Hello all! Welcome to my first fanfiction. I really hope you like it.

Now, firstly, I accept pointers and constructive criticism; I really would like your honest opinion.

I copied some of the words from the book up until she meets with Peeta. Then I take it from there. I had to add those from the books, otherwise I think it might have been to hard to follow. This is supposed to be Mockingjay but a little different. So, for authenticity, there is some "book stuff." This first chapter is pretty short, but it gets longer, I promise!

This starts on page 174-176 in Mockingjay. Enjoy ;)

Sadly, I don't own the Hunger Games. This depresses me. But then Peeta cheers me up ;).

In Command, I pace the floors anxiously. The squad said they'd be back by tomorrow. But isn't it tomorrow already? It's been hours.

After the broadcast in the woods, we came back to headquarters. They were supposed to be back by now.

Unable to contain our anxiety, Finnick and I decided to try and station ourselves here in Command until further notice.

What if they don't get back? Did they even managed to break in? It seems impossible, infiltrating the Capitol to rescue them. Beetee said he'd be able to override the security systems.

But how can we be sure that'll work?

Don't think like that, I tell myself sternly. Of course it'll work, it's Beetee and his genius brain, not to mention Boggs and the rest of the squad.

More hours pass. Finnick, who is trapped in here with me, ties knots. Eventually, I join him. I need something to occupy myself with.

But I can't seem to remember how to tie the knot.

Loop. Twist. Push. Pull. Knot. No. That's not how it goes. I sigh impatiently.

I glance at Finnick, who can't seem to stop making knots.

I sigh in frustration and keep trying.

Loop. Pull. Twist.

Tick-Tock. This is a Clock.

Do not think of Peeta.

Do not think of Gale.

Knots, I command myself sternly, Think of knots.

Eventually, I manage to make a decent noose. My mind drifts to the words of "The Hanging Tree".

Are you are you

Coming to the tree

Peeta and Gale.

Gale and Peeta.

I could lose both of them.

"Finnick," I say slowly, "Did you love Annie right away?"

"No." He finishes his knot. "She crept up on me," he adds softly.

"Oh," I say. I search my heart, but all I see is a blank face.

Suddenly Haymitch bursts through the door. "They're back. We're wanted in the hospital."

"We got them all out. Except Enobaria. But since she's from Two, we doubt she's being held anyway," Boggs says, still breathless from the mission. He's fine, a little worse for wear, but uninjured otherwise. "Peeta's at the end of the hall. The effects of the gas are just wearing off. You should be there when he wakes."

My breath hitches. Peeta.

Alive and well-Maybe not well, but alive and here. Away from Snow. Safe. Here. With me. In a minute I can touch him. Hear his laugh.

Haymitch is grinning at me. "Come on then, Sweetheart," he says.

I'm light-headed with giddiness. What will I say? Oh, who cares what I say? Peeta will be ecstatic no matter what I do. He'll probably be kissing me. I wonder if it will feel like those last kisses on the beach in the arena, the ones I haven't dared let myself consider until this moment.

Peeta's awake already, sitting on the side of the bed, looking bewildered as a trio of doctors reassure him, flash lights in his eyes, check his pulse.

He's lost a lot of muscle, he's too skinny. His hair no longer glows and looks thinned. He has bruises, bloody and dried, all over his face, neck, arms, and even the exposed part of his chest.

I'm disappointed that mine was not the first face he saw when he woke, but that doesn't matter, because he sees it now. His face shows disbelief, and something else more intense that I can't place. Disbelief? Longing?

Surely both, for he sweeps the doctors aside, leaps to his feet, and moves toward me. I run to meet him, ready to embrace him. We meet halfway and he wraps his arms around me fiercely. I pull back slightly so I can look at him. He hesitates, looking down at me. Oh.

He thinks I won't allow it.

So finally, I give in and close my eyes.

Our lips come together, pressing together softly in a passionately chaste kiss. I feel it. It starts in my chest and slowly spreads throughout me, all the way to the tips of my fingers, laced around his neck. One of his hands cups my jaw, while the other rest on my hair. My heart is beating fast. I can't believe it. He's here. Peeta is really here.

I don't realize I'm crying until we break apart, resting our foreheads together. "I missed you so much," I say softly, so that only he can hear.

"So did I."

"I thought I would never see you again. I thought...you were gone."

"Never," he breathes, brushing away tears on my face that I hadn't noticed. "I'm never going to leave you." And with that, he pulls me to him once more.

All too soon, a doctor gently pries us apart. I glare at him.

"Mr. Mellark must have surgery to repair his injuries," He stammers awkwardly. .

Reluctantly, we break apart. "Injuries?" I ask Peeta.

"I have a couple dislocated bones," says Peeta, still holding me. "And a few bruises."

"What? Go. You need to rest. You shouldn't be kissing me in your condition, anyway."

"No. I don't care. I've waited forever and a day for this," He whispers, pressing his forehead to mine. "And I don't intend to wait any longer."

He kisses me again.

Eventually, I follow him to his hospital bed. Once I help him in, he grips my hand tightly.

"Don't go. Please...Stay."

And I tell him, "Always."

Please Review! May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor!