A/N: I came up with most of these drabbles/oneshots during NaNoWrimo (and the two Camp sessions!), so I didn't edit them until about a month or so after they'd been written. I really hope that you guys enjoy them, despite their short length!

Kenny knew that he should be paying attention to what Butters was saying. After all, Butters was taking time out of his busy schedule to tutor him in a subject that Kenny should have passed two years ago. The least Kenny could do was listen to him explain how to solve for x. But he kept getting distracted by the way Butters' mouth moved as he was working through the sample problems.

"… and that's how you solve for x!" Butters said, having finished the last problem. He looked up from the book to give him a big smile. "See, that isn't so hard, right?"

Kenny blinked. Butters looked so proud of himself right now, teaching a dumbass like himself how to solve simple algebra problems. Most people would have been annoyed to spend ten minutes explaining how to solve it, but not Butters. Every time without fail, he would give Kenny that smile. God, he looked so freaking adorable.

"Kenny?" Butters asked, tilting his head to the side. His lower lip jutted out a little and his eyebrows came together, his expression changing from a smile to a pout. "Were you even paying attention to me?"

Damn. Now how could anybody resist that? He leaned forward and kissed him, smiling into his mouth when Butters squeaked in surprise.

Butters' face was bright red when they moved apart. "Wh-What was that for, Kenny?"

"Couldn't help myself." He said, licking his lips. "You looked so cute just then."

Butters bit his lip. "That's—"

"And besides, you're much more interesting than my algebra homework." He said, giving Butters his most winning grin. Usually this was enough to make Butters drop everything and start making out and give in to him for a few hours.

Butters was definitely flustered, but he wasn't falling for it this time. "B-But you're supposed to be paying attention! I'm going to have to find you another tutor if you can't keep your mind on your studies, mister."

"Why?" He asked, his eyebrows knitting together. "You're the best tutor in school. If anybody can get this to stick in my head, it's you."

"If I keep distracting you, you're never going to learn." He said. His hands were twitching towards each other in a way that caught his attention. The things those hands could do...

He spent a few moments fantasizing about that before he realized that Butters was still talking.

"…A-After all, when we first started going out, you distracted me for the longest time, so maybe this isn't the best situation for you to be learnin' in, Kenny."

"What if I promised not to get distracted anymore?" Kenny asked, forcing himself to move his eyes from Butters's hands to his bright baby blues, to show that he was being serious. "If I can control myself, will you keep being my tutor?"

Butters nodded, making sure his expression was stern. "But you have to finish your homework before you try any more of that stuff, you got it?"

"Fine." Kenny sighed dramatically. He leaned in closer to the table to get a good look at the equations on the page. "So then, once I find x, I have to plug it into the equation right?"

Butters smiled, clearly impressed. "That's right!"

"See, I was paying attention to you." Kenny said, smiling back. For the next hour, he worked his way through each and every problem he had for homework as fast as he could, actually managing to get more than half of them correct, which was a really accomplishment for him. He knew that the faster he was finished with his homework, the faster he could get Butters to fool around with him again.