
Ch. 4

By: Cutegirlmayra1(Soo.. this is it xD –sigh- I forgot some stuff that I'm gonna add in, but it's funny how some of you are thinking Sonic will lose his speed. Isn't that a bit TOO obvious though!? :p I'm more clever than THAT! Haha! Enjoy the ending~)

Amy stopped Sonic before he was about to run off, "Wait! I still don't understand! I've never met you before! How…how is this…?" she looked so confused, and Sonic felt a moment of mercy toward her, and so he let her hold him back.

"What's the last thing you remember?" he asked. "About your childhood?"

"…." Amy thought long and hard, and finally, taking a breath, she explained.

"I… I was eight years old… on the little planet… I had set out some of my tarot cards… hoping to have my fortune told…"

Sonic remembered this story, Amy had set these cards when he rushed by her, the wind picked up every card and laid them all facing downwards… but one.

"It was a quiet day… and when I finished the process and drew a card it read-"

'Destined… it read destined. Please, say destined!'


Sonic suddenly realized that she really had never met him, her memory was completely gone, there was absolutely no other way to regain his lost friend but to head to the shrine. He tightened his fist, it was now or never. "Amy…. That's not how it happened. And I'll prove it you, but you have to let me go." He looked to her arm, shaking.

Her eyes were twitching, she was so confused and lost, everything she had thought…. Everything in her life… he was telling her was wrong. "Who are you!?" she demanded, glaring up and yelling in his face. All he could do was stare back at her, hurt and sympathetic. "..Who are you… to tell me I'm not me…"

"…Because I'm Sonic the Hedgehog."

With that, he had broken out of her hold and dashed off. A moment of silence, before Amy fell to her knees. In her mind, she didn't understand why he was so displeased with this version of herself, but in her heart, it felt so heavy with mixed feelings. On one hand, it was jumping for joy, as if it had won something. On the other hand, it felt like something was missing, something wasn't good enough… something… was distasteful to him.

She wiped her eyes, not allowing herself to cry as she took off after him. "No way am I letting some crazy lunatic tell me he's sacrificing something dear to him to change something in me! There's nothing that needs to be changed!" her defiance roared out the words in her misery, and she closed off her heart, trying to not feel anymore and just stop this boy from making a big mistake…

-Back at the Shrine-

Sonic dashed up to its olden state again, as if the light it had never existed. Putting a hand on his hip, he smirked. "Alright! Where do I sign up?" he tried to keep it together with his usual cocky attitude, but everything told him that Amy would try and stop him. He was miles ahead, no way she could run that quickly, even with a steady jog.

But for some reason… he knew he had to hurry.

"Hello?" he called again, walking around. "Willing heart over here!" he outstretched his arms, as if offering himself as an open target.

Lights flown around, as the same Spirit Dealer landed in a kneeling poise. He got up and flung his cape to the side, smiling his usual charismatic grin. "Oh-ho? A new customer!" he rubbed his hands together, but not sinisterly, oh no, more of a shop keeper's delight or glee. "And what is your wish, sir?"

"…Uhh… I want my friend's memories back." He was a bit creeped out at the guy's demeanor at first, flinching back, but then he let himself calm down.

"A friend? There have been many who've lost things to gain. What did your friend look like?" The spirit dealer asked, looking genuinely unknowingly. "I don't really keep track of how many centuries go by, you see…"

"A girl?"

"…Yoooouuurrr gonna have to be a teeny tiny, just a wittle bit more specific…"

Sonic sighed; face palming himself, before tugging on his quills. "Pink hedgehog? Your last 'customer'?"

"…..Oh no,…. Your not the angry boyfriend are you?"

"The WHAT?"

"AW MAN!" the spirit dealer looked upset and disappointed, flinging his arms up and over his head. Turning to his master, the statue, and addressing it. "I can't take this misunderstood, tragic love story deal anymore, master! I mean, how many more times is it gonna be?!"

He suddenly shifted his voice and demeanor, mimicking Amy in a comical way by giving himself girlish eyelashes and placing his hands together while holding them up near his face. "I wanna give up my memories of my beloved to save my friends~"

He then shifted to himself, "Hmm, well, okay." He says indifferently and pretends to grant it.

He shifted again, turning into what he believed Sonic was like, now having his hands on his hips and leaning in angrily at himself, also moving to the other side to show it was someone other than him talking now. "Hey! I want my girlfriend back!"

Shifting to the side that indicated him again… "Oh? Well, okay." Pretends to grant it again, but this time more shyly.

"Hey! I want my boyfriend to be happy again!"

"Hmm, well, okay."

"Hey! I want my girlfriend back!"

"Hmm, well, oka-NO!"

Sonic watched in a bit of awkward fright, letting the spirit dealer just… do his thing…

"I am tried of this! Master, can I just NOT grant the desire? I mean, I know you need the desires of mortals to stay in your current state, but I mean, come on! Romeo and Juliet is getting pretty dull…" his emblem glowed once again, making him look down at it, then sigh again. "Well… you say so….OOOKKKAAYYY." he turned around, acting like he was shrugging the discussion off. But he looked back at the statue from over his shoulder with a very upset and angry pout. "Now then, what's so special to you then, hmm?"

"….I uh…" Sonic, seeing as he was addressed again, looked himself over for the answer.

"Hmm?" The emblem glowed again, "Why not your speed?"

"My speed?" Sonic looked up, feeling a twinge of fright fill his being.

"Yeah, it seems to mean a lot to you right? Maybe it's the most important-"




The spirit dealer turned around, angrily mumbling this and that as he kicked the ground, looking like he was so done with his spirit life as Sonic turned to Amy.

"How'd you get here so fast?" he said, genuinely dumbfounded.

Amy huffed and puffed, trying to catch her breath. " can't… lose your… whooo." She took a deep breath, steadying her heart rate. "You can't lose your speed, Sonic! It's what makes you a hero! Without it, you can't protect the world!" she moved closer to him, trying to convince him of this, but he leaned back, looking deeply offended and saddened by her words. "Listen to me! The world needs a hero! I'm just some girl! Please! Don't give up the one thing that makes you special, just to save a nobody!" Sonic looked down, his face hidden in shadows. Seeing him like this, Amy changed her tone to a more softer one. "Sonic… Can't you learn to love this new me? I may not be so bad, you know? You treat me like something you have to fix, but maybe I am fixed. Sonic…" she reached for him.

His eyes bolted upward, shocking her as he leaned his head up, staring her down in the most intimidating way possible.

"S…Sonic?" She had flung her hand back and away from him in fear, completely leaning away from him too.

"This is why I need the real Amy back… She would know that my speed does not make me a hero."

His words penetrated her heart, a surge of pain flung through her as she collapsed to the ground, all she could think… was that her heart was crying out, 'What have I done?'.

Seeing her fall, he simple turned and walked toward the Spirit Dealer.

In a fit of tears and anger, she screamed, "NOOOO!" and ran to him, grabbing him from behind. "I won't let you do this! Maybe your right, maybe I was someone else, that's the only way to describe why I feel I need to save a complete and total stranger. But I do!"

"Pfft, couples." The spirit dealer rolled his eyes, having his hand on his chin and holding his arm up with his other. "So ridiculously dramatic."

"Amy… let me go. I'm tried of this. I'm tried of seeing you, but really not seeing you. You don't understand… It's like…you're on my mind… and by my side… always… but I'm not with you."

Something in Amy made her snap her head up, as if she recognized that last bit.

"The feels go marching two by two, hurrah… hurrah…" The spirit dealer lazily and without any emotion started singing, wiggling his finger two and fro with the music.


Sonic turned around, looking her dead in the eye, there faces once again inches apart.

"My only wish… is that I can have you back. I can't stop thinking about your smile… your laugh… your silly antics…"

He chuckled a bit, but Amy was in tears.

"I don't understand what you mean…"

"I know….but try and see it my way… I… I need…I need you, Amy.. You make me happy, I don't know how or why…. But you do…"

The spirit dealer's emblem glowed, and he looked shocked, holding it in his hand for a moment to examine it. "Ohhh~ You a clever, master! You..~" he lovingly waved a finger at it. "Little match maker, I see how it is~ hehe~ Now I know why you accepted her offering. Alright Love hogs! Listen up!" he clapped his hands, showing he now wanted the twos attention.

The two looked back at him, still in each other's embrace and arms, still inches away….

"Sonic, it seems to my master, your most precious thing to you right now is your desire to have your Amy back… am I right?" he smiled.

"…Wait… is that… even fair?"

"Do you want her back for little to nothing or..?"

"YES! Yes, I accept!"

"Great." He nodded, flinging his head up and looking for a moment as if making fun of the whole ordeal. "I'll relieve you of your desire to have her back byyyy bringing back her memories~" he chimed.

Amy was moved from Sonic as he watched the light array spiral around him, as it once did Amy. "S..Sonic.." she slowly let his hand slip through hers, as he was carried into the air.

"Let's make sooommmeee mmmagggicccc!" Acting like Genie from Aladdin, the spirit dealer spun himself into a tornado of lights, and entered into Sonic's swirls of light around him. In a dramatic display, Sonic's desire to have the old Amy back left him at once, as the light then moved on to Amy, letting Sonic fall and have to catch himself on the ground as he looked up to Amy.

Suddenly, from the golden statue's stomach, the orb that contained Amy's memories flew by, passing Sonic's orb which held his desire to see her again. The two orbs passed by one another, spun as if attracted to the other somehow, but carried on their given ways. As Sonic's orb was absorbed, Amy's was flung back into her eyes, which were white sockets until she closed them again, and the lights gently let her float back down.

"Amy!" Sonic dashed to her side, holding out his arms and catching her as she slowly drifted down as the lights dispersed.

"…Amy?" he asked, waiting for her to wake up. Every emotion he felt that had been about getting her back wasn't there anymore, it was like he was just…. Holding Amy again.. nothing special. Like… she never was gone.

"Emm-hmm..?" Amy slowly came too, and Sonic remembered the first time this happened to, the feeling that she didn't remember him swarmed back into his heart, having his feelings renewed. "S…Sonic..?" He never had a truer smile cross his lips. "Sonic.. Sonic! I remember! I remember everything!" she embraced him, and for a moment he felt awkward about it. Since the feeling of wanting her back was gone, he just kinda tapped her back lightly, smiling nervously now.

"Uh…uh-huh." He smiled, knowing how much he wanted her back a moment ago, and just going off of that. "I'm glad you're back… Amy." He winked.

"Ahaha!" she laughed, and suddenly his eyes widened.

"That laugh…"

"H-huh?... Sonic…?"

"I…I haven't heard that laugh in 2 days… but-!" He suddenly felt the wave of glee come to his heart, Ah… so it hadn't forgotten either eh? "AMY! YOUR BACK!" he embraced her again, making her now feel awkward at the speed at which he took hold of her.

"Uhh… heeheh~" she chimed out another giggle, making him squeeze tighter. Pulling out of it, he nuzzled her with his nose, making her squee and blush and try and fakely push him away as if she was embarrassed, "Stop that~" she teased.

"Hehe, looks like I've got my little stalker fan back." He teased.

"…..What?" she looked back at him, a bit offended. "What'd you call me?" she placed her hands on her hips, eyes narrowing in forming anger.

"Ah, yes." He continued with his game, getting up and out of her reach. He wanted to make sure this was his Amy… and there was only one way he could find that out…A sure way…. "I guess I'll have to deal with your 'overly doting' fan girl spazzes and glomps again." He stretched, seeming to not care about what he was saying.

Amy's head twitched as an anger mark, like in most animes, showed on her face. "…R-really..? After all that..?" she lifted up her newly summoned Piko Piko Hammer.

Looking back at her, he grinned. "Opps! Gotta run!" he dashed off, as giddy as a kid in spring, as Amy raced after him, trying to smash him.

"GET BACK HERE YOU…YOU…YOOOOUUUU JJERRRRKKK!" Amy screamed after him, but let a smile cross her face, knowing this was just his way of having the normal 'swing' of things go back to normal. "I won't let you escape this time! SOOONNIICCC!"

'Hehe, he's trying to kill me again~!' Sonic gleefully ran ahead, seeming over thrilled he had her back, but it wasn't in his mind…..

The feeling was in his heart.

(This is a story I wrote to try and- desperately plead to fan fiction writers to keep characters IN character. As you can see, if you're going to write a Sonamy Fan fiction, PLEASE keep them in character. I try so desperately to keep them in character and still be able to fall in love or have SOMETHING cute happen between them. I don't bend the wills of the characters for my own pleasures, I try to bend the situation or environment to have their natural personalities do the rest. This is to show that even by changing Amy, Sonic still preferred his lovable little Rose over a copy. PLEASE, PLEASE! I used to think that by keeping them in character(Which, as you've guessed, is important to me) That I wouldn't be able to have a successful love story between them. –Same with Zelink- but I found that it actually flows well and they share a sweet moment together. In all my stories, I try and capture the character and release them in my story and watch them run around in it for a while, and slowly push the two together to interact more. It actually helps XD They're so cute when they're themselves! So, there may not be some steamy kissing scenes… but at least there's genuine love there. That's all! I hope you enjoyed this story and will read my other ones! Bye bye~ till next time!)