Hey lovely readers! I've put a lot of thought into this, and I finally caved. I decided it's time to write a "Fighting For All That's Good" sequel. Y'all convinced me it was a good idea.

Just in case y'all forgot anything, I'd reread chapter 42 of "FFATG" just so you get a sense of what was happening last time we saw the keepers. This takes place about a year and 3 months after "FFATG", so what's happened in between the two stories will be explained, don't you worry!

I hope y'all enjoy this as much as "FFATG," because I'm already loving it! :)

I'm going to put the disclaimer at the beginning this time, just in case. I don't own rights to the Kingdom Keepers or any place/person/country/movie/character/book/song, etc. I reference. This is just a silly story for fun and games, I'm not out to steal anybody's thunder-or anything else for that matter.

Just as a heads up, this "chapter" as a more detailed summary, the prologue and the first chapter. So it's not going to be this long every time...but I wanted to throw all of this at y'all so you could really understand the first chapter.

And without further adieu, here's the "Fighting For All That's Good" sequel...REBEL.

Full Summary

"Fighting For All That is Good" Sequel…Fifteen months after Finn came out of his two-month coma, all seven keepers are lured back to Magic Kingdom under false pretenses, believing that Wayne has requested their presence. When Maleficent shows up instead, Finn knows something horrible is about to happen. Maleficent enacts a curse, sending the keepers to an alternate universe, in which the year is 2358 and Maleficent is ruling the world. All of their memories have been wiped, replaced with new, miserable ones. When all of them are brought back to the place where it all began, will things be like old times? In order to regain their memories and get back to reality, they must work together to defeat Maleficent, but that task will be the hardest one the group has ever faced. Will they be able to take down Maleficent on her illusion of a home turf or will they be forced to suffer the consequences of her curse for all eternity?


October 1, 2013: Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

Finn shivered. For an October in Florida, it was cold. He forgot to bring a jacket. He noticed his wife of five months shivering beside him and he wrapped his arms around her from behind. He kissed her on the cheek and tightened his hold on her.

"You worried?" She whispered into his ear.

"No, I'm just nervous." Finn glanced over toward the giant castle looming above them. They hadn't crossed over in a long time, if he didn't count the one time last year while he was in a coma. "It's been too long. Why did he call us here now?"

Amanda shrugged, not providing an answer.

"I don't think anybody knows why the old man wants us here, Whitman." Maybeck said from behind. Maybeck kept walking until he was on Finn's left side. "How are you two doing?"

Finn knew he didn't care. Ever since Charlene had called off the engagement two months ago, Maybeck had this sad look in his eyes. Finn hoped that Charlene actually showed up tonight so that they might work things out, but Finn knew that was wishful thinking.

"Good," Amanda replied softly. He loved how she could be so sweet to someone so broken. It was inspiring to Finn. "How about you?" She reached out and touched Maybeck's arm.

Maybeck sighed. "Good as I'll ever be I guess." He let his shoulder slump.

"Hey guys!" Willa's excited voice called from the opposite direction. She was heading toward them with an extra skip in her step. She hurried to give Amanda a hug, followed by Finn and Maybeck. While hugging Maybeck, she whispered something into his ears—probably comforting and encouraging words, if Finn had to guess.

Finn looked past Willa and saw Philby walking slowly down the cobblestone street.

"Hey," Philby's voice screamed exhaustion.

Amanda wiggled her way out of Finn's arms and hurried over to a bench to talk with Willa. Finn saw Jess appear out of nowhere and join them. That only left Charlene.

Philby, Maybeck and Finn stood there in silence for a bit before Philby broke the silence with a dramatically loud yawn.

"Tired much?" Maybeck retorted.

"I have an eight month old daughter, I think that is a good enough reason to be tired." Philby retorted back.

"How's Lizzie doing?" Finn asked, ending their war of retorts.

"Great. She's…she's just so little and adorable. She said her first word the other day." Philby smiled a devious grin. "It was da-da, meaning me."

Finn returned a smile. "How did Willa take that?"

Philby shrugged. "She was kind of disappointed it wasn't ma-ma. Oh well. Lizzie's just a daddy's girl, I guess."

"Does anybody know why we're here?"

Finn and Maybeck turned around to see Charlene standing in the middle of the street in possibly the worst outfit for cold weather…ever.

Charlene was wearing a pair of navy blue Nike dry-fit shorts and a white tank top. In this unusually cold weather she had to be freezing.

She spread out her arms in frustration. The other girls came over and joined the rest of the group, cautiously watching Maybeck and Charlene. They hadn't seen each other since the engagement was broken off, as far as Finn knew.

"Maybeck," Charlene said quietly but harshly.

"Charlene," Maybeck replied, quickly nodding his head in recognition.

"Uh…so…guys…let's uh…find Wayne. He wanted to see all of us." Finn managed to get out somehow.

The rest of the group agreed and slowly headed over toward Wayne's apartment over the firehouse.

Finn knocked on the door a few times quietly. At first, nothing happened. Finn glanced back to the group nervously before knocking again.

Knock, knock, knock.

Finn waited a few seconds before hearing the door unlock. He couldn't help but smile. The old man hadn't forgotten about them after all. The last time Finn had heard from Wayne was just after his freshman year of college, but Finn didn't want to think about that right now. He had some strange reason what they had discussed in that meeting was coming up tonight. It was now six years since they had defeated the Overtakers and graduated high school, and despite what Finn had tried, his meeting with Wayne five years ago was still in the back of his mind, always trying to work its way up to the surface.

He'd be lying if he said he hadn't been worried about Maleficent returning, but he always shook the thought out of his head. He remembered killing her. That memory still haunted his nightmares. They were finished with the Overtakers, Finn was sure of it.

The door slowly opened and Finn was immediately put up his guard when he saw that all of the lights were off. Finn glanced back to the rest of the group one more time before stepping into the room.

The floorboards creaked under his feet as he walked through the living room. There was no sign of Wayne or any human being, now that Finn thought about it. There weren't any cobwebs, which was a good sign. Wayne—or someone else—had been here recently. Slivers of moonlight were coming through the small windows, elongating the shadows and giving the room an eerie look.

Once all seven of them had made it into the room, the door slammed shut. Finn turned towards the door and saw a pair of yellow glowing eyes staring at them.

Finn made his way through his six friends and stood in front of them—half shielding them from the villain with yellow eyes, half wanting to get a better look.

A maniacal laugh echoed through the small room. Amanda found Finn's left hand and held on tight, but Finn didn't dare look anywhere except for at the villain herself.

"I see you seven are still all friends. How…precious."

The yellow eyes moved forward until they stepped into the moonlight that was coming in through the windows. Her long black cape with purple edges swayed behind her as she walked. Her green skin almost glowed in the moonlight, which made Finn's stomach do backflips.

"Finn Whitman, how wonderful to see you after all these years." Her smile sent shivers down his spine. He knew he had killed her six years ago. If she was here, that could only mean something bad was about to happen.

Finn squeezed Amanda's hand as hard as he could and didn't dare loosen his grip. He didn't want her to let go. If something was going to happen, he wanted to be with her when this all came crashing down.

"What have you done with Wayne?" Finn asked the green fairy. Her smile turned into a devious grin.

"He's…been relocated…" She took a step closer to Finn.

"If he's dead when I find him, I swear I'll—"

"You'll what? Kill me? How well did that work out for you the first time?"

Finn didn't reply, but he did throw daggers at her with his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to strangle the fairy right now. He had a wife to protect, friends to lead, one best friend to avenge, and a life to preserve. He was not about to let her take any of that away from him.

"You see, Finn Whitman, I've got a plan, one that you are quite necessary for. All seven of you are needed, actually."

She paused to look at each of the keepers.

"I've spent time pondering over what the best form of revenge would be for you little nuisances. And now, it is ready to be put to use."

"What are you talking about?" Finn asked her. He did his best to hide the fear in his voice, but knowing the fairy, she already knew how scared he was and was plotting on how to exploit it.

"I've created a curse. None of you will remember who you are. You'll be taken to a world where I rule."

"'Cause you can't win here?" Maybeck spat off sarcastically.

"I will win here, you'll see." The fairy's yellow eyes bore down on Maybeck, who didn't seem to be fazed by it. "This new world is my form of torture for you. Happiness will be foreign to you."

She reached into her cape and pulled out a small vial. Inside was a bubbling, black liquid. She shook the vial furiously and uncapped the cork. The black liquid bubbled up and spilled out onto the floor.

"Enjoy your new lives, keepers. Or better yet…don't."

Finn wrapped his arms around Amanda and pulled her in close as the black liquid came tumbling in their direction. There was no point in running from this curse, it would only make it worse for them.

Amanda leaned her head up and kissed him on the lips.

"I don't care what happens in this new world," Finn began. The liquid began to break down the wood in the floor, creating a black hole. The winds were whipping so loud that it was hard for anyone to hear anything. "I will find you, Amanda."

Finn turned to look back at all of his friends. "We'll find each other. I promise!"

They all somewhat acknowledged what he had said.

Amanda nodded, kissing him one last time. "I love you, Finn."

"I love you too Amanda."

He pulled her in close as the black liquid dissolved the floorboards beneath their feet and they plummeted into the black hole.

Somewhere along the line, Amanda was ripped from his grasp, her screams lost in the wind.

Finn felt his heart being ripped apart. He knew he would find his friends in this new world. He would do it. It was his life's mission. He was their leader and refused to fail them.

Finn hit the bottom of the hole with a large THUD! and everything went black.

Chapter 1: Forbidden Love

January 9, 2358
Province 9, County 15, British Columbia
North Vancouver High School


The sound of the coffee being made echoed throughout the empty teacher's lounge. Jess had another half hour until her next class. Right now she was occupying herself by staring at the coffee dripping into the coffee pot through the filter. Some day she was having.

The door opened, letting the sounds of the loud teenagers in the hallway flow into the room for a mere three seconds. The door shut and the silence took over again.

Jess didn't even bother looking over her shoulder to see who had come in. She didn't care. All of the teachers here hated her. She was alone.

The only thing Jess lived for was the black market art auctions on Tuesday nights. Luckily today was a Tuesday.

A chill went up Jess' spine and she knew someone was behind her.

"What do you want?" She whispered. She knew that if she talked any louder the hidden microphones would hear her, this creating even more problems for her.

"You gonna be at the show tonight?" The voice was deep but quiet. She knew immediately it was Patrick, one of the school's two janitors.

"Yeah, you?"

"'Course. I got my eye on a nice Lockhart original."

Jess smiled to herself, but she didn't dare turn around and show him.

"You do have a new one, right?" He asked.

Ding! The coffee had stopped dripping through the filter. Patrick reached around Jess and poured himself a cup.

"Of course I do." She reassured him. "Don't I always?"

Patrick flashed her a smile quickly before turning toward the door. "Good, my daughter loves them. See you tonight."

Patrick winked at her before walking out of the room, leaving Jess alone. Her heart sank in her chest.

The one guy she had fallen hard for had lost his wife in the war on rebels two years ago. Their daughter, little three-year old Rose, didn't know any better. She didn't even know her own mother. She kept calling Jess "mommy." Jess knew she couldn't keep this up forever, because sooner or later, Patrick would have to tell his daughter the truth.

She wanted to be there for both Patrick and Rose, but she couldn't do it legally. The law clearly states that a man or woman can only marry once—no divorces, no remarrying after a spouse dies. The only exception being the royal figureheads in each province, since the royal blood lines could be at stake.

Jess poured herself a cup of coffee and walked to her classroom, where she taught history and government—also known as the world's most boring subject, not that she would voice that opinion.

She sat at her desk and stared at the afternoon lesson plans.

She would be talking about how the dictatorial monarchy worked. Maleficent, the "benevolent" dictator ruled over the world (Jess snorted at the wording, Maleficent was anything but benevolent), with twelve royal families ruling over the twelve provinces. After the royal families, there were prime ministers who were in charge of a certain number of counties in each province. The prime ministers oversaw things such as the economy, the scientific community and the army.

Nothing else seemed important in the society. The smartest people worked in the labs researching things for the dictator. Those who were in her favor, became rich and enjoyed lavish, carefree lives. Those who were good at tactics and fighting, joined the army and fought against the "rebels." All others were forced into mediocre jobs that meant nothing, but the government propaganda made it seem important.

Jess' graduation test had told her she would be a teacher, and here she was, miserable as could be.

The only thing Jess found joy in was art. But all kinds of art forms were forbidden, unless commissioned by the royal family or the dictator herself.

Jess knew from the moment she started painting, that none of her works would ever be accepted into society.

She drew things she saw in her wildest dreams: pictures of a group of young teens (whom she dreamt about so much she felt as if she had known them her whole life) battling Maleficent herself. Almost always the scene was in a historical place she had only seen in the history textbooks: the place where Maleficent began her world domination—a place called Lake Buena Vista. Jess had never been there, but she dreamt about it as if it was her home.

Patrick had discovered her art one day while over at her apartment and had told her about the black market art auctions on Tuesdays.


Jess sighed. Over the past year and a half she had fallen for him, but it was clearly written that their love was forbidden.

The bell rang and students began filing into her classroom. Jess took another sip of coffee and began writing on the blackboard with a small piece of chalk.

Two more classes and then you're done, Jess reminded herself, you can do this.

Jess walked down the street late at night, slipping in and out of the shadows as to not be seen by the police officers patrolling.

Jess reached apartment number 15B and knocked on the door. Four times, pause, two times, pause, four times again. Jess glanced over her shoulder, just to make sure there weren't any officers nearby.

The door opened and she was ushered inside by the owner. Jess knew apartment 15B like her own. She turned left into the kitchen and walked into the pantry. Inside, she moved a box of Cheetos off of the shelf, triggering a secret door.

Inside the secret door, was a staircase leading down to the basement. The only light Jess could see was a few candles on the edge of every fourth step, to prevent accidents. The last thing they needed at a black market art auction was for someone to get hurt.

Once Jess had made it down the stairs, she went through another door to the underground auction room. It was the size of the kitchen above and brightly lit—but not too bright, for that might draw suspicion. The room didn't have windows, but it did have a few exists, various staircases leading to different apartments on the block.

In the center of the room were rows of chairs, all facing a small stage. On the stage, the auctioneer was collecting art pieces and determining their worth. Workers were moving entire collections around the stage, preparing for the show. People were crowded in small groups around the room chatting amongst themselves, indulging on the snacks provided.

Jess made her way to the auctioneer and handed him her newest piece. The auctioneer pulled out a magnifying glass and examined it thoroughly.

The drawing was only 6 by 4 inches and on a piece of notebook paper, but all art had to be smaller than 8 by 11 inches, so that it could be concealed easily. Jess had gone the extra step this week and placed her drawing in a black frame.

On this new piece of hers, Jess had drawn a picture of a young boy battling a large demon-bat figure in a cave. He had to be no older than fourteen, and had short brown hair and green eyes. The boy was only armed with a small portion of a knife, which was already covered in blood. Jess wasn't sure it had been his own, or if it belonged to a previous enemy. His expression was pained, as if he had suffered a severe loss. This picture was of a recent dream of hers. Like always, she had felt compelled to draw it out. This one was colored in with colored pencils. Jess was particularly proud of the shadows she had drawn on the demon's face. Something about this picture seemed familiar, like all of her dreams, but she figured she had dreamt it before when she was younger. It wouldn't be the first time she had dreamt the same dream twice.

"Excellent Lockhart," the auctioneer said with a smile. She left the piece with him and hurried to find a seat.

She sat down in a row of empty chairs and watched as the auctioneer added her piece to the auction collection for tonight. She checked her watch. The auction would be starting in five minutes.

"Hey," Patrick said as he plopped down in the seat next to her. "How was the rest of your day?"

Jess shrugged. "Eh, boring as usual. How's Rose?"

"She's asleep, but her aunt is watching her tonight."

Jess nodded and watched the auctioneer as he ushered people to sit down, for the auction was about to start.

Patrick draped an arm over her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek, something he could only do here.

"What's wrong babe?"

"Just having a bad day, I guess."

"Don't you worry! With money your new piece will bring in, we can go out and celebrate."

Jess turned and gave him a confused look. "Go out? You know we can't do that!"

"Why not? It's been two years since my wife died. Everybody here knows we're together."

"But it's illegal. We'd be killed. What would happen to Rose if that happened?"

Patrick sighed. She could tell that he hadn't thought of that. He shook his head, as if disregarding the idea all together. "She'd probably just go live with her aunt."

Jess studied him and gasped. "You're actually considering this, aren't you?"

"Of course I am!" He turned to face Jess, his beautiful green eyes bearing down on her, similar to the young teenager in tonight's drawing. "I've loved you for a very long time Jess, why can't I be with you? What does that stupid dictator care about me remarrying? I never loved my first wife in the first place! That was all my mother's fault."

"Patrick," Jess placed a hand on his thigh. "I don't want you to be killed for me."

"But Jess," Patrick moved in closer. She could smell his breath, which smelt like his delicious chocolate chip cookies. "You're a cause worth fighting for. If that includes dying, so be it."

Jess knew she was on the verge of tears. The last thing she wanted to do was cry in public—that is not the kind of person she is.

Before she could answer, the auctioneer began the show.

At the end of the auction, someone tapped her on the shoulder. Jess turned around and saw a young man standing there.

He was wearing blue jeans and a black t-shirt. His hair was brown and his eyes were green. Something about him seemed very familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"I loved the piece you drew. Where'd you get the idea for that one?" He asked her.

Jess shook her head, pushing the thoughts of familiarity out of her mind. "I...uh...just started drawing one day, and that was the result."

The young man studied her. Jess knew he wasn't believing a word she said. He seemed to know more than he was letting on.

The man fished a black envelope out of his pocket and offered it to her.

"What's this?" She asked the unknown man.

"An envelope?" The young man said, as if Jess had asked the most rhetorical question imaginable. She took the letter and he leaned in close. "Read it when you're alone, Jess. This is not the place," he whispered into her ear.

The young man walked away before he could explain anything. Jess watched him walk away, going up one of the various exit staircases. He turned at the top step and waved at her quickly before disappearing into whatever apartment he had come from.

Jess stared down at the envelope before shoving it in her purse.

So what do y'all think so far? Like? Dislike? Love? Hate? Don't care? Continue? Any ideas on what the other keepers are doing or where they are in this cursed world Maleficent has created? Any idea on what the black envelope holds? Any comment at all?

I'm going to be wrapping up "Born For the Sunrise, We'll Survive the Pain" and "Whodunnit" soon. And just for you who've been avid readers of those plus FFATG, I'm about to blow your mind.

All four of my multi-chapters are on the same timeline.

Let me explain..."Whodunnit" occurs one year after college. "BFTS, WSTP" occurs during their 3rd year of college, "FFATG"-1 year after college, REBEL-1 year, 3 months after "FFATG." That's all in the same "world," per se. Events that happen in the first 3, will be part of the character's back story for REBEL. Everything in the previous three multi-chapters has been leading up to this epic finale. So in reality, Rebel is the 4th in a series of multi-chapters, if you want to get technical.

I hope that'll be helpful when it comes to the upcoming endings of "BFTS, WSTP" and "Whodunnit." (hint, hint). I'll update as soon as I can. So in the meantime, review and enjoy the rest of your weekend!