Twists and Turns

Chapter 22


pah, pah, pah, pah

-Goodbye, Ms. Floral Thief; Hatsune Miku

Previously, on Twists and Turns…

The girl scoffs, and looks like she was going to say something, when another voice interrupts.

"Yes, I must insist that you leave." I recognized the voice immediately, and I was never so relieved in my life. Actually, yes I have, but you get what I mean. They must've walked in without us hearing the bell from our bickering and the blood I could hear in my ears.

The girl whips around and her hair whips my face. I scrunch up my face, and step back. That stung. This must be how others felt when I used to have long hair.

I turned to the person speaking with a huge grin on my face.


There she stands, in her terrifying beauty: Thalia.

She was glaring at Pink-Bimbo and that alone would be enough to send a full grown man running with his tail between his legs. And she was wearing some mid-thigh black ripped shorts and her knee-high black combat boots. And her t-shirt said: "Wanna die? Too late."

I shiver.

I think the blood drained from Pink-Bimbos face, but I'm not sure because of all the makeup.

"Well?" Thalia raises an eyebrow, "Did you hear me? Get. Out." She glowers at the Bimbo.

Pink-Bimbo stutters, but leaves quickly without a fight. I see her trip over a rock outside and Iaugh. Karma's a bitch.

"Oi,"Thalia shouts at me, "What's goin' on with you and Pink-Bitch over there?"

I shake my head and smile at my best friend, "Just another obsessive fangirl looking for her Fifteen Minutes Of Fame. Anyway," I change topics, "what are you even doing here for?"

"Oh, yeah. Just reminding you that Selena still has that offer up, if you want it. And she heard about you. I also told her about Emma, if that's alright, and she wants you guys to come for an outing or something." She yawns and walks over to me, swinging an arm over my shoulders, "and what's going on with you and Kelp-Face?"

I laugh, "Nothing. Just friends-"

"With benefits?" Thalia cuts me off with a wicked smirk.

I laugh even harder, "No-!"

"It's alright!" She interrupts me again, "I won't judge."

I smack her. "Gods, Thals! Get your head out of the gutter! We're just friends." Are we?


The moon was beautiful, bathing everything in white. It was chilly, and as I hugged my jacket closer to myself, I think; what a wonderful place the world is beyond its mistakes.

I hear waves crash onto the shore and crickets chirp. And I can't help but notice how calm the world is under all the chaos.

I don't hear screaming, I don't see violence; so patient is our planet, to let us destroy it, without destroying us.

Walking down to where the sea meets the shore, I take a deep breath of the cold winter air; so calm. So majestic. It's a pity we destroy it.

I close my eyes and let the rest of my senses take over; this makes everything else fade away. It makes me feel safe, because it feels like I'm alone, even though I'm not. That no one can hurt me.

The freezing waves wash over my feet, and they sink into the soft sand. The wind whips my long blonde hair in frenzy, and my white sundress lifts off my thighs. The icy cold makes me shiver; but I'd rather be here than anywhere else.

I wish to stay here forever. But I can't.

I open my grey eyes and stare at the beautiful scene before me. My mouth parts in wonder, and my eyes widen as I see the dozens of shooting stars. A meteorite shower; I realize, and I know I have chosen the perfect night for this.

The giant rocks burn up, and as soon as the show ends, I walk to where I planned to go the entire time.

The cliff.

The landscape was one of the prettiest I'd ever seen; too bad I won't ever see it again.

I stand on the edge of the sheer rock, and I stare at the moon, sending a prayer to all that I love.

When I was a child I used to be afraid of ghosts, but then as I grew up, I realized people were scarier.

And then I tip of the cliff, and fall to my death.


A/N: DONE. Before you kill me, let me first say these things:

Happy Thanksgiving!

Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Easter!

Did I miss anything?

I apologize for not updating, and here are my reasons:






I know this chapter was short, but meh. I'll try and update soon.



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