was useless on that mission!' Sasuke berated himself as he kept hitting the log. 'When he left he couldn't put up a fight.' He started to punch hard while anger filled his being. 'Than he comes back better than I could have ever thought the dope could get.' The image of his blond rival standing above him after all of their fight filled his mind; him always being looked down on like he was below the blond. Like he wasn't even worth his time. Just a bug under his boot that he could squash at any moment he chose to. 'And he could have!' Sasuke unleashed a powerful punch in his mad fury on the stump ending with a sicken crack of his bones. He didn't remove his hand from the log, his anger numbing the pain. 'He took petty on me! I was nothing but a joke to him!' He clinched his fist until blood started to drip down his flesh. The last mission popped into his mind. "He was so strong and fast. He had to protect me and stop me from killing myself because I was dead weight!" The raven haired young man arm slumped to his side. 'I was a coward who was too scared to move once the danger became real.' Sasuke sat down and leaned his back against the log as a breeze swept through the training ground. Looking up at the sky he felt the sun's heat warm his face. "How do I become stronger?"

"By training the all your heart and soul."

Sasuke jumped at the monotone voice of his brother before looking at the elder Uchiha. "But that's not enough. I have been training until I'm about ready to collapse since I could hold a kunai." Sadness and loss filled his voice to the brim. "He leaves for a few years and he became so strong that it just doesn't seem far."

The older male stood there in silence thinking over his next words. "Sasuke do you want to know how he became so strong?" Sasuke look at his brother giving him his full attain. "Naruto trained every single day past his breaking point until his body wouldn't move." Sasuke's eyes wide in surprise and shock but Itachi kept talking. "But he didn't train so hard for his own power but for the sake of those around him. He wanted to protect those few he loves and who love him in return." He let his words sink in for a few moments than spoke again. "He trains until his bones break and his chakra runs dry, he still trains like this every single day in order to become strong. He is ever satisfied with how far he has come and continuously to strive farther. Always reaching farther than is hand reach and doing everything he can to make it do so before trying to attain even greater power." Itachi kneeled next to his brother and looked into his eyes. "I'm not saying be like Naruto Sasuke; because you have always carved out your own path. Find your own reason to get stronger, find your own will of fire so that you can shine brightly. Itachi stood up and began to walk to their family home as he looked over his shoulder and said. "Don't forget that sometimes it's how strongly you feel for your goals that leads you to strength, my foolish little brother."

After Itachi left Sasuke sat against the log trying to comprehend what it was his brother was saying to him. 'I thought I did have a reason to get stronger, is it not good enough? I want to become strong for my family; to restore our honor.' He lifted his hand to the sun to look at it like it would somehow answer him. 'Is my goal really not good enough for me to get the strength I want or is it that my will isn't strong enough for my goal?' His pounder to himself in silence.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-With Naruto-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

It was noon as Naruto was heading into town after several of intense training getting used to moving with lower gravity and keeping his muscles from destroying themselves. Over all his training has been going really well. Naruto sighed as he looked at the midday village; bursting with actively and people going about their daily lives. It was always beautiful to see the village from above or from afar for the blond shinobi but still seemed so far out of his reach. Then there was the strange feeling he was having for a few girls within the village. Naruto chose to ignore everything he was feeling for now and just enjoy the warm sun light.


Well that was until he heard a familiar-ish female voice calling him by that annoying title people intend to give him. But He didn't have time to question on who it might be because the person in calling out to him decided she to use him as a crash pad to soften the landing. Naruto was sent flying by a knee to the face and crashed into a heap of flesh and bones as he laid face down.

"Why is it always me?" The blond asked aloud.

"It's because you are such an easy target to hit Naruto-sama! By the way thanks for breaking my fall." Said the cheery voice of his assailant while he tried very hard not to get mad. It didn't stop his eye brow from twitching though.

Jumping up from the ground the whiskered blond holding his noise in pain glaring at the young woman. "What are you doing here...?" Naruto struggled to remember the red heads name but came up blank.

"My name is Yuina Naruto-sama." She said happily as she somehow appeared next to the blond and held onto his arm. She had changed since Naruto last seen her. Her hair was still the flaming red he remembered but now it short and straight compared to her long and snagged hair she had when he saved her. Her hair was now in a bobcat hair style and she wore cherry red lipstick and black eyeliner that really brought out her pale yellow eyes. She had gray sweat pants and a plane black shirt on with a duffle bag slanged over her shoulder.

Rubbing his noise Naruto just nodded his head while sighing softly. "Why are you here Yuina?" He asked as he started to walk back to the village with her walking besides him with his arm tucked in between her low D-cup breasts.

miling happily hearing him call her by her name she started to push his arm into her chest even more. "Well after you left I stayed to get in better health and help the village get back to its feet. After that I came here to serve you faithfully for the rest of my days!" She exclaimed causing Naruto to freeze midstride. She looked at the blond in confusing and poked his cheek.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN TO SERVE ME?" The young hero suddenly came to life scaring the poor girl half to death and getting her to scream in fright.

After getting her heart to claim down she turned to her hero. "I mean exactly that Naruto-sama I'm here to attained to your every need." She seemed to get a lot of pep back into her step as she danced around the blond giving a show of what she would do as she said it. "If you want me clean I'll make it shine. If you want me cook I'll make you a meal even a kage you be jealous of. If you want me to tend to a garden I'll be happy to look after it. You want me make a statue of you I'll make it out of marble and use my teeth to carve it if I have to." She suddenly stopped dancing as her face to very red while cupped her cheeks and a giant, perverted smile spread across her face. "If you want to fuck me until I can't walk I'll bend over and let you have at me as much as you would like! If my master wants me to bare his children I'd happily give you a dozen beautiful babies'" She squalled out happily at the thought.

Naruto clamped his noise shut to try a stop the blood from likening out of it. 'She is trying to kill me I swear it.' Taking out a tissue to clean away the blood he threw away the tissue and cleared his throat. "Yuina-san why would you want to serve me in the first place?"

The young girl snipped out of her day dream when she heard the question and looked at the blond man before her getting a serious look about her. "Well for one you saved me from being some sicko's play thing and didn't even ask for anything in return. You saved not only me but hundreds of women and the country without a second thought. You protected us and took care of us when you didn't have too even going so far as to help heal those who weren't as luckily as I was."

Naruto got a sad look in his eyes. "What if I told you the only reason I did all that was because it was my mission and was ordered to do so?"

Yuina walked up to the blond and wrapped his hand in hers making him look her smiling face and her eyes that seemed to shine. "I would say that I don't believe you Naruto-sama." The blonde's eyes widen in shock at her word. "No one outside of the country knew what was happening and even if you were ordered to save us I saw the look in your eyes when you saw what Gato and his men did to us. Your eyes were filled with rage at him and his men were doing and filled with sadness for us going through such an awful thing. But what I saw most was your guilt, the guilt for not getting to use sooner." She brought Naruto's hands to her blushing face nuzzling into them. "When you took care of us you were so gentle and caring that you didn't stop until you saw each one of us was taking care of. I know that weather or not you were ordered to you would have come to save us anyways because you are such a kind soul. You a born protector. That's why I chose to serve you Naruto-sama because on that day you became my whole world." She was lightly rubbing her face against Naruto hands when she felt something wet hit her head. Looking up she saw her master's tears cascaded down his whiskered cheeks while softly sobbing tears of joy. She smiled kindly at Naruto before lifting her hand and with as much gentleness as she could muster she wiped away his tears. "Don't worry Naruto-sama I'm here and I'll always be here for you."

"Thank you."

"For what master?" She asked confused.

"For caring so much for me. For making me your world." He said as he silently cried in front of her. "No one has ever said that to me before and it feels so good to hear it so thank you Yuina. Thank you so very much."

The young girl smiled as she lightly kissed Naruto cheek. "You're mistaking master I didn't make you my world. You became it when you showed me how gentle and kind the world can be when I forgot. When I was in the darkness and you pulled me out of it. You are my light master; you are the sun that gives my world life." Naruto cleared his tears to see Yuina smile a sweet, kind smile at him. "How about you show me where we live now Naruto-sama?"

He laughed and nodded his head before offering her his arm. "Yes Yuina-Chan lets go home."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-Across Konha-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

In a dark room several shadowy surrounded a table dully shining down on it with a map of Konha in the middle of it.

"Naruto-kun is back in the village after another mission so we don't have a lot of time before he leaves again we need a plan now." Said the voice of a young female to the others.

The others hummed in thought before one snapped her fingers. "Oh I got it! We have learned where Naruto lives now right?" Getting a nod from the others she continued her plan. "Alright now I know what time he usually goes to sleep and how to pick a lock. All we need to gather some supplies and we'll be set."

"Will you just get on with the plan already!" One of the girl yelled getting ill-tempered at the waiting.

"Fine!" Giving a heavy sigh the young girl pointed at the map. "Ok this is the plan girls so lesson close."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-Back with Naruto-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Naruto was walking through the markets after showing Yuina where he lived and gave her enough money to get whatever she needed too for herself. Naruto ran his hand through his hair trying to get used to all the craziness that had been happening the past few days. He saved a country and its people from a horrible fate, cried in front of two women he has come to care for, now he has cried in front of a woman who wanted to become his servant and have his kids. He couldn't decide if it was funny or sad. "I need to get out of the village for a couple of days; maybe I should ask the old man to give me an easy mission?" After wondering around and getting something to eat real quickly he was off to the tower for a mission. Once again Naruto went straight into the Hokage office by kicking in the door like he owned it and marched up to Sarutobi's desk slamming down some money to pay for the door. "I want a mission outside the village you old fart." He demanded.

Leaning over to look behind Naruto to see the door in two halves with the top half still barely hanging onto the wall causing him to sweat drop. "Yeah Naruto-kun I could tell what you wanted by the way you came in here." Leaning back into his chair the elder man look at the blond in the eyes. "So tell me why should I give a disrespectful punk like you a mission for destroying my door?"

Naruto's face gained his fox like grin that threaten to split his face in half. "Because you love me that's why." He exclaimed smiling brightly. "Besides I gave you money to fix it."

The old man chuckled and nodded his head. "Very well. Your mission will be a simple C-Rank delivery of goods from a local shop to a shop in a town called Gantashu with a genin team."

"Wait old man if I'm going with them does that mean it's more than a C-rank mission?"

The Hokage hummed to himself for a moment. "No I don't think so. You should only encounter bandits but the goods are valuable so missing ninja or even one of smaller ninja village my find it to enticing to leave alone." He said as he started to pack his tobacco pipe.

Naruto took a sit and leaned into the chair putting his feet up on the edge of the desk. "What are we grading than? If a ninja village; even a minor one; would be willing to risk stealing it must be something pretty good."

Taking a puff or two from his pipe before answering. "It's mostly just art but to the right buyer some of the pieces are worth hundreds of thousands. So you can see why the client is concern about theft or damage to the pieces. It could cost him millions if they are lost during the travel there." Naruto nodded his head before getting up out of the chair. "Naruto-kun be ready to meet the team by the gate at noon tomorrow." With that the blond ninja turned around and walked out the doorway. "And I have just the team in mind for this mission hehehe." The elderly man giggled to himself.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-later that day-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Naruto just arrived back to his apartment and opened the door to be tackled down to the ground by a blur of red. Feeling a weight on his waist the young shinobi groaned while lying there like a broken puppet. "Why did you do that Yuina-Chan?"

A happy looking face of the young girl entered his line of eye sight. "Because your home master and I must greet you when you come home after all." She said as she tilted head to the side with a content look on her face. "Beside master is so comfy to sit on."

Our young hero's eyebrow twitched at her explanation. "Is that so?" He asked getting a nod from his new roommate. "(sigh) Fine but please get off of me I have a mission to get ready for tomorrow."

"Of course master." She sounded disappointed but did what she was asked too. Naruto closed his eyes shaking his head at her antics before standing up and padding down his coat getting the dirt of it. "Master what would you like for dinner?"

Naruto turned his towards his maid. "Hmmm I'm not sure what I want...to...eat." The look of shock over to the blonde's face before it turned as red as a cherry. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING?!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"What do you mean master it's just my uniform." She said innocently with a blush on her face and a finger on her lip. Her "uniform" was black and orange unlike most maid uniforms. It didn't have shoulder but an elongated cuff covering most of her neck and orange frills going around the seam and ended just before it would have gone under her arm. Her breast were mostly covered by the black cloth expect for the heart shaped part of it that showed off some cleavage. The stomach had a black corset with orange lacing and buttons that ran down her sides. The skirt of the outfit was black with orange fluff underneath it and just long enough to hide her womanhood from preying eyes. She wore high heeled boots with orange boot laces that went up to her mid tight with black and orange knee high socks. "I looked at your civilian clothes before I left and you have a lot of black and orange so I thought you liked those colors so I got this to match."

Naruto held his noise and pointed an accusing finger at her. "THAT'S NOT THE PROBLEM AND YOU KNOW IT! WHY IS THAT SKIRT SO SHORT!"

A perverted smirk broke out across her as she slowly shakes her hips side to side in an entrancing manner. "It's so short so my master can enjoy seeing me clean around his apartment." She slowly brought her hands up to her waist and hocked her fingers in the hem of her skirt. "Or would my master prefer that I didn't wear it at all." Naruto was blown back with a noise bleed and knocked out back onto his floor causing Yuina to giggle at her master. Walking over to the falling blond she kneeled besides him looking at him with eyes filled with love and adoration before giving him a soft kiss on his cheek. "My master is such a pervert yet he remains so pour and perfect." After rubbing his whiskers for a few minutes she dragged him to his bed with great difficulty before cleaning the blood and going to sleep herself.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-Early that next morning-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Naruto awoke groggily to have a flash of light blind him. He tried to move his arms but found himself unable too as they were confined to his sides. "What the hell?"

"Good morning Naruto-kun I hope the ropes aren't too tight for you." Came the gentle voice of a female from within the darkness of the room beyond the circle of light that surrounded him. "I mean we went through all this trouble I would hate for you to unconformable."

The blond ninja slumped in the chair and sighed because he recognized the voice of the young woman speaking. "Hello Satsuki how are you doing today and may I go I have a mission at noon today? I think it's today anyways if not than tomorrow and I need rest for it."

Satsuki stepped into the light showing a lean figure young woman who was very beautiful with long black hair done in a single ponytail. She wore a black tank top that held her high C-cup breasts and black sparing pants. On her lean face sat a pair of dark red framed glasses that reflected the light. "Sorry Naruto-kun but I can't do that yet."

Satsuki was the woman responsible for many of Naruto's kidnappings in the past while he attained the academe and was the one who kept track of his movements at all times. It was only after he left the village did she not know what it was he did to a day to day basis's but lightly it seemed she was getting the ability to do even that. She was scary good at what she did. Out of 100 times she tried to capture him she only did so 15 times but that was still enough to impress him. Even more so when he thought all of the time he had been caught and it wasn't many. Hell even Itachi had a hard time doing most of the time.

"What do you want now Satsuki? And you don't even like me like that so stop calling me Kun already."

She smiled ever so slightly. "Oh I don't want anything with you I was merely haired once again to kidnap you by your fan club. As for why I keep calling you Naruto-kun is because I have great respect for you and your skills."

The blond huffed in a childish way. "Figures they did. How much did they pay you this time and for what purpose this time? Hugs, to eat with them, a lock of my hair, my underwear?" He shivered at the last one.

The raven haired lady couldn't to the smirk from forming on her face at seeing Naruto goofing around...again. "Oh they managed to scrap together a couple hundred thousand for my services this time. As for what I'm sorry to say I don't know myself what they want this time." She walked closer to Naruto and slowly rubbed his cheek before giving it a small kiss. "That was for getting so many devoted fans who in turn pay me a lot of money to catch you over and over again."

"Yeah you're welcome." He stated sarcastically. "So what are you doing this days anyway, I heard you didn't become a kunoichi? Going to keep kidnapping me for fangirl?"

She laughed a little and shook her head. "No this was my last job before I start working for Konha's science wing in the trap development division."

Now it was Naruto's turn to laugh. "Of course they would recruit you of all people!"

"Indeed but the time for our little chit chat has come to an end because now it's time for your fans to show themselves." As soon as she sad that the lights turned on showing the several dozen or so worth of young women surrounding Naruto. One of them walked up to Satsuki and handed her a briefcase with a bow. "Well try and enjoy your time with him ladies I have money to spend." Just as she reached out to open the door it was blasted open sending her and 8 or so girls behind her flying as debris was thrown into the air.

"NARUTO-SAMA WHERE ARE YOU!" His ever faithful maid yelled as she busted in the door wearing full samurai armor that had the same color as her maid outfit with the Kanji for Faithful painted on the orange breast plate. She looked around franticly before she spotted her master tied to a chair within the mass of people. She started to hit and push the young fangirls out of her way sending them off in every which detraction leaving a path of bruised humans laying in her wake. Naruto could only sweat drop at the scene before him. Managing to wiggle her way through the last of the girl she was surprisingly back into her maid outfit as she hugged the blond male as tears of joy streamed down her face. "I Found you Naruto-sama."

"Yeah hi Yuina could you do me a favor and untie me?"

Said girl happily sprang to her feet. "Yes Naruto-sama!" With one pull at the rope it came undone.

Naruto quicker than most could even dream of picked up his maid tucking her under his arm like a piece of board stood in front of his kidnappers with a white ball in hand. "Sorry girls but I have to go!" He slammed ball down onto the ground and when it cleared away he was long gone leaving behind the cries of fangirls.


I hoped you enjoyed this chapter every one! I have choosing to add a girl or two to the all for now! Please tell me what you think of Yuina. Is she good, bad? Anything would help.