A.n.-This idea has been in my head forever and its great to finally get it out in the open^_^. Takes place a lil' while after the battle between Yami and Bakura in the Shadow Realm but before the battle between Joey and Kaiba. Enjoy the fic^_~hehe.

Disclaimer-I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh.

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I paced bordly through out my Soul Room. Golden Egyptian robes worthy of the Pharaoh I had been so long ago hung from my body as I walked over to my Soul door. Silently I concentrated on the Hikari half of my soul. His mind was scattered in a playful manner, his thoughts never staying in one place. He was asleep. Good. Concentrating harder through his ears I heard no voices or sounds aside from a few nocturnal animals and a rather loud snorting I assumed was coming from my Abiou's friend Jounouchi Katsuya.

Closing my crimson eyes I gently separated myself from my Abiou to take a physical form outside of him. It was as easy as breathing and I soon found myself overshadowed by the pale light of the moon. I stretched lazily, glancing down at larger more fitting outfits that resembles my Hikari's that I was currently clothed in.It was actually kind of comfortable..though not as silkly comfertable as my Egyption robes..

The night was silent, the wind brushing against my flesh in a fleeting caress that made my smile slightly. It had been a long time really since I had just.... felt natural things like this. I mean, the only times I was really out of Soul Room was to help my Abiou in a duel.

Game King I may be, but I still have to concentrat on whatever game i'm currently playing lest I want to lose my title. Me lose my position as the King of Games? Hah, not likely. But still, never a good idea to take chances on it. Shaking my head slightly at my own thoughts I glanced up at the sky. Brilliant stars cascaded their light down on me, fighting valiantly to outshine the moon above.

The view of the stars was much wider back then, back when I was Pharaoh. But from some of the information of learned through my Abiou's thoughts, my homeland was far away. Closing my eyes slightly I sighed. I did miss it, Egypt...my palace...everything about it really. Sure, ruling an Empire's not the easiest thing in the world.... but it had been fun at times really...

Abruptly I heard the sound of leaves being rustled. Reacting quickly a moved into the shadows and squatted down, my eyes piercing through the darkness to see what had caused the disturbance. Silver hair reflected in the moonlight, chocolate brown eyes surveyed the area before walking forward the edge of the cliff and sitting down.

Ah, yes, it was the owner of the Sennen Ring and the Hikari of that Soul Stealer......Ryou Bakura, wasn't it? I frowned slightly. What was he doing up so late? I walked toward him, watching him stiffen abruptly, he whirled around; blatant fear crossing his face before lessening slightly. Melted chocolate pools held a certain wariness as they narrowed suddenly.

"Y-your Yugi's Yami aren't you?"

I felt surprise fill me, none of the others had even really guessed about me yet. Believing the duel we'd had with the Soul Stealer in the Shadow Realm a simple dream. Hmm, I didn't know it was possible for everyone to have the same dream.

Shaking off my twisted humor at my Abiou's somewhat dense friends I nodded to the silver haired boy and slowly sat down next to him, trying my hardest to act casual so as to not frighten the boy anymore then he already is. His tenseness didn't lessen though as he averted his gaze from me. I stared hard at him, noting the frailness of him, the way he seemed to second-guess his movements and words.

How his eyes were restless, never settling on an object too long as though it would break underneath his gaze. He rubbed his shoulders slightly though there was no chill in the air. He leaned forward, wrapping his arms around his legs.

"You...."he paused, as though not knowing how to phrase his words. The hesitance made me sad, knowing that perhaps at one time he hadn't been so shy to speak," You, must b-be, the Pharaoh my darker half was ranting about through our Soul link during the duel in the Shadow Realm, ne?"

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow," I was a Pharaoh....long ago." I admitted, not wanting to really speak of what little I remembered of that time. To much betrayal lay there, too much hurt, too many emotions to be clearly defined." Your darker half was a Tomb Robber back then, one of the more notaries ones."

He nodded slightly, his gaze flickering to me for an instant then back to the sky," I know. He....He was rather....prideful I suppose about that little factor. Saying that you and your guards couldn't have caught him if he'd walked right into the throne room with all of his lout from varies raids."

I bristled slightly at the comment. True, it had taken us a long time to actually -find- the Tomb Robber, but he had to rub it in some how even though he was locked the Shadow Realm didn't he? Disgruntled I lowered my gaze to the glittering Sennen Ring on his neck. I felt my eyes narrow at the sight.

"Why do you still wear the Ring? Your Yami has no power over you now, you can remove it and toss it into the sea below if you wished."

His fingers curled around it in a protective manner as he shook his head," No...He...He may be gone...b-but..."he stammered slightly, his eyes glazing with tears suddenly," It doesn't feel like it....and besides....it was a gift from my father...and...every time I've ever thought of getting rid of it, it seems to pull me into forcing it on." he shrugged slightly, drawing his knees to his chest and wrapping his arms around them.

"It hurts, you know?"

I felt my eyebrows draw together in confusion,"Hmm?"

Ryou rested his head on his knees as he responded,"....Having him gone. It....It feels like I've been ripped in half....like...a part of me is missing and it'll never be returned."

I nodded, understanding." He was your other half....its not unlikely you would feel that way.....but...it had to be done, Ryou.....you know that...otherwise, you wouldn't have helped us during the Shadow Game."

He winced slightly, closing his eyes," Yes....I know...but it doesn't make it all that much easier.."

I said nothing, dropping my gaze to the grass as I tried to find something to say. Though, there really wasn't much I could do. As evil as Ryou's Yami had appeared to me he had still been Ryou's darker half....the other half of his soul. To lose it no matter the circumstance probably did hurt. I'd feel the same if Yugi were suddenly gone and left me alone in the shadows for a few more centuries.

Glancing back at Ryou I noticed his shirt had ridden up in the back revealing a large black and blue bruise that marred the flesh there. Forgetting Ryou was most likely to be offended by my next action I lifted up the back of his shirt. What I saw made my eyes widen and my heart convulse in my chest.

Numerous scars and cuts crisscrossed his back. Bruises of all kinds rode up through him, marring the perfection of his skin. He was so thin that I could nearly count all of his bones, see the blue rivers that were his veins despite the grotesqueness of the Mountain like marks that nearly dominated his flesh.

He jerked back away from me, yanking his shirt down as he did so. The movement gave me a flash of his bared wrist. A deep scraggly scar lay there. A mark of a failed attempt to leave this world.

"Who did this to you?" I growled, already knowing the answer as I spoke who had caused the beaten marks on his small frame, and just who had pushed someone with a gentle nature as him so close to the edge.

Chocolate brown eyes filled with tears instantly as he shrunk back away from me. Anger boiled within me as I stared at him, silently demanding the answer I already knew.

He looked away,"M-my..."he stammered uncertinely,"M-my Yami did it....he....he was angry when I defied him about.....about following you all to the Duelist Kingdom......s-s-so H-h-he could try and s-steal the Puzzle..."

Disgust flew through me. I had known already that the Tomb Robber was cruel, Ra he'd shown that during the Duel in the Shadow Realm...but to harm his Hikari? His -HIKARI-.......Now....that was farther beyond the pail then I thought anyone would dare go. I was certain that if the Tomb Robber had appeared before me at this moment he'd of re-learnt a few more of the more painful treatments that traitors were given back in Ancient Egypt.

Suddenly a disturbing thought came to me as I looked guiltily over at Ryou.

"How..."I swallowed hard, yet I still had to know," How long have you worn the Ring?"

He closed his eyes, a single tear falling as he did so. Quickly he whipped it away, and returned his gaze to me. Instantly I noticed how he refused to look me in the eye, instead staring either off to the side of my hair or at my chin...never dareing to raise it any higher....it reminded me vaugly of the slaves I used to have back when I was a Pharaoh. They'd never meet my eyes either...

But Ryou wasn't my slave. Or anyones for that matter. According to Yuugi people were more or less free in this new world...slavery simply didn't exist anymore...why then did he not look me in the eyes as an equel instead of shying away like the lowliest of slaves? Why? Becouse of his darker half? Had the Tomb Robber engrained such fear of looking anyone in the eye into the silver haired tenchie?

"....Five years..."he said at last, his eyes flickering up to meet mine for a split second before looking away just as fast.

His reply left me without words. Five years. Five years with an abusive spirit with a thirst for power. How had he survived it? How?

"Have...you ever told anyone about what he was doing?"

He shook his head slightly and I felt a ball of emotion rise in my throat at his silent response. It was easy now to see why he was so withdrawn, why he never seemed to look anyone in the eye when they spoke. Why he always seemed to second-guess his words as he spoke, why his voice was always so soft and halting.

Angrily I glanced up at the stars. Why hadn't anyone seen it? Why hadn't anyone seen his pain? Why hadn't I noticed it sooner? Why hadn't I seen it the comment he'd been returned to his body in the Shadow Realm? Useless questions. The simple answer was that I hadn't thought to look. I'd only been worried about my own Hikari's safety and that of his friends. And....while I had known instantly that Ryou's Yami had few, if any, scruples I hadn't thought he hurt his Hikari. It had never even entered my mind.

Still, it didn't lessen my anger that I hadn't known...that no one had known. That in five long years no one had tried to help him. Breaking out of my inner fury I noticed that the young boy had begun to tremble, a small slightly repressed sob breaking through him as he wrapped he wrapped his arms around his legs and pressed his face into his knees. Trying to make himself as small as possible.

A surge of protectiveness I didn't understand bursted through me, compelling me to comfort the boy. The feeling rose to full boil within me as I scooted closer and draped an arm over his shoulders. Sadly I noticed he tensed instantly at my light touch, trembling all the more before he whirled around suddenly and wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his face in my chest as he finally began to cry the tears he'd been trying to hold back.

I wrapped my arms awkwardly around him....it had been a long time since I had offered comfort to anyone before. A very long time. But the boy in my arms sunk greedily into my arms, holding me tightly as though I would suddenly push him away. I tightened my grip in what I hoped was a comforting way and rested my head on his as I let the boy weep.

Idly I wondered how long it had been since anyone had held the boy as he cried. Since he received the Ring? Or perhaps it was longer even then that. The mere thought saddened and angered me. Ryou was as innocent as my own Abiou...A gift from Ra more or less. A gift should be treated as such....not as simple trash.

Slowly the boy's sobs died down slightly though the boy didn't move from my embrace. Smiling slightly glanced up at the star-filled sky and silently vowed to do all I could try and protect the boy in my arms just as I would protect my Abiou. Anyone who wanted to harm them would have to be go through me first.

And as many an enemy has learned, I am by far a worthy opponent they will never overcome. The silver-haired one in my arms shifted slightly, I glanced down into his chocolate brown orbs and smiled slightly at him.

His eyes brightened slightly as a small smile toke his lips as well. It was a beautiful thing, but so heart-breaking to see. He was so wary, almost as though he was frightened to death of everyone and everything...for every move he made, the way his eyes scanned my every expression just to make certain he wasn't a burden of some sort....all of it was with a touch of fear and worry...

He was so beautiful and his embrace sparked a warm feeling deep in my heart, I couldn't find it in me why anyone would abuse a gift like this, One with a light that rivaled my own Abiou ....to abuse it and transform it it into the trembleing being in my arms...Just staring into those melted chocolate orbs made an invisible silver cord seem to appear and wrap around me binding him to me compleatly.

It suddenly toke all my self-control not to lean down and crush the supple lips of Ryou to my own. The desire was so strong that a small tremble raced through me. Though it wasn't an unpleasant feeling, far from it. The creature in my arms was unworldly beautiful, so flawed and so flawless.

Shaking my head slightly, I fought to keep the smile on my face. Knowing that Ryou would probably take it as it being his own doing. Which, in a sense it was but not in the manner he would most likely believe. Against my will, I studied the finely boned features of the god that had fallen into my arms. High cheekbones that were perfect on his angular face, large luminous eyes framed by thick black lashes. Full, pouting lips stuck out tempting....Inviting...

//No.//I thought firmly.

I was having a little trouble breathing now despite my firm denial, his sweet scent in my nostrils was bordelineined addictive. The warmth of his frame in my arms feeling as right as breathing itself. I longed to simply capture those full lips with my own, to release the carnal feelings that were steadily rising within me. I wanted to make him my own in every way, bind him fully to me for longer then an eternity..

Swallowing hard I did my best to shove the thoughts away. He was hurt so spiritually and physically that my attraction, if one could even name what I was currently feeling, would not exactly be a problem solver at the moment. For a brisk moment I longed for a portal to open so I could simply take the white-haired Hikari back with me and save him from any hardships that existed in this world. At least they're having him as my own forever wouldn't be questioned and there wouldn't be any problems in the way.

It wasn't right of me to think such things though. It wasn't as though he was ever going to feel the way I was currently feeling anyway. He probably wasn't feeling to fond of Ancient Egyption spirts anyway becouse of that blasted Tomb Robber. And even without that Soul Stealer's past precence...there wasn't a high chance Ryou would like me that way anyway...i'm a Spirt that was locked in a Puzzle...not that great of a relationship starter.

Relationship? I wanted a *relationship* with the boy in my arms? I smiled slightly. Yes. Yes I did. But it was so complicated..so very complicated...The mere thought forced me to swallow back a growl of utter frustration. At first I'd thought my mission was to simply protect Yugi from any harm that may come floating his way...now it seemed my role in this new world had become a lot more complicated...however...I was really minding this complication, if one could call it that, all that much.

Sighing slightly I tried to banish such thoughts and simply be content in holding the boy in my arms. On a night where nothing mattered, and for one brief moment......Ryou was mine.

A.n.-Well, what didja all think? Wasn't -that- bad was it? Sorry if I made Bakura-chan sound kinda cruel and malicious in this fic....I really love his character most of the time....but remember, this is told from Yami's p.o.v....and he's not all fond of Bakura-chan in the first place. Stealing peoples souls and trying to take the Puzzle kind of tipped Bakura-chan into the hated enemy zone, y'know? Heh, I hope you'll liked the fic...I might write another chap showing these events from Ryou-chans p.o.v. or maybe I'll write another chap about the events after this....I dunno...its up to whether ya'all review or not^_~heh.

Also, for those of you who oppose fanfiction.net's new policy please go to: http://www.petitionOnline.com/KEEPNC17/ I know this is the second time I've advertised this link......but I felt the need to say it again.

Ja ne