I don't own Harry Potter or Code Lyoko


Jeremy rocked in his chair as Harry stared at the table blankly.

"Odd, do you want my croissant?" asked Aelita bleakly.

"No, I've got my own. And I'm not that hungry."

"Yeah, neither…"

"Well, how are the losers?" asked Herb. "Well it looks like the lame-o club's all depressed today!"

"That always happens when you show up," muttered Odd.

"Please go away Herb. I'm not in the mood to argue with you," requested Harry.

"Ok, I'll go." Herb slipped a device into Odd's pocket as he walked away.

"That was a bit too easy," said Odd.

"Hey guys! Well, today's the day, I guess! Everyone ready?" asked Yumi as she walked over.

"Yeah…" Odd didn't look enthusiastic.

"We just need to wait for Sissi and William," said Harry as he continued to stare at the table.

"Hey guys." The aforementioned two stood next to Yumi.

"Well, let's go shut down the supercomputer."

"Bingo! Thanks to this mini-GPS, I'm going to find out what Harry's and his dorky little gang's secret is at last!" muttered Herb as he watched the group from the tracker.


Jeremy walked over to the computer and opened the panel hiding the power switch.

"Well, it'll all be over this time. Do any of you want to…say something?"

The others looked like lost puppies, except Yumi who cleared her throat.

"Ahem. We've had our share of ups and downs. Hours of detention, hours of glory. The five of us…have gotten used to life with Lyoko. Now it's time, for a new life without it… Go on, Jeremy," encouraged Yumi as she remembered the adventures. Rubbing his head, Harry remembered the adventures he had.

"Remember and never forget."

Harry started in suprise as Jeremy placed his hand on the switched as he remembered him activated the computer and everything after. "I'm sorry but I can't."

"What? Are you out of your mind? What's wrong with you?!" demanded Yumi.

"She's got a point," said William as he pointed at her. "I know I don't have as many memories connected to the computer as you do but I do know it's dangerous."

"We should shut it down," agreed Sissi.

"I can't shut it down…"

"You can't Jeremy? Or you won't?!" asked Yumi.

"I don't know…"

"I know it's dangerous but we have so many memories of the Supercomputer Yumi. And I'll never be able to be normal again," said Harry as she looked at him pleadingly. "I can understand Jeremy."

"We've destroyed Xana and we have to shut down the machine! What do the rest of you say?" Everyone except William looked at the floor. "What is wrong with you?"

"We just feel a little shook up," said Odd.

"I can see that. Suggestions?"

"How about we take a vote," suggested Jeremy. "See who does or doesn't want to shut it down?"


"Who votes for?" asked Jeremy. Yumi, William and Sissi raised their hands.

"I'm not sure. On one hand, I can't let go of the past. Lyoko has affected my entire life and I can never get rid of the knowledge Xana implanted into me. On the other, the supercomputer is dangerous if the wrong people use it," explained Harry as everyone looked at him.


"So that's where they hang out. The old abandoned factory," said Herb as he wrote the information down.

"Let's go now," said Nicholas.

"Not right away. They're still there. I'll go over at gym. Make up an excuse."

"What do you want me to say?" asked Nicholas dumbly.

"I don't know, just say the first thing that pops into your head!"


"Hey," Jeremy strode over to Yumi who took a drink from her can.

"I'm not in the mood to talk."

"Good. I wanted to explain to you why I voted against shutting down the Supercomputer."

"I'm not in the mood to hear that either.

"Do you remember me when I came here? The big brain of Kadic, straight A computer genius and not one single friend. I discovered Lyoko, and everything changed for me. I became a hero who could save the world…!"

"Did you expect us to keep playing superhero until we were eighty? It had to end sometime!"

"I know, but…I don't want to lose what we've got together, our friendship… Our friendship is directly linked to the Supercomputer. I'm afraid that if we shut it, it'll also shut our friendship down… See you later, I've got gym…" Jeremy started to walk away.

"Hold on! I understand what you're feeling. But you're wrong: our friendship is too strong to shut down."


"Pichon? Pichon! HERB PICHON! Does anyone know where Herb is?" asked Jim or rather yelled.

"He ran into some aliens and went totally crazy," said Nicholas as Jeremy ran in.

The class laughed.

"Are you nuts or are you just dumb?" asked Sissi.

"Aliens, huh? And little green men like you, Poliakoff?" Nicholas gulped slightly. "You're late Belpois!"

"Won't happen again Jim."


Herb ran into the factory.


"Right, today's lesson is RSG. No, RSG does not stand for Rough Sports Games, or for Raunchy Slobbering Gorilla, or for reeking stink of Garlic. RSG means Rhythmic Sport of Gymnastics, known today as just rhythmic gymnastics," explained Jim.

"Odd, can I ask you a question?" asked Ulrich as Jim rambled on.

"About RSG?"

"No! About the supercomputer. Why'd you vote not to shut it down?" asked Ulrich curiously.

"I was afraid I'd miss it."

"Miss what?"

"The fighting, the adventure, the heroics…all that fun stuff. Without Lyoko, life's going to be awfully boring, don't you think so?" asked Odd as he glanced at Jim.

"Shouldn't you talk about this later?" asked Harry as he listened in.

"Boring? Finally having the time for music and sports is not exactly what I call boring."

"Ok, point for you. It's true; I know how to have fun when I have the time."

"And you'll also have the time to find a new girlfriend!"

"All the girls are crazy about me already! I don't need any extra time! Ahem…now that you mention it, a little extra time wouldn't hurt. You're right, that's two points for you."

"Stern! Della Robbia! If this class is interrupting your private conversation then please let me know!"

"We're sorry Jim."

Jim attempted an RSG demonstration but twisted his spine. Harry sighed.

"Idiot Jim. He was always like this when I was teaching here."

"People are so going to laugh at me for this."

He walked over and massaged Jim's spine. Sissi gaped then drooled as she imaged Harry doing that to her.

"Hahaha! Rusty Squeaking Gym teacher, so that's what RSG stands for, huh!" yelled Odd. Harry groaned as he realised what would happen.

"To the principal's office right now!"


Herb followed the tracker deeper into the factory.


"By the way Ulrich, what about you? Why didn't you want to shut the Supercomputer down?" asked Odd. "And don't give me Jim's "I'd rather not talk about it" routine."

"I liked being a hero."


"Let's see now…diary of Jeremy Belpois…very interesting…!" muttered Herb as he pressed a key and an image of Jeremy appears, beginning to recount the beginning of the adventure.


"I wish the others were ready," moaned William as he remembered the Scyphozoa capturing him.

"I don't think we can force them," said Yumi as they walked out of class. "Something tells me they'll come round. Eventually."


"Xana broadcasted this deadly music. Harry deactivated the tower but everyone in the city was affected." Herb fast forwarded. "The principal was possessed by Xana. Everything turned out fine. Interesting anecdote: Sissi helped us out! And kissed Harry on the bridge."

"SHE WHAT?! Why is that not surprising?"

"Xana is attacking all the time. I suggested we have William Dunbar help us out but Yumi refused. Everyone saved Lyoko but William is gone and I think for good. Today, Xana possessed herb as his new victim. Giant Krabes in the school. We have to save Lyoko! The Earth is in danger!"



"Well, we just have to wait for Delmas to finish chewing out Ulrich and Odd," said Jeremy as he and Aelita sat down.

"Jeremy, I wanted to speak to you about the supercomputer..."

"No need to explain Aelita. I know why you voted the way you did."

"If we shut down the machine, it means saying goodbye to my past…and that my father…all of this was so terrible…and great at the same time…but…but…" Aelita stared at the floor.

"But now, it's time to move on to something new?" asked Jeremy as he followed Aelita's train of thought.

"Yes…something more carefree."


Harry closed his eyes. "Whose is that voice? I've heard it before."

"You know who I am Harry."

"It better not be you Xana."

"No, I'm not Xana. It's me, Franz."

"No way. How did you end up in my head?"

"You accidently picked me up. Well, I did kind of force me Oehh you. Not that I regret ending up in here. At least I'm not dead."

"There is that."

Harry pulled out his laptop and started to type.

"What are you doing?"

"Creating a program to detect trace of Xana's codes. Just in case."


"You know, it's really crazy, when you think of all we did and no-one is ever going to know anything about it…"

"I know everything! And wait until I tell the principal!" yelled Herb. Poking his head around the corner, Harry frowned.

Principal's office

"Do you said that RSG stood for Rusty Squeaking Gym teacher?" asked Delmas.

"Sir!" Herb rushed in.

"What is the meaning of this?! You interrupted me as I was scolding Stern and Della Robbia!"

"You shouldn't scold them, you should lock all of 'em up! They're lunatics! They put the whole world in danger!" yelled Herb. The door opened on Jeremy and Aelita, running in a panic. Harry and Sissi weren't far behind. "Aha! Jeremy! Who's the smart one now? Now that I'm onto your little secret! Don't feel like making fun of me now, do ya, Odd?!"

"I think he's gone crazy," said Sissi.

"Listen to me, I'm serious! For months they've been fighting a dangerous computer program in a virtual universe. They put their own lives in danger, and ours too! Because of them, the school was invaded by swarms of hornets, killer crows, and even a deadly giant teddy bear! Even you, the principal, were possessed by the program! You even fought against Ulrich on the bridge to the old factory! Luckily Sissi was there and Sissi was able to knock you out at the time, but other times everyone could've been killed! Sissi was violently attacked by electric cables, Sissi was stranded in the elevator and then a crazy teacher possessed my body so he could have a long conversation with them! Don't you understand what I'm trying to say?!" asked Herb.

"He's crazy," said Sissi as she shook her head.


"No, not the infirmary! Let me go! You have to go to the factory!" yelled Herb as he was dragged across the grounds by Delmas.

"Huh, looks like that poor kid Herb really is off his rocker. I apologise, Poliakoff," said Jim as they watched. Sighing, Ulrich walked over to Yumi.

"Where are the others?" asked Yumi.

"At the factory," explained Ulrich. "Jeremy's got to launch a Return to the Past. The last one…"

"How about you, Ulrich? Still against shutting down the Supercomputer?" asked Yumi.

"Well I honestly don't know…"

"Oh yes you do."

"Everything ends sometime Ulrich," said Harry as he stood next to him. "Every book comes to a close only for a new one to be opened."

"How philosophical," said Yumi with a smile.

"I-it's been so great, I-I just don't want it to end…"

"There'll be plenty of other good times, even without Lyoko."


"I swear." The two linked arms as the white light covered them.


"Hey lame-os, what's up?" asked Herb as he stared over.

"You want my croissant, herb?" asked Odd.

"I'd rather kiss your dog. Sissi honey, how's it going?"

"Better without your GPS locator."

"…what are you talking about?" asked herb.

"Herb, cut it out. We don't have any secrets! And if you want to stay friends with us, just stop trying to mess us up."

"You mean…we're really friends?" asked Herb in confusion.

"Why sure!" said Jeremy.

"Yeah! School would be so boring without you!" added Odd.

"Oh! Uh, well…see you later, good buddies!" Herb turned to Nicholas. "As for you, don't let me catch you trying to mess my friends up!" He passed Yumi. "Hi Yumi! Nice to see ya!"

"Are you guys ready?" asked Yumi as Sissi and William arrived. Everybody nodded.


"And now, who's in favour of shutting down the Supercomputer?" asked Jeremy.

Everyone raised their hand. Jeremy pulled the lever and the supercomputer powered down and retracted. The hatch covered it.

"Harry, are your abilities still working?" asked Odd. Harry stretched out his arm and an energy field formed. Beads of perspiration formed on his head.

"It's harder but I can still use them."


"Well if it isn't the secret seven! What kind of trouble are you up to now?" asked Jim from behind a tree.

"Oh nothing at all, we just closed the book on an unforgettable adventure filled life with heroism and danger," said Odd sadly.

"Yeah…hm…well, we've all been there, Della Robbia. You know, one fine day I also gave up my teenage dreams to become an adult."

"No kidding! You're actually an adult?" asked Odd in surprise.

"I'd rather not talk about it…"

"I can't believe that my father is dead," whispered Aelita as they walked away from Jim.

"He isn't." The group stopped and slowly looked at Harry. "What?"

"Harry, you saw what happened," said Jeremy slowly. "Franz Hopper is gone."

"No, he isn't."

"There was no way he could have survived," said Aeltia with a sorrowful voice. "Don't get our hopes up."

"Remember the supercomputer Xana placed in my head?" Everyone nodded. "Franz Hopper is on there. Don't ask me how."

Everyone gaped at Harry. "What? It's powerful enough to allow Xana to run on it, why not a human?"

"Hell yeah," cheered Odd. "We defeated Xana without any loss of life! Why didn't you tell us earlier Harry?"

"Franz needed time to recover then I thought I was going mad."

"That's the Harry I know!"

Laughing, the group turned towards a brighter future without Xana.

A/n Well that wraps this up. Thank you to everyone who voted and it seems that the majority want me to contiue this.