Hey! Much quicker with the update! Sort of... Not really... But anyways! Hope you enjoy it!

End of previous chapter

I had no idea how long we stayed like that, yet when I slowly opened my eyes, I realised exactly what was going on, and pushed him away, separating from the kiss. I stared at him in utter shock, having both of my hand covering my mouth.
"Are you ok?" He asked, looking a little worried.
"I... I..." I couldn't speak. What was that? I quickly turned around and bolted out of the room. I could hear Zerf calling after me, but I didn't turn around. What was I doing? Why did I do that? What's wrong with me?!


Kariya's P.O.V

I ran down the corridors and hallways of the school to the shoes lockers, puffing and panting by the time I got there. I bent over in exhaustion, my heart still pumping through my chest.
"What the hell was that?!" I yelled to myself. "What was thinking?! I just kissed him... Even after panicking about him almost kissing me this morning, I still went in and kissed him!" I paced up and down the room, with my thoughts going a million miles an hour trying to process exactly what I had just done as I beginning to talk to myself.
"Ok, maybe this isn't so bad. I mean, he almost kissed me this morning, so maybe he was asking for it. But maybe that was just a one time thing and it was all in the moment. So maybe he didn't want to kiss me, yet he seemed like he liked it." I stopped in my tracked and paused, rethinking what I had just said.
"Oh who am I kidding?! Why did I just do that?!"
I got such a shock from the sudden call of my name, that I jumped and screamed a bit. I turned around and saw Kirino, standing at the end of the line on shoes lockers with a shocked expression like me.

"Oh... it's just you," I said with a sigh of relief.
"Yeah... It's just me..." Kirino said sourly. "Anyways, what are you doing here? And what were you just yelling about?"
I froze, staring at him with probably the most nervous and awkward expression on my face.
"Wh...what are you talking about? I wasn't... Yelling..." I said, forcing a smile.
"Kariya, I don't know if you think I'm stupid or something, but there's no one else here. And I definitely wasn't yelling," he relied, starting to become suspicious. "Why're you lying?"
"I'm not lying," I said firmly, trying to sound serious.
Kirino sighed and began walking closer to me. "Look, I understand that you don't like me very much, and I get that, you don't have to like me. But we're on the same team now, so I think it would be best if we at least started acting like friends. And friends help each other out," he explained. "From what I heard from before, you seem upset with something you did. Is that why you're acting a bit strange?"
"Uhh..." I couldn't think of anything to say. I was so confused about what just happened that it was killing me. I had to tell someone, just to know what I should do next, even if it was Kirino, who was probably the last person I wanted to see right now.

"Ok. There is something wrong. And I really need to tell someone or I might explode," I said quickly.
Kirino instantly looked worried. "Ok... What's wrong? Is it serious?"
"For me, yes... It is serious..." I took a quick couple of breaths. "I'll tell you, but you need to swear that you won't tell anyone else about this... Got it?"
He nodded, eager to know what I was talking about.
"Ok... Long story short, I've actually met Zerf... I mean Mr Harino years ago when I was living at the orphanage. And we spent time together and everything, and he said he had fun with me and he wanted to spend more time with and stuff like that and..."
"Wait hold on..." Kirino said interrupting me. "What's so bad about that?"
"That's only the beginning. He was saying all this stuff and I didn't know to believe him or not. But basically I just saw him a few minutes and there was yelling and then guilt then... Um... I..."
"You what?" Kirino asked.
"I... Sort of kinda not really... Well... Kissed... Him...?" I said looking down from embarrassment. It went silent after I had finished talking. I waited for a response, and answer, something... I looked up to see Kirino with his eyes wide open and his jaw basically touching the ground.
"What?" I said, still embarrassed and slightly offended from his response.
"You... You actually... Kissed him?" He asked.
"Well... Yeah..." I said starting to blush.
"Oh my god..." He said surprised.
"And I don't know what to do! I don't even remember what happened, it just sort of happened! And I'm panicking right now!" I said starting to yell again.

I grabbed Kirino by the shoulders and started shaking him back and forth. "Kirino, you have to help. Please! I don't know what to do!"
"Ok ok just stop shaking me!" He said pushing me away.
"Sorry," I said starting to calm down slightly.
"It's fine," he replied. I noticed that he had suddenly looked upset or worried, and I didn't know why really. I mean was he worried about me? Probably not.
"What's wrong with you?" I said.
"What? Oh... Nothing..." He said. "Ok... So lets get this straight. You kissed him right?"
"Yes, we've established that," I replied firmly.
"Yeah... right... And you said that it "just happened", right?" He asked.
"Well... Yeah. It did just happened. I don't know what came over me."
"But at the time it didn't seem weird?" He asked.
I stopped and stared at him, thinking of a response for his question. "No... It didn't..." I said.
"Then maybe... I'm just thinking. Could you have feelings for him?" Kirino asked curiously.
"What?! No... I mean... Of course not. Why would you even ask that?! I don't even remember this guy. How could I have feelings for him?!" I snapped.
"Well I'm sorry. I'm only trying to help you," Kirino replied before turning and walking away. But before disappeared from my sight, I heard him say, "Remember I wasn't the one to kissed him."
I wanted to shout back at him, but I couldn't... Because I knew he was right. I can't deny the fact that I kissed him, even if I didn't know what I was doing. And I didn't feel disgusted or anything by it. I've never felt this way about anyone else before. It just suddenly happened. He's right... I think I may have feelings Mr Hari... For Zerf...


Normal P.O.V

Tenma ran up the stairs of the main school building and down the corridor to his classroom.
"Oh how could I have slept in? Stupid alarm clock," he said to himself as he ran. He made to the classroom and swiftly slid the door open. Everyone was still chatting and walking around the classroom with no teacher in sight. Tenma sighed in relief and quickly went inside and sat at his desk. Aoi as usual was sitting at her desk. She was always there before Tenma was.
"Good morning Aoi," Tenma said.
"Oh... good morning Tenma," she said looking at little worried.
"Is something wrong?" Tenma asked before sitting down.
"Well, I'm still a little worried about Kariya. I mean, he's always here before us ever single morning, yet he's not here now. Plus after the way he acted yesterday... I just hope he's alright."
Tenma looked around the room, and realised that Aoi was right. Kariya was always one of the first to get to class every morning, but Tenma couldn't see him anywhere.
"Have you seen him at school any time this morning?" Tenma asked.
"Yeah, I saw him walking into school. I even said hi to him, but he didn't reply."
Tenma looked around the classroom one more time in case he missed Kariya. "What's going on with him?" Tenma said.

The classroom door slid open with Mr Harino walking in as usual. "Alright everyone, take your sits so we can beginning."
As everyone went to their sits and sat down, Mr Harino took out the class roll and began calling out names as he did any other morning.
"Kariya? ...Kariya...?" He looked up from the roll and noticed Kariya wasn't sitting in his sit at the front of the class room.
"Has anyone seen Kariya?" He asked. Everyone shock their heads.
"He's here at school today. I saw him earlier," Aoi said. Mr Harino expression suddenly looked shocked as he placed the roll on his desk and headed for the door.
"Everyone just chat amongst themselves. I'm be right back..." He said before leaving the room.
Once he left, and as told, everyone began talking again, just like earlier.
"Where's he going?" Aoi asked.
"I... I don't know..." Tenma said. "Could it have something to do with Kariya?" Tenma thought.


Mr Harino had run past every classroom, looked in every empty room on every single level. He had also seen Kariya walking into school that morning, yet he didn't say hello as he was in a rush to get to his office before the day started. He knew why Kariya was avoiding him, yet he wanted a reason... A reason why.

With no luck in finding him, he stopped to think if he had missed any classrooms or any areas of the school. He then realised there was one place, one room that he'd left. His office. He went up two flights of stairs and headed to his office at the end of the corridor. When he made it, he noticed the door was slightly open, and he could hear talking inside. He slowly moved closer to the door and peeked inside to see who was in there. Just as he thought, it was Kariya, pacing back and forth. He looked worried and a bit scared, almost like he was going to be sick. He suddenly started to talk to himself.
"Mr Harino? No... I need to talk to him directly. Zerf? There's something I want to say. I know I've that we haven't seen each other in a few years... And I sort of don't really remember you. But that doesn't matter! Because... Well... These last couple of days I've really felt like we've gotten to know each other again really well... Sort of I guess..."

He continued to talk to himself for a few minutes, yet Mr Harino listened to which little word he said with interest. He found it cute that Kariya was running through a conversation with myself. After about five minutes, he started to talk more seriously. "Um... So the reason... For this is because... Well... Ever since yesterday, with that um... Kiss... I haven't really been able to stop thinking about you. And it's come to my attention that I may have... Developed some sort of... Feelings towards you... Or something or other..."
"What did he just say?" Zerf thought.
Kariya suddenly started shaking his head. "No no no. I can't say it like that. That's just weird."
"Actually, I thought that was pretty cute," Mr Harino said as he finally walked into the room.
"Zerf?! You... What are you... We're you listening?!" Kariya asked, his face turning a daRk shade of red.
"Well you weren't in homeroom, so I came looking for you."
"Did you hear... What I just said...?" Kariya asked turning away to avoiding facing Zerf.
"Most of it," he replied walking towards Kariya. "You could have told me how you felt sooner."

Kariya's P.O.V

"I don't even know how I'm feeling!" I yelled. This was truly embarrassing. I was planning on avoiding him for as long as possible, at least until I thought I was ready to explain how I was feeling.
"But you just said you had feelings for me. What kind of feelings are they?" He asked, leaning over and wrapping his arms around me from behind. His arms were so warm and strong. I felt safe having them hold me like this.
"I... I don't know..." I said softly, unable to think.
"Really? You don't know?" He asked. I knew he was playing around with me, and it was starting to annoy me.
"Yes. I don't know what I'm feeling. I just know that whenever I'm with you, even though I feel like we've only just met, that I can trust you. I feel safe and warm with you. And no one had ever given me this feeling before," I explained.
"So, is it that you're feeling possibly... Love?" He asked.
I wasn't shocked or surprised be his answer, more relieved than anything. He had the guts to say what I couldn't. I slowly placed my hands on his arms that were still wrapped around me.
"I... I think so," I said before pulling his arms away from me and turning around to face him, even though my face was still blushing and both my mind and heart were going a million miles an hour. "I really do think so."
Zerf chuckled to himself before smiling, and placed his hand on my cheek. "I'm glad you finally figured it out," he said, slowly pulling my head up and touching my lips with his. I had this same feeling yesterday, but now I knew what it was. And I truly liked it. I rose on my toes and wrapped my arms around his neck, trying my hardest to deepen the kiss. But the height difference was just too much. He pulled away from the kiss and started to chuckle again.

"What's so funny?" I asked with annoyance in my voice.
"Nothing. I was thinking I should help you," he said, before picking me up and holding me so my head was high than his. "Better?" He asked.
"Yeah. Much better," I replied before we exchange another kiss, this time being able to deepen it much further than before. I had never kissed any one before this, so I had no idea what I was doing. But everything came naturally somehow. Zerf slowly walked over to the desk, and placed me down so I was sitting up, still not breaking our kiss. I felt him gently push me down so my back was against the desk as we separated. He then loosened the tied around his neck and slipped it off, letting it fall to the floor, before starting to unbutton my uniform. I closed my eyes and cover my face with my hands, too embarrassed to let him see me.
"Why are you hiding your face?" He asked, grabbing my wrists and pulling them away.
"Because this is embarrassing!" I said firmly, still trying to avoid his gaze, as I could feel that he was staring at me. "I've just never done something like this before, and I don't know what to do."
"Then I'll teach you," he said, cupping my chin and forcing me to look him in the eye. "I mean I am a teacher aren't I?" He said with a smile, before giving me another kiss. He brushed his tongue against the length of my lips, before entering my mouth. It was the weirdest sensation, yet I felt... Good. He finally undid the last button on my uniform's jacket and shirt, pulling it away from my chest. He slowly separated us from the kiss and moved his tongue to my neck. My body felt more sensitive to his touch. Chills went down my spine as he moved his tongue down my neck to my chest, as I screwed my eyes shut and held my breath, trying to prevent from making an noises or sounds. My body felt useless and weak. I couldn't move or push him away.

"Z... Zerf..." I managed to say. He stopped and looked up at me.
"What's wrong?"
I opened my eyes when I heard his voice. He had such concern in his eyes which made my heart skip. I could only stare at him. I couldn't do, say or see anything else but him.
"What is it?" He asked again. I smiled and shook my head.
"Nothing," I said before extending my arms out and pulling him into a tight hug. "It's nothing."
I heard him laugh softly against my ear. "Good," he whisper. A sudden jolt went through my body when I felt Zerf's hand just below my waist.
"Wait! Where are you...?!"
"Don't worry. It's only touching. I won't go any further," he said sweetly.
"Any further...?" I thought. What did he mean by that? The same feeling ran through my body again, this time much stronger. I felt my muscles tense as my voice echoed throughout the room. I quickly covered my mouth with my hands, my eyes shooting wide open.
"Did... Did I just... Moan...?" I thought.
"I take it you liked that?" He asked, placing his knee on my crotch and pushing down. I bit my lip, restraining myself from making an noise, only to gasp, almost choking on my own breath from Zerf putting even more pressure on me with his knee.
"Pl... Please... Stop..." I begged.
"You say that, yet your body tells me you want more. Is that right?" He asked with a seductive smirk.

Zerf pulled away from me and pulled me up from the desk. "Quick. Hide under the desk," he whispered. I did what I was told and quickly hid from sight. I could only listen what was going now. Zerf quickly walked over to the door and opened it, greeting who ever was there. Then I heard the door close behind him. I waited for a bit, before poking my head up from the desk, seeing if any one was there. Empty. I rose from behind the table and sighed, before walking around and sitting back on the table like before. I looked down at my bare chest, covered in red marks.
"So that's what he meant by "only touching"," I said to myself. My heart was still racing from before, and my face still felt like it was burning.
I then heard the door click open, with Zerf walking in.
"Sorry about that. It was just someone wondering able the teacher's schedule," he said, walking over to me. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah... Fine..." I replied, feeling a little drained.
"I'm sorry about that. I got a little ahead of myself."
"No. It's fine."
He sat down on the desk next to me. "Listen. You probably already guessed that I feel the same way about you right?" Zerf asked, looking towards me.
"Sort of... Yeah, I did," I said smiling to myself.
"Ok... Good," he said, placing my hand on mine. "I'm glad you know."
"Yeah... Me too," I replied, resting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes. It was a nice feeling, knowing that you were loved.


The past couple of days have been great. I feel happier and cheerful. Other think I'm acting weird or strange, but I don't care. Whenever I see Zerf, either in class or just passing in the hall, I always say hello or I smile and wave. He always seems happy to see me, which truly makes me happy too. I haven't told anyone about what happened the other days, because I think it's way cooler staying our secret.
"I'm so glad we don't have practise day!" Tenma said as he, Aoi, Shinsuke and I walked out of school at the end of the day.
"That's super strange for you to say that Tenma," Shinsuke said. "Are you sick of soccer?"
"Of course not! I'm just tired and want a night off, that's all," he said, making us all laugh. I suddenly remembered at that I had left something in my locker that I needed.
"Oh crap! I forgot my maths book. You guys go on, I'll see you tomorrow," I said before running back into school.

Normal P.O.V

"Ok. See you Kariya!" Tenma yelled and waved.
"Kariya seems much happier these past few days," Aoi said.
"Yeah. Maybe that thing bothering him is fixed or something," Tenma replied before they all continued to walk home.


Kariya zipped his bag up and closed his locker, glad that he remember his maths book. "If I forget that, Zerf wouldn't have been pleased," he said to himself. He made his way to the stairs, looking into all the classrooms as he pasted them. When he made it to the last room, closest to the staircase, he stopped and looked up at the numbers on the sign.
"210. Here's where it all started," Kariya thought, a smile appearing on his face. As he continued to walk, he saw two figures in the room. He quickly ducked down, avoiding being seen, and slowly looked into the room. He saw Zerf and... Kirino?
"What are they still doing here?" Kariya thought. He could hear what they were saying. He saw Kirino's expression. He looked worried and confused as he spoke. He started to head for the door when Zerf grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him towards himself. They were close, inches away from each other.
"What is he doing?!" Kariya thought, as his grip on the frame of the glass window hardened. Then... Kariya felt his heart drop. Zerf bent down slowly and... Kissed Kirino. Kariya stared at the scene, unable to figure at what was going on. Was... Was all that he said to him... A lie? He couldn't see this anymore. He got up and ran down the stairs, tears building up in his eyes.
"I knew I couldn't trust him..."

My god! I finally finished it! YAY! (The chapter not the the fanfic :P ) Hopefully the next update will be up in a week and a bit or something... I don't really know when it'll be up. But definitely not any longer than two weeks, I promise on that :) I may post other chapters for other fanfics in that time, so then I may have a date for when the next chapter of this will be up, but we'll see. So I hoped you liked it. And I'll see you next time! BYE