iPod Shuffle Challenge time! Probably going to contain all the PJO/HOO characters at some point - maybe OC's, but that's unlikely. I have a LOT of songs, so this story could go on for awhile! Apollo would be proud! :D

Rules for the iPod Shuffle Challenge:


2) Set it on shuffle!

3) Make one-shots on the songs that randomly play; you only have the time frame of the song to compete the one-shot.

So there you have it! The first songfic is apparently...

[Payphone - Maroon 5] (3:42 minutes long)

Annabeth missed Percy.

He had been gone for four months now. Damn Hera, Annabeth thought to herself. Damn her for taking him away.

The countless drachmas she had wasted, trying to contact him. The hours of time she had searched.

Annabeth turned on the radio to pass the time while she worked. It was playing some sappy love song.

"One more stupid love song, I'll be sick," she grumbled. She turned it off.

She looked out at the setting sun beyond her window. The camp grounds were beautiful, but they would be even more beautiful with him standing next to her.

Annabeth sighed.

Even the sun sets in her own little paradise.

Review please! Or you can read my story The First Time.
