Ch. 1


By: Cutegirlmayra1 (Here we go~! –Peter pan-)

The scene was set with Eggman unleashing a powerful demonic army upon the world. Sealed for almost an eternity, these powerful enemies only wanted the pleasure of shedding innocent blood and destroying all in their path. We find our heroes struggling, Shadow, Sonic, and Silver in their super forms, fighting with everything they have to defeat the under worldly monsters that threaten not only the present, but the future as well.

"It's no use!" Silver cried out, falling to his knees, breathing heavily as a dark entity came from behind him, holding up a black axe with it's glowing red eyes, it's frame was that of a yeti type creature, having antlers that split off the sides of itself to look even more fierce upon his head. Before the blow was struck, Sonic spin dashed into it's neck, then stood behind Silver.

"We have to try!" He shouted out, and got into his ball form again, whipping himself into a powerful spin, he unleashed his energy and force onto the creature, as it let out a deep roar of pain. "Yeah! Right in the gut!" Sonic cockily sprang back to his normal hedgehog form, bending down to catch himself, he had one hand on the ground and the other in the air, balancing his landing as he stood upright.

The air smelled of burnt forest and hopes and dreams… the area seemed to release a feeling of doom and the fires of the under world itself. Sonic stared out, hearing only crashing of trees, people in a nearby village fleeing, and the harsh wind that blew ash all over the area and into Sonic's face. "…This isn't good…" Sonic concluded, looking at some ash that his hand had caught, and then closing an eye and leaning back as more ash was blown in his face, almost getting into his left eye.

Shadow then came blazing down, his super form glowing bright in the blackish red sky as no one quite knew if it was day or night due to the thick clouds of grey that swarmed the area with the smoke and ash. Shadow turned to Sonic, "The villagers are coughing more than breathing." He turned around from facing behind Sonic and folded his arms, looking out with Sonic at the battle scene. "Eggman's done it this time… we have no other choice than to return to the shrine and offer a sacrifice like in the days of old." He motioned his hand to try and convince Sonic, but Sonic just closed his eyes and lowered his head, shaking it.

"No…. that's not an option." He declared, and then raised his head, his brows narrowing. "We'll defeat these things without any need of someone sacrificing anything precious to them. Come on… Knuckles seems to need our help." Sonic smiled, looking over at knuckles who was fighting a large mole like demon creature. Pitch black, with only red beads across his face in a curved line as eyes. Its large mouth could fit a boulder as it's teeth looked long and sharp, circling around like a shark's. Its claws like a bears, as it twiddled them slightly in anticipation of Knuckles's neck move.

"Bring it on!" Knuckles shouted, and dug through the ground, the demonic mole roared a screech similar to Godzilla's as it, too, dug through the ground.


Back at the shrine, Tails was trying to decipher more of the ancient writings on the wall, desperately looking for an alternative to the sacrifice. Holding his square device with the antennas at the end, he tried to fly around and scan the walls, looking for a solution. "It just doesn't make any sense…. All I can find is writing about the 'willing heart' sacrifice." Tails concluded, and sighed.

Amy, moving around with her hands behind her back, curiously looked over things, but tried desperately not to worry about Sonic and the others… "Can't we just give the shrine something? It doesn't require a life, does it?" She asked, reaching her hand out to some inscriptions and depictions of the process on the wall, but not touching them. Looking to Tails, she saw him shake his head at her suggestion.

"No… no 'life' sacrifices… only something that's most important to you, something you can't live without." He explained, "So, if you treasured and valued your life above all things, I suppose you'd have to give it up then." He looked saddened by his research. "Eggman thinks he got control over the situation… because Sonic has already stated we wouldn't go down that route… but I fear that's the only way to seal these demons away for good…" He looked worriedly back to the ancient walls of the shrine, then to the guardian that stood like a statue back in the center of the shine, against the wall, facing them with a big belly, no shirt but a long wrap around his lower half though. His head was big and fat with humble frown, his hands on his knees as he sat on a thrown. His whole being was gold, and Amy gazed at it with confused eyes, a tilt of her head. "Who is that statue of, anyway?" She curiously inquired.

Tails just rolled his eyes, going back to work. "It's the guardian deity of this shrine; he's the one that takes what's most precious from a person and replaces it with their want or need that they ask for." He explained, looking focused and seriously to his studying of the ancient code. "But it doesn't matter, we're not giving up anything, we just have to keep searching…"

Outside, Silver landed by the shrine. "Tails! Sonic needs you, stat!" he called, looking frantic and a bit in a hurry.

"What? Oh, okay! But I haven't found anything yet…" he quickly flew towards the entrance of the large shrine, which was a rust gold coloring, almost bronze due to the years it's been there, and looked back at Amy. "Don't. Touch. Anything." He warned, and pointed a threatening warning at Amy. "I don't want to come back and find out you made the whole shrine crumple down." He muttered.

"Hey! I heard that!" Amy spat out, shouting her protest at his mumbled comment and then folded her arms, moving herself to the right a little and pouting. "You can trust me!"

Tails looked worriedly back at her, and then to the ground. Finally nodding, he smiled up at her and winked, "Just stay safe! Sonic'll kill me if he finds out you went out to fight or something." He then flew off to follow Silver back to the battle field.

In this area, it was still forestry; the battle was spreading, but not close enough to be a serious threat at the moment. Though,… it was speedily approaching.

Amy turned around, swinging her arms and moving carelessly around, having her head turn right and left, looking at all the pictures again. Suddenly growing bored, she stopped and looked down. Saddened by the thought of her hero being placed in a such a hopeless predicament. She sighed, placing her hands together. "I just… want to help…" she silently prayed. "I don't really have anything of value but… I would give anything to protect these people and this world… and Sonic…" she slowly opened her eyes half way, thinking of the world finally at peace, where Sonic wouldn't have to fight anymore, and they could live their lives together, side by side; happy, at peace, the world free from Eggman's mayhem and chaotic schemes.

Sudeenly, the shrine began to glow slightly, Amy looked below her, and then all around, a faint vibration of circles waved past her, beautifully lightening up the shrine. It's old bronze color leaving, as from the center of the shrine a bunch of sparkling lights began to make a mini tornado. Amy fumbled backwards, trying to keep her footing but looking awestruck at what was happening. "Oh dear… and I didn't even touch anything!" She dived out of the way of the blast, as a figure, ghostly but present in solid form, glowed with a cape that shone like a misty sun ray. His color was a bright amber as his eyes were orange and deep with a glowing form within them.

"Woo! What a rush!" the figure shook himself off, smiling gleefully as he looked around. "Hmm?" he saw Amy on the ground, looking up at him with wonder and her mouth open. "Haha! A new one, eh? Step right up! We have a deal of a life time for ya!" he zipped to her side, coming behind her as she was raising her upper half up off the ground. Holding her arms with his hands, he spoke softly, "Literally." To finish his sentence and winked, helping her up.

"W-who are y-you?!" Amy nervously asked, surprised by his appearance and pushing his arms off of her. "Where did you-"

"I'm the 'secretary' if you will, of the guardian spirit that sits before you!" he motioned an open hand to his master, the great gold statue, as he then looked back to Amy, placing his hands together eagerly for the mentioned 'deal'. "Duh!" he stated and walked in front of her from the side. "Now then." He got up really close to her face, narrowing his eyes and looking deep within hers.

"Uhh…." Amy leaned back, still in a bit of shock as he smiled.

"Pretty eyes, but I don't see any sign of unwillingness of heart….PERFECT!" he exclaimed, flinging his arms in the air. "My master will be pleased with you! haha!" he charismatically kinda skipped around her to her backside and grabbed her hair. "They say the most important thing to a woman is her hair, are you willing to be bald for the rest of your days?" he inquired, looking genuinely at her.

"W-what!? No!" she whacked his hand away from her quills, holding them and stroking them slightly at thinking about it.

"Geez, touchy." He withdrew his arms and held them up towards his face, looking insulted. "Fine then, perhaps your eyes? They are pretty. Why not be blind then?" he went right back into her personal space, peering in at her eyes, the pedant on his shoulder that held his cape that draped slightly over his other shoulder glowed and sounded like a bell was tolled. "Huh…?" he looked to the statue, moving by Amy as she gaped her mouth open and then closed a few times. "What's this..? Are you sure master? Is that it?" he seemed to be conversing with the statue. "Well, if you say so." He turned back to Amy. "Your most precious thing… it's this man named Sonic, am I right?"

Amy suddenly got was going on. "W-w-wait." She waved her hands out in front of her, and then pointed to the man. "Your… the dealer… to the guardian." She pointed to the statue.

"Yes!" he happily replied, folding his arms and looking smug. "And you're the costumer!"

"…." Amy's eyes widened as her pupils shrunk. "…Tails was right… I can't be trusted." She muttered out, and then face slapped herself. "I KNEW IT!"

The man looked to her with a bit of worry, cringing his arms up to him he wasn't used to a person just up and slapping there foreheads like that. "Umm…."

"Is it really impossible for me to just… just… stay out of trouble!? Ugh, no wonder Tails turned around to address me…" she was having a moment to herself, pacing back and forth as the guardian looked with wide eyes, holding out a crooked finger that seemed to want to point out something. He tried to speak up, but she kept going on about how Sonic must be fed up with her pulling danger to herself, always finding a way to be kidnapped, and how pathetic it all was.

"And to top THAT all off, I haven't even succeeded in flirting right with Sonic yet!" she whined out, and fell to the ground as she rested on her shins that were spread out underneath her. She looked to the side and sniffed, rubbing her eyes, as if starting to cry.

"Oh… Oh no-no-no-no, love.." The spirit dealer came over to her, bending down and trying to comfort her. "It's okay! Wants he see's how much you've given to save him, I'm sure he'll see your worth." He smiled.

"You…you think so..?" Amy looked up, her brilliant dark emerald eyes shone even more as the water built up in them, as the man smiled kindly to her, his eye lids drooping at her cuteness.

"Certainly… now… Your going to have to give up Sonic… and in return-" he held up his pointer finger to her, but his pendant ringed again. He looked to it, and nodded, chuckling. "We'll get rid of the upcoming apocalypse." He stated.

"..But.. I don't want to hurt Sonic." Amy stated.

"You won't. He won't really like, die or anything!" he gestured his arms around, shrugging a little too. "He'll die… within you." He touched, gently, the bottom of her neck where her heart beated softly below his touch.

"Wha… what do you mean?" Amy looked up at him, as he removed his hand and smiled at her, fondly.

"You spoke out, my master heard you say you'd give anything for him. He seems to be the most important thing to you, something you can't live without. If you wish to save him, and the world with it's inhabitants, you have to give him up."

Amy, looking down and looking heartbroken, felt her own heart again. "Will… will I still be with him?" she asked, cocking her head to the side and looking at him with sorrow filled eyes.

"…I assure you,.." his eyes studied her, moving side to side. "You will be on his mind and by his side as long as you live… but he will not be with you." He tried to explain.

"…" She put her hands together, and nodded, "As long… as long as he's safe." She concluded.

The spirit dealer nodded, smiling but his eyes as still and serious as ever, as he offered her his hand. She took it, unsteadily. Pulling back at first and then letting it rest in his hold. He helped her up, and looked to the statue. "Now then… repeat the last thing you said… and Sonic will become nothing more to you than a name whispered in the wind…" he looked to her, anxiously as he pulled her ahead of him, towards the statue as she stared, almost hypnotically, at it's presence.

"…I will do anything…" she started, and then put her hands together in the prayer stance she was in last time, bowing her head.


"Sonic! We can't win this!" Tails shouted out, being smashed to ground by a demon's club, and slowly getting up, looking badly beaten.

"Tails!" Sonic turned around, only to be punched to the side by the demon he was fighting. "Ugh!" he hit the ground, and looked around, shaking his head, he noticed how Silver and Shadow fell to their knees. They had just gotten out of super form, unable to hold onto it any longer, and we're completely exhausted. The demon came upon Sonic again, but he quickly dodged him on all fours, moving in angled lines to try and dodge his hammer like arm. But then, the creature had him cornered, and there was no where to run.

"To protect these people…"

Shadow raced over, taking the hit for Sonic. "Shadow!" he cried out.

"And this world…"

The demon readied himself again, as Sonic breathed deeply, losing his strength out of exhaustion his leg skidded downward. He was on his back, his arms holding him up slightly, but his eye lids were dropping,,… He wouldn't be able to move fast enough to dodge this next blow… a fatal blow…

"….And Sonic…"

As the creature swung it's arm down, before it hit Sonic, it dispersed into fragments of blackish purple glitter lights. They flew all around, and then gathered in the sky. Sonic had flinched his head to the side, but then looked up, shocked by the sudden change. All the demons were now forming a ball within the sky, and being gathered down within the dark mountainous volcano with no magma but just evil flowing through it that Eggman had released.

"WHAT?! What is happening!?" Eggman, within his aircraft leaned forward to get a better view of the scene on his window. "WHAT IS GOING ON!?" he roared and slammed his fist on the control board. "Someone better start- hmm?" he looked to see the shrine glowing a brilliant ripple effect of gold, no longer bronze from age and rust.

"Sonic…the… the shrine…" Shadow pointed, as Sonic scanned the line from Shadow's finger to the shrine.

"…No…" he weakly muttered out. "NO!" he ran as fast as he could possibly go, his legs failing him as he stumbled a few times, the chaos emeralds dropping behind him.

"Sonic!" tails called to him, but his chin fell back to the ground along with his out stretched hand. "..A…Amy…" he muttered weakly out, his eyes filling with small tears.


When Sonic got there, the lights that formed the spirit dealer were flying around Amy's floating body, her eyes were white and glowing as sounds of the past filled Sonic's ears.


The lights flickered, and slowly Amy closed her eyes, as they gently spiraled her down to the center of the ground, letting her body fall and then disappearing. The statue glowed a brilliant light, as the retreating orb of light, holding the sounds that Sonic had heard, flew into its being or stomach area.

Sonic raced to Amy side, holding her head up and lifting her body up to him, he looked her over, but saw no visible injury. "Amy..? AMY!" he cried out, trying to awaken her.

She slightly struggled in his grasp, groaning a bit as her eyes lids tightened in discomfort.

Tails, Shadow, and Silver than were outside the shrine. Silver leaning on the shrine's entrance to the right, as Shadow was holding up Tails that hung on his left. "S-sonic… is she..?" Tails asked, worried she may have given her life for them.

Sonic looked to Tails, then placed his ear by her heart,… a steady beat.

"She's fine, but…" he looked worriedly back.

Her eyes flickered open, as she looked to him.

"Amy!" Tails blurted out, using the last of his energy to fly over to her and sit next to her. The two then loomed over her, "Are you alright? What happened?"

Amy looked to Sonic, then to Tails. "Tails…" She let out a weak and fainted reply.

"Oh Amy… you had us so worried…" Tails let a tear fall but quickly wiped it away.

Amy groaned a bit, getting up as Sonic moved in front of her, "What happened to you? What'd you give up?"

Amy rubbed her eyes, then looked to him confused.

All was silent, as she spoke out,

"Who….Who are you..?"

(So, here's the start. I actually plotted this one out XD I'm working on my writing, here in my 2 week of college XP So I hope you like this! And please get excited! It's gonna be good~)